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Bought 2 CE copies of game , subbed for 2 6 monthes subs, wont run 2 games?


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Yea... I've never had a positive experience with "mulit-boxers". I personally don't see the point of it, and the first thought that comes to mind when someone does it is either they're going to:


1. Level up multiple characters side by side, either to sell, farm gold (which could be sold), or dominate the crafting/gathering market.


2. Stomp in WZs (damn 4 box ele shamans in WoW, not even funny, and he was in my guild). These guys made BGs in WoW no fun (admittedly, they were semi-rare), as they were generally fully PvP geared (before rated BGs).


3. Possibly legitimately level separate chars for themselves, to be used by the owner only, for end game raiding/PvP. Though why they would want to do this is beyond me, raiding was fun and all, but not fun enough (for me) to want to run several times a week.


In either case, multi-boxing puts a sour taste in my mouth. I realize that it's not necessarily against the rules, but at the same time I wouldn't feel as though I were "earning light side points". I think if people really want to level multiple chars, they should do it like the VAST majority of players do. This is all just my opinion though, I wouldn't mind more insight on why people multi- box.

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WoW allows multiboxing after several years of request.


The problem with multiboxing, is that most of the time people would use a third party program to multibox.


For instance: If I hit 1 on my Trooper, it will use an attack. But at the same time, 1 would heal my trooper from my healer.


For more advanced example: I can hit say 2 but nothing happens on my Trooper, but pressing 2 heals on my healer.


But, for most of the time, people can follow each other and heal when need by switching monitors/client to heal.


But, follow is broken right now.

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I am guessing you are fairly new to MMOs. Many people buy an additional copy of the game or many more copies of a game to dual-box or multi-box.


Many? A very, very small minority dual- or multiboxes.


To OP: I have no sympathy for you. I've been on the receiving end of multiboxers in several MMORPGs, and I find it really annoying to run into 4,5,6 synchronized characters hitting you all at the same time. It serves you right if you wasted your money, and it gives me satisfaction that you feel some frustration. What goes around, comes around.


I bet Bioware makes it their top priority to allow the very small minority of multiboxers to run the game multiple times on their desktop simultaneously. Just imagine all the billions they would make off the few multiboxers.. and all the other "trivial" issues can wait.


Beware of the sarcasm.

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I feel the OP's pain- I bought 7 copies of the CE to play on my $22,000 computer running 5 3-D monitors... No worky. I even drove 3 of my $450,000 Ferraris to 4 Best Buy's to interface with 30 Geek Squad dudes to assist me. No go. What gives BioWare?!


I would think that if I throw enough money and power at something, it should just work the way I want it to.



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When I played Everquest 1 I multi boxed for several years. I played Ranger class in a top tiered raiding guild. I decided to level up a second box as a Druid (heal type class). Playing a second box was challenging and brought something new to a game I had been playing for five years.


By having two characters I was able to "solo" several minor quests. Additionally when guild members needed to get something done much of the time I could just log my box and help push them through whatever they needed (quests or keying for raiding zones).


If our raid ended up short on players for some reason I could log the box and help out heals.


There are tons of benefits in having a second box to play. That said the way TOR works with no auto attack playing a second box becomes much less appealing to me. It could work if you played both tank and healer but even then you would need to make sure anyone you grouped with was careful not to pull aggro.

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I feel the OP's pain- I bought 7 copies of the CE to play on my $22,000 computer running 5 3-D monitors... No worky. I even drove 3 of my $450,000 Ferraris to 4 Best Buy's to interface with 30 Geek Squad dudes to assist me. No go. What gives BioWare?!


I would think that if I throw enough money and power at something, it should just work the way I want it to.




I lol'd

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I feel the OP's pain- I bought 7 copies of the CE to play on my $22,000 computer running 5 3-D monitors... No worky. I even drove 3 of my $450,000 Ferraris to 4 Best Buy's to interface with 30 Geek Squad dudes to assist me. No go. What gives BioWare?!


I would think that if I throw enough money and power at something, it should just work the way I want it to.






I agree. The thread is more about showing off the OP's ability to pay too much money for computers than asking about multiboxing.

