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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Update on Win-Trading and Griefing in Season 4


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From what I've seen and "heard", there would be a way to reduce a few griefers/traders...for they're at times basically the same thing. If upon entering an arena, your legacy name was automatically shown to all, over half the trolls would disappear instantly. What do you think some of the people were leveling alts during 12x class exp for? Sure, most wanted to try a new character, but then some were speed leveling troll alts.


Now if they start another account just for this purpose, then things become even harder to lock down. Actually it's almost impossible, hence why all this chatter about how bioware is in the process of chasing the guilty parties out of town is a joke for most people.


The real issue, which has been talked about and talked about, is the current rating system. In theory, it sounds like an effective method of calculating wins/losses against other players, but the truth is that it's a system that can easily be manipulated. For example, on two of the servers I play on that currently have troll issues, there are certain trends.


The trend that I've found is that when I see a troll on my team imperial side, there are almost always republic toons on the other. Is this just a coincidence? Regardless, there is nothing you can do to prevent people from trolling, but you can create a new rating system that doesn't punish innocent players for being unlucky. An endeavor on your part in this regard would in my opinion save the game from certain failure. People are getting fed up.


Eric Musco, you need to listen to the hundreds of posts where people have requested a new rating system that will prevent trolls from ruining other people's enjoyment of the game, and reward players for their success in a different way.

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I don't care if I get suspended for calling people out but the bastion has the most trolls I have ever seen and it's irritating as ****.


Smoochiex,Psidon,Frank'lin,Embryo,your'exwife all need to be permanently banned from the game. They have been doing this since season 1 and continue to troll ranked. Submitting tickets hasn't done anything....


I'm not gonna keep paying money just for ranked if nothing is done to these players.


And I'm sure alot of ppl feel the same way.

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Eric Musco, you need to listen to the hundreds of posts where people have requested a new rating system that will prevent trolls from ruining other people's enjoyment of the game, and reward players for their success in a different way.


I completely agree here. A new system is needed.


Another simple suggestion, and a simple rationale. Why doesn't BW do HM ops via group finder? And I understand that you already know the answer to this. Thus why do you allow it in ranked pvp?

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awasome so you are pretty much doing nothing about it. awasome bioware. the ranked pvps are so broken and all you want to do is give out warnings. these same players have been win trading and griefing since season 1. its a joke. and now all the quitters that have diminished my rating will get a warning... how bout the ban... will it be a 24 hour ban like the operation glitchers? trust me.... that taught those players only one thing.... you guys dont care and will not really punish for cheating. thanks for nothing bioware. im done with this game when my sub runs out. thanks for fixing nothing.
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I don't care if I get suspended for calling people out but the bastion has the most trolls I have ever seen and it's irritating as ****.


Smoochiex,Psidon,Frank'lin,Embryo,your'exwife all need to be permanently banned from the game. They have been doing this since season 1 and continue to troll ranked. Submitting tickets hasn't done anything....


I'm not gonna keep paying money just for ranked if nothing is done to these players.


And I'm sure alot of ppl feel the same way.



You also could mention Adadwd, and Kryptowar, but my gawd. I've only been on The Bastion for like 2 weeks and can't stand it. You say these same douchebags have been trolling since season 1??!!!

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Hey folks,


Quick update: Yesterday, players who fell in the camp of "win-trading" were notified with warnings, etc. as we already alluded to. Today, we have begun to sent out warnings and actions against those players who fall under the griefing category. Based on the severity of their griefing, actions taken against those players range from a warning all the way up to a week of suspension time.


Thanks everyone, I will keep you apprised with updates as we have them.




This makes me smile finally you guys are taking pvp a little more seriously now if only we can get some pvp content other then just new gear

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I don't care if I get suspended for calling people out but the bastion has the most trolls I have ever seen and it's irritating as ****.


Smoochiex,Psidon,Frank'lin,Embryo,your'exwife all need to be permanently banned from the game. They have been doing this since season 1 and continue to troll ranked. Submitting tickets hasn't done anything....


I'm not gonna keep paying money just for ranked if nothing is done to these players.


And I'm sure alot of ppl feel the same way.


This is so true.. and weve had some new ones of late. Seems to be thing thing now to pay friends to queue on alts and throw matches. Perhaps if the rating was an account wide thing instead of character based this might stop.

