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Quitters in WZ's


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I am a recently returned player to SWTOR and I can say that I have enjoyed my time since I have been back alot.


But the amount of people that play in a Warzone for just a few then quit is astounding, only to see them hotjoin back into the match then leave again. I just don't understand why they would be doing this. The other ones just quit and don't return. Just play the match.


Bioware needs to put in some sort of penalty for leaving a WZ early.

Here's the thing about trying to force me to stay....I can just afk or simply not try for the remaineder of the wz. Now what are you going to do to me? :rolleyes:

Besides, I pvp almost exclusively when I log in. I play most days since I have no life. I do not see all these quitters you are talking abo.......eh, screw it.



Edited by WickedImage
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Here's the thing about trying to force me to stay....I can just afk or simply not try for the remaineder of the wz. Now what are you going to do to me? :rolleyes:

Besides, I pvp almost exclusively when I log in. I play most days since I have no life. I do not see all these quitters you are talking abo.......eh, screw it.




At least the team could vote you out if you are going to be zero help. No one is trying to force you to play, you are the one who hit the que button or your group leader did, either way you made the decision to go into the warzone.


You don't see all the quitters? I am sorry but did you just skip over the 3 pages of ghetto excuses for people not wanting to put forth an effort to get a win? It is a problem whether or not you have turned a blind eye to it or not.

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At least the team could vote you out if you are going to be zero help. No one is trying to force you to play, you are the one who hit the que button or your group leader did, either way you made the decision to go into the warzone.


You don't see all the quitters? I am sorry but did you just skip over the 3 pages of ghetto excuses for people not wanting to put forth an effort to get a win? It is a problem whether or not you have turned a blind eye to it or not.


I've yet to see anyone votekicked out of a WZ, ever.


So anything that disagrees with you is a "ghetto excuse." Yep, you're sure to convince people with that attitude.


I also suggest you read the thread again, since you mistakenly seem to think the issue is "people not wanting to put forth an effort to get a win." Sorry, try again.

Edited by HandOfKane
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At least the team could vote you out if you are going to be zero help. No one is trying to force you to play, you are the one who hit the que button or your group leader did, either way you made the decision to go into the warzone.


You don't see all the quitters? I am sorry but did you just skip over the 3 pages of ghetto excuses for people not wanting to put forth an effort to get a win? It is a problem whether or not you have turned a blind eye to it or not.


Yeah it's pretty much impossible to vote kick someone from a warzone so that really isn't a viable option. In fact, I'd venture that a lot of the quitting would cease if there was a viable vote kick option as we would be able to kick the bads instead of having to queue dodge them.

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At least the team could vote you out if you are going to be zero help. No one is trying to force you to play, you are the one who hit the que button or your group leader did, either way you made the decision to go into the warzone.


You don't see all the quitters? I am sorry but did you just skip over the 3 pages of ghetto excuses for people not wanting to put forth an effort to get a win? It is a problem whether or not you have turned a blind eye to it or not.


I have no problems with a vote kick. I do have a problem with a penalty assessed for leaving if I choose, regardless of ANY reason I find fit enough as reason to leave before its over. :)

Otherwise it should be in the EULA or shared up front somehow....before they take folks money and then punish them....for not playing "that" part of the game and choosing to do something else?

This topic was, is, and always will be a total joke each and every time it comes up.

There a hundred+ other things I'd rather see addressed in the game than this silliness. ;)

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I've yet to see anyone votekicked out of a WZ, ever.


So anything that disagrees with you is a "ghetto excuse." Yep, you're sure to convince people with that attitude.


I also suggest you read the thread again, since you mistakenly seem to think the issue is "people not wanting to put forth an effort to get a win." Sorry, try again.


Well he makes the wrong criticism. People not wanting put forth an effort period, is the problem. If you only want to play when everything is lined up for you to win, or it's your exact preferred game type, that is not cool. It's called bad sportsmanship. Now, maybe you're younger, possibly a member of a generation where they stopped tracking the scores at your soccer games for fear of wounding young egos but we're all a little worried about what that's going to do to people as they become adults and I'm seeing it all over this thread.