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i looked at the memory usage today on my laptop for SWTOR and it came to almost 2 gig of memory used. check you specs. sometimes games require a change in settings to run two clients at the same time. you may have to install the second copy to a separate directory to make sure no problems. :) I will get my second, and use my other desktop for the second account and friends.


Darth Feki

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I really think the OP is trolling, lying, or his parents paid for everything. How can you have such terrible grammar and be even remotely capable of building a decent rig. Not to mention his "gaming" laptop. Anyone with a brain knows that there is no such thing. Edited by WarTornPanda
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God people are *********** stupid, really. Multiboxing is a common theme across the gamut of MMOs. Everyone just likes to respond in the most negative, condescending way they can find.



There is no reason not to allow multiple instances of the game client to run, unless they specifically want to stamp out multiboxing. That would be perfectly fine if it is their stance, but let Bioware tell him that and get of your soapboxes.

Edited by Delekii
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honestly this isnt a high prioity and i thought i saw a post before release that multi-boxing wasnt supported in TOR.


either way its not really a high priority and to be honest i think they shoudnt allow it as it could be used for credit farmers or some sort.

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English is 5 language,


I love it when americans, most of who barely speak 1 language and can barely read and write, those comment.


Then us Euros who speak 5-6 languages level 5 fluent, im almost 50 years old with twin daughters in medical school.


I dont claim in any post to write english level 5 fluent, its waste of time, when speak other 5 level 5 fluent as well as read and write.


My 3 Video cards are Nvida 595 GTX cards 3 gig each, I-7 Extreme Six core Cpu 5.7 gig Hz, Liquid cooled, dual solid state drives with OS and MMOs on them, dual sata 2 drives, dual blue ray burners, 24 gig of DDR5 Courseair Ram most expensive ram and great for overclocking, Asus Motherboard , Window 7 64 Prof, dual 60 inch Leds.



the Video cards are 800 dollars each times 3 so 2400 plus tax right their.



I always laugh, as I since my wife and daughters game when they have time, we usally upgrade our gameing desktops fully every 6-7 monthes max, and gameing laptops about every 9-10 monthes max , as even worse then cars is, fact that Technology is here today you can have best and next day their is better.



But I laugh for any MMOs, since those are favorite games to play along with Rpgs like Skrim which we havent had time to play since being in beta in this, but thats good cause they have it all patched up and with expansion coming time we can, and alot mods must have mods.


But when their some Idiot complaining on tech support that his 3rd world pc that is dell lol, dell= is joke as are all best buy pcs, power supply alone is usally 300 watt, 1 slot for pci express max, but you guys complain that for this MMO or rpg that cant run game even on lowest setting then tell me have 4 gig of ram I, just cry for you cause thats patheic in 2012.


Some you that ***** dont mean just this game, that your machine is crap only have 4 gigs of ram and nvida 8800 card, im not sure to cry for you or laugh.


Thats like usally 2400 baud modem or 286 pc or commdore 64, or commdore amiga to play games.


Here is Pro Tip if speak alot of languages and have 3 college degrees, Includeing Law Degree in Software Patent Law, then wont have to be MGR for shoe store or sell cell phone or work at taco bell for rest of you life and buying patheic best buy, comp usa computers or dells.


thats is all.


and im Russian have dual citzenship.

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Why would you do this? What do you gain from playing two copies at the same time, unless you have someone else that's playing... and even then, why don't they have their own computer.


I highly doubt ANYONE but you is trying to do this and personally the concept has never even entered my mind...




Plays 6 accounts. And he wasn't the only one that did this.


Even more extreme...36.



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English is 5 language,


I love it when americans, most of who barely speak 1 language and can barely read and write, those comment.


Then us Euros who speak 5-6 languages level 5 fluent, im almost 50 years old with twin daughters in medical school.


I dont claim in any post to write english level 5 fluent, its waste of time, when speak other 5 level 5 fluent as well as read and write.


