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Update on Win-Trading and Griefing in Season 4


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Hey folks,


As promised, we want to keep you informed on what we are doing about those win-traders and trolls in Ranked PvP. Here is what is happening right now:


  • Win-traders – We have been reviewing multiple sets of data, along with the private reports that many of you have been sending to the team. Any player who, through validating data, is win-trading is receiving will be receiving at a minimum, a warning. Not only are we warning these users to stop what they are doing, continued win-trading will lead to greater actions including resetting their ratings and suspension time.
  • Griefer – Those players that seem to have that one singular purpose, to ruin the spirit of Ranked PvP. They refuse to participate, or they leave the match altogether. Those players will be receiving anything from a warning to suspension time based on the severity of their actions.


We will work to refine our data and our validation around players partaking in these actions throughout the Season. Those who feel the need to try to trade their way to the top, or try to ruin that experience for others will be actioned appropriately.


Thank you all for your continued reports around these issues. Get in there and fight each other as Baron Deathmark intended. See you in the Arena.



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Win-traders – We have been reviewing multiple sets of data, along with the private reports that many of you have been sending to the team. Any player who, through validating data, is win-trading is receiving will be receiving at a minimum, a warning. Not only are we warning these users to stop what they are doing, continued win-trading will lead to greater actions including resetting their ratings and suspension time.


So eric what is stopping people from win-trading, getting to the required rating, stopping when the warning arrives, and wait for get the rewards at the end of season ?


Shouldn't there be a reset of ratings right immediately ?

Edited by znihilist
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Hey folks,


  • Win-traders – We have been reviewing multiple sets of data, along with the private reports that many of you have been sending to the team. Any player who, through validating data, is win-trading is receiving will be receiving at a minimum, a warning. Not only are we warning these users to stop what they are doing, continued win-trading will lead to greater actions including resetting their ratings and suspension time.
  • Griefer – Those players that seem to have that one singular purpose, to ruin the spirit of Ranked PvP. They refuse to participate, or they leave the match altogether. Those players will be receiving anything from a warning to suspension time based on the severity of their actions.


so.... what you're saying is unless they are very obvious about it you wont do anything? any 60 can go in with any gear level. as long as they try to attack and/or heal something you cant take action against them. Maybe they are just really bad and only wear gear they like the look of. There is nothing to differentiate someone who has bad gear and plays poorly from someone who just wants to grief.

Edited by Skotal
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What Eric is saying to all you fleabags, is that in solo-ranked their hands are tied, but they are looking into the data that we the players are sending them. That's an incredible effort, and Eric should be commended.


What he's also saying, is that group ranked is where the true spirit of arenas are. Group ranked is currently the only fail-safe from the douchebaggery that plagues solo-que, and we should quit complaining, get a group, and get in the freaking ring.

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So eric what is stopping people from win-trading, getting to the required rating, stopping when the warning arrives, and wait for get the rewards at the end of season ?


Shouldn't there be a reset of ratings right immediately ?


Yeah, this seems like a pretty clear go-ahead to win-trade as much as you want until you get your warning, and then sit back and reap the rewards.

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TBH, I find the rating system to be completely stupid. It's easily trolled and hard to moderate, as people here have already pointed out.


I think a better solution would be to re-evaluate the rating system.



Grant points only for a win, nothing for a loss. More players will que up and trolls will cease to exist. Couple that with increased rewards for grouped ranked.


I'll bet if they also made legacy names automatically appear in arenas, at least half the trolls would disappear....instantly.

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I busted my *** getting full ranked gear prior to the start of this season the my first three solo matches I had someone leave two of them. Then got told by a guildie that another guild on our server asked for a group of us to get on alts so we could let them win and then swap after two fights. Pure and simple win trading but nothing has happened. So I stopped doing ranked all together.
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Grant points only for a win, nothing for a loss. More players will que up and trolls will cease to exist. Couple that with increased rewards for grouped ranked.


I'll bet if they also made legacy names automatically appear in arenas, at least half the trolls would disappear....instantly.

I agree with you on that. Losing rating is what scares people away from playing. It also generates a lot of elitist behavior. Granted it also encourage people to be more competitive.


What I think they should do is basically, every time you win, you get a win bonus multiplier. Every consecutive win, your multiplier would increase, until a certain amount (like x2 after 4 wins or something). You would keep that multiplier until you lose a match, at which point it would reset back to x1.


Doing it this way keeps people competitive as they won't want to lose their win streaks, but at the same time, doesn't scare players away with the fear of losing their rating.

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I busted my *** getting full ranked gear prior to the start of this season the my first three solo matches I had someone leave two of them. Then got told by a guildie that another guild on our server asked for a group of us to get on alts so we could let them win and then swap after two fights. Pure and simple win trading but nothing has happened. So I stopped doing ranked all together.


In preseason on ebon hawk, we had the same 15-20 players imp side queing up everyday against each other. Once a week, the pubs would que. Once the season four started, a plethora of poorly geared imps that you never saw once in preseason started flooding the ques. I mean GG to the pubs, for the few that do que up, fight well. But you can not disregard this flood of crappy imps as anything other than insurance... I said it, sorry.

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I got an email accusing me of win trading. I guess if you win a lot in group ranked against 8-10 different teams that means win trading?


Whatever metrics they are using fail hard. Ask any team on pot5 if Hakuna win trades.