It's called rage-quitting kids. And it does not reflect well upon you. It robs everybody who bothered to wait and make an effort of a proper game, and it robs you of the opportunity to do a little navel-gazing after a losing match to ascertain whether maybe part of the reason you have these frustrating matches is in fact your own lack of skill or knowledge in regards to a given game. Trust me. I speak from experience. Some of it probably is. Huttball is actually fun when everybody tries. 4 DPS CAN actually win against a balanced team. And yes, people should learn how to count when there's 7 on 3 in a voidstar game when they've left a slinger to guard solo against his advice, because typing "4 inc" get's you killed at the letter 'i'.


We all have frustrating games. But I can't remember the last time I was frustrated with a game where everybody gave an honest effort, learned from mistakes and the team actually seemed to improve even if initial blunders made a loss inevitable.


So yeah, I wish I could choose games I didn't want to play, but I can't. And I wish gunslingers weren't peanut-butter brittle in the modern SWTOR PVP balance paradigm but they !@#%ing are but as much as I'm tempted to sometimes, I haven't rage-quit a game yet and I've had a lot of interesting experiences I wasn't expecting because of that.


There is no acceptable reason beyond RL intruding to quit a game. If you're unwilling to make an honest effort at all of the match-types, do the rest of us a favor and don't queue up. If you only want to play when you're going to win, don't play at all.


That said, seriously *** with all the deathmatches Bioware? Getting tired of feeding medals to IMP premades full of experienced players who know just how easy to kill my main's class/spec is right now.

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Quitting is the reasonable response to mismatches, which is the majority of pvp in this game.


And by mismatches you quite accurate has described the nature of a PUG, by rule and definition.


If anyone fails to understand this I strongly recommend to stop Q for PUG, by the simple fact that a quitter haven't reached the level of maturity or skill to deal with, not the ups 'cos ooh how a quitter want to be carried to victory, but the downs when the quitter realize he/she wont be carried.


The ultimate BAD is a quitter . . .

By the simple fact that a quitter bring nothing to the table, zero, nada, nichts, rien, niente . . .

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With many of the decent players gone, the game has 3 tiers of players. Ultra bads, bads and casuals


Bioware have done their best to attract a new breed of bads - the ultra bad and have succeeded. Too stupid to call, too stupid to even guard a node - they cap and run off, too stupid of have any kind of awareness. Yeah, like I will stay in a game with people like that!

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I've yet to see anyone votekicked out of a WZ, ever.


So anything that disagrees with you is a "ghetto excuse." Yep, you're sure to convince people with that attitude.


I also suggest you read the thread again, since you mistakenly seem to think the issue is "people not wanting to put forth an effort to get a win." Sorry, try again.


I gotta agree a bit here, a few the posts I see boil down to "if I can't have an easy win, I'm going to leave,"

"If people don't know how to play the way I want them to play, I'm going to leave,"

"if there are fresh 60's, or folks without top mods and augs who know how to juke the bolster system, I'm going to leave,"

"If the game is going less than perfect in my eye," you guessed it, "I'm going to leave".


How soon people forget the times before they became an "expert", and made mistakes in PvP, if only they had the patience that most likely others showed them, that allowed them to get the gear, play enough to learn what to do, and when to do it.


Oh, how truly terrible it must be for the WZ Heroes of today, to never make mistakes, to always be top in heals, dps, & objectives. How do they continue, day after day, season after season? It boggles the mind. Maybe they should just retire from the PvP scene, and leave the rest of us lowly peons to vainly attempt to aspire to their greatness.

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I gotta agree a bit here, a few the posts I see boil down to "if I can't have an easy win, I'm going to leave,"

"If people don't know how to play the way I want them to play, I'm going to leave,"

"if there are fresh 60's, or folks without top mods and augs who know how to juke the bolster system, I'm going to leave,"

"If the game is going less than perfect in my eye," you guessed it, "I'm going to leave".


Really? Where? Can you quote the posts that specifically state this?


I hope you're not confusing "I don't want to play with an absolute trash team" with "I want to win every game" and "I never make mistakes in a WZ." Since that would be bringing up an irrelevant strawman and would thus make your point invalid.

Edited by HandOfKane
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Well he makes the wrong criticism. People not wanting put forth an effort period, is the problem. If you only want to play when everything is lined up for you to win, or it's your exact preferred game type, that is not cool. It's called bad sportsmanship. Now, maybe you're younger, possibly a member of a generation where they stopped tracking the scores at your soccer games for fear of wounding young egos but we're all a little worried about what that's going to do to people as they become adults and I'm seeing it all over this thread.



