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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Stop allowing people into ranked without full expertise


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I wouldn't mind a minimum Expertise level. But max might be over board.


It's ranked. If you can't be bothered to get the full set of unranked gear then why should I believe you will put any effort in ranked?


At everyone else mentioning team ranked. I would love to but no one ever sticks it out after a few losses. Hell I geared out a tank so we could have a tank. I get that losing sucks but most just want to be carried. As for solo ranked? Im all in favor of RemoVing it but right now it exists and I like arenas so I queue for it. Heaven forbid BW putz some QoL into the solo ranked queue since it's there.


Mandating 2018 expertise is completely fair imo. It's ranked, you should have the decency to be prepared for ithe because unlike pve we can't police our community. If you came into an ops group with green gear on you're probably going to be kicked out.

Edited by Raansu
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Absolutely. Just get the last damn piece and cap your expertiese.


You didn't respectfully and logically answer my questions. All you said was "Absolutely" and started cursing at me. How am I suppose to agree with you? If I'm outperforming players with full ranked gear with capped expertise and my expertise isn't capped, that's a skill issue. Being fully ranked geared with capped expertise doesn't make a player a good player at all. Expertise has it's factor but having it capped doesn't mean anything if you're going against players who know what they're doing. As much as you'll deny, you know damn well you've been defeated by a better player who had less expertise than you.


I tell you what... you prove to me that i will perform better with a 2018 expertise rating over my current rating of 1936 and I'll insert the expertise crystals. Until then, all you're doing is crying and cry babies don't get what they want.

Edited by RayGonJinn
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You didn't respectfully and logically answer my questions. All you said was "Absolutely" and started cursing at me. How am I suppose to agree with you? If I'm outperforming players with full ranked gear with capped expertise and my expertise isn't capped, that's a skill issue. Being fully ranked geared with capped expertise doesn't make a player a good player at all. Expertise has it's factor but having it capped doesn't mean anything if you're going against players who know what they're doing. As much as you'll deny, you know damn well you've been defeated by a better player who had less expertise than you.


Skill isn't the main issue here. People queue in raid gear and hover in the 1200 expertise range. You are dead weighthe at that point. If you don't have max expertise I just see you as a troll at that point. I don't care how good or bad you are, get the damn gear because like it or not it does make a difference.

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Skill isn't the main issue here. People queue in raid gear and hover in the 1200 expertise range. You are dead weighthe at that point. If you don't have max expertise I just see you as a troll at that point. I don't care how good or bad you are, get the damn gear because like it or not it does make a difference.


But I'm not Q'n with 1200 expertise, I'm Q'n with 1936 expertise. It's not the cap but it's also not Crippling either, so why should I have to have the max of 2018, which you're crying for, just for me to Q when I outperform most Ranked players on my server?


I don't think you're understanding what's being asked of you. Blinded by useless rage, immobilizing you to think clearly and comprehend my questions and giving logical answers. I bet your performance goes to **** in Arenas to when your upset huh?

Edited by RayGonJinn
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But I'm not Q'n with 1200 expertise, I'm Q'n with 1936 expertise. It's not the cap but it's also not Crippling either, so why should I have to have the max of 2018, which you're crying for, just for me to Q when I outperform most Ranked players on my server?


I don't think you're understanding what's being asked of you. Blinded by useless rage, immobilizing you to think clearly and comprehend my questions and giving logical answers. I bet your performance goes to **** in Arenas to when your upset huh?


I understand your strawman argument completely. Now the real question is why can't you just get that last piece and cap your expertise? Is it really that hard? You may be better, you may not be, but I'm not going to take your word for it and given that PvP is gear based that expertise still makes a difference. It can literally be the difference of one hit being life or death. Just get the gear. It's a ranked queue , have some respect for it and the other players.

Edited by Raansu
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But I'm not Q'n with 1200 expertise, I'm Q'n with 1936 expertise. It's not the cap but it's also not Crippling either, so why should I have to have the max of 2018, which you're crying for, just for me to Q when I outperform most Ranked players on my server?


