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The Jedi Knight, and Sith Warrior classes need a huge buff.


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from my limited experience (my guardian is my only character close to max level, at 42), I think bioware's got the right problems targeted for fixing, so I don't really see a need to continue moaning. My guardian definitely felt way too squishy offensively specced and in an offensive form. But if that gets resolved, and they throw in a little bit of a gap closing improvement, I think we're in good shape.



Although I think Bioware should really consider giving Awe to jedi knights at an earlier level. I switched to defense spec for the extra interrupt unavailable to focus or vigilance, no doubt many sentinels spec for close quarters to survive solo pve content. Awe would help a lot earlier on.

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I have been arguing since beta that the Juggernaut and Guardian would benefit more in the realm of bringing enemies into range with a Force Pull ability. I understand that currently Force Push, then Force Charge procs something and allows an interrupt but for melee classes it's better in my opinion to try and force ranged into melee range. Even in many pvp, though a knockback like force push can be useable, force pull can be just as versatile in pvp.
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Why would they buff this class when its a skill issue you are having?


It isn't a skill issue.


Some people who are highly skilled can make the class work on par with someone who is moderately skilled in another class. That doesn't make this a skill issue, because if you take someone who is just as skilled in that other class as we are in the Knight classes then they destroy us every way from Sunday.


Sentinel and Marauder players are especially much better than non-Sentinel/non-Marauder players in general because our class is so hard in comparison. I got into a Hard Mode instance with a Trooper who literally did not know that he could interrupt. Why? Because he never had, in his 50 levels of playing the class, any need to ever use it.


We, on the other hand, have to learn interrupts, snares, when to strategically apply roots and the only stun we have. We learn to off-tank in our class missions so that we can kill bosses. We learn how to aggro dump, we learn how to pass aggro between ourselves and a companion, we learn how to kite between two characters.


I have 26 abilities bound on various keys and 12 abilities bound on my mouse. (Though there is some overlap.) Of the 40 available quick slots I have 38 used for abilities and 2 for med packs and I more or less use all 40. (One of the med packs is a self-med pack, the other is a self + companion med pack.)


If I fight 3 "weak" mobs I plow through 12 different key strokes / mouse buttons and that is the most efficient method.


My single target rotation relies on me striking a balance between building focus, dumping focus, and rebuilding focus with cool downs that are all over the board. Heck my rotation looks like blasted C++ psudocode with all kinds of if/then statements within it.






If (Zealous Strike == Ready)


Zealous Strike;







If (Target != Snared)


Leg Slash;



While (Focus < 7)





If (Penetrating Strike == Ready)


Penetrating Strike;



Blade Rush;


If (Blade Storm == Ready)


Blade Storm;







If (Master Strike == Ready)


Master Strike;







A class that is overly complicated is also underpowered. Also the class lacks (as has been mentioned dozens of times) any kind of Stun that doesn't result in the Sentinel being stunned as well as lacks any kind of Push/Pull mechanic. Those two mechanics are possessed by every other class in the game.

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Jedi Sentinel = Feral Druid? John f'n Madden!


Not hardly senitnels dont have near the complexity or usefullness of a druid. Havnt played wow in about 6 months now and prolly wont ever go back to it, But in the ability/survival dept sentinels got shafted big time

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so much of this feels like BW was REALLY scared of everyone rolling Jedi melee


Pretty much, its probably why they also took away force pull from warriors


Can't blame them tho, starwars galaxy made a bad precedent

Edited by dargor-
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Really? Guardian? Really?




Sentinel needs the mobility buffs. Guardian already has force push. By the way, I want my force pull back from Shadow tanks, thanks.


Sentinel has more mobility than the guardian. heck sentinel has more defensive tools than the guardian. Sentinel can do decent damage and burst without having to resort to a 1-trick pony build.

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Right. :rolleyes:



Just looking at the dps specs and cutting out the shared tree since it's advantages belong to both sides.


