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60 Second STUN Immunity - #1 Priority FIX. NOW.


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IF something has to be done, it's an overhaul of the resolve system. Every Stun should fill your bar 3/4 minimum and you should be immune to all forms of CC when white barred. Including slows, roots and knockbacks.

But a flat 60 sec immunity? That's just to much.

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And judging by your response I'm going to say that 90% of that applies to you. I wonder what would become of all the little l33t kiddies if they couldn't stun over and over and over and over and over and use macros and trade wins with each other? Yeah...
that escalated quickly

Also, my Merc has two stuns, a snare and a knockback. Just saying. I didn't say remove them. I said.


1.) All stuns should break on damage.

2.) 60 Second immunity.

beta for this game ended a while ago...yknow...where this "demand" belongs. Edited by Pagy
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that escalated quickly


Considering the first four posts were all trolls who fear for their lives that their favorite cheat will be taken away I would agree. Stuns in PvP are silly. They need changed.

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Considering the first four posts were all trolls who fear for their lives that their favorite cheat will be taken away I would agree. Stuns in PvP are silly. They need changed.


Not one person has agreed with your suggestions, and there are only two posts suggesting/implying that there is anything wrong with the entire system.

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Just look at this title:


60 Second STUN Immunity - #1 Priority FIX. NOW.


Dude, who do you think you are? Do you think anyone in their right mind, including devs, would even respond to such a demanding tone? You know what the response is, and it's not even printable here.

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Considering the first four posts were all trolls who fear for their lives that their favorite cheat will be taken away I would agree. Stuns in PvP are silly. They need changed.


It really pains me to argue this (after the whole definition of scam debacle) but you really might want to go look up what cheat means...


Changing the way stuns work in SWTOR is the #1 priority of this game right now.


I also really might want to stop falling for trolls. I'm addicted and I can't stop.

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Changing the way stuns work in SWTOR is the #1 priority of this game right now.


If you're complaining about stuns then you're one of the following;


-> One of the people who instantly spams their CC break the moment it lights up, whether it be a CC, root, or a slow

-> Just an unskilled player who chooses to use CC as the outlet for his anger for getting rolled

-> Hopelessly ignorant of how the CC/resolve system works in this game

-> A combination of the above


So, which is it?

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Nothing is more important to PvP right now than addressing stuns. How many times have we seen "class balance"? How many times has it worked?




It has NEVER worked. That is why we are STILL seeing updates to class balance.




Stuns need to be fixed now.

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If you're complaining about stuns then you're one of the following;


-> One of the people who instantly spams their CC break the moment it lights up, whether it be a CC, root, or a slow

-> Just an unskilled player who chooses to use CC as the outlet for his anger for getting rolled

-> Hopelessly ignorant of how the CC/resolve system works in this game

-> A combination of the above


So, which is it?


I'm quoting someone else here :


This is a list of rules I came up with based on my long experience with the PvP forums, the purpose of this is list is to help forumers determine what class other forumers play. Note that this list is not comprehensive.


> If they think AP PT is the most overpowered class in the game bar none and believe commandos are more than viable because of E-net. --> They are a Sorc


> If they like to make frequent comparisons involving concealment operatives --> They are a Deception Assassin.


> If they like to complain about all ranged classes + PTs --> They are one of the warrior AC, most likely a marauder


> If they believe that high DPS/burst can/is compensated balance wise by low survivability --> They are a AP PT.


> If they constantly complain about solo ranked --> They play either a DPS merc or a Sniper.


> If they think they are hot sh*t and everyone else is just bads --> They play a post 2.8 Madness/Hatred assassin

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Nothing is more important to PvP right now than addressing stuns. How many times have we seen "class balance"? How many times has it worked?




It has NEVER worked. That is why we are STILL seeing updates to class balance.




Stuns need to be fixed now.


Spoiler alert, CC is fine.

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1.) All stuns should break on damage.

2.) Being stunned should give you a 60 second IMMUNITY to stuns.


Thank you in advance for making this change.


10/10 to OP and ignore all the people that say this is not what is needed in a patch mid week. seriously devs get a clue.