See above post. In fact you said it yourself later on, that games where people make an honest effort are rarely frustrating. Games where your team is absolute trash is the issue.


Also nice ageism dig.

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And by mismatches you quite accurate has described the nature of a PUG, by rule and definition.


If anyone fails to understand this I strongly recommend to stop Q for PUG, by the simple fact that a quitter haven't reached the level of maturity or skill to deal with, not the ups 'cos ooh how a quitter want to be carried to victory, but the downs when the quitter realize he/she wont be carried.


The ultimate BAD is a quitter . . .

By the simple fact that a quitter bring nothing to the table, zero, nada, nichts, rien, niente . . .


Right, because the people who don't call incs, leave nodes unguarded, leave healer speced players to solo-guard nodes, don't heal teammates, etc, aren't bads and bring everything to the table.


Try again.

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A funny story regarding #3 on your list, leaving stuff un-guarded.


Couple days ago in a Hypergate match i noticed thats someone had capped and bailed on the pylon at which point i called out in ops chat asking who had done it.. i did not name names, i did not call anyone out, only put down the action in general.


The response to this was "stop crying" followed by the usual personal attacks and suggestion that i go guard it... which I did, twice, in an effort to not lose the match. somehow i became the bad guy for expecting whoever capped it to actually guard it, the horror!! what an unreasonable jerk i must be right?


On the third round i made it clear to the team i was not going to covers someone else again. That whoever capped it would have to cover it themselves. At this point i got told " so you are just going to throw a winning match"? "why dont you just leave"... i guess expecting someone to cover the pylon they cap is an unrealistic expectation that makes me a terrible person. Oh well.. i can live with that.


This is the problem with that. Who wants to cap the F***ing node then? So you do the team a solid by capping it as a HEALER cause no one else will cap it, then you are expected to guard? Or you are a tank trying to guard a healer who is being massacred in middle because A. They have no guard. B. The team won't peel for them. Yet here I am wasting my valuable time guarding a pylon for a useless team who says "Cap it guard it". Then no one cap it, cause then no one is responsible for it. If you do guard, someone else should take up the slack the next round.


This pretty much sums up guardzones...WHO the hell spends days building a character, to que up for a warzone after getting all the gear, knowledge and expertise to play such character just to sit and guard and do nothing for 10 minutes. There is no one in the world who wants to do that.


Next off when you are guarding the pylon cause everyone abandoned it and you were just resting to get some hps back. You know for a fact that you are by far the most superior dps on the team so it comes down to why am I guarding a single pylon in say civil war when my team cant even cap another? Half the time I just leave it (Especially if no one has bothered to come to me in the last 2 minutes as they are all figthing in mid) venture over to grass and cap that as well. (either empty or guarded by some random chump also abandoned). Then you try to convince your team to guard the other pylon...then someone is like "You left it unguarded" Yeah and im currently guarding ANOTHER pylon, so get out of mid, and do something useful. This is the great part...at end of round you have top dps and you spent your whole time guarding killing only 3 or 4 people who ventured to the pylon that round. Then you are wondering....WHAT were you doing in mid? Obviously not killing anything.


So yeah, "You cap it, you guard it" is just a defense mechanism players have built up in the game to push the responsibility of the guarding solely to you. That way they never look like the bad guy, and you will always look like the bad guy being aware of the playing field. They are to used to tunnel vision fighting they aren't even aware they lost until the end of the warzone.


It's a team game, realize OTHER People don't want to guard the whole warzone, swap out, on civil war the moment we get to the halfway mark I abandon the warzone. I do not care in the least if we have to slowly finish the warzone with 1 pylon. No one can moan in complain that there is one pylon and it will take forever to win because I was the one that suffered and wasted my time doing nothing, so now they can deal with the delayed time to finish the warzone.