Edited by EnzoForMe
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I got an email accusing me of win trading. I guess if you win a lot in group ranked against 8-10 different teams that means win trading?


Piece of **** devs tbh. Whatever metrics they are using fail hard. Ask any team on pot5 if Hakuna win trades.

Huh...interesting. I wonder what their metrics said about you. Were most of your wins against the same group of players? I suggest you PM Eric quickly...

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I kind of expected more from the regular updates you promised throughout the season. While you probably can't give out exact player numbers, at least some statistics would be nice - handful of cheaters, dozens of cheaters, hundreds of cheaters? This just sounds like one of the standard yellow posts we get in the other threads and not a post that took a lot of time to research and write. :(

It is concerning to read that legitimate players were hit as well, so I checked my mailbox but fortunately did not get a warning. I guess my rating is average, neither too low nor too high, and they only investigate players on the ends of the rating scale.

I guess it is a good sign that they rather warn too many players than too little, but I also want to see more action taken that shows an impact on my server.


Yeah, this seems like a pretty clear go-ahead to win-trade as much as you want until you get your warning, and then sit back and reap the rewards.

I agree. When 10 matches don't give enough data to reset the rating, change the rewards so they require more than 10 matches. A player who got lucky in 10 matches will have enough rating for the middle tier but it doesn't say much about his skill.


Grant points only for a win, nothing for a loss. More players will que up and trolls will cease to exist. Couple that with increased rewards for grouped ranked.

I made a suggestion to ignore the rating altogether and tie the rewards to the number of wins but I kind of lost hope they'll ever make a change to the reward structure.

Edited by Jerba
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I got an email accusing me of win trading. I guess if you win a lot in group ranked against 8-10 different teams that means win trading?


Piece of **** devs tbh. Whatever metrics they are using fail hard. Ask any team on pot5 if Hakuna win trades.


That's because the devs thought they had made sure that snipers and marauders weren't viable in ranked, yet here you are proving them wrong :rak_03:

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Huh...interesting. I wonder what their metrics said about you. Were most of your wins against the same group of players? I suggest you PM Eric quickly...


We played against a ton of different teams and all on pot5. my record is 71-18



Imperial Bowling League


The Crushers

Itchy's bastion team





Weapons of WAR

Hates You


And more that I can't think off of the top of my head. This is so laughably absurd.


I start a thread in our server forums to revitalize the ranked scene and get a bunch of teams q'ing on my server as a result. My thanks? a warning for "win trading".


The only other toons I participate in ranked are on are my gunslinger who is 18-18 (rofl) in solo ranked and my assassin Carmen'luvana who is 1596 (started around 1200) with 71 wins. Sounds like a real win trader to me!


Why is this post so "mad bro" ? Because the devs will reset my rating at the end of the season if these metrics aren't corrected. They already did it to my gunslinger in season 2 because I won too much. I let it slide because it was solo ranked and it's not a big deal (even though I won over 200 games with about a 80% W/L ratio) but I will quit this game forever if that happens again- especially to my 4s rank.

Edited by EnzoForMe
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Every team who dominate their serv with amazing ratio have received this message :) Dev never play the game and are moron. Just play one afternoon in reg/soloq and see how a lot of players suck at pvp. Why? Because you are suckers and month after month ppl who enjoy pvp left. So another good exemple of dev expertise.


U can watch my past broadcast 4v4 stream but u probably don't know what is twitch.tv. Just give me back my money for my last one month subcribtion and **** u.


Ye I'm mad especially because i know you are like:

Edited by Siouve
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i would love to see regular wz maps have a ranked option. would probably see more people play, limit griefers, and objective play has different balance issues than deathmatch opening the field to more classes.


team ranked needs to run on a different system by having different ranking tiers for rewards and only granting points over particular values against teams with ranking scores. even requiring static teams that are registered with a group with team score. the creation of teams also allows for better tracking and limiting groups made to grief.

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Hey folks,


As promised, we want to keep you informed on what we are doing about those win-traders and trolls in Ranked PvP. Here is what is happening right now:


  • Win-traders – We have been reviewing multiple sets of data, along with the private reports that many of you have been sending to the team. Any player who, through validating data, is win-trading is receiving will be receiving at a minimum, a warning. Not only are we warning these users to stop what they are doing, continued win-trading will lead to greater actions including resetting their ratings and suspension time.
  • Griefer – Those players that seem to have that one singular purpose, to ruin the spirit of Ranked PvP. They refuse to participate, or they leave the match altogether. Those players will be receiving anything from a warning to suspension time based on the severity of their actions.


We will work to refine our data and our validation around players partaking in these actions throughout the Season. Those who feel the need to try to trade their way to the top, or try to ruin that experience for others will be actioned appropriately.


Thank you all for your continued reports around these issues. Get in there and fight each other as Baron Deathmark intended. See you in the Arena.




While all well and good, it really just bandaids some of the issues.




1) in Yolo, ELO just doesn't work. Thats it, plain and simple. A person ranking, in ELO, is based on those other 3 random strangers, unless you queue sync and are able to minimize those random strangers. Add that how many people actually queue per server, per side, and that narrows the population completely.


2) you mention griefers, those that join only to quit or are ill-equipped to handle ranked. What about making a pre-requisite to enter. 2018 min expertise, and maybe use that valor ranking as one as well. This at least shows someone has at least some experience in wz's.

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