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PSA: Changes to Stronghold Titles Coming in 3.1.2 Tomorrow


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No way man, you have no idea of what you're talking about.


Try to get Ranked gear during season and then tell me how much it took.


Hint: a lot of time. During season you don't want to enter Ranked without having full Dark Reaver gear, meaning that you have to get gear by converting regular warzone commendations (at a 3:1 rate). Plus, you need to buy Exhumed gear first ebcause you need to turn them back in.


Quick math (without talking about min/maxing, just to make things easier, and hoping that I not left any piece behind):

  • Full Exhumed Set: 12500 regular commendations
  • Full Dark Reaver Set: 28975 ranked commendations = 86925 regular warzone commendations


Now, doing dailies + weeklies, you can get 2300 regular commendations and 500 ranked commendations each week. Add 150 commendations per each game played and, if you win them all, you'll have 3150 more regular commendations.


So, the total is 5450 regular and 500 ranked commendations each week.


Converting Ranked commendations into regular will allow you to get almost 6000 regular commendations each week, meaning that you will need a little more than 2 weeks to get your gear which is totally fine.


But coming to Ranked gear here's wehre the magic comes: you can convert that 5450 regular commendations to ranked, having a pool of 2316 Ranked commendations per week.


This means that you will need the insane amount of 37.5 weeks to finish your set.


Luckily we had pre season to gear up using ranked games and this helped a lot, but given that there won't be a preseson between S4 and S5 and that I don't want to play Ranked with my alt because I don't want to ruin other people's game, can you please tell me how am I supposed to gear him for then next Ranked season if I can't transfer commendations from my Ranked toons?


Just in case you missed it, we're talking of a 37 weeks long grid, are you still sure that getting Ranked gear is easy?


If you're ruining someone else's game because you aren't in full Dark Reaver, you have other problems. Conveniently you left out the comms you get for simply participating (which you do not get in PvE), and that accounts for a very significant portion of comms. Your assessment is highly inaccurate because of this, and if you only play while you have an active daily or weekly that is on you and not a failing of Bioware.


It's much harder to get credits through PvP. If I were you, that's where I'd focus my frustrations.

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Interesting discussion, never used the exploit (it's not an exploit) and have pvped since launch, never used a premade (you must be so honorable) or win trade and never personally used any other exploit or hack (none of the things you listed are exploits except win trading). Ive managed to solo regs til the current gear. Was it painful hell yes, was it worth it ? I feel Ive earned it honestly and without any assistance. so on that I say yes.


I say the title is a exploit wasnt intended but as players used to using it they felt it was okay. But then some see using other exploits and hacks is okay too so what are you going to do.


I guess for some rage quitting is the answer. As we all know the squeaky wheel gets the oil in this game so we'll see where this drama goes.


but really suck it up princess...exploits arent guaranteed or allowed and I say hell ya be glad they dont ban ya.


You say it's an exploit but BW doesn't.


After gearing 4 or 5 toons it just gets old. I wanna play my other toons but thinking about gearing them just sounds like no fun at all. Trading these titles around hurts absolutely no one.


The real reason this is likely being changed is because it shortens the PvP gear grind which is the only "content" we have for PvP. This shortens that progression so it has to go.

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If you're ruining someone else's game because you aren't in full Dark Reaver, you have other problems. Conveniently you left out the comms you get for simply participating (which you do not get in PvE), and that accounts for a very significant portion of comms. Your assessment is highly inaccurate because of this, and if you only play while you have an active daily or weekly that is on you and not a failing of Bioware.


It's much harder to get credits through PvP. If I were you, that's where I'd focus my frustrations.


And yet what about those of us who actually leveled and played PvP? There was literally nothing to do with the comms prior to 60.

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If you're ruining someone else's game because you aren't in full Dark Reaver, you have other problems. Conveniently you left out the comms you get for simply participating (which you do not get in PvE), and that accounts for a very significant portion of comms. Your assessment is highly inaccurate because of this, and if you only play while you have an active daily or weekly that is on you and not a failing of Bioware.


It's much harder to get credits through PvP. If I were you, that's where I'd focus my frustrations.


Now, doing dailies + weeklies, you can get 2300 regular commendations and 500 ranked commendations each week. Add 150 commendations per each game played and, if you win them all, you'll have 3150 more regular commendations.


So, the total is 5450 regular and 500 ranked commendations each week.

