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most noob thing youve done or seen someone do in this game. no gtn "scams" please


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if thats the worst consider yourself lucky I've seen people wearing empty orange shells trying to run flashpoints


That is customary when you run Black Talon or Esseles for example, plenty of times with experienced players. Truth be told, stats matter very little that early in the game but even so, I admit I find it a bit... silly. :o

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The tooltip for Sprint says that it increases movement speed while not in combat. I thought that meant that it turned itself off during every fight. So after every fight, I clicked on it to turn it back on.


It was a while before I realized that every other click, I was turning it off.

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Back when 50 was the cap I get into a HM FP as a healer and from the first pull the tank has no aggro. I am healing everyone except the tank. He has the right amount of HP for a Jug tank and wearing Jug armor so I am wondering what is going on. I look at his gear. He has the right armor shells for a Jug, but he has ripped out all the Str mods and replaced them with Aim mods. No defense, no shield, no absorb. Apparently he didn't want to miss........
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Until I read this thread I thought 'need' was good -- that it would only go to me if I needed it the most.


What exactly does 'greed' do then?


They're both just random number generators. The difference is what range of numbers they generate.


Need gives you top priority in the roll. It does absolutely nothing to check against your current stats or whatever else you're assuming. Everybody who clicks need will almost always roll a higher number than everybody who clicks greed. (I don't think it's 100% guaranteed but the exceptions will be very rare.) So if only one person in the group clicks need and the others have all clicked greed, the rolls are all pretty much irrelevant and that one person has just flat out taken the item away from everybody else. On the flip side, if only one person in the group clicks greed and the others have all clicked need, the greed roll is irrelevant because the odds are next to impossible that that one will come out with the winning roll. It will be a tossup between the other three which one will win the roll. (Side note: I think disassemble rolls in the same range as greed? The difference there is just that if your roll wins you will receive a unit of some material instead of the actual item.)


The idea is that the players determine for themselves if their character actually needs it (there is no automated check / no enforcement from the system) and if you know that it will be an immediate improvement for your current character you can choose "need" to get top priority in the roll. Otherwise, everybody who wants it just to vendor it or use it on a companion or whatever else can click greed and hope for the best. (Common etiquette among the community is usually that you're expected to ask the group first if you want to click need on something to use on a companion or alt. As you've probably seen, people will throw a fit about it if they see you clicking need on gear that isn't for your class.)




1.In my first two flashpoints I didn't know how to exit. So I logged out and logged back in to exit the area. I didn't know there was an exit area button.


I did something similar. I didn't try any flashpoints besides Black Talon and Esseles until after I hit 50 (when that was the cap) and I actually ended up running a lot of them for the first time in hard mode because it was just whatever group finder would put me into with the story mode and hard mode options clicked. So I was all over the place in what order I got to try them all out. Anyway, in a lot of flashpoints it's fine because they provide an obvious door at the end that you can leave through, but when I got through Athiss for the first time I was left at the end wondering where everybody else just quick traveled to and why it wouldn't let me use my quick travel. I actually ran all the way back to the start to exit that first time, but the second or third time in there the group had not had a slicer to activate the elevator at the start so I found myself unable to get out that way that time. I think that's when I finally noticed (or asked in chat and got it pointed out for me) the "exit area" button over the map. Never noticed it before that.

Edited by Muljo_Stpho
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They're both just random number generators. The difference is what range of numbers they generate.


Need gives you top priority in the roll. It does absolutely nothing to check against your current stats or whatever else you're assuming. Everybody who clicks need will almost always roll a higher number than everybody who clicks greed. (I don't think it's 100% guaranteed but the exceptions will be very rare.) So if only one person in the group clicks need and the others have all clicked greed, the rolls are all pretty much irrelevant and that one person has just flat out taken the item away from everybody else. On the flip side, if only one person in the group clicks greed and the others have all clicked need, the greed roll is irrelevant because the odds are next to impossible that that one will come out with the winning roll. It will be a tossup between the other three which one will win the roll. (Side note: I think disassemble rolls in the same range as greed? The difference there is just that if your roll wins you will receive a unit of some material instead of the actual item.



That is not how it works. If you are in a group of 8 and you and 1 other person roll need and 6 people hit greed, the item will go to either you or the other person who hit need. There will not even be a roll for those who hit greed. Whoever rolls higher wins. In the event of a tie, whoever clicked need first wins. If no one rolls need, then it rolls for everyone who clicked greed. There are no exceptions.

Edited by HelinCarnate
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This was my first MMO and my first time playing a healer. At launch I was told I need to be a healer by friends when we formed a guild. 2nd HMFP, 2nd time doing any group content. Playing with tank (friend) and two dps we picked up on fleet. Tank whispered just to follow him. We did HMFE. Shadow tank stealths and jumps on rail. I steath and jump on rail Tank falls off ledge, I follow tank off ledge. :p
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That is not how it works. If you are in a group of 8 and you and 1 other person roll need and 6 people hit greed, the item will go to either you or the other person who hit need. There will not even be a roll for those who hit greed. Whoever rolls higher wins. In the event of a tie, whoever clicked need first wins. If no one rolls need, then it rolls for everyone who clicked greed. There are no exceptions.


Maybe it works different in operations groups? Because in flashpoints I've always seen it roll numbers for both the needs and the greeds. It's just pointless for the greeds because there is very very little chance that they'll ever win a roll against a need. (Although I seem to recall seeing it happen once at some point.)


What you say about ties should be accurate though. I know I've noticed that more than a few times in conversation rolls.

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Maybe it works different in operations groups? Because in flashpoints I've always seen it roll numbers for both the needs and the greeds. It's just pointless for the greeds because there is very very little chance that they'll ever win a roll against a need. (Although I seem to recall seeing it happen once at some point.)