To me may be an even bigger issue as ive had far more matches decided by trolls than i have q syncs or win traders, most of which have gone against me. i think i have maybe one win from a troll on the other team but ive lost count of the losses.

Solo q is random luck in terms of what you get, it is what it is.

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This makes me smile finally you guys are taking pvp a little more seriously now if only we can get some pvp content other then just new gear


more seriously maybe.. but since there seems to be little interest to begin with it doesn't take much

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That's great news, but it still doesn't change the fact that almost every ranked player in this game wants a new rating system. One that will obviously handicap the very existence of trolls. You guys are trying to run a business over there, we understand that when dealing with Internet Warriors, the battlefield gets a bit rough.


Instead of trying to treat the symptoms of douchebaggery, create a new system that can't allow douchebags to flourish.


I agree!!! But how do you do that? Just reward winning? That would certainly work to quell the trolls, but it does nothing to address win trading.

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I agree!!! But how do you do that? Just reward winning? That would certainly work to quell the trolls, but it does nothing to address win trading.


Any system would be unable to quell 8 friends from padding their "wins" in a group scenario. If those players wanted to do that at the wee hours of the morning, they would be eventually be called on it, for the pvp communities on each server are relatively small.


For solo-que, trolls wouldn't be able to hurt other players, while in turn provide victory insurance to their "friends/employers", and there would a lot more players queing up to enjoy pvp.




I don't have a new system worked out, but I'd suggest something like this:



  • Arena victories grant both a generic rating, the same commendations, credits and a token.
  • Losing grants the normal commendations and credits we have now, but no negative rating, and no token.
  • Tokens would be used to purchase new elite gear/items/mounts that could be purchased while the season was active. This new gear would be cosmetic of course, but would completely be the most outstanding set of gear on the fleet, and there would need to be a good variety.
  • Additional End of season rewards could still go to the top players, and of course that would be up to bioware to decide what they may be.
  • The neat part about this, is that there would be daily bonus achievements that would grant extra tokens.
  • Examples of these would be "Three Consecutive wins = 5 tokens" and "Six Consecutive wins = 10 tokens".
  • In essence, the skilled players would still want to try their hardest to keep winning, for they would be able to get enough tokens to purchase the new gear(or items) from the new Elite Ranked Vendor that much quicker.
  • Earning these "Daily Consecutive Wins" would not only provide a token bonus, but also a rating bonus.




At the end of the day, if a player logs on, plays 5 matches and loses them all, well that's tough luck, but at least they can still build themselves up the next time they try, without the pressure of getting wins just to even themselves out. The players who win 5 games in a row, now have a lot of tokens, and will be able to aquire the elite items/gear quicker. Ultimately the end of the season, would still grant players rewards for total wins earned throughout the season ( 25 wins- 50 wins - 100 wins, etc), so the casual player still gets something despite being unable to achieve as many "Consecutives". Players who do get a lot of consecutive wins are granted additional titles and those players would in essence become the top ranked players(and there could be tiers for those as well).




Can you dig it?

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Any system would be unable to quell 8 friends from padding their "wins" in a group scenario. If those players wanted to do that at the wee hours of the morning, they would be eventually be called on it, for the pvp communities on each server are relatively small.


For solo-que, trolls wouldn't be able to hurt other players, while in turn provide victory insurance to their "friends/employers", and there would a lot more players queing up to enjoy pvp.




I don't have a new system worked out, but I'd suggest something like this:



  • Arena victories grant both a generic rating, the same commendations, credits and a token.
  • Losing grants the normal commendations and credits we have now, but no negative rating, and no token.
  • Tokens would be used to purchase new elite gear/items/mounts that could be purchased while the season was active. This new gear would be cosmetic of course, but would completely be the most outstanding set of gear on the fleet, and there would need to be a good variety.
  • Additional End of season rewards could still go to the top players, and of course that would be up to bioware to decide what they may be.
  • The neat part about this, is that there would be daily bonus achievements that would grant extra tokens.
  • Examples of these would be "Three Consecutive wins = 5 tokens" and "Six Consecutive wins = 10 tokens".
  • In essence, the skilled players would still want to try their hardest to keep winning, for they would be able to get enough tokens to purchase the new gear(or items) from the new Elite Ranked Vendor that much quicker.
  • Earning these "Daily Consecutive Wins" would not only provide a token bonus, but also a rating bonus.




