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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Ziost is total rip off


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True...I guess I just thought when they compared it to a GSF/GSH sized update, it might contain persistent content, like an Operation, which I'd argue have big "story" aspects to them.


Did they? I don't recall that comparison, and seeing as they didn't call this an expansion I find that unlikely. If they did, I would agree with you that 3.2 is not up to that level of content at all.

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I'd like to see at least an Operation and a Warzone in 3.3; if they can get that done by June 15th I'd be pleasantly surprised.

Tease! As much as I want a new WZ, my expectations are that we'll never see another. I'd be thrilled with a new Op though...but without having heard a thing about what more to expect, besides Torguila, I'm not hopeful for 3.3.

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Tease! As much as I want a new WZ, my expectations are that we'll never see another. I'd be thrilled with a new Op though...but without having heard a thing about what more to expect, besides Torguila, I'm not hopeful for 3.3.


I personally don't care about a new Warzone. But I understand that the PVP community has been without anything for too long. A single Arena or Warzone is definitely needed.


As for PVE, yeah... I am an op runner so I would like something new. I guess we will see what ends up on the next PTS build.

Edited by azudelphi
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Best case we'll get NM in 3.3. There is zero Chance for new ops content until the end of the year, we already got the Ziost Operation* afterall.

As for Warzones, the word from the convention was, nothing is in devellopment atm but there will get around to it eventually. I dont think we'll see anyhting before 2016 though.


*no joke, it says so on the tooltip of the new mount

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Tease! As much as I want a new WZ, my expectations are that we'll never see another. I'd be thrilled with a new Op though...but without having heard a thing about what more to expect, besides Torguila, I'm not hopeful for 3.3.


Is the new Ziost planet considered a "major update" now? :confused:

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The 'nice little patch' was actually one of two major update this year. If it took you an evening to finish it, ask yourself what are you supposed to do in game a month or two from now? What will carry this game until Q4 2015?

Is the new Ziost planet considered a "major update" now? :confused:

Can we just clarify that "Major Update" just means one of the named patches - 2.3: Titans of Industry, 2.7: Invasion, heck even 3.1: Conflict on Rishi are all "Major Updates" (as contrasted with "Minor Patches" which is how they refer to 3.1.2 or 2.7.1, etc.). It sure didn't take me any longer than an evening to finish CZ-198 the first time, or to run through both the Korriban & Tython FPs in the first Forged Alliances update.


Ziost was only singled out in the Road Map because it was one of the "two major updates with this new story direction". Getting a new Daily Area with an open-world boss, a new Toborro's Courtyard-style boss, a new customization feature (the outfit designer) and a new chunk of story with its own separate setting, all adds up to a decent-sized content update - and this was never trumpeted as an expansion or GSF/GSH-style DLC.


That said, I do hope the next patch gives us a new Warzone, and either NiMs for the Ops that still need them or a couple new Tac FPs.

Edited by DarthDymond
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Did they? I don't recall that comparison, and seeing as they didn't call this an expansion I find that unlikely. If they did, I would agree with you that 3.2 is not up to that level of content at all.

I looked for the quote and you may be right, it was Dulfy who asked the following:

By two major content updates are we talking about expansion sized stuff like strongholds/gsf or just regular patches?

to which Eric replied:

What you are seeing in the Spring, with Ziost, is one of those large updates. The other update later in the year we will talk more about soon. As for some of the other questions I am seeing:


So I guess you're right...they never said it would be GSF/GSH sized, Dulfy asked if it was, and because of eric's answer, I was under the impression it would be.

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That said, I do hope the next patch gives us a new Warzone, and either NiMs for the Ops that still need them or a couple new Tac FPs.


Personally, I hope they put more effort on new operations than NiM versions of existing ones... but that's just my preference.

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Personally, I hope they put more effort on new operations than NiM versions of existing ones... but that's just my preference.

A new Op at this point would certainly be nice, but given we haven't gotten NiMs of the existing 60s yet, I don't really expect to see a new one yet. (I definitely wish they'd get on a roughly 6-month cycle for new Ops though.)