This is the other thing that gets me. You call incoming at snow 2 or 3 cause you are sure a stealth is about, and next thing you know 6-7 teammates show up abandoning our other capped pylon. A healer at that pylon is usually going "***?" and calling out mid or grass. I usually just leave my team and head there as they all chase a guardian tank wasting away time with his cooldowns...then you look back on the map and see 6 other players trailing behind you, not ONE staying to guard. Im sorry but last one to leave is left to guard in most cases. You are to slow to anticipate the needs of other pylon you are now responsible for the one you stayed at. Granted any good team would realize the person they left behind is A. An amazing dpser, B. A healer, C. A horrible player and you wouldn't WANT them to guard. But that's getting way to far ahead.


Also here is a little tip for people who want to watch the health bar of someone guarding a pylon. Select that person and hit ALT + F That brings up a separate status bar (which can be drug around in interface editor) of that person and you can monitor it without having them targeted. This is how I monitor the health of my healer as tank, or my tank as healer, or if none the off node person. The moment I see their hps dip below 100% I know they are under attack and I will usually pan my camera to see how its going, call out, or head there myself. It feels silly when I am calling out nodes for someone at the node but sometimes you have to. It pays to be situationaly aware.


If I count 8 people on enemy team stacking up in mid, I immediatly abandon and go get their node, no matter if I am tank or healer. Capping a node with zero resistance is by far a better advantage for your team. It will result in A. Dividing their forces as they realized both side nodes have been taken and they still haven't taken a node. B. Force them to fight harder in mid while you whittle away their points. C You cap mid shortly after and after that it turns into a farming session as they desperately scrambling to get one back, or give up and just dps as they think they are facing some overpowered premade but really just got outsmarted by a pug.


So in the end just be aware of whats going on, don't leave some sap to guard the whole time, and if you do guard say in hypergate don't go back and if anyone calls you out just say "I did it last round" no one can complain about that if not they will be the bad guy imo. If you que with 3+ healers...sorry healer go guard we don't need you. Merc has stealth scan, op has stealth and sorc has double cc breaker with barrier. Not to mention heals to be able to sustain themselves while they call for support.


But yeah, I have no problems quitting a warzone if people are terrible. I know I am a good player not the best but I am well aware of my skills and if I can't carry the warzone it means more than half my team is terrible. Usually you can carry two or three players. But if they don't even follow directions and fight off node, that number decreases. On a healer it's literally like healing chickens with their heads cut off, running around with no objective in mind. Sometimes I just start dpsing and trying to cap nodes as a healer...done it quite a few times. Though it will only work if the person guarding calls out, sometimes they don't. (Works best as op healer on voidstar/hypergate honestly)

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Make no mistake. Quitting because:


* You're losing

* You don't like the game-type

* You don't like the way other people play the game


are all completely unacceptable. It only frustrates the experience further for those members of the team that are perfectly competent and trying their best to overcome whatever handicap they're up against. It's bad sportsmanship. It's selfish. It hurts the experience for everybody and it reflects poorly on you.


Because I don't quit I have learned the following:


* Odds aren't great against a balanced team in 4v4, but all-DPS CAN actually win if you play smart and they don't.

* Huttball is fun when everybody tries.

* Learning to stay alive longer against hopeless odds comes in really handy when odds are less hopeless.

* Win or lose, nothing feels better than stopping a cap or pulling one off by mere milliseconds.

* Sometimes they make mistakes and you can still win. I've seen vastly superior teams lose simply for being overly bloodthirsty.

* Tanks take note. When it's so one-sided they're being abusive, they love to go after the idiot with the party Jawa. floating around them. Makes for an excellent distraction.

* Knockback into holes/sludge/wall-of-killer-energy kills are hilarious and more than make up for every frustrating second of a hopelessly one-sided match.

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Make no mistake. Quitting because:


* You're losing

* You don't like the game-type

* You don't like the way other people play the game


are all completely unacceptable. It only frustrates the experience further for those members of the team that are perfectly competent and trying their best to overcome whatever handicap they're up against. It's bad sportsmanship. It's selfish. It hurts the experience for everybody and it reflects poorly on you.


Because I don't quit I have learned the following:


* Odds aren't great against a balanced team in 4v4, but all-DPS CAN actually win if you play smart and they don't.

* Huttball is fun when everybody tries.

* Learning to stay alive longer against hopeless odds comes in really handy when odds are less hopeless.

* Win or lose, nothing feels better than stopping a cap or pulling one off by mere milliseconds.

* Sometimes they make mistakes and you can still win. I've seen vastly superior teams lose simply for being overly bloodthirsty.