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War Zones are already all but unplayable. Between the little kids with their macros and speed hacks and the terrible lag we also are made to endure being stunned 80% of the time.


Do the right thing here. Make the changes that need to be made.


1.) All stuns should break on damage.

2.) Being stunned should give you a 60 second IMMUNITY to stuns.

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War Zones are already all but unplayable. Between the little kids with their macros and speed hacks and the terrible lag we also are made to endure being stunned 80% of the time.


Do the right thing here. Make the changes that need to be made.


1.) All stuns should break on damage.

2.) Being stunned should give you a 60 second IMMUNITY to stuns.


Not sure if troll or hopelessly bad.

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PoT5 and the other "PvP" servers are consistently the LOWEST populated servers. This is a FACT. Proof that almost NOBODY likes playing freeze tag while walking through mud at 5 FPS. If you won't stop the win trading and lag switches please at least address stuns. Your PvP is a JOKE. Please do something about it.


1.) All stuns should break on damage.

2.) Being stunned should give you a 60 second IMMUNITY to stuns.

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1.) All stuns should break on damage.

2.) Being stunned should give you a 60 second IMMUNITY to stuns.

I absolutely 100% support this idea. CC's have been an issue since beta and this solution would absolutely not make anything worse IMO. I have 1 CC break and 4 CC's....


I live with it how it is now, but only a complete fool thinks it's healthy for PvP to keep it this way. Nobody PvPs to not be able to control their character.


ANYTHING that lessens the impact CC's have, I will support.

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I absolutely 100% support this idea. CC's have been an issue since beta and this solution would absolutely not make anything worse IMO. I have 1 CC break and 4 CC's....


I live with it how it is now, but only a complete fool thinks it's healthy for PvP to keep it this way. Nobody PvPs to not be able to control their character.


ANYTHING that lessens the impact CC's have, I will support.


Yeah man, there is so much about PvP that's broken and/or out of their control. The one thing they can do and do NOW is to fix stuns.

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Dude, stuns are fine... They fixed the stun issue awhile ago... It's the roots and snares that are causing the most grief, especially for melee classes... It's not that big an issue for ranged

Some sort of resolve needs to be added to roots and snares... Being taken out of 20-30% of Hutt Ball match because you're spam rooted is very frustrating

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i agree in way because seeing 20sec Stuns in 4v4s is just stupid fact that some groups abuse the whole Sin thing & stunlock you for entire 20secs is rather geting BS..


wow got this bad then they changed it when they saw how bad it became & people started stacking classes with most Stuns/CC's


TOr is to point we have some classes who can CC a player and stun you up to 8secs adding in 4 of same classes which happens or even 2-3 is enuff to break a group easy.


WoW fixed it by Having set after 10secs worth stuns you had a 30secish immunity. to stop CC spamming & winning for no work


they could just make it so 3rd stun=Immune for next 16secs if they get stuned 3 more times within a min then goes to 30sec immunity & so on. or Add or edit Get out of CC ability to be used Twice in a miniute.

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Dude, stuns are fine... They fixed the stun issue awhile ago... It's the roots and snares that are causing the most grief, especially for melee classes... It's not that big an issue for ranged

Some sort of resolve needs to be added to roots and snares... Being taken out of 20-30% of Hutt Ball match because you're spam rooted is very frustrating



snares effect only one class for melee...rest are unhindered.. Jugs/Maru's can Still Leep around like mad.

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Dude, stuns are fine... They fixed the stun issue awhile ago... It's the roots and snares that are causing the most grief, especially for melee classes... It's not that big an issue for ranged

Some sort of resolve needs to be added to roots and snares... Being taken out of 20-30% of Hutt Ball match because you're spam rooted is very frustrating

I would agree with this...that's also why I think we need to use the word "CCs", not stuns. I'd love it if every CCing effect added resolve and resolve ticked down at half the pace it does now, because I believe it currently dissipates too quickly.


Curious...what would it be like if we couldn't see the other players Resolve bar? I always watch when one is ticking down, just so I can stun them again...I know how frustrating it is. If we couldn't see that bar and blew our stun/CC cooldowns on someone who had full Resolve, how much different would that be? I would love to see what kind of a difference that could make.

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