Sentinel gets baseline


Force cloak (can be used both defensively and offensively)

Force charge

Spammable 12 second single target slow that does damage


In Carnage they can get:

Range root

Increase passive runspeed

Masterstrike roots the target


In annihilation they can get

Decreased cooldown on charge

No minimum range on Charge

Further increased run speed on predation

Good DoTs for when the enemy is away from them


Compared to Gaurd baseline:

Force Charge

Spammable aoe slow that last 9 seconds and does no damage.


In Vigilance they get


One good dot (the other 2 are very very weak and tick for if you are lucky 60 a tick)


So I say again yes, Sentinels have more tools for staying with someone. I'm not saying they are perfect just that sentinel are in better shape when it comes to staying with a target than juggs.

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Hi guys,


Thanks for your feedback!


-- Georg



A couple other things I wanted to note after another agonizing PVP run against Inquizzy's as a Sentinel:


1. I have no way to stop their knockback. So, as soon as I get close, I am pushed back and they can move away and keep the lightning going. I have no way to bring them in. (maybe the patch will fix that?)


2. I cannot stun them. Best I have been able to do is immobilze them with my throw. If I cant stun them, I cant use some of my harder hitting abilities that require it. They can stun me however, and they do so often. In fact most of my high damage abilites seem to not work on elites or players, but thier's sure seem to work fine on me.


3. Thier shield seems to come back really fast and seems to stop 100% of my damage. My shield does 50% and 25% based off dmg type, last 12 seconds, and has a 3 minute timer.


4. I dont have any resistance to the electric damage or holds, my hold break is on a 2 minute timer and does not reset when I die, which will be as soon as I use it as they hold me again within seconds it seems.


It just does not seem balanced at all.


Since I'm on the subject, I ask for a change to Dispatch. I recomend taking away the focus cost as it seems I never have the focus for it and why should I have yet another ability with a requirement (<=20% health). I find I usually have no focus and by the time they are under 20% I kill most mobs with a Strike or two to build the focus. A cool change would make it hit all enemies surrounding me and have a longer timer... like a cool throw.


Maybe I am not using some of my skills correctly and I am sure people will point this out. I also dont have experience playing a Inquiz so I dont know thier skills, but seriously, I should not get pasted within seconds of a fight with them.




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Really? Guardian? Really?




Sentinel needs the mobility buffs. Guardian already has force push. By the way, I want my force pull back from Shadow tanks, thanks.


Watch what he was killing. It was mostly players lower than level 50. We also don't know the amount of expertise that jedi guardian has but that also is a factor as well. A level 50 with high expertise is going to pretty dominate any other character than level 50 without any expertise. I should know, it happens all the time to me in PVP with my lower level characters against level 50s in PVP gear.

Edited by Philmors
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Now first off, I would like to say that I've been playing MMO's since I was 12, I'm now 20, and I've been raiding in top tier guilds over different Mmo's, I've always been considered, and consider myself a "Skilled" gamer. I currently am a GM of a soon to be, top raiding guild.


So I play A Sith Warrior Juggernaut, I recently got to level 50 a few days ago, And as I leveled up to my final level, I thought to myself how much fun I was going to have..And then I tried to quest on Ilum.. Big Mistake.


While leveling up I never had a problem with my class, most packs with elites and Strong mobs I rotated in my CD's as was fine, after some healing I would go to the next pack and burn them down quickly.... Then as I approached the level 40's I realized I couldn't use Vette anymore.. Okay, so I switched to my healer companion and leveled to about 48, then I was magically able to use Vette again because I wasn't getting slaughtered...



Anyways, I level up to 50, finish up my planet, and I take the time to sink everything I just did in. First things first, I re-specced to immortal(tank), upgraded my mods and companions gear, work up professions, and started heading to Ilum.


I started doing the Ilum Main story quest line, and I noticed something... I'm getting slaughtered against normal mobs, Obliterated against by strong mobs, and humiliated by elites.