* Tanks take note. When it's so one-sided they're being abusive, they love to go after the idiot with the party Jawa. floating around them. Makes for an excellent distraction.

* Knockback into holes/sludge/wall-of-killer-energy kills are hilarious and more than make up for every frustrating second of a hopelessly one-sided match.


That's great and all until you factor in time. Sometimes you only have 30 minutes to play. You already got out of a horrible warzone only to que up to a warzone with the same people, you say enough is enough and leave. They still have that minute window to pick up other players.


The other issue is the lack of warzones. Last night I did around 7 Hypergates in arow...you get sick of it and just leave the moment you see it. There is no excuse to have to repeat that terrible warzone so many times. Im not a huge fan of quitting either but I am also here to have fun as selfish as that may sound. Im not going to be miserable for 2 hours playing the same warzone over and over. (Specially if you are getting with teams like in above example) same bad players + same bad warzone = don't want to play it anymore. You stuck around...there is nothing to learn other than one thing "DONT PLAY WITH THESE PEOPLE" As a dps or stealth you may be able to win regardless...but I play healer a lot and if you are healing braindead people...you might as well stand in a corner spamming consumption and self healing as it will have the same result.

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This is the problem with that. Who wants to cap the F***ing node then? So you do the team a solid by capping it as a HEALER cause no one else will cap it, then you are expected to guard? Or you are a tank trying to guard a healer who is being massacred in middle because A. They have no guard. B. The team won't peel for them. Yet here I am wasting my valuable time guarding a pylon for a useless team who says "Cap it guard it". Then no one cap it, cause then no one is responsible for it. If you do guard, someone else should take up the slack the next round.


This pretty much sums up guardzones...WHO the hell spends days building a character, to que up for a warzone after getting all the gear, knowledge and expertise to play such character just to sit and guard and do nothing for 10 minutes. There is no one in the world who wants to do that.


Next off when you are guarding the pylon cause everyone abandoned it and you were just resting to get some hps back. You know for a fact that you are by far the most superior dps on the team so it comes down to why am I guarding a single pylon in say civil war when my team cant even cap another? Half the time I just leave it (Especially if no one has bothered to come to me in the last 2 minutes as they are all figthing in mid) venture over to grass and cap that as well. (either empty or guarded by some random chump also abandoned). Then you try to convince your team to guard the other pylon...then someone is like "You left it unguarded" Yeah and im currently guarding ANOTHER pylon, so get out of mid, and do something useful. This is the great part...at end of round you have top dps and you spent your whole time guarding killing only 3 or 4 people who ventured to the pylon that round. Then you are wondering....WHAT were you doing in mid? Obviously not killing anything.


So yeah, "You cap it, you guard it" is just a defense mechanism players have built up in the game to push the responsibility of the guarding solely to you. That way they never look like the bad guy, and you will always look like the bad guy being aware of the playing field. They are to used to tunnel vision fighting they aren't even aware they lost until the end of the warzone.


It's a team game, realize OTHER People don't want to guard the whole warzone, swap out, on civil war the moment we get to the halfway mark I abandon the warzone. I do not care in the least if we have to slowly finish the warzone with 1 pylon. No one can moan in complain that there is one pylon and it will take forever to win because I was the one that suffered and wasted my time doing nothing, so now they can deal with the delayed time to finish the warzone.


This is the other thing that gets me. You call incoming at snow 2 or 3 cause you are sure a stealth is about, and next thing you know 6-7 teammates show up abandoning our other capped pylon. A healer at that pylon is usually going "***?" and calling out mid or grass. I usually just leave my team and head there as they all chase a guardian tank wasting away time with his cooldowns...then you look back on the map and see 6 other players trailing behind you, not ONE staying to guard. Im sorry but last one to leave is left to guard in most cases. You are to slow to anticipate the needs of other pylon you are now responsible for the one you stayed at. Granted any good team would realize the person they left behind is A. An amazing dpser, B. A healer, C. A horrible player and you wouldn't WANT them to guard. But that's getting way to far ahead.