Edited by DarthDymond
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So we had to wait a week for two cutscenes 5 minutes total and then we got access to some shady boring daily area like Yavin 4 ?


Are you kidding me?


utter joke


Well, there is a new World Boss and a new OPs boss that drops 204 gear in HM, with a new mount and deco's that drop from them.


New cut scene. New dailies and area.


Plus some new hidden achievements and a new title you can get through grinding the droids (which took me a little over 2 hrs to get).


You have to realize, all they did was take content for 3.2 and just cut a little out to release for Star Wars day.


As much as I do admittedly enjoy some of this game, I have come to expect everything Bioware hypes up to be lackluster compared to expectations. So, I quit having any.


For example, their "celebrations" are laughable at best and I am SICK of getting new "free" pointless ulgy pets and mounts that I have to get a mail on every single toon. Really tired of it. Just make a free collection unlock and stop with the mails.

Edited by DarthVengeant
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If you were truly never disappointed in any aspect of this game, you are simply blinded by your own bias towards anything "Star Wars". Period.

I love this game as well, otherwise I wouldn't be playing it, but that doesn't mean that I don't have the right to criticize something I'm paying money for. Let me elaborate what exactly they did wrong concerning Ziost.


1. Cutting content at a horribly inappropriate time, building suspension after a cliffhanger, just to release 2-3 minutes worth of cinematics without ANY actual gameplay a week later, simply so they could release something, anything on Star Wars Day.

2. Ruining their own "surprise" by letting an unfinished quest sit in the log with no way of progressing it, which obviously led to people complaining on the forums, forcing BWs hand on the matter.

3. Over-advertising the content. In its current state, Ziost and its accompanying storyline are anything but special. The story is extremely short, the quests mostly mundane, the dailys some of the worst so far and there's simply not much to do.


All of this most likely would have been fine if they didn't split the content. But they did and thus they made a WAY bigger deal out of today's update than they should have.


i can careless about your reasoning as to why your upset. I like the game, and i personally get my moneys worth each time i log in.

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Well, there is a new World Boss and a new OPs boss that drops 204 gear in HM, with a new mount and deco's that drop from them.


New cut scene. New dailies and area.


Plus some new hidden achievements and a new title you can get through grinding the droids (which took me a little over 2 hrs to get).


You have to realize, all they did was take content for 3.2 and just cut a little out to release for Star Wars day.


As much as I do admittedly enjoy some of this game, I have come to expect everything Bioware hypes up to be lackluster compared to expectations. So, I quit having any.


For example, their "celebrations" are laughable at best and I am SICK of getting new "free" pointless ulgy pets and mounts that I have to get a mail on every single toon. Really tired of it. Just make a free collection unlock and stop with the mails.


yeah a vendor would be another work around but how do you get those to new chars vs. current chars. sometimes an in game mail for each toon that is sent once is easier than a static vendor that may/may not be accessible out of the gate.

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as much as i do admittedly enjoy some of this game, i have come to expect everything bioware hypes up to be lackluster compared to expectations. So, i quit having any.


For example, their "celebrations" are laughable at best and i am sick of getting new "free" pointless ugly pets and mounts that i have to get a mail on every single toon. Really tired of it. Just make a free collection unlock and stop with the mails.



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Can you please stop with the dictionaries? it's the internet slang is used.

I've changed the title per your request but it didn't changed - forums voodoo.


At any rate let's get few facts here,

1. Update was not free you need to purchase SoR to play it.

2. some people like me pay a sub for playing because F2P in this game is horrible.



When we talk about stories in the game having 1 single story for all 8 characters without any deviations is bad for replayability. after I played with one character there is really no incentive to play with another one.

Next we have the whole "Wait week" issue, we waited a week and I like many others expected some final mission or some damn interesting conclusion and instead we got 3 minutes cutscenes and that's it.


you kidding me?

even CZ-198 had more content then this.


Also dailies.

Why we got another yavin clone as the main activity on Ziost? that's how it's going to be from now on?