At the end of the day, if a player logs on, plays 5 matches and loses them all, well that's tough luck, but at least they can still build themselves up the next time they try, without the pressure of getting wins just to even themselves out. The players who win 5 games in a row, now have a lot of tokens, and will be able to aquire the elite items/gear quicker. Ultimately the end of the season, would still grant players rewards for total wins earned throughout the season ( 25 wins- 50 wins - 100 wins, etc), so the casual player still gets something despite being unable to achieve as many "Consecutives". Players who do get a lot of consecutive wins are granted additional titles and those players would in essence become the top ranked players(and there could be tiers for those as well).




Can you dig it?

For being put on the spot by me, yeah...that seems very reasonable! Well done. Like you said, win trading will never be easy to prove, but a system like yours doesn't punish teams that get stuck with trolls.


I'd be fully behind a new system like this!

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win trading and trolls are two separate problems. Detecting trolls should be an order of magnitude easier than detecting win trading. The impotent actions and glacial speed of response in dealing with trolls is a joke. If they can not effectively address the trolling issue in a timely fashion I can not see how BW will ever address win trading properly.
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Why did you season 4 knowing balancing the classes was S***.


before wintrade looking for that. first start to play your game.


and throw warnings to people who try hard the soloQ.


anyway the incompetence when you keep us… it should be your new slogan.


Rip swtor.

Rip BioFail.

Edited by CrossMaria
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Why not ban gunslingers from entering ranked pvp unless they are in max gear and fully augmented. 2018 rating in 168 just don't cut it even in max gear they are squishy. While they are in cover just aoe them while they try to get out of aoe coverage stun them, they break stun and before they can escape you stun them again and they are left waiting on cooldowns and are dead in seconds.
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I don't care if I get suspended for calling people out but the bastion has the most trolls I have ever seen and it's irritating as ****.


Smoochiex,Psidon,Frank'lin,Embryo,your'exwife all need to be permanently banned from the game. They have been doing this since season 1 and continue to troll ranked. Submitting tickets hasn't done anything....


I'm not gonna keep paying money just for ranked if nothing is done to these players.


And I'm sure alot of ppl feel the same way.


Smoochiex was banned.

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Well not that easy unless they revamp the game. Here are a few 'fun times' we (my guild) got to deal with on the last event.


Example #1 - PvP Griefer opts to die. He then sees a non-pvper run by and asks for help for a rez. The non-pvper does it and gets flagged for helping a pvper. There is no way to determine if they are flagged when dead (no color in name). Toss in there his 'buddies' are in stealth and boom you flag and get a shower scene from Oz.


Example #2 - PvP Griefer stands near some mobs in stealth. non-pvper does not see the pvper (they are in stealth) and boom - splash damage and flagged. Again welcome ot the ever fun shower scenes from Oz.


Example #3 - You are using AoE to attack solo. No pvper in the area noticed - if they were you do not AoE. Then they run up and circle you. If on auto-target (good chance you are if you PvE) it will pick the pvper as the target and boom - flagged and another shower scene from Oz.


Example #4 - The blantant harasser PvPer. They will just harass and follow and circle you disturbing the game since if you do go into combat they try to get you to auto-target and get flagged. Welcome to another shower scene from Oz.


Again if I need to shift instances (I left 5 alone because of the high level of PvP flags) because of player behavior, then wouldn't that constitute griefing by some PvPers? I ran into this regardless of the server pop too - had 1 PvPer harass my group and there was 6 people listed in the instance.


To respond to a prior non-quoted response to my post:


Why did I pick this topic to reply too? Simply because PvE'ers get this crap day in and day out by PvPers during events by "less than stellar" PvPers. And it is numerous and Bioware does squat about it other than the canned "Thank you and we'll look into it" cut n paste response.


In comparison, a single yahoo opts to 'grief' the ranked pvp system and "OMG!" its "all hands on deck by Bioware!" with more posts by Eric Musco on this than he does for any other topic combined (Dev Tracker is your friend). Pretty sure Eric is a great guy, but does lead me to question what the heck is Bioware's priorities.