I don't think you're understanding what's being asked of you. Blinded by useless rage, immobilizing you to think clearly and comprehend my questions and giving logical answers. I bet your performance goes to **** in Arenas to when your upset huh?


Why can't you just get your two +41 expertise crystals and be done with it? Why go through all this and make these "i'm better than full expertise players" nonsense. Is it just to bicker with someone on the internet and passive-aggressively pick fights with teammates in arena knowing they're going to inspect you and probably say something? Is it because someone is "telling you what to do" is the reason you're stubbornly not going to get those crystals? Are you poor and can't afford 1 (considering one was given out free from last expansion)? Do they ot come in hot pick and ruins your RP immersion? What's the deal?


I know Raansu sometimes comes off as 80 grit sandpaper to the face, but his logic here is sound. It's a good suggestion that's been asked for many times.

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Queue group ranked and you'll always have teammates with full expertise.


This would be ideal, but unfortunately, at least on PoT5, you'll often be the only team in q for hours, if not all night. I honestly wish they got rid of solo queue and forced people to do teams.


I totally agree with the OP though that 2018 should be a requirement in ranked.


I also think that the queue system should work similar to the group finder in that all 4 must accept the queue before zoning in. This would prevent those afk players from being put in a game then kicked a few seconds into the match because they didn't leave the starting area. Obviously the names/classes would be blocked out and you would lose elo for either not accepting the pop because you're afk or declining it. If any of the 8 declined/were afk, you would simply be put back in queue at the top of the priority list.

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Back it up please. Show us the numbers instead of your big mouth please :p


Patch notes + context.


Although Raansu is exaggerating. Typically all changes that effect a class's pure DPS/HPS are nearly one and all done because of PvE. (there are rare exceptions such as the recent Hatred nerf) conversely almost all changes that affect a class's survivability - excluding survivability changes for tanks - are done because of PvP concerns.

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I understand your strawman argument completely. Now the real question is why can't you just get that last piece and cap your expertise? Is it really that hard? You may be better, you may not be, but I'm not going to take your word for it and given that PvP is gear based that expertise still makes a difference. It can literally be the difference of one hit being life or death. Just get the gear. It's a ranked queue , have some respect for it and the other players.

That's just it, if all the ranked players are like you, then i don't and won't respect you or the fact the it's ranked.


You may be better, you may not be, but I'm not going to take your word for it

I'm very effective with my 1936. I don't and won't leave my effectiveness in PvP to chance just for a measly 82 expertise that barely scratches a 3% difference in my potential damage. You also don't need to take my word for how effective I am at PvP, just like I won't take your word that you're a better PvPer than me just because you have 2018 expertise. There are a ton of Elite Warlords out there how aren't effective in PvP, their are a ton of Fully Ranked Geared, Augmented, expertise capped PvPers out there who aren't effective in PvP.


and given that PvP is gear based that expertise still makes a difference

Every real PvPer knows that PvP is not just gear based. If that was the case then every Fully Ranked Geared, Augmented, expertise capped PvPer would be good. But that's not the case because there a players out there half exhumed, half dark reaver playing better than people like you, outfitted in Full Ranked Geared, Augmented, & expertise capped.

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Why can't you just get your two +41 expertise crystals and be done with it? Why go through all this and make these "i'm better than full expertise players" nonsense. Is it just to bicker with someone on the internet and passive-aggressively pick fights with teammates in arena knowing they're going to inspect you and probably say something? Is it because someone is "telling you what to do" is the reason you're stubbornly not going to get those crystals? Are you poor and can't afford 1 (considering one was given out free from last expansion)? Do they ot come in hot pick and ruins your RP immersion? What's the deal?


I know Raansu sometimes comes off as 80 grit sandpaper to the face, but his logic here is sound. It's a good suggestion that's been asked for many times.


