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Yes/No : Would you still play this game if it wasn't branded Star Wars?


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1977 SW, I was there it transformed our lives and has been in and out of pop culture up until present. I'm a fan. KOTOR was an absolute watershed game. I'm a fan.


Having played since launch with few breaks I re-subbed this week. Basically very little to do unless you enjoy dailys or the two operations. The Flashpoints don't pop seem to pop and pvp is FOTM driven. The few people left in my original guilds are burnt out or extremely noob to the game (greenhorns).


My question to you good sir/madam: If this game wasn't branded Star Wars would you still be playing it?

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Yes, no question. I have been actively looking for another game suitable for my play style and limitations, and so far, at least, there are few out there that live up to this standard. I'm talking about everything from character movement to the mechanics of game play to quality of graphics.


I've found quite a few games that have a decent background environment with sufficient detail--the equivalent to planetary terrains. Conan, for example, is impressive here. And some have pretty good looking characters, and I'm talking more "gritty" and detailed than "beautiful." Age of Inquisition is one here that fits the bill with good customization.


But too often the characters are cartoonish and the character movement is clunky, imprecise, and unbelievable, all things that SWTOR has done very well for the most part. Another issue I have with other games is very imprecise mechanics in terms of operating abilities, keeping everything in order, etc. In some you can't lock the toolbars, so abilities tend to disappear. I know some of this is not knowing the game well, but still-it's pretty sloppy stuff.


And there's the continuity of story. Most games are a series of quests that level you up. But other than expanding areas to play in, there's nothing tying the experience together. In this SWTOR simply excels.


And I'm seriously looking. I figure when I get all 8 classes leveled I will have essentially done most of the story, and I'm on numbers 7 and 8 now, so unless I stick around and repeat myself I will be entering a period of diminishing returns. I think I have several months left, maybe even as much as a year, but eventually, I will be moving on. And so far, for me, at least, there is precious little out there.

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Absolutely. Ultimately, it comes down to fun, entertainment, and enjoyment. This game delivers all three for me in spades. If I played a game strictly because of its IP, I would have a pretty miserable gaming experience.


I love Guild Wars. I hate Guild Wars 2, therefore I don't play it, even if it is Guild Wars. I love the Stronghold games, I bought and played all but Stronghold 3 (playing Kingdoms right now) because it was a broken PoS at the time of launch and required Steam, as I recall. I will never buy so long as it has that restriction.


I love Star Wars, but SWG was an unmitigated PoS of a game from the day it launched until the day it died. I tried it and hated it, so stopped playing (using a friend's secondary account). I kept going back after expansions and updates, found it to be continuing as a PoS and still hated it, so stopped playing it immediately thereafter each time.


I am a Star Trek fan (or was until the new craptastic movies destroyed what made the franchise great), and play STO because I enjoy it. I don't enjoy it as much as the original GW or SWTOR, therefore I don't play it as much, but I don't play it only because it is Star Trek.


To play a game only because of its IP and not because of its mechanics and design is wholly and inherently the stupidest thing anyone can do.

Edited by TravelersWay
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Yes. Amazing stories, fun gameplay. Even the 'worst' class story in this game puts any other MMO to shame. Even the PVP settings have better stories than most other MMOs. If you've never watched the Voidstar intro and thought about what is actually going on, you're missing out.


Basically, I play games so that I have fun. I like dressing up my characters in neat outfits. I like having choices that kind of matter (I spare a guy, he shows up to help me three chapters later - I think that's awesome). I don't care that WoW has cooler this or better that, I care that my dialog choices are more than 'Press 1 to advance playback.' I want to see my characters breathe and I want to hear them say things. I've come too far to settle for a mute protagonist that isn't Link.*


That being said, I admit: Half my fun comes from the lightsabers. I have no shame in admitting that. If I can't Fireball, let me be a Jedi, and I'm happy.



*Would kill for a Zelda MMO.

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Yes and then no.

I play this game currently primarily because of it's IP, (hey lightsabers ...' Nuff said.) but just like STO, which I also played for it's IP, (a Bat'leth wielding Klingon flying a bird of prey ... 'Nuff said.) the game eventually gets repetitive and succumbs to the dreaded "Grindfest" that all MMO's end up being.


Some (like STO and SWTOR) last longer because of the IP, the quality, and the scope of the content, but they all eventually end up there, and the IP is not enough to keep me there (or here) unfortunately..

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Probably not...the only reason being for me, is that as a genre, MMOs are actually one of my least favorites. mainly due to the sheer volume of minute details you need to know to really play a class well. It's nitpicky and nerdy as hell.


I will fully admit that I tend like games that you can more or less get the jist of in terms of leveling your class or character within a few minutes, as opposed to something that could take you far longer to have to learn the nuances of, and typically requires doing "homework" for. (looking at class builds, learning rotations, gearing, etc.)


That being said, sheerly due to this being a Star Wars game, and because I somehow managed to become good at playing a few of the classes, I probably play this more than any other game that I've found in a long time. It's kept my attention for 2 years, which had only been done by two other game franchises to date, Borderlands and Left4Dead.

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If there were not a branded Star Wars game, no, I would not be playing it. I would still be happily playing Star Wars Galaxies.


I'm too hungry to come up with a good slam but know that I'm slamming SWG in spirit.

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Yup, here for the 'story as 4th pillar' as much as for the Star Wars IP, and I say that as someone who has been a big fan of not only Star Wars since I was a small child, but also a fan of the Old Republic Era in particular since the Tales of Jedi comics came out (with KOTOR adding to my affection for the era).


When the time comes to decide between staying subbed to this MMO or not playing any MMOs at all, the Star Wars brand may be what tips me into the 'stay subbed' column, but this is definitely the only MMO I would be playing regardless of the IP.

Edited by DarthDymond
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If it was not BioWARE/Obsidian successor game, I would not have tried it. I would have played Mass Effect because I am tired of the bows, arrows and spears. But after I've tried it, I like it in its own right. It's pretty, it has a lot of story content, and the whole real-life combat thing is fascinating. I just wish I had better aptitude for it :)
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Though would make a few changes. I love this game and the fact that it is Star Wars is not overly important to me. case in post this is the only Star Wars game I play at the moment. did not like SW galaxy not keen on other Star Wars game consul ones though did for a time play knight of old republic xbox game for a sort time. It did not continue after completing it the first time. like the second one better but again only played it though once.


So yes would still play. The one thing I would change is the adaptive armour. I personally would like mods amour and enhancements from level 1 onwards and not from level 9/10.


Ok you can argue would I have given it a go if it was not Star Wars! That not so sure about! But its not the brand that keeps me playing now.

Edited by DreadtechSavant
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I didn't try this game becasue star wars. I tried it becasue I like bioware games.


it wasn't star wars that brought me here, its not star wars why I'm still playing (albeit a LOT less), and its not star wars that are the reason why I've been playing less and less.


while its nice to have a particular lore associated with the game, and while I do enjoy star wars as a setting... I always preferred Star trek (I know, blasphemy). and yet. I'm not playing STO, even despite looking very much forward to it when it was first announced. why? style of the game itself. gameplay, animations, voice acting, etc.


there were two games I tried primarily because of the setting. WoW and ESO. both of them I play on and off. setting didn't keep me playing them more often either. setting can only get me so far.

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