Alright, so I was thinking, maybe i'm approaching this "monsters" incorrectly, maybe I need to change up my rotation, So I try again, Focusing on what moves chain together.. interrupting correctly... and still nothing.. I died to a pack that had two strong mobs, even after letting my companion take the heat for a few.


So I thought that maybe it was because of my spec, I re-specced back to vengeance, and behold... the same exact thing, I get decimated.. After that, I started getting really annoyed, so I logged off for the night, and decided in the morning I would re spec Rage and try again.


Alright, so I try again, with a new revised rotation that would work with the rage build... and ..... nothing, I got killed just as fast as before, however it was slightly easier to kill what I could. but still nothing.



I asked my friend, an officer in my guild to come over and watch me as I tried to kill normal pack, he laughed over Mumble about how fast I was getting destroyed.


Two bubbles and 3 lightning attacks later, he killed everything in the area.. It left me dumbfounded, how other classes are able to easliy take out packs of normal and strong mobs with ease @ 50, and use 1/4th of the buttons.





Now I know people are going to tell me that MMO's aren't balanced , and that some classes are better than others, but, BUT, this has been an issue from Beta, and I don't see my class being buffed without any attention to Bioware.



Also, This is making me NOT want to play this game, I wanted to tank, I wanted to enjoy myself, but struggling to play my class because of its limitations is just stupid.




And I'm not re rolling two weeks into an MMO, I put over 5 in game days into this game since Its been out.



And No, I don't click, http://i.imgur.com/MJN8h.jpg


SOME Things the Warrior/Knight class could use.


- Crowd Control

- Some Sort of in-combat healing, maybe dump rage to heal, or lower our damage to heal, Just something.

- More offensive burst

- Higher overall Damage

- Extra passive Endurance / Armor



I want to play a Warrior, not a piece of tissue paper.





Pure warriors should never have heals. It is what ruined WoW, dumbing down classes like that. If you want a heal, pick up biochem.

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I agree i play a Jedi Guardian and its so weak, bioware take note NOW and fix this, you have 3 months sub and if you do a rift then shame on you, shame on bioware and i will never give ea or bioware my money again because it seems like you dont care, this is an issue which is old from beta now and still you ignore and ignore and ignore WELL LISTEN TO US AND FIX THE DAM CLASS.


I did PVP today im lv 43 and a lower lv inquisitors were nuking me with lightning so fast it was just stressfull and not fun, i almost nearly rage quited the dam WZ because of this, i hate to say it but i cant belive i ever thought wow was unbalanced because.. bioware you ar ethe holy mother of ignorant unbalanced classes.

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I agree i play a Jedi Guardian and its so weak, bioware take note NOW and fix this, you have 3 months sub and if you do a rift then shame on you, shame on bioware and i will never give ea or bioware my money again because it seems like you dont care, this is an issue which is old from beta now and still you ignore and ignore and ignore WELL LISTEN TO US AND FIX THE DAM CLASS.


I did PVP today im lv 43 and a lower lv inquisitors were nuking me with lightning so fast it was just stressfull and not fun, i almost nearly rage quited the dam WZ because of this, i hate to say it but i cant belive i ever thought wow was unbalanced because.. bioware you ar ethe holy mother of ignorant unbalanced classes.


Hate to say it, but raging on the forum about quitting and demanding fixes won't garner you any attention or respect. Changes take time, lots of internal testing and balancing. Demanding changes NOW does absolutely nothing.


I find it funny how these forums are just like the WoW forums. So many people feeling entitled and believing they have all the answers.

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I'm a 50 Immortal spec Juggernaut and do both PvP and PvE, my character has the 2pc tier 1 PvP set and assorted epics and I tank fine, but my incoming damage is quite large and my output is quite low (yes, I'm gearing correctly and using my abilities in the proper order). I compare this with my 46 assassin who is also questing on Voss and taking less damage and outputting a larger amount of damage (the assassin is also tank spec).