As long as there a players out there in half exhumed, half dark reaver playing better than people outfitted in Full Ranked Geared, Augmented, & expertise capped I'm not inserting the crystals. You prove to me where it makes a difference then I'll insert the crystals.


Until then /thread

Edited by RayGonJinn
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I'm very effective with my 1936. I don't and won't leave my effectiveness in PvP to chance just for a measly 82 expertise that barely scratches a 3% difference in my potential damage.


Ok I was thinking maybe it's just because you really really want a certain crystal color and can't afford the war hero version (like white or something), and if you have the skill to overcome the loss then, hey why not, but then this post ...wat? leave your effectiveness to chance to have an extra 3% bonus? Several classes have to spend skill points to get that much bonus, how is it more effective to throw that away?

Edited by Karaiblis
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Several classes have to spend skill points to get that much bonus, how is it more effective to throw that away?

We don't have skill trees anymore, therefore we don't have skill points either, we don't even have a choice to choose or skip putting points into something that gives a 2-4% damage increase to an ability. Therefore you're reply was not needed and also applies towards nothing. We have utility points now and most classes barely have any utilities that have 2-4% damage increases to put the utility points towards. Sorry man...



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I'm very effective with my 1936. I don't and won't leave my effectiveness in PvP to chance just for a measly 82 expertise that barely scratches a 3% difference in my potential damage.

Dude, 2018 is BiS. Your performance will always be better with 2018 expertise. And there are numerous formal mathematical arguments and informal ones for this.

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Dude, 2018 is BiS. Your performance will always be better with 2018 expertise. And there are numerous formal mathematical arguments and informal ones for this.

I said prove it to me, your just doing what the others are and just talking. "There are numerous mathematical arguments for this" you could have ended this for me 5 posts ago by giving me the mathematical proposals, but no, instead you just give me something that i can only speculate. Proposal, or I'm not inserting the expertise crystals that I already have stored in my cargo hold that have just been sitting there for the last 2 1/2 yrs.


Look, clearly none of you have what it takes to persuade me into inserting my expertise crystals, because the 3% means very little. If you think different, allow you boss you limit your next raise to only 3% and see how much of a difference it makes. We all wish things were a certain way, but that's just not possible, there are just too many different people playing this game. Paying players play how they want. All you can do is accept how you play, that's the only thing in your control, or quit the game. You have to take the good with the bad for the both exist. But I would like this last question answered, which do you prefer on your team, an inefficient player with capped expertise, or an efficient player with an almost capped expertise? (I know what your going to choose because you have been fighting me since I posted on this thread.)

Edited by RayGonJinn
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I said prove it to me, your just doing what the others are and just talking. "There are numerous mathematical arguments for this" you could have ended this for me 5 posts ago by giving me the mathematical proposals, but no, instead you just give me something that i can only speculate. Proposal, or I'm not inserting the expertise crystals that I already have stored in my cargo hold that have just been sitting there for the last 2 1/2 yrs.




well, look at it this way: 2 of those crystals give what, 3% extra damage to players?


Just doing some napkin math


2 Power Crystals give roughly 18.86 bonus damage, assuming every point in power is worth .23 bonus damage. We can round up to about 19-20 if we account for class buffs. Assuming a pool of 1000 bonus damage, a rough estimate, and using Jedi Guardian numbers, 19 to 20 is about 2% increased damage overall, so yes, the expertise crystals are superior (Note that it's actually less than that, since I'm adding to 1000, not doing it fractionally, but I had 2 hours of sleep and am too lazy to think, so deal with it.)

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well, look at it this way: 2 of those crystals give what, 3% extra damage to players?


Just doing some napkin math


2 Power Crystals give roughly 18.86 bonus damage, assuming every point in power is worth .23 bonus damage. We can round up to about 19-20 if we account for class buffs. Assuming a pool of 1000 bonus damage, a rough estimate, and using Jedi Guardian numbers, 19 to 20 is about 2% increased damage overall, so yes, the expertise crystals are superior (Note that it's actually less than that, since I'm adding to 1000, not doing it fractionally, but I had 2 hours of sleep and am too lazy to think, so deal with it.)


