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Pommel strike and Savage kick


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What's the point of these skills?


Both skills require the target to be under a CC, else you can't use them..the best part is they don't work on elite mobs..just weak and strong mobs.


Why? Whats the point behind this? Is there a logic at all? Explain pls, I really don't get this.


I hope they work in pvp..didn't try yet.

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What's the point? They do a lot of damage. You don't know how to use them effectively, and that's understandable, but they are useful if you know what you're doing.


Force Crush to prep for a Savage Kick.

Force Push to prep for a Pommel Strike.


One thing I like to do in groups with 2-3 weak mobs is Smash, then target the stunned enemy with the most health and Pommel Strike.


You also have an AoE slow that you can use, or set Jaessa to use hers. This isn't terrible effective in setting up a Savage Kick, but it does work.

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What's the point? They do a lot of damage. You don't know how to use them effectively, and that's understandable, but they are useful if you know what you're doing.


Force Crush to prep for a Savage Kick.

Force Push to prep for a Pommel Strike.


One thing I like to do in groups with 2-3 weak mobs is Smash, then target the stunned enemy with the most health and Pommel Strike.


You also have an AoE slow that you can use, or set Jaessa to use hers. This isn't terrible effective in setting up a Savage Kick, but it does work.


I know how to use them..I don't want to be rude, but next time read, then post pls.


I didn't ask how to use them, I asked why I have 2 skill which I can't use on elite mobs and in pvp.


You said the reason is they do a lot of damage..this isn't true because their damage scales with mobs type. This means they do a lot of damage on weak mobs, they do good damage on strong mob -> they should do less damage on elite.


Even if the damage is a lot, they:

- have long cooldown (45 and 12 or 15 seconds) -> you can't spam them

- require you to burn a CC -> they are occasional and you can't use them whenever you want

- they are single target skills


I think these drawbacks justify their high damage..



Again, explain me why I can't use them on elite mobs or in pvp pls. I still see no logic reason.


Why should I burn a CC on a weak/standard/strong mob? They're weak, I don't need a CC on them. Why should I use a high damage skill on weak mobs? They alredy have low defence/life, others attacks are alredy fine to kill them.


On the other hand elite mobs could require you to use CCs, because these mobs deal good damage and you want to interrupt them. Guess what..you can use CC on them but you can't use those abilities. Why?

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What's the point? They do a lot of damage. You don't know how to use them effectively, and that's understandable, but they are useful if you know what you're doing.


Force Crush to prep for a Savage Kick.

Force Push to prep for a Pommel Strike.


One thing I like to do in groups with 2-3 weak mobs is Smash, then target the stunned enemy with the most health and Pommel Strike.


You also have an AoE slow that you can use, or set Jaessa to use hers. This isn't terrible effective in setting up a Savage Kick, but it does work.


End game wise these 2 skills are completely worthless.....they take up space on your hotbar....


They can't be used on elites, champions or bosses....They are filler skills to waste credits on atm and currently have absolutely no use in end game content...

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Just a piece of trivia. Savage Kick works on slowed or immobilized targets; so I tend to use Chilling Scream before Kick.


But the damage is average (at best) if it's taking you two GCDs to execute. It has the same cooldown (15 seconds) as Charge, so I tend to just use it immediately after charging a standard or strong mob.

Edited by Lymain
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They don't work in PvP.




I agree. Worthless skills. In fact, I've never noticed the option to use savage kick since I wasted credits on it three or four levels ago. However, the worst part is you can't use them in PvP. Meanwhile, ranged melee classes appear to have countless roots. I really believe the warrior started off too restrained and will need to be balanced off in the first patch. if we can't use skills in PvP, does every other class have skills they can't use in PvP?

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End game wise these 2 skills are completely worthless.....they take up space on your hotbar....


They can't be used on elites, champions or bosses....They are filler skills to waste credits on atm and currently have absolutely no use in end game content...


And PvP...


so I have to agree here.

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  • 1 month later...

Totally agree with all of this. At level 47, crushing blow hits just as hard (if not harder) than pommel strike on strong mobs, and it has a much shorter cool down and can be used on anyone/anything.


Secondly, it's not like jugger dps is off the charts anyway so what's the harm in letting us have those abilities to be used on anything we fight? Sure, the lack of rage cost may make some people whine "waahhh... juggers get a high damage ability that costs no resources" but, like anything else, people are going to whine anyway and again, these abilities have CC restrictions as well as cool downs.


So, take the mob/player restrictions off these abilities I say.




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  • 1 month later...
I have seen Jedi Knights use this ability (i don't know the name of Jedi savage kick) countless times in PvP. Only sith warriors can't use it ?


I believe the skill you are referring to is Force Kick, ironically enough is used for only disrupting casting/channeled abilities. It's basically the mirror of our Disruption skill, with ours being a hand gesture... Just has the same animation as "Force Kick". Probably rename the skill and not confuse other players...

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You guys are seriously dumb if you don't see the use of these moves.


Most packs are 3-4 weaks/standards and 1-2 strongs/golds.


Charge in, Smash (knocks down weaks/stds), pop a PS, chilling scream and pick another victim to kill with SK.


The point of the ability is to pick off the standards/weaks quickly as we lack strong AoE outside of Smash. Any DPS player worth his salt knows to pick off the small enemies before the silvers/golds. They often do the same damage as a silver, and reduces stress on a healer significantly.


In PvP, it would be very broken. (duh)

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When will people stop complaining about these skills? ALL classes have something like this, use it if you want and don't if you don't.


It's pointless to complain about these, they will never be changed. The entire point of them is to use them on weak mobs without dipping into your resource pool. You don't have to use them, they are not needed, you are not gimped for not being able to use them in pvp.


They are optional and situational.

Edited by Mordeguy
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They use force crit chance and force crit multiplier, once you figure that out you see how stupidly potent they are while leveling for some people (rage specs). Then, as has been said a hundred times already, you remove them from your hotbar and free up some keybinds for the adrenals that are worthless while leveling.
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When will people stop complaining about these skills? ALL classes have something like this, use it if you want and don't if you don't.


It's pointless to complain about these, they will never be changed. The entire point of them is to use them on weak mobs without dipping into your resource pool. You don't have to use them, they are not needed, you are not gimped for not being able to use them in pvp.


They are optional and situational.


You did notice the OP was made about 6 days after the game came out, right?

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All classes have similar abilities that are:


- High damage against normal MOBs

- Require some form of CC to activate

- Unusable in PvP


Saber Throw -> Jump -> Savage Kick is an excellent opener against a pack of normal MOBs. Throw in 1 more ability and your first target is already dead, and basically all you did was close the gap. You now have some Rage built up, a free Scream (if spec'd), Smash, and several other CC available to you to finish off the rest of the pack.


EDIT: Nevermind. Didn't realize the necro.

Edited by TheronFett
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It's quite simple.


They're a high damage no cost move. It's obviously there to help you grind mobs. There's nothing wrong with it, I don't get why people keep asking this question when the answer is extremely obvious.


Don't like them? Don't use them.

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