Each new update will be 2 hours worth of content + terminal picking quests?


Let's take a look on older style daily areas,

Belsavis (classic 50) - > everything is fully cutscene treated and you need to speak with npcs to pick up the missions.

Oricon > first you get a quest from npc then after you finish the story chain it's from terminal (best method imho).

Yavin 4 \ Ziost > Pick missions from WoW style non-cutscene npcs and terminal.


It's lackluster.


for the 15$ subscription for this game I can get various of other games which will give me much more content.

After I finished SOR with all 8 classes for the new class mission I took a break and came back now to see Ziost but it was so boring and horrible that I won't sub for the next "story patch" and with next expansion I'll wait for reviews first.

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yeah a vendor would be another work around but how do you get those to new chars vs. current chars. sometimes an in game mail for each toon that is sent once is easier than a static vendor that may/may not be accessible out of the gate.


That's why a Collection unlock would fix all that, instead of having to log to 21 toons and open a mail...over and over again everytime they add some new "free" thing.

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That's why a Collection unlock would fix all that, instead of having to log to 21 toons and open a mail...over and over again everytime they add some new "free" thing.

Since these types of mails do not expire, as far as I know, it doesn't matter if the thing is delivered via mail. When you log in the character next time, the thing is there in the mail waiting. It simply bothers your "OCD" knowing it's sitting in a character's mail box, thus you are"forced" to log in all your characters to claim the thing.

Edited by branmakmuffin
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Since these types of mails do not expire, as far as I know, it doesn't matter if the thing is delivered via mail. When you log in the character next time, the thing is there in the mail waiting. It simply bothers your "OCD" knowing it's sitting in a character's mail box, thus you are"forced" to log in all your characters to claim the thing.


No, you are utterly wrong. OCD has nothing to do with it, at all.


It is an annoyance to have a stupid mail on all 21 of your toons to have to KEEP getting everytime they do some promo or free thing. Over and over again. It would be MUCH simpler and more efficient to have a Collection unlock so if you wanted to you could unlock that free thing on your toon instead of having 21 freakin mails to open all the time. NO mails to open, much simpler and way more efficient.

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So we had to wait a week for two cutscenes 5 minutes total and then we got access to some shady boring daily area like Yavin 4 ?


Are you kidding me?


utter joke


EDIT: For the love of god please stop witch dictionary links!!!!

its not over yet. and its a free content add were lucky they arent making us pay for it. btw this is not swg. all there is to do in this game is mid grade pvp. pay actual cash for house deco, and level character/ Do dailys/events/raids. THATS IT. and when it comes down to it . day to day. most people only do the dailys/ events and raids / level charaters... until they make crafting and the market player driven "NEVER GONNA Happen" unless they make cartel items lootable as in VERY RARE DROPS... this game will never be as good as swg... even though i dont compare them. but since its star wars its hard not to sometimes. i love swtor. biowares first attempt at a mmo and they put LOTS OF DOSH into it. and id say it was a 40% success rate...

Edited by Foreignobjects
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its not over yet. and its a free content add were lucky they arent making us pay for it. btw this is not swg. all there is to do in this game is mid grade pvp. pay actual cash for house deco, and level character/ Do dailys/events/raids. THATS IT. and when it comes down to it . day to day. most people only do the dailys/ events and raids / level charaters... until they make crafting and the market player driven "NEVER GONNA Happen" unless they make cartel items lootable as in VERY RARE DROPS... this game will never be as good as swg... even though i dont compare them. but since its star wars its hard not to sometimes. i love swtor. biowares first attempt at a mmo and they put LOTS OF DOSH into it. and id say it was a 40% success rate...


We do actually, it's called a subscription. We aren't throwing cash at them so they can help Sarah Mclachlan save animals and ****.

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Ziost is total rip off !


As far as vacationing spots go, EVERYBODY knows, that Ziost is dead... Not worth going to. No sunny beaches, no majestic purple mountains or golden grassy plains..... It's all monochrome grey/grey/brown....


Your travel agent should have told you.

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