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Clicking done right


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What I find incredibly funny is how much ppl instantly focus on Ferreus clicking. Why does this matter? This is how he plays and he clearly does it well. Would he do better as a keybinder? who the f*ck cares!


At the end of the day this video was made to prove 1 single point. He clicks and he still does well. This is his preference and he is 1 of many ppl that click instead of keybind so there are many ppl that would enjoy this. I personally keybind, its how i've always played since playing an MMO. If I tried to click I would fail miserably, I wouldnt enjoy it and it wouldn't suit me. Its the exact opposite for Ferreus. This is how he has always played and he has perfected it, so much so he has just as much awareness of his surroundings as a keybinder does. He has memorised where his abilities are so this leaves him to be able to click without taking his eyes off the fight itself. I for one could not do this and I personally (my own opinion) think that this takes a lot of skill.

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What I find incredibly funny is how much ppl instantly focus on Ferreus clicking. Why does this matter? This is how he plays and he clearly does it well. Would he do better as a keybinder? who the f*ck cares!


At the end of the day this video was made to prove 1 single point. He clicks and he still does well. This is his preference and he is 1 of many ppl that click instead of keybind so there are many ppl that would enjoy this. I personally keybind, its how i've always played since playing an MMO. If I tried to click I would fail miserably, I wouldnt enjoy it and it wouldn't suit me. Its the exact opposite for Ferreus. This is how he has always played and he has perfected it, so much so he has just as much awareness of his surroundings as a keybinder does. He has memorised where his abilities are so this leaves him to be able to click without taking his eyes off the fight itself. I for one could not do this and I personally (my own opinion) think that this takes a lot of skill.


The class he's playing lends itself to faceroll playstyle. Stay back, click abilities, watch people explode under merc long range burst. It works well, especially when you have a great team and no pressure. Clicking (and mercs) suck if you have a bad team or any kind of pressure.


That doesn't make clicking viable for PVP. Try clicking and keyboard turning with a deception sin that has to maul people in the back, or a concealment op trying to backstab and remain out of a firing arc.

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The class he's playing lends itself to faceroll playstyle. Stay back, click abilities, watch people explode under merc long range burst. It works well, especially when you have a great team and no pressure. Clicking (and mercs) suck if you have a bad team or any kind of pressure.


That doesn't make clicking viable for PVP. Try clicking and keyboard turning with a deception sin that has to maul people in the back, or a concealment op trying to backstab and remain out of a firing arc.


As I said, I would be utterly ***** trying to click, focus and turn well, but its clear Ferreus can do it. I am pretty sure I have seen him play a sin and looked fine to me. Though I have never played sin so no idea really but I reckon he would still hold his own regardless. He knows his stuff and ppl should focus on the tips he can give about the actual match and not focus on the clicking.

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As I said, I would be utterly ***** trying to click, focus and turn well, but its clear Ferreus can do it. I am pretty sure I have seen him play a sin and looked fine to me. Though I have never played sin so no idea really but I reckon he would still hold his own regardless. He knows his stuff and ppl should focus on the tips he can give about the actual match and not focus on the clicking.


Give deception and concealment a try with clicking. You can't turn fast enough to get behind someone, especially if you're fighting another melee who knows what they are doing.


Furreus knows a bit about watching objectives and playing a ranged. But the video didn't show him helplessly scrabbling and dying to a concealment op 1v1 because he couldn't turn around fast enough to keep his back away from the enemy in between stuns. Clicking is good enough for what he does in regular team play with a solid team, but in 4v4 and ranked, you really need to be a better duelist. (And I agree: TOR is not an e sport or anything - lol)


Example: I bet that healer that saved him 20 different times is a keybinder. If anything, this video is all about how an amazing key binding healer can carry av average clicker.

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Stop. Really. Your overzealous threads are plaguing the forums with misconceptions that will lead to the detriment of the confused and seeking advice.


These passive-aggressive remarks and cancerous clicking videos are in no way helpful to PvP, the community, you, or anyone else. Much the fact that a visibly grown man like yourself is throwing a temper tantrum because someone had a different opinion -- Newsflash, not everyone is going to agree with you.


Really. Stop. Please.


^ This was honestly well spoken. Very solid post sir. I had a response typed out, but this above is better and more constructive than what I originally was writing.


His regstar clicking videos will be sorely missed when he unsubs soon. He leaves behind an impressive 3+ year streak of not having a single accomplishment or achievement in the rated pvp scene in swtor.

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Give deception and concealment a try with clicking. You can't turn fast enough to get behind someone, especially if you're fighting another melee who knows what they are doing.


Furreus knows a bit about watching objectives and playing a ranged. But the video didn't show him helplessly scrabbling and dying to a concealment op 1v1 because he couldn't turn around fast enough to keep his back away from the enemy in between stuns. Clicking is good enough for what he does in regular team play with a solid team, but in 4v4 and ranked, you really need to be a better duelist. (And I agree: TOR is not an e sport or anything - lol)


Example: I bet that healer that saved him 20 different times is a keybinder. If anything, this video is all about how an amazing key binding healer can carry av average clicker.

I don't think ops need the back anymore for backblast.

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I don't give a rat's backside what you do or don't know about driving. it's an analogy. it's figurative language. you can pick apart any analogy ever made because they compare two unlike things.


It's a bad analogy, is my point.


And not the only one such in this thread, either.

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What an utterly pathetic joke:


That people get this childishly toxic and sanctimonious over what may well be the most casual-focussed, non-competitive, and carefree MMO out there, and how people they don't actually know and will almost certainly never even see in the real world play it...


Stay classy, you archetypical cliché'ed totally generic, un-memorable, mainstream MMO community.


Stay classy!

Edited by midianlord
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I think this whole debacle is pathetic.... Cause swtor is so hard that you only win at the game if you're a keybinder...

Thats such a pathetic thing to say. There are many mmo's where you should be a keybinder, no doubt. Hell, even the melee classes of swtor should keybind. But if someone cant perform equally good as keybinder and clicker on a swtor ranged class, then that person must be handicapped...


Melee classes have such low gbcs, you need to keybind so you dont waste any time and make the best out of your skills and timing.


Ranged classes have such a large gbc you can click each ability and still take a bite of your donut inbetween each click... and still perform as good as the keybinders.

(You must have offgbc stuff keybound, thats a must tho, but other than that...)


Take this debate to another game where this is actually a problem..

Edited by DanAxe
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It's a bad analogy, is my point.


And not the only one such in this thread, either.


no. it works just fine. emergency brake on while driving = hinderance to moving forward. clicking = hinderance to good game play. sorry you don't like it, but it's patently obvious. if you need an explanation, clicking prevents activation of multiple abilities at the same time, including (first and foremost) mouse turning, which is easily the quickest way to turn. so anyone who's clicking could always be moving faster...just like driving with the brakes on. I'm sorry you're some automobile aficionado who wants to argue the finer points of ebrake mechanics. that's beyond the scope of the analogy and has nothing to do with how analogies work. they're matters of taste. it didn't work for you. fine. don't tell me it didn't work -- for me -- when I say it did.

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