Finally this leads me to ask another question of if pvp was so dang popular, please explain why all the PvE servers are listed as FULL or HEAVY and all PvP servers are STANDARD or LIGHT on multiple occasions when I log in? Also why is the queue to PvP so long as well if it is so popular? I mean it must be because we have the summer of PvP last year complete with an ad campaign of people PvPing in some neighborhood.


I know there are some decent good PvPers - in fact willing to bet 80%+ are this way in that they leave people alone that are not pvping or are there to help people pvp when they choose do so. Its the 20% that are giving the rest a bad name. In fact willing to bet its the same 20% that if a non-PvPer queues up for a weekly, they are the ones that gripe, yell, and scream because the pve'er doesn't have the full deck of PvP gear and is 'throwing their game' (personal thought is if they were skilled it wouldn't matter and they are feeling the need to compensate for having hairy feet). Frankly I want to win as much as anyone else if I queue up (wins are 2x) if in PvE gear as well.





Thats the dumbest thing ive read in a while. Your ignorance is toxic to the community but Im happy in knowing that you and others like yourself are stuck playing such a boring aspect of this game.

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.. ok. I am not sure with this. But i miss some Players in the leaderbords.


I dont know the leaderboards exactly, but at least i know the top 15 Players of my class in solo Ranked. I am missing 4 of former Top 15, and no, they didnt dropped, they just disappeared.

And in the overall Top 100 of Solo Rated, i am missing sth around 20 Players... Imagination or real? Did they disappear?

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Until you fix ranked trolling (which has existed since day one this game's ranked scene) will look like a joke. You still have people without an advanced class playing in ranked and people who queue in green gear. Its truly pathetic; like seriously will you ever learn?


I got an email accusing me of win trading. I guess if you win a lot in group ranked against 8-10 different teams that means win trading?


Whatever metrics they are using fail hard. Ask any team on pot5 if Hakuna win trades.


One of the best snipers in pvp got an email saying he may have win traded? Really? Acussing your best players seems like a great way to keep the pvp scene alive! The people on you analytics team are failures. And why all of a suden did you JUST start caring about pvp? There have been win traders and trolls since season 1, its way too late.


EDIT: Oh and sending 1-2 day bans isn't gonna do much either.

Edited by shadowopsx
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Hey folks,


Quick update: Yesterday, players who fell in the camp of "win-trading" were notified with warnings, etc. as we already alluded to. Today, we have begun to sent out warnings and actions against those players who fall under the griefing category. Based on the severity of their griefing, actions taken against those players range from a warning all the way up to a week of suspension time.


Thanks everyone, I will keep you apprised with updates as we have them.




I don't mean to rush things or something, but can we have some kind of answer on the rating system thing?

I'd like to know if I can expect a better system for the enxt season because I'm not sure I want to pay to play with the current one.

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I don't mean to rush things or something, but can we have some kind of answer on the rating system thing?

I'd like to know if I can expect a better system for the enxt season because I'm not sure I want to pay to play with the current one.


Agreed. An answer to the many suggestions made about new rating/rewards systems would be greatly appreciated.

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Thank the maker. Biggest troll on The Bastion for Four seasons running. Good riddance...


That it took 4 seasons of trolling is not encouraging though.


Also, given my own experience of being wrongfully convicted of ToS violation and perma-banned by BW (reinstated when I complained and told them they wrong) I believe the claims of folks saying they have been wrongfully accused of win trading.


trolling should be so much easier to police and it is a much bigger problem than win trading (IMO) that BW should put more effort on acting quickly against trolls.


Also, win trading would not be a problem if solo queue rating were not the end-all-be-all of solo ranked. E.g. if rating merely gated you into a post season. Post season results would become the end-all-be-all of solo ranked competition, not rating. E.g. did you win the final or get to the semi-final or did you not get out of round robin group play? There is so much scope available for making a post season about skill and minimizing random issue (e.g. disconnects).


but hey, BW can't even do a PvE speed run competition so why am I expecting them do set up a ranked post season?


Well, I can always hope for challenge matches that would allow player run competitions.

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The number of toons on the LB with under 3 wins and 30 medals has decreased in the 24 hour period by ~ 2% or 266 toons (some obviously are new contestants and what not). That’s the first time I see a decline in the number (normally it increased by about 0.1% a day), and while some removals are visible (say in the under 100 rating category) the others are not so easy to spot.
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