Also here is a little tip for people who want to watch the health bar of someone guarding a pylon. Select that person and hit ALT + F That brings up a separate status bar (which can be drug around in interface editor) of that person and you can monitor it without having them targeted. This is how I monitor the health of my healer as tank, or my tank as healer, or if none the off node person. The moment I see their hps dip below 100% I know they are under attack and I will usually pan my camera to see how its going, call out, or head there myself. It feels silly when I am calling out nodes for someone at the node but sometimes you have to. It pays to be situationaly aware.


If I count 8 people on enemy team stacking up in mid, I immediatly abandon and go get their node, no matter if I am tank or healer. Capping a node with zero resistance is by far a better advantage for your team. It will result in A. Dividing their forces as they realized both side nodes have been taken and they still haven't taken a node. B. Force them to fight harder in mid while you whittle away their points. C You cap mid shortly after and after that it turns into a farming session as they desperately scrambling to get one back, or give up and just dps as they think they are facing some overpowered premade but really just got outsmarted by a pug.


So in the end just be aware of whats going on, don't leave some sap to guard the whole time, and if you do guard say in hypergate don't go back and if anyone calls you out just say "I did it last round" no one can complain about that if not they will be the bad guy imo. If you que with 3+ healers...sorry healer go guard we don't need you. Merc has stealth scan, op has stealth and sorc has double cc breaker with barrier. Not to mention heals to be able to sustain themselves while they call for support.


But yeah, I have no problems quitting a warzone if people are terrible. I know I am a good player not the best but I am well aware of my skills and if I can't carry the warzone it means more than half my team is terrible. Usually you can carry two or three players. But if they don't even follow directions and fight off node, that number decreases. On a healer it's literally like healing chickens with their heads cut off, running around with no objective in mind. Sometimes I just start dpsing and trying to cap nodes as a healer...done it quite a few times. Though it will only work if the person guarding calls out, sometimes they don't. (Works best as op healer on voidstar/hypergate honestly)


The thing is that this is objective based pvp... kills. damage.. all that means nothing in terms of win or lose. I cant tell you how many times ive been on a team with multiple guys doing 1 mil plus damage... and lost.


Someone has to cap, someone has to guard... if you are playing with people that get it there is a lot of swapping, taking turns etc... You are in with a bunch of hot dogs... its an issue. I end up doing it a lot because i play to win.. even though im one of the worst classes that should ever be guarding, but as said.... someone has to. Some classes make far better guards than others... they should know thats part of the role of their class.


i dont care about my own damage as much as i do winning. You wanna win, you play it right.. you want to stroke your e-peen, you farm damage. Yes, there is some overlap on some maps, but the objectives still matter more. i see sooo many people chasing kills away from doors on voidstar for example... looks good on the tally, but completely worthless in the grand scheme.


I like a challenge.. its one of the reasons i still play the Merc... if all you do is leave unless its just the right team, and just the right settings.. you are getting carried. Noone can carry 7 others, it isnt gonna happen.. even the best most OP player on a server isnt going to carry 7 zombies. its a team game, it isnt deathmatch.

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That's great and all until you factor in time. Sometimes you only have 30 minutes to play. You already got out of a horrible warzone only to que up to a warzone with the same people, you say enough is enough and leave. They still have that minute window to pick up other players.


The other issue is the lack of warzones. Last night I did around 7 Hypergates in arow...you get sick of it and just leave the moment you see it. There is no excuse to have to repeat that terrible warzone so many times. Im not a huge fan of quitting either but I am also here to have fun as selfish as that may sound. Im not going to be miserable for 2 hours playing the same warzone over and over. (Specially if you are getting with teams like in above example) same bad players + same bad warzone = don't want to play it anymore. You stuck around...there is nothing to learn other than one thing "DONT PLAY WITH THESE PEOPLE" As a dps or stealth you may be able to win regardless...but I play healer a lot and if you are healing braindead people...you might as well stand in a corner spamming consumption and self healing as it will have the same result.


I think anybody would let you off the hook for bailing on hypergate #7. Ick. The closest I've come to bailing myself is Game #5 of 2-3v4 against a close-to or perfectly balanced 2 DPS tank, healer team.


A better way to avoid an exceptionally crappy group though is to just wait a couple minutes. That way you'll be out of sync with their re-queues if you hit like-timed games. Or actually give a few pointers and see if they take. Sometimes they do if given in a non-abusive manner. It's actually pretty gratifying to see a team learn and improve.


e.g. "Healer advice: Doing what you can to keep yourself alive helps me keep everybody alive. Stun and CC people. Use your defensive abilities. Also you'll get medals for using PVP healing stims."

