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Top 5 swtor companions


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1. Jessa dark side - who doesn't love an insane sith (though her choice of appearance leave a lot to be desired)

2. Blizz - funniest of the lot

3. Ensign Temple - just a lovely imperial

4.Guss Tuno - so funny

5. Andronikos Revel - really under valued

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In no particular order


- Vette (for character personality / model / voice acting)

- Kira (for character personality / model / voice acting)

- Kaliyo (for character personality / model / voice acting)

- Blizz (for being a Jawa)

- Treek (mainly for utility, the constant Ewok noises get really, really, really old and the story wasn't anything to write home about)

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Kira's my favorite just because hers feels like the most fully fleshed out companion story - I mean, you absolutely CANNOT advance your own story without getting at least a little of it. I get the impression from what's left of her story that they intended to have that kind of involvement for all companions, and it's a cryin' shame that they didn't.
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Kira's my favorite just because hers feels like the most fully fleshed out companion story - I mean, you absolutely CANNOT advance your own story without getting at least a little of it. I get the impression from what's left of her story that they intended to have that kind of involvement for all companions, and it's a cryin' shame that they didn't.



That stuff was made available, a while back, on the usual place. It was a joy to check it out. ;)


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1. Kaylio (She's hilarious, especially when she's rude to someone.)

2. Skadge (He just fits my personality, tough brute that doesent take ***** from anyone, really love him.)

3. Xalek (Awesome guy, that wants to fight and honor his master till his last breath)

4. Torian (Cuzz he's hot :3)

5. Yuun (Cuzz he's cute and talks funny/cute)

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1. Kaylio (She's hilarious, especially when she's rude to someone.)

2. Skadge (He just fits my personality, tough brute that doesent take ***** from anyone, really love him.)

3. Xalek (Awesome guy, that wants to fight and honor his master till his last breath)

4. Torian (Cuzz he's hot :3)

5. Yuun (Cuzz he's cute and talks funny/cute)

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1. Blizz - the reason I made a bounty hunter

2. Talos - the only Inquisitor companion I really adored.

3. Gault - loved his story

4. Vette - my poor sith lady needed a friend

5. Scourge - his voice, his story, & the fact he somewhat negated my jedi's (male, can't endure female's voice) painfully pompous nature.


Quinn got bumped off the list for "stuff," (rather than spoiler tags, which I forget...) but he *was* funny, & his letters are great. - There should have been a Scourge romance option.


If there's a bottom 5, it would be entirely filled up by Tharan. I'd like to hire Skadge to stomp him and his stupid Holo-girl.


I'm also thankful for Treek, because it means I could re-level my agent without despising my companions. Kaliyo wore thin by Balmorra, & though I liked Vector fine, I just found his story depressing. I wasn't utterly convinced by the weird-eyed bug commune-is-good story, I guess. And I liked Khem, but seeing -1 all the time gets old.

Edited by Aelflaed
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1. Mako - First companion i got and beeing a kickass healer way back when.

2. T7-01 Because who doesent like such a spirited droid.

3. HK-51. For his remarks, his personality and his damage potential.

4. M1-4x For same reasons as HK.

5. Blizz - The biggest little jawa in the world.


Runner up: Treek - For her ingame capabilities. (If she had another voice/muted shed be much higher)

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I like revisiting this because it changes over time depending on what class I'm playing. lol


So.. for me.


1. Kira. Great story woven into chapter 1. I like the sassy one liners too.

2. Kaliyo. She may have the best one liners and is may have more dialogue in cut-scenes then any other comp.

3. Khem. Great tank for early levels and love the "eat him Khem" dialogue option you get every once in a while.

4. Gus. Hilarious if you listen to what he says. lol

5. Mako. Great heals and a great voice. I always smile at the "try to be more careful" comment given that you are a BH.

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1) Nadia Grell - Kira is cool and all but she isnt really your apprentice, Nadia is a proper Apprentice (if you dont woohoo her) she seems so curious about the force and has a very padawan nature she is what i see as someone who is just coming into her true potential as a Jedi.

2) Doc - hes the Bro you want on your side my Knight doesn't need him to survive battles but he likes having him there cause hes just so cool.

3) HK-51 - Hes HK there is nothing more to be said.

4) Bowdaar - While i do wish he was a blaster rifle comp hes still my Smugglers go to guy, theres a reason Chewie is cool and Bowdaar is just as ace.

5) Gault - [Avatar gets shot and falls to the ground] "Gault: Holy-hey! If you want me to steal your ship and run just lie still and don't move...." this and the other one liners had me sold.

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1. Khem Val: A great meat shield that occasionally tries to display a sense of humor. Always ready to eat.


2. Jaesa-Dark: Pure insanity.


3. Lokin: He's pretty much on the same page as my character.


4. Aric Jorgen: I feel bad for this digital toon. He got screwed so I threw him a bone and gave him a promotion.


5. Bowdaar: Who wouldn't want a wookie companion?

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Honorable mention for me goes to Treek. No story and the dialogue is... not really relevant, but damn she can tank. And on top of that she heals herself and you a little as she goes. For running dailies, just give me Treek! Edited by Rafaman
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1. Dark Jaesa-best dps loves killing

2. khem val-best tank want to devour souls

3. hk-47-i love being called a meat bag lol

4. ashara-wish i can just turn her to the dark side

5. mission vao-just interesting:(

Edited by Moonnight
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1. HK-51 (All the HK units tbh)

2. Risha (Heir to criminal fortunes and witty queen)

3. Ensign Temple (Force-Sensitive Chiss Ascendancy transfer)

4. Lord Scourge (former Emperor's Wrath turned... neutral guy who really doesn't want to die)

5. Torian (fellow Mandalorian)

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1. Gault – I find him absolutely hilarious, love hearing what he has to say in cut scenes.

2. Talos – I approve of his adorable geekiness! :o

3. Scourge – Awesome back story and he and my DS JK are a match made in heaven.

4. Kaliyo – Has some great dialogue.

5. Vector - Seemed the "most" alien to me which I liked and I also adored the romance.

Edited by BlueShiftRecall
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1 - SCORPIO (Imperial Agent): Methodical, cruel and an expert killing machine."Do not anger me unnecessarily."

2 - Kira Carsen (Jedi Knight): "Eat lightsaber, jerk!"

3- Khem Val (Sith Inquisitior): "I have a great sabacc face. That was a joke. I hate sabacc."

4- Nadia Grell (Jedi Consular): ""Um. You know that stone I've been practicing my levitation on? I sort of… exploded it."

5 - Gault (Bounty Hunter): "I need a medic and a drink!"


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1. Kaliyo (funny cool)

2. Guss Tuno (funny goofy)

3. HK-51 (funny cool)

4. Khem Val (just looks ******)

5. Vette (hey it's Mission Vao from KOTOR)


Everyone is entitled to an opinion but I am violently disgusted Kaliyo got #1, I despise her.

That said, my list is probably:

1.Torian. He was my brother in blood and honor, and he always approved of my choices.

2.Talos Drellik. He has to be my favorite dork in video gaming.

3. Vette. She was funny and I got to shock her, 'nuff said.

4.Akaavi Spar. She was cool and she didn't mince words, her personality was a nice counter to my smuggler's.

5.Khem. My loyal bodyguard who put up with you know who for my sake, and as you said he just looks cool.

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