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Girl rejected me at school today because i like star wars....


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Aside from the worthless trolls who are par for the course on the Internet, what folks are saying is true. It does no good to have a pretty girl who isn't interested in your stuff. However, I know you're upset right now. It will get better, you will meet a girl who's better for you, and it will stop hurting. It doesn't stop it from hurting now. I know that too, and I am sorry for that. My best advice for you now is to get to a comic or sci-Fi con as soon as you can. Seriously. Flirting with a slave Leia makes a lot of things better, and they do indeed flirt.
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Why would you have intrest in a girl that is SO DUMB she doesnt like star wars? lol


My girlfriend got ME into star wars cuz I liked "trek" now I like Star Wars more lol.


I cant imagine being around a girl who didnt like star wars. That would suck.



You young guys need to know something now. It will help you.


DONT go after the super hot girl who doesnt like you that much and has no shared intrests.


GO after girls WHO LIKE YOU and who share your intrests DONT CHASE in the movies the guy chases the girl and never takes no for an answer then the girl falls in love with them. In real life this is called stalking and will not make a girl want you.


Find a girl that wants you, that chases you. Never chase.

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Also, don't worry...


Come December, she'll feel stupid for not liking Star Wars.



Kinda like how suddenly everyone loved comics after Batman and Avengers...

"Oh I've always loved comics"...



This is true. I bet to, that if the movie bombs you will have a bunch of people saying that "I didn't like Star Wars anyway".

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My wife and I watched Twilight on 1.5x speed, and the girls STILL seemed like she was talking and moving in slow motion. That was the end of our foray into that mythology.


That said, rejection does hurt and it takes time to sort through it and move on. Sometimes its quick, sometimes it takes a while. When you find someone who shares your interests, or who loves you enough to engage in Star Wars because of your interest in it, then those past romantic interests will seem part of a far distant past and you'll probably wonder why you pursued them in the first place.


PS - If she loves you enough to participate in the activities that interest you, be sure to return the favor and participate in the things that interest her. Therein lies much happiness.;)

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Don't blame her, to be honest. Being of school age chances are she's only familiar with the prequels. I wouldn't go out with someone who said they liked the prequels. Edited by PLynkes
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If you are dating someone who does not enjoy Star Wars puns, you may be looking for love in Alderaan places. ;)

Had to quote you because this is too clever ;)

Always be yourself. Let the chips fall where they may.

^^BEST ADVICE YOU COULD GET ^^ Be yourself and love who you are!!!

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