I understand that reading is difficult but maybe you could try a little harder?

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No way man, you have no idea of what you're talking about.


Try to get Ranked gear during season and then tell me how much it took.


Hint: a lot of time. During season you don't want to enter Ranked without having full Dark Reaver gear, meaning that you have to get gear by converting regular warzone commendations (at a 3:1 rate). Plus, you need to buy Exhumed gear first ebcause you need to turn them back in.


Quick math (without talking about min/maxing, just to make things easier, and hoping that I not left any piece behind):

  • Full Exhumed Set: 12500 regular commendations
  • Full Dark Reaver Set: 28975 ranked commendations = 86925 regular warzone commendations


Now, doing dailies + weeklies, you can get 2300 regular commendations and 500 ranked commendations each week. Add 150 commendations per each game played and, if you win them all, you'll have 3150 more regular commendations.


So, the total is 5450 regular and 500 ranked commendations each week.


Converting Ranked commendations into regular will allow you to get almost 6000 regular commendations each week, meaning that you will need a little more than 2 weeks to get your gear which is totally fine.


But coming to Ranked gear here's wehre the magic comes: you can convert that 5450 regular commendations to ranked, having a pool of 2316 Ranked commendations per week.


This means that you will need the insane amount of 37.5 weeks to finish your set.


Luckily we had pre season to gear up using ranked games and this helped a lot, but given that there won't be a preseson between S4 and S5 and that I don't want to play Ranked with my alt because I don't want to ruin other people's game, can you please tell me how am I supposed to gear him for then next Ranked season if I can't transfer commendations from my Ranked toons?


Just in case you missed it, we're talking of a 37 weeks long grid, are you still sure that getting Ranked gear is easy?


I'm happy to see math used to make an argument, I'm just curious about your comm numbers, especially for dailies and weeklies. I think your ranked comms/week total is half of what it should be, which is really throwing off your final estimate.


Daily 1 (complete 4 matches) = 100 unranked, 100 ranked

Daily 2 (complete 2 matches) = 100 unranked

Weekly (complete 15 matches) = 300 unranked, 300 ranked.


Assume that you do both dailies all seven days (which will obviously complete the weekly as well), and you're looking at a weekly haul of:


Daily 1 = 700 unranked, 700 ranked

Daily 2 = 700 unranked

Weekly = 300 unranked, 300 ranked


...for a total of:


1700 unranked, 1000 ranked.


If you are lucky enough to win all your games (as in your scenario, unrealistic though that may be, but let's look at the best case anyway), you're playing 3 games/day, or 21/week. Each win gets you 140 unranked comms max (ignoring MVP vote comms, which are relatively insignificant), so you make an additional:


2940 unranked/week


...for a grand weekly total of:


4640 unranked, 1000 ranked comms per week.


Given that ranked comms are more valuable, and the transfer rate disfavors converting ranked into unranked, I personally wouldn't convert ranked into unranked to finish my Exhumed set quicker - I'd convert Exhumed pieces into Dark Reaver pieces as my ranked comms permit.


Assuming your comm numbers for total sets are correct, it'll take me about 2 1/2 weeks to get a full Exhumed set from unranked comms (12,500/4640 = 2.7, or about 2 weeks and 4 days). At the end of the third week, I'll be sitting on:


1,420 unranked comms (4640*3 - 12,500)

3,000 ranked comms


Convert those unranked to ranked, and I have:


10 unranked

3,470 ranked


Spend those ranked, and I'll need to earn another 25,505 ranked comms to get my Dark Reaver set.


So 3 weeks in, I have full Exhumed and need to earn another 25,505 ranked comms.


Every week from here on out I'm converting unranked to ranked, so I'm earning:


1,560 ranked comms/week (with 20 unranked left over after conversion - every three weeks this turns into another 20 ranked comms, which is helpful but not significant).


So how many more weeks of this do I need to do to get my ranked set? 25,505/1560 = 16.3, or 16 weeks and 2 days.


A grand total of just under 20 weeks to get a full set of Dark Reaver gear. 20 weeks is a fairly significant investment itself, but at least it's not 37 weeks.


As for the topic itself, I certainly understand that people will bemoan the loss of a method to more quickly gear up alts, unintended though it may have been, but I've never been a fan of using toon A to gear toon B in any game, so it's not a change that will personally affect me.