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And by mismatches you quite accurate has described the nature of a PUG, by rule and definition.


If anyone fails to understand this I strongly recommend to stop Q for PUG, by the simple fact that a quitter haven't reached the level of maturity or skill to deal with, not the ups 'cos ooh how a quitter want to be carried to victory, but the downs when the quitter realize he/she wont be carried.


The ultimate BAD is a quitter . . .

By the simple fact that a quitter bring nothing to the table, zero, nada, nichts, rien, niente . . .


First off, you should look up some of those words in the dictionary before you go stating things about a words "rule and definition" lol.


Next, that's a terrible recommendation. If you fail to see why, I recommend you stop posting.


Quitting doesn't mean you're bad....you can't really be this narrow?:rolleyes:

It can mean maaany things.

Like, "hey im frustrated that im the only one even attempting to get near the huttball and the others are off playing "duel me nub" all over the zone doing everything but the objectives. Where is the penalty for these folks? When Im on a team filled with folks jerking themselves off...I'm gonna leave. I have NO interest in suffering through 10 minutes straight of 2v5 and 1v3-7 foe each time I show up near the ball or a node. I have even less interest in someone like yourself who thinks they can tell me how and when I should play. So presumptuous and full of oneself....:o


A quitter brings nothing huh?

If it's true, they bring nothing, then by that logic they are no loss at all.....so....may as well let them leave peacefully, eh?

You said it yourself. You're losing nothing. They get to relieve their frustration by leaving the match and you get what you already had in the match with them there or not. Nothing.

Also your "skill and "maturity" argument holds no water either. The people crying about the quitters are clearly no more skilled than the quitters since they are probably sucky and why the person quit. The skilled players are on the other team usually, no?

Plus, a "mature" person like yourself wouldn't cry about quitters now would they? :rolleyes:


I would also add that when I'm on a team that's doing poorly, if I decide im staying, I'd would rather someone who is NOT staying just quit. I'd rather that happen than having to listen to them ***** all through the rest of the wz.:(

Just leave. I don't wanna hear how the whole team is "bads" or how much the team sucks. Just shut your pie hole and leave. I'll take my chances with the back fill that happens like 30 seconds after they quit. :p

These "bads" will never get better if they don't pay their dues. They don't need to be insulted along the way too.


As they are being pummeled in under 5 seconds, I'm sure it becomes more and more clear to them that the other team is much better than they are. Team mates verbally blasting them during the beating is not helping anyone except the frustrated player. Better if they just leave. :D



Last night was pugging on my tank and was running into some guild mates that were teamed up and....doing what guild mates do. I think it was Imperial bowling league? Anyways, 6 of them were on opposing team and they were playing well, dominating our team with what appeared to be little effort. Not more than 2 players on my team were of the same guild unless you count being ronin as a guild?;)

SO...everything is basically as it should be. 6 Guild mates playing together and "winning" vs Pug team thrown together randomly. We had no healers and of course they had healers. Match was going as expected under those conditions.

It appeared to me that all on my team were genuinely trying so I decided I was going to stay. BUT...then...

we'll call this person "Player No. 7" so as not upset anyone. Old #7 started to lob insults at the team about their skill, their gear, their worthiness of even q'ing, sometimes addressing someone in particular and directly saying how bad they are and how they should stop playing the game, continuing this behavior for several more minutes. Clearly this person had quit the round. They simply hadn't left yet. Why? Just leave. I don't need to know your version of how bad the team is lol. As if "they" are the only decent player on the team haha. :rolleyes:

Wouldn't you rather they just leave if they don't wanna be there?:confused:

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I am a recently returned player to SWTOR and I can say that I have enjoyed my time since I have been back alot.


But the amount of people that play in a Warzone for just a few then quit is astounding, only to see them hotjoin back into the match then leave again. I just don't understand why they would be doing this. The other ones just quit and don't return. Just play the match.


Bioware needs to put in some sort of penalty for leaving a WZ early.


if people want to leave, let them leave. If you keep people there, they will just troll, /yell, and spam how bad everyone is while standing in a corner doing nothing. Forcing people to stay doesn't force participation.


The other thing, why should decent and good pvpers be subjected to complete and total newbs. Esp at 60. Just last night, 1 scoundrel at snow successfully trolled 5 imps for about 3 minutes, then stealthed out, all 5 imps rushed to cap snow, yes all 5 clicked, no one played defense. Should good players be subjected this sort of noobbaggery? I watched this as I died in mid, tried to figure out which direction to go, and headed to snow. Granted, it could have been less time, but having 5 ppl go snow at the BEGINNING of the match, 1 headed grass, leaving 2 mid to deal with 6. I trolled for as long as I could but seeing as snow never got capped.


As I ran to snow after I died, i just had to ask, why am i here? So I left. Because the other caveat that doesn't also get mentioned a lot. If you play it out, there's a good chance you'll end up in the same queue stream as this group of newbs. Leaving got me out of that. Sure, I waited about 90 secs before I queued again, but I was much pleased with the result as I got into a much better queue stream.

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Well he makes the wrong criticism. People not wanting put forth an effort period, is the problem. If you only want to play when everything is lined up for you to win, or it's your exact preferred game type, that is not cool. It's called bad sportsmanship. Now, maybe you're younger, possibly a member of a generation where they stopped tracking the scores at your soccer games for fear of wounding young egos but we're all a little worried about what that's going to do to people as they become adults and I'm seeing it all over this thread.


It's called rage-quitting kids. And it does not reflect well upon you. It robs everybody who bothered to wait and make an effort of a proper game, and it robs you of the opportunity to do a little navel-gazing after a losing match to ascertain whether maybe part of the reason you have these frustrating matches is in fact your own lack of skill or knowledge in regards to a given game. Trust me. I speak from experience. Some of it probably is. Huttball is actually fun when everybody tries. 4 DPS CAN actually win against a balanced team. And yes, people should learn how to count when there's 7 on 3 in a voidstar game when they've left a slinger to guard solo against his advice, because typing "4 inc" get's you killed at the letter 'i'.


We all have frustrating games. But I can't remember the last time I was frustrated with a game where everybody gave an honest effort, learned from mistakes and the team actually seemed to improve even if initial blunders made a loss inevitable.


I think this shows you really don't have a real concept of pvp. Good pvpers DO WANT to put forth effort. They want to do their jobs. They want to win and like to win. Sure they like a good faceroll, but honestly, good pvpers want good competition, win or lose.


And your point about rage quitting kids, again, misses the point. In the example I gave above, 5 ppl going snow at the beginning? 5 people trying to cap it? You know from the beginning, esp in a 60 wz, you've already lost. Thus how can you realistically put forth an honest effort? You know from the beginning they are clueless. You know they won't leave because they are clueless. Thus the possibility of good reinforcements coming in to turn the tide is basically nonexistent.


The putting in a good faith effort is pointless. Don't get me wrong, if I'm playing in lowbie zones, I'll typically stay, and for the most part I do stay in most wz's. In lowbies, I use that as a teachable moment and explain and try to help, but at 60, I'd hope, especailly at this point in the life of SWTOR, that people would understand the basics of pvp, wzs, and objective based pvp, esp at 60.

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This is the problem with that. Who wants to cap the F***ing node then? So you do the team a solid by capping it as a HEALER cause no one else will cap it, then you are expected to guard? Or you are a tank trying to guard a healer who is being massacred in middle because A. They have no guard. B. The team won't peel for them. Yet here I am wasting my valuable time guarding a pylon for a useless team who says "Cap it guard it". Then no one cap it, cause then no one is responsible for it. If you do guard, someone else should take up the slack the next round.


This pretty much sums up guardzones...WHO the hell spends days building a character, to que up for a warzone after getting all the gear, knowledge and expertise to play such character just to sit and guard and do nothing for 10 minutes. There is no one in the world who wants to do that.)


I know you had a whole rant, but it's just too much, where I disagree with you is simple.


If you are guarding, guard. If your talents are going to waste, or you didn't queue, then there is this simple thing called communication. "I'm a healer, don't make me guard the pylon." "I'm the only healer here, you guys got wrecked at mid because you left your only healer to guard. Someone switch with me"


Really simple stuff can change this, but let's face it, if you don't want to communicate with your team, then you are a baddie.

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