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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Using a pistol = melee?


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(and if you ARE using lightsaber as a sort to actually hit people with it... I feel sorry for any group you end up with)

Thoronmir's Third SWTOR Rule: If my Sage hits something with his light saber, the group's plan has gone horribly wrong!



(It's a corollary to my Second LOTRO Rule: If my Hunter hits something with his sword, the fellowship's plan has gone horribly wrong!).


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speaking of which. sniping DEFINITELY works differently in real life from what we have in game with agents. for one, in real life, you can snipe at far FAR longer distances. you know, ong enough to actualy need to use that pretty scope that in game rifles still have. for looks
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So if someone handed you a gun, you'd use it as a melee weapon?

lololololol :D

If someone handed me a gun I'd report them to the police for illegal possession and distribution of firearms.

(and if you ARE using lightsaber as a sort to actually hit people with it... I feel sorry for any group you end up with)

I use the basic slash to finish off enemies every so often because it looks cool :( Good thing I mostly play on my own I guess.

Edited by Pscyon
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Yup my gun is officially useless... hell even sorcerers have at least two abilities in which they can use with their useless lightsaber. I am really angry about this change.


Still not meant to be used however. If a Sorc has them keybinded or in a hotbar, they're doing something wrong.

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Operatives use a Blasterrifle, and they certainly aren't ranged.



Seriously PT has always been a melee since 1.0. This shouldn't be a new concept.


Exactly. Poor design is poor design, but this is not new.


3.0 would have been a perfect time to add Techstaves for Powertechs and tie the use of the weapon to abilities similar to how Assassin abilities are tied to a double bladed saber. The same with Operatives, have them running around with Vibroknives in both slots (Scatterguns for Scoundrels).


Starting out might be a little clunky, with all BHs beginning with a techstave but mercs gaining the use of 2 pistols once they choose their AC. PTs would continue on with just their techstaff. And so on and so forth.

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No, having the bulk of your attacks with ranges less than 10m makes you melee.


Are you just learning the game? New to MMOs? You might want to search around for some guides. There are a bunch of sites (Dulfy is a great place to start) that will go over some of the basics of the game and MMOs in general. One of these is understanding your class design and noting the ranges where you do the most damage. While it may seem confusing to people who haven't played video games much, the appearance of your character doesn't really dictate your damage or defense. Simply wearing huge armor doesn't guarantee that you are better protected. Simply using a rifle doesn't mean that you're a long range class.


It's confusing to inexperienced players, I know. However, if you put in a little time reading, and try to apply those lessons in game, you'll figure it out eventually.


Obviously you missed the point of his post, trolling or otherwise.

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3.0 would have been a perfect time to add Techstaves for Powertechs and tie the use of the weapon to abilities similar to how Assassin abilities are tied to a double bladed saber.


Seriously stop.


How is my Vanguard supposed to use Motar Volley, Pulse Cannon, Ion Pulse, High Impact bolt, etc with a bloody techstaff?

Heck your Hunter, you would only have your autoattack use the techstaff, so in essence you just nerfed the autoattack for no other reason than aesthetics, and you would turn VGs into clowns just for this change.


How many troopers did you see in the movies and cartoons that had techstaffs? That's right zero, nadda, zilch.


You people need to learn to separate class mechanics from weapon choice. In gaming the two are not even remotely tied to each other. Why are sages ranged when they carry a saber?

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According to you people, it is.

So if you use a sword.....what class are you then?


Vanguard, Powertech, Operative and Smuggler DPS are all Melee roles. the majority of their big damage abilities have to be completed in melee range. Only their ineffective and low damage abilities can be done at range. At best they are good movement oriented classes that have ranged and Melee abilities. Think of them as the ultimate "hybrid spec" bursty as hell and can kill you/the enemy quickly.


FYI Sages and Sorc's carry swords and are ranged classes with only 2 melee abilities... both of which suck donkey balls.

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