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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

REQUEST: