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Good News


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Every damned thread on this sub-forum seems negative.


For once, I would like some good news from PVPERS. This is not about FOTM, some L33T, blah blah blah.


I would like to hear your positives as there is a very active community who enjoys pvp.


Tell you story that is good, for the PVP community. Thank a tank as a healer who protected you, DPS who killed that person focusing you, welcome new persons who are trying to learn like the thread of "PVP a day".


As a community the negative out weighs the positive. I want to hear you good stories. I will post mine later.


I will post my positive after tonight.

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I will post mine later. I will post my positive after tonight.


My positive thing is so OVERWHELMINGLY POSITIVE it might even CHANGE your RELIGION.


That's how POSITIVE my positive thing is. In fact, the LEVEL OF POSITIVITY is so HIGH it will PERFORATE your existing PARADIGM and PURE JOY will flow through the holes.


Unfortunately, I can't remember what it was atm.


Believe me, though, it is SUPER POSITIVE. I'll tell you about it later.


P.S. You guys who only say negative things make me sick.

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I thought you were gonna say that you switched to Geico and saved 15% or more.



LMAO fell off my chair reading that.


It really is hard to find anything positive about PvP right now. Bioware have sucked the life out of it. People are complaining because they WANT to pvp, they like to pvp, they like SWTOR but Bioware find it difficult to accept that PvP SHOULD be in their game. Its NOT The Sims but turning in to it with each update.

Edited by GrimRita
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Teammate got the ball and 3 sorcs chain-pulled him to the endzone. Guy barely had to move.

what`s positive about that? You are more likely giving some ppl a reason to call out for a pull debuff/time out to deny multiple pulls consecutively/back to back, sorcs 2 stronk:rak_09: nurf Teamplay:rak_grin: Edited by iDraxter
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In a reg arena, we loaded with 2 heals/2DPS against a tank and 3 DPS. Lost the first round like nothing, the second heals dropped, and we pulled in a Guardian tank. We won the next two rounds fast and clean. I understand the concept of carrying, but not the 'what happened' of it every time. So it feels like magic. Hence, my endless admiration for the great players. To a struggling noob you are an amazing phenomenon, never forget that :) Edited by DomiSotto
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PvP, and your enjoyment of it is largely based on you and your attitude.


My guild and I are enjoying it very much, and most of us aren't even playing FOTM classes. Unless you consider sentinel, commando dps, scoundrel dps as FOTM. Considering a year ago, they only wanted to do PvE or GSF, I think that speaks loudly about how people who don't post in this forum feel about the state of PvP in this game.


Personally, I never take the forum complaints to heart. I've played enough MMOs to realize that you don't go to the forums for a true state of PvP, because the only PvPers posting anything are the ones with problems. The ones that don't have an issue, are PvPing not posting.

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Teammate got the ball and 3 sorcs chain-pulled him to the endzone. Guy barely had to move.


I've been that guy before.. the only thing going through your mind at the time is, "What the FUUUUUUUU.......... oh ok that works."

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Every damned thread on this sub-forum seems negative.


For once, I would like some good news from PVPERS. This is not about FOTM, some L33T, blah blah blah.


I would like to hear your positives as there is a very active community who enjoys pvp.


Tell you story that is good, for the PVP community. Thank a tank as a healer who protected you, DPS who killed that person focusing you, welcome new persons who are trying to learn like the thread of "PVP a day".


As a community the negative out weighs the positive. I want to hear you good stories. I will post mine later.


I will post my positive after tonight.


There is no good news, Musco's latest post subsequent patch, then some further bugs, saw to that.

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Good news ...


I'm still waiting on people's comments after the latest round of PVP changes after this last patch. Hell, there hasn't even been a single new post in the Merc / Mando forum since the patch went live yesterday.


That either means people in that class group haven't had a chance to really test the waters yet or there simply aren't enough Merc / Mando's pvpers left to comment.


Considering the state of these classes, the rest of the SWTOR community might actually take that as a positive win - win either way.

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i'm actually gonna support this thread and not be a jerk.


I'm actually going to share some good PvP news!


I had some free time (good news in itself for me) and decided to queue for a dirtside warzone.

I got the old Nar Shadaa Huttball.


It was the best huttball pug I have had in more than a month!


The game lasted till full time (so all 13 minutes), and only two goals were scored, one on each side. We one by virtue of me popping Endure Pain at the very very very last second and surviving long enough for the match to go to us.


It was a really close thing though, 2 more seconds and the thermal detonator from one of the two PTs on me would have gone off.


The best part? Both teams played objectively.


Melee DPS stuck to the ball carrier like duct tape, while ranged DPS tried to give cover to their guys.


Moreover, when the ball came into the enemy's terretory, both teams would go on to clear out the ranged DPS and clear the way for the carrier. Both our teams had Enet-happy mercs, so it was a very, very good idea.


But not only that, each team actually looked oout for their mates - when the ranged DPS started getting attacked, the melees would break off to give them a breather, perhaps tossing a stun, before leaping or rolling back into the action.


The best part though, I have to say, was that one Operative who rolled half way to the health node and let me Intercede to him just as I was about to die to a particulary zealous merc.

I didn't even have the ball! That was so nice of him.

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I thought you were gonna say that you switched to Geico and saved 15% or more.


The realism in this Forum speaks volumes about the Devs, It's saturated for a reason.


This isnt true completely, its known that people speak out far more on negatives than positives. There are a lot of positives in the game or we wouldn't be playing it. i know i wouldnt be. Its just that there are also a lot of bad things as is the case with any game.

I dont dislike the pvp in the game or i wouldn't be playing it, but it is frustrating that the balance is so out of whack and seemingly being ignored.

How a class does or doesnt do in PVE has nothing to do with PVP and vice versa, but all classes should be viable in both to varying degrees.

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I'm still waiting on people's comments after the latest round of PVP changes after this last patch. Hell, there hasn't even been a single new post in the Merc / Mando forum since the patch went live yesterday.


That either means people in that class group haven't had a chance to really test the waters yet or there simply aren't enough Merc / Mando's pvpers left to comment.



Whats the point really.. ill make one if you like but were dead in the water. we are worse today than we were yesterday, unless you are a dueler on Tat...

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I have good news!!


I finally decided to lvl up my Sorc from 55 to 60, rolling a HEALER no less. Mainly to support my 'insane' Darkness tank buddy in pvp.


SO.. I started moving the glut of reg wz comms to my lowbies to hold until I hit 60, rather than convert them at a 3-1 ratio for ranked comms, only to have to convert them back. (what a pain)


So - I'd moved 6000 reg wz comms to various alts, and was pretty stoked I'd be able to walk into lvl 60 with full exhumed gear and set bonuses. I knew I was on the clock with the impending change to the wz comm swap, planned for the 3.2 update on PTS.


So.. 3.1.2 hits and WHAAAAAAAAAA?? They patched it already??!!!




Oh wait.... this isn't good news.


My bad.

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Positive? I'm positive that I won't be playing this game at least until next tuesday (or they hotfix shadows). That will quite possibly be the longest I've gone without playing this since launch... maybe I'm snapping out of whatever's kept me here.
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Playing sage in wz at lvl 55 loving the class

Have lvl 29 vanguard and scoundrel love both, not sure what to make alt.


As casual i love pvp in this game. I don't stress over who OP and who's not, just don't care..


Sci Fi mmo what i love.

Edited by Cherepk
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I thought you were gonna say that you switched to Geico and saved 15% or more.


The realism in this Forum speaks volumes about the Devs, It's saturated for a reason.


Honestly, most people just like to complain.

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So..devs say maras are performing right on target according to data.. This is a wonderful for maras because the same data must show other disciplines are over performing. What this means is...all disciplines other than mara should expect incoming nerfs. Congrats maras!!
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