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As for the topic itself, I certainly understand that people will bemoan the loss of a method to more quickly gear up alts, unintended though it may have been, but I've never been a fan of using toon A to gear toon B in any game, so it's not a change that will personally affect me.
So as we level and have to waste comms after hitting the cap on useless junk.... F us right?
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it just time for legacy wide comms period end of story Eric how bout you go to the devs and tell them how unhappy we are about this and how we want legacy wide comms and be done with it.


I like this idea. it also incentivizes subscriptions (or, at the very least, a way to milk cartel market unlocks).

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As much fun as it is to argue about how easy it is to get comms let's keep this thread on topic.


The problems with this change are:


- Gearing an alt is just a chore. It's not enjoyable at all.


-There is an absurdly low comm cap for both normal and ranked. You can grind WZ comms for 49 levels and barely afford 4 pieces of gear (if you get the cheap stuff). You can just barely afford a MH with maxed out ranked comms. In PvE on the other hand you are given several sets of perfectly useful gear for completing normal quests/dailies or are bombarded with comms (298 basics for showing up to Rishi, multiple dailies/weeklies).


- Very limited use for normal comms once you are fully geared. Consumables can be bought with creds and if you are done min/maxing your comms will just sort of pile up.


- Transferring comms affects no one. You are not denying anyone anything and you are not receiving extra comms. You are earning all of them. My characters are supposed to be part of a legacy. Starting alts is supposed to be encouraged. Being able to share comms is a convenience.


These are the problems I see with this change. I don't really see any problems being solved by changing this either. If I am missing a problem that this update is fixing please let me know. Be advised that "gearing too fast" is not a problem IMO.

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I have two low level characters currently that have had millions put into them for various legacy perks, unlocks, respec and so on, as well as about 1000cc each for weapons/outfit, plus about a million each to already get mk-10 augment slots ready on the 9 pieces of gear they will keep til max level.


Those two characters won't get played any more since there is nothing I can do with the comms, I have a vault tab full of wz medpacs and more of adrenals. There is absolutely nothing to spend the comms that I earn through PvP on.


Which means I will spend 6-8 hours less per week playing. I will play a few extra games on my two lvl60 mains, but after the PvP dailies are done, I will most likely log off. It is also highly likely I will burn out on just doing 2 sets if dailies in a couple of weeks, perhaps a bit longer. After that I will probably quit the game if they don't find a new way to make comms valuable.


I really should be thanking you Bioware for being amateurs and making poor decisions despite much feedback, you will open up my schedule for the summer. :)

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As much fun as it is to argue about how easy it is to get comms let's keep this thread on topic.


The problems with this change are:


- Gearing an alt is just a chore. It's not enjoyable at all.


-There is an absurdly low comm cap for both normal and ranked. You can grind WZ comms for 49 levels and barely afford 4 pieces of gear (if you get the cheap stuff). You can just barely afford a MH with maxed out ranked comms. In PvE on the other hand you are given several sets of perfectly useful gear for completing normal quests/dailies or are bombarded with comms (298 basics for showing up to Rishi, multiple dailies/weeklies).


- Very limited use for normal comms once you are fully geared. Consumables can be bought with creds and if you are done min/maxing your comms will just sort of pile up.


- Transferring comms affects no one. You are not denying anyone anything and you are not receiving extra comms. You are earning all of them. My characters are supposed to be part of a legacy. Starting alts is supposed to be encouraged. Being able to share comms is a convenience.


These are the problems I see with this change. I don't really see any problems being solved by changing this either. If I am missing a problem that this update is fixing please let me know. Be advised that "gearing too fast" is not a problem IMO.


Don't forget that as you level, you're now going to be stuck either at a cap of 2750, or wasting comms on junk.

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This is an incredibly bad business decision. First of all pvp is crippled, everyone on this game knows it.


I'll give you a good reason to HAVE the ability to swap pvp comms within a legacy. I play a full healer in pvp, I have obtained TWO full sets of top tier pvp gear, NOT by ranked, but by reg's. I would love to play some dps once and awhile ( do play dps on my sage occasionally) but JUNG MA is lacking in pvp healers, so my heals are badly needed. This makes it doubly hard to play a dps toon, not only am I gimping my guild group by not healing, I am gimping my side (Republic) because they need the heals, I am gimping myself, because NOW, the comms I was obtaining and not needing on my healer, I was sending to a dps toon so that when I finally get the chance to play dps, I wasn't a liability, I was actually contributing to my side's 'fight'.