My 3 Video cards are Nvida 595 GTX cards 3 gig each, I-7 Extreme Six core Cpu 5.7 gig Hz, Liquid cooled, dual solid state drives with OS and MMOs on them, dual sata 2 drives, dual blue ray burners, 24 gig of DDR5 Courseair Ram most expensive ram and great for overclocking, Asus Motherboard , Window 7 64 Prof, dual 60 inch Leds.



the Video cards are 800 dollars each times 3 so 2400 plus tax right their.



I always laugh, as I since my wife and daughters game when they have time, we usally upgrade our gameing desktops fully every 6-7 monthes max, and gameing laptops about every 9-10 monthes max , as even worse then cars is, fact that Technology is here today you can have best and next day their is better.



But I laugh for any MMOs, since those are favorite games to play along with Rpgs like Skrim which we havent had time to play since being in beta in this, but thats good cause they have it all patched up and with expansion coming time we can, and alot mods must have mods.


But when their some Idiot complaining on tech support that his 3rd world pc that is dell lol, dell= is joke as are all best buy pcs, power supply alone is usally 300 watt, 1 slot for pci express max, but you guys complain that for this MMO or rpg that cant run game even on lowest setting then tell me have 4 gig of ram I, just cry for you cause thats patheic in 2012.


Some you that ***** dont mean just this game, that your machine is crap only have 4 gigs of ram and nvida 8800 card, im not sure to cry for you or laugh.


Thats like usally 2400 baud modem or 286 pc or commdore 64, or commdore amiga to play games.


Here is Pro Tip if speak alot of languages and have 3 college degrees, Includeing Law Degree in Software Patent Law, then wont have to be MGR for shoe store or sell cell phone or work at taco bell for rest of you life and buying patheic best buy, comp usa computers or dells.


thats is all.


and im Russian have dual citzenship.


kid please.

Courseair ram. seriously?

I don't care if you know 250 languages, it's spelled Corsair in every one of them.

You say you're European then you say you're from Russia then you say college like an American. no one gives a fuyck about your med school, your kids, your ****** college degrees, that you can get the seniors discount at Denny's, or your dual blue ray burner thing

**** troll

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The OP might come from a different game (e.g. Galaxies) where it was really a valid thing to have multiple accounts due to certain limitations, as you could only have 2 (max 3) characters per server.

Given, that SWG had crafting and buffing (entertainers, buffing medics) abilities and a lot of macros and console commands you could "abuse", a second character in tow was definitely worth it.


Since you can have 8 characters per server in SWTOR and have none of the crafting/buffing classes, there is no real need to have multiple accounts. However, if you want to have each advanced class of each profession on one server, you need to have two accounts :-).


So, there are not many but a few reasons to have at least two accounts.

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kid please.

Courseair ram. seriously?

I don't care if you know 250 languages, it's spelled Corsair in every one of them.

You say you're European then you say you're from Russia then you say college like an American. no one gives a fuyck about your med school, your kids, your ****** college degrees, that you can get the seniors discount at Denny's, or your dual blue ray burner thing

**** troll




*message is too short*

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The OP might come from a different game (e.g. Galaxies) where it was really a valid thing to have multiple accounts due to certain limitations, as you could only have 2 (max 3) characters per server.

Given, that SWG had crafting and buffing (entertainers, buffing medics) abilities and a lot of macros and console commands you could "abuse", a second character in tow was definitely worth it.


Since you can have 8 characters per server in SWTOR and have none of the crafting/buffing classes, there is no real need to have multiple accounts. However, if you want to have each advanced class of each profession on one server, you need to have two accounts :-).


So, there are not many but a few reasons to have at least two accounts.

You confuse multiboxing with something else. Multiboxing is when you play more than one account simultaneously. Its not something you do to get more character slots.

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If this is true, they should indeed fix this.

ALOT of people use Multiple accounts, just look at WoW. Most people use 2-3-5 acc's.


BioWare what's wrong? Don't want moneys ? :p


BioWare fix this, some people like to play like this, let them.

Edited by Tiriensoul
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Actually I care. WoW allows me to play dual clients on different accounts on the same computer. This is a basic functionality that MMOs provide and Bioware does need to take this request seriously.




Dualboxing is something alot of people do.

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