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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Stop allowing people into ranked without full expertise


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I don't understand this. My commando is pretty damned good in PvP and can last as long as any other class. I have one of every AC to compare. The only class that is weak is sentinels w/o heals or tank.


Is that a joke?

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There's two kinds of people who queue up for ranked in trash gear


1) People who don't know any better

2) People who know better and are just trolling the queue


In the case of #1, it doesn't matter. If they don't know that expertise is an important stat for PVP, I guarantee you that they don't know how to play their class properly in ranked arenas anyway. Having them in better gear isn't going to make one difference. In the case of #2, they'll just find a new way to troll you. You can't make people fight for real.

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I have no familiarity with the poster advocating the PvE power crystals in the weapons, but I have witnessed just how successful Hottie the Scoundrel/Operative is, and he suggests that a PvE 2-pc healing bonus is a good trade-off for the 10 points of expertise.
You can use a PvE set and keep 2018.
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You can use a PvE set and keep 2018.
What I was trying to explain to a 51K sent in normal arena earlier today. They, the pve heroes, just don't get it.


Then I spent all match healing just that one guy, to the point that we actually won, and he tried to use it against me, as if it somehow proved that having less than 1000 exp is viable O_o Had the other team had some form of clue they could have easily shut me down for 5 secs and killed the PvE hero.


Then again, that guy was atleast aware of expertise but obviously also too lazy to look up bolster. I bet that the majority of people are to dumb to even consider the possibility that something is wrong when they, as dps/heals, have 52K HP and everyone els only has 42K. It's like they're living in some form of bubble where they don't even know expertise exists. And that's why a "you are not welcome, go look up "bolster" message wouldnt hurt, for any pvp content really.

Edited by MidichIorian
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It would be easier just making 2018 expertise baseline for all characters. Removing it from gear and making bolster only effect the none season gear bolstering it up or down to just below the low tier set.


I'm guessing most players don't understand how bolster works and they are grabbing the pvp dailies. One of the dailies says go play ranked. So they queue, get steamrolled because there aren't enough players to have a working elo system and get yelled at, probably turning them off from doing solo ranked again (even if they manage to gear out and stick with the game's pvp). It's a bad system.

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What I was trying to explain to a 51K sent in normal arena earlier today. They, the pve heroes, just don't get it.


This. Whenever I bring looking into a bolster set up it usually ends the same way.


A) Im told to **** off

B) The "I haven't had time to grind PvP gear up, ofc my gear sucks!" martyr mindset kicks in, like even a 140's bolster set's an impossible and unreasonable expectation in a patch that drops basic comms like rain in the Amazon.

C) The "Im not putting on worse gear when mine is better now" mindset because of how convoluted and unexplained bolster is in the game itself. Would a pop up for high end pve gear in pvp be *that* *********** hard bioware? :mad:

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As long as there a players out there in half exhumed, half dark reaver playing better than people outfitted in Full Ranked Geared, Augmented, & expertise capped I'm not inserting the crystals. You prove to me where it makes a difference then I'll insert the crystals.


Until then /thread


I don't care If you have 1200 expertise or 1936, you are still a liability in ranked.


Losing 3% damage where you may well of taken down an opponent otherwise, or a touch less DR for your tank and you let your team drop is not acceptable when it is simply down to your refusal to add your expertise crystals and does nothing more than show you to be trolling the queue.


I do not care about your skill at this point, giving you the benefit of the doubt so assuming you are actually ok at PVP, if skill is equal on both teams, the smallest amount of advantage counts.


Please head over to regs where you belong, that is where you learn, that is where you test your theories. In all honesty you sound like a PVE parser, and we do not parse in PVP.

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We all get gear up playing content like you to get ready for flash point, operations and special force (PVP). Gear does not needed to be name PVP that all gear works everywhere inside the game that is fair enough. Hope you know that you PVP from 1 level between 60 level and you are open to caught like a fish everywhere outside the Republic and Empire zone. It will take one with companion or numbers of players defeat you that's why you can not deal with it and deal with it. PVP queue without no restrictions without change status on other players combat status and armor status will bring players interested in PVP without restrictions. Deal with advanced class players like you. You know over restrictions and bad law makers and bad policing sounded like confederate or dictator exploiting taking claim others that you do not have.


I would like it if you could now tell us about the sword in a box, please?

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someone's mad :p Welp my job is done haha the people did choose Barabbas over Jesus *shrugs* go ahead and gladly Que with a troll in 198s in ranked over a player like me, as long as you no longer some on the forums and complain anymore, my job is indeed done :D see you in ranked in my 198s ;)


Did you just compare yourself to Jesus?


I can't even....

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with a gear gate, troll easily identified. gear gate is only a good thing in solo.


A gear check before queuing Ranked is win no matter how you look at it. The BW Devs just fail in this regard. They wanted two different sets of gear. They wanted Expertise. Yet, they don't account for Expertise properly in endgame competitive PvP. Stupid just doesn't describe it. I'm so over these dolts.


If you play group ranked then you'll always have team mates with full expertise.


While I agree with this 100%, I don't see why PvPers can't have two solid competitive endgame PvP formats. Implementing a gear check should be stupid easy. These Devs just can't program their way out of a paper bag.

Edited by DarthOvertone
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I supported this idea to begin with.


After reading some people's replies (especially "Jesus"), I STRONGLY support this.


That said, EAWare has as much as come out and stated that ranked PvP means nothing to them. They will not enforce any sort of rules against win trading, etc. If you want competitive PvP, SWTOR is MOST DEFINITELY not the place to get it (and the devs have said as much).


Which is sad, really--they created a space for the best PvPers (or at least the ones who spend more energy on it than anything else), but they won't simply gear-gate the fekkin thing, which would make really good sense.

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So you just suck at commando/merc? Good to know.


Let me guess. You just stand in place face tanking while trying to DPS? Gunnery spec?


The guy said he could last just as long as anyone else on a commando. This is completely false. If everyone was of equal skill in a match, the dps commando will always die first. It has some of the lowest survivability and is pretty much always first target. I don't care how good you are or think you are, commandos are simply easy kills in solo ranked.

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Stop allowing people into WZs who have full ranked gear...


you do realize that most ppl in WZs with ranked gear never played a match of ranked in their lives, right? they just trade reg comms for ranked comes at a 3:1 ratio.

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