I'm all for a challenge, but the disparity between these 2 tank specs is just not quite right, and while I have heard that powertech is well above the guardian and juggernaut I have not experienced it first hand by playing one yet, that is coming after I finish the assassin.



I leveled a tank spec Jugg to 50 got some gear , tank fine but the damage output is low and the damage incoming "feels" a little high.


Also in the process of leveling a tank assassin (currently at 46) and is doing more damage with quite low gear and doesn't seem to be taking the larger amount of incoming damage.

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I didn't bother to read the entire thread but I just wanted to provide my opinion based on experiences.



The stuff on Illum is way harder then everything leading up to it. Even my Concealment Operative who had been breezeing through content from 36 to 50 had a pause when venturing to Illum for the first time. It was a shock and I had to adapt and adjust for it a bit.


Now I am full Champ geared and it is cake again.

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Hate to say it, but raging on the forum about quitting and demanding fixes won't garner you any attention or respect. Changes take time, lots of internal testing and balancing. Demanding changes NOW does absolutely nothing.


I find it funny how these forums are just like the WoW forums. So many people feeling entitled and believing they have all the answers.


ok mr fanboi you see your the problem, the fact is they have had over 2 million testers in beta and have tested this game for millions of hours, the fact its still not fixed is bioware incompitance... rift rolled out class balances every few days at one point, and people will quit if they are unhappy with how poorly developed a game is, age of conan for example, sure its fixed now but its wounded so badly it will never be big or popular again. I played mortal online so i know how bad a game can be trust me, play mortal online...

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Someone mentioned that constructive posts might be helpful, so here's my view on the matter:


First of all, I don't have enough in-depth understanding of the different classes to say anything for certain, but my impression so far is that crowd-control is easily available to pretty much all classes, but pretty much everyone only have one anti-CC ability and it has a long cooldown and doesn't offer any decent immunity.


I play a Jedi Sage with ranged damage specialization, so even though being rooted and snared means melee will kill me a lot easier, I can still do damage back because my abilities are ranged. On the other hand, I have so many roots / snare / stun opportunities available throughout a fight that melee classes very often end up being in range only a fraction of the time. Obviously, if they were always able to get in range all the time then I'd die all the time because they definitely do kill me if given half a chance, but maybe it's too easy for me to keep them at range right now compared to how much more damage they do when they get close.


While I feel it is very important that RDPS are able to avoid MDPS, otherwise you very quickly end up with a class rock-scissors-paper, it might be a little too easy for the time being. There's certainly a lot of crowd control available to us right now, and while this is good because it makes the game a lot more interesting and requires more cunning during battle, I think that it's a little too difficult for melee classes to stay in range due to the heavy presence of crowd-control.


It's naturally very hard to come up with a solution here that doesn't **** either archetype, I have the impression that Shadows do decent due force pull and slow, but on my Guardian alt I haven't really seen much of this. Like some guys mentioned, I don't think making Force Push clear the Leap cooldown is a very good solution. If anything manages to get a decent range from you and keeps moving, pushing them away is too likely to put them out of your range, also the "stun" effect of the two abilities have no synergy if used on top of eachother, so that's a loss. Would possibly a better option be to let Force Leap have a small CC immunity, say 3-5 seconds? This basically means that if anyone being Force Leaped panics and spam their CC on you the instant they get rid of the stun, then they've ****ed up meaningfully (it would have no effect) and it gives you a better chance to kill them. On the other hand, if they keep their cool, then you have at least 2-3 abilities you can get off before the can get rid of you, which means that it could be possible to build some offensive cycles around your Force Leap cooldown.


I think that would be pretty good, but probably not "devastating" in any respect, which makes it a small change for the better as part of an ongoing effort to carefully improvee the class without upsetting the "balance" too much.


Anyways, this could be entirely off the mark, but it's a suggestion and some food for afterthought. Hope you enjoy it ;)


- K'Thuun Ombooso

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