I have played this game since day one. I don't complain a lot. I really think this issue needs to be re-addressed in some way that players can swap within their own legacy pvp comms, just like basic comms.


I have returned to a pvp vanilla wow for a bit of a change. I will watch to see if this is resolved. If it isn't my husband and I will be cancelling our accounts, as we really don't want to scrub our way yet again through regular pvp's to get gear. This game is just to old for that now.

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Actually, you can gear yourself in Token 198s in ~40 hours (give or take a little bit) and also min / max.


Takes a lot longer to gear yourself fully and min / max PvP gear, not only do you have to grind the basic set first for trading upwards, you then have to grind Ranked Commendations. I'll give you a small clue, it's longer than ~40 hours.


So no, there is no comparison. I could fully gear myself in Token 198s much faster if I chose to do that, it would also be easier to do purely for the fact that I could get the basic gear in no time at all due to being able to transfer PvE commendations over as well as fully min / max in less than an hour to start off the process.


You start PvP with 2 pieces of gear, unless you've been buying / selling PvP weapons continuously.


Well you could if u pay tens of millions of credits for some guild to carry u thru HM ops and give u that gear and still u need multiple clears to get min/max. And ulti com gear is just junk and not comparable with RWZ gear. Basic comz gear for 60lvl is even more junk.

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A friend of mine just told me that he has lost a near full inventory of labels - or rather that they are now bound. He is a subscriber and has been since founder and this was the straw that broke the camels back. He has already given me most of his stuff and will now let his subscription expire :(


Great move Bioware, great move.

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Conveniently you left out the comms you get for simply participating (which you do not get in PvE), and that accounts for a very significant portion of comms.


Add 150 commendations per each game played and, if you win them all, you'll have 3150 more regular commendations.


Y'know, reading before quoting is always a good idea ;)


I'm happy to see math used to make an argument, I'm just curious about your comm numbers, especially for dailies and weeklies. I think your ranked comms/week total is half of what it should be, which is really throwing off your final estimate.



It may be, I did it really quick because I was half asleep and I didn't double check data but keep in mind that I've not considered the Ranked daily+weekly and that may be the reason why my numbers are lower than yours.

Still, trhe point is that getting Ranked gear is not easy as he said.

Edited by StepTNT
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After buying our expertize crystal (or using one of the free black purple ones), what is the intended thing for a leveling toon to spend their WZ comms on? They give us adrenals in the daily... so they dont intend for us to buy more of those. Credit boxes? Dont we also get credits from the daily/weekly?


I guess they expect us to buy Basic comms with our WZ comms now?


I'd actually like an official response or any serious response from a player in case I missed a good idea.




P. S. Maybe they intend to surprise us and let us buy level 60 pvp gear while leveling? lol Nah....

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Would still like to know the purpose of this change... Maybe I just can't see the logic behind it.


It's real simple...they closed a loop hole to require more grinding to be competitive in pvp. Thus the more you grind, the longer you sub/play and it somehow reinforces to the devs, that this system is acceptable.


I was against the gear grind and different PVP stats from the beginning as this is just an artificial way of keeping players engaged. This also means less content has to be generated to keep PVPers entertained, since their mind is on how many comms they need to get to have competitive gear.



On a side note.. I personally LOVE pvp leveling since it is not reliant on gear and can be a better measure of skill....disregard teh whole mismatched brackets right now because that's awful..

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While I understand that this was an oversight and unintentional on the dev's part, I think the overwhelming positive player response to it should tell the devs something, and hopefully they'll reconsider adding some kind of commendation transferring system in the future, even if it's at a reduced rate. The grind will be the same either way - you still have to actually earn the comms yourself - you can just do them on a character of your choosing. For example, I play my republic toons a lot more, but they're all fully min/max'd DR, and it'd be nice if I could put those extra comms to use on my imperial toons to upgrade their leftside pieces to DR as well. I'm still participating in the same amount of content either way; the only thing that changes is the toon I'm doing it on. It increases my enjoyment of the game without decreasing the amount of playtime I invest, so I don't see how it hurts the game to allow that.
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After buying our expertize crystal (or using one of the free black purple ones), what is the intended thing for a leveling toon to spend their WZ comms on?


I've been asking that when my Sage was level 40, had several thousand Commendations - and nothing to spend it on.

Because of that, I lost interest.

Because you can't buy PvP gear at level 40.

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