S, with what you just gave me, the expertise crystals are superior by 1% -_- I'll take my chances with the 41 power crystals (Deal with it, you don't really have a choice)

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S, with what you just gave me, the expertise crystals are superior by 1% -_- I'll take my chances with the 41 power crystals (Deal with it, you don't really have a choice)


You are one of the most ignorant people I've ever seen on these forums. You have both admitted that expertise is better (1% to every ability translates into hundreds or thousands of extra points of damage over the course of a long fight, not even counting the DR and healing boost), and you decide to "take your chances" with objectively inferior gear. I'd gladly queue with a troll in 198s, if it meant somebody like you wasn't on my team. I'd tell you to go play regs, but I don't want you ruining their fun either.


Please unsub, uninstall, the usual.

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You are one of the most ignorant people I've ever seen on these forums. You have both admitted that expertise is better (1% to every ability translates into hundreds or thousands of extra points of damage over the course of a long fight, not even counting the DR and healing boost), and you decide to "take your chances" with objectively inferior gear. I'd gladly queue with a troll in 198s, if it meant somebody like you wasn't on my team. I'd tell you to go play regs, but I don't want you ruining their fun either.


Please unsub, uninstall, the usual.


someone's mad :p Welp my job is done haha the people did choose Barabbas over Jesus *shrugs* go ahead and gladly Que with a troll in 198s in ranked over a player like me, as long as you no longer some on the forums and complain anymore, my job is indeed done :D see you in ranked in my 198s ;)

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someone's mad :p Welp my job is done haha the people did choose Barabbas over Jesus *shrugs* go ahead and gladly Que with a troll in 198s in ranked over a player like me, as long as you no longer some on the forums and complain anymore, my job is indeed done :D see you in ranked in my 198s ;)


Reading through your replies I can pretty much guarantee that you're not a good pvper. You don't even understand basic math and don't even realize how much of a difference 3% actually makes and you definitely don't belong in the ranked queue.

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In general, the full expertise is what’s needed. However, there might be some exceptions from the standard gearing, and those exceptions might actually occur in the highest circles due to the foresight rather than by the oversight or inexperience.


I have no familiarity with the poster advocating the PvE power crystals in the weapons, but I have witnessed just how successful Hottie the Scoundrel/Operative is, and he suggests that a PvE 2-pc healing bonus is a good trade-off for the 10 points of expertise.


I believe that the vast majority of players would benefit the most from the standard set-ups, and that the gate might bar the intentionally undergeared.


Still, setting the bar at 1,900 might be better than the 2018, to allow for experimentation by the creative and for the unforeseen.



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This would be ideal, but unfortunately, at least on PoT5, you'll often be the only team in q for hours, if not all night. I honestly wish they got rid of solo queue and forced people to do teams..


you can't force ppl to do teams. if that's the only option, then the result will be even fewer ppl participating in ranked.


and once the grps sort themselves, the numbers will decrease further.

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you can't force ppl to do teams. if that's the only option, then the result will be even fewer ppl participating in ranked.


and once the grps sort themselves, the numbers will decrease further.


I think you're right that overall there'd be a decrease in ranked population but it's fair to say that 4's would increase.

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I think you're right that overall there'd be a decrease in ranked population but it's fair to say that 4's would increase.


For a short while and only until people get their minimum rewards. After that, it would be worse than it is now.



On-topic: Raansu, the devs said no about a year ago. You can queue ranked in whatever you want and if Bolster doesn't do it for you, too bad. (Devs words not mine, take it up with them.)

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You don't need numbers to see the obvious. Look at mercs it seems they are awesome in pve but in pvp (solos) they are **** down faster then you can say cheesesauceinmyfaceonsundaymorning.


I don't understand this. My commando is pretty damned good in PvP and can last as long as any other class. I have one of every AC to compare. The only class that is weak is sentinels w/o heals or tank.

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