What you say about ties should be accurate though. I know I've noticed that more than a few times in conversation rolls.


Need always beats greed, without exception. A Need roll of 1 beats a Greed roll of 100.


You select need if the loot is significantly useful to you. You select greed if it isn't.


Need means "it's an upgrade for me, I need it to improve my gear." Greed means "if nobody else wants it, I'll take it, if only to vendor it for credits."

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Pretty much everything I did at first was extremely n00b-tastic since I'd only played single player, mostly console RPGs(and other console games) before and had never played anything like SWtOR mechanics-wise (aside from playing WoW for 1 day). I died all the time on Korriban (embarrassing to look back on since now I can do it naked and with no effort) fell off cliffs and down elevator shafts, cluelessly went around with broken equipment, only used green equipment, had no idea about mods, didn't know I could esc from a conversation to start it again if I wanted to do something different, etc...Throughout my whole learning period I never asked for help and I didn't know to look up the information online. Now I help new people whenever I can.
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People wearing green gear that has stats not for their class :eek:

There's a very brief time on the starter worlds when that's actually useful, because even if it isn't for your class, it has *some* stats on it and *some* armour value, therefore it's better than wearing nothing at all, or the starter armour, which might as well be nothing at all.


But as soon as you find something with your proper mainstat on it, you use that instead, of course.

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1.In my first two flashpoints I didn't know how to exit.


We did Mando raiders shortly after launch. Used to Black Talon asking where you wanted to go and putting us there when decided, we were at a loss as to how to leave when we finished.


After debating in vent for a few we all jumped out the hangar bay below the ships in a humerous kamikaze freefall attempt to the planet below and respawned outside...

Edited by XiamaraSimi
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years ago when i first started i was using the green gear that was provided as a reward per mission, still have them, but after about level 30 or so, the stuff would be completely useless. at one point i even used cheap white rarity stuff. as usually everything i have learned to date is all hard/bitter/good experiences and as a lone wolf i prefer it that way.
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A good mate of mine, who isn't much of a gamer but was a big fan of the KOTOR games, asked me this while we were levelling on Tython:


Where's the pause button? I need to poop.


Wish I was making this up. I really do.

Edited by GrimAce
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Watching level one Sith Warriors, running away from K'lor'slugs in the start area...


and personally...


Alone in the very early days, wandering around the Dune sea, finding a skull with dead jawa's around it.....wondering what happens if I click on it.....I found out the hard way, death was swift.

Edited by aSpitefullRetort
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My most noob moment...


Being queued for a PvP match while messing around with the outfit designer, I accepted when the queue popped, played 2 rounds of voidstar at level 60, our team won, when I saw the final results I topped the healing list with good healing numbers, and went back to messing with that outfit designer only to find out that...


I've been doing that match with seven (7) !!!!! empty orange gear items. NO STATS!!!. o_O


But the weird thing is, I didn't get plowed over every 5 seconds by enemy players, my end results were good, nothing about playing that match felt like something was wrong or off... no one noticed I was basically running around with no gear...


Its was both shameful and weird.

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Just recently I bought a hilt 192 rating from GTN for 2.3kk for my main hand weapon. But i am a Marauder and I remembered that some sabers are both mainhand and offhand. So i went and put hilt into an off-hand one, even through I had a main hand one too.

By the time I realised what an idiot I was, it was too late. The hilt binded and became offhand only. I had to buy another. Thats how I went from having 5kk to having 1kk in a space of 10 minutes.

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Likely when I vendored my Tionese and Columi sets on my Guardian Tank (first character) not realizing they'd be removed eventually, as I was in bad need of cash at the time 2.0 went live. :(


Still missing those ol'school sets, tbh. New remakes don't feel the same, I'm afraid. :o


Good thing I kept my Columi lightsaber though, I never found anything more rewarding to wield than my Tank Modded Punisher. It looks pretty good with my Eradicator set. :D


As for others, there's the riddiculous amount of times I've seen ppl in General Chat ask how to have their character use something they can't. Like a BH asking how to use a blaster rifle. Or a Juggernaut asking how to equip a double bladed lightsaber. :rolleyes:

Edited by Cox_The_Beast
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Let's see... there are a few. lol


1. Jumping around the fleet everywhere only to find out certain areas are giant chasms as I fell to my death.


2. Jumping off an elevator on Balmorra thinking I would survive.


3. On Tat, trying to run to the first outpost and not heeding the exhaustion zone warning.


4. Thinking that sneaking into and Imp base stealthed but flagged for pvp would have no consequences.


5. First time running Esseles, thinking I was a tank.


That should be good enough to start with. There was the time I wiped everyone in SnV because I fought in the city, and.. oh yeah, in KP, back in the day, I wiped a group because doing my best Sentinel imitation I attacked a cc'd mob.


Heh. I feel better now.

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Someone asked a question in Fleet GenChat, about eight people (including me) answered immediately.


Three minutes later, same question from the same person is asked on GenChat in Fleet. Turns out s/he was looking through the Other tab for Chat. I felt bad they didn't know that because we were kinda ungracious about repeating ourselves for the third and fourth time.

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Almost all of these happened on my old guardian


1- Spending all my guardian's basic comms on 60 PVE armour designed for troopers and THEN playing PVP.


2- only playing class missions until I got to level 4 and getting angry I got my butt Kicked in a level 7 mission.


3- selling an item worth 300K for 4K.


4- using my maurader as a tank...


5- activating the world boss on taris thinking "oh! Is this a Lore? AHHH! I Can fly!"

Edited by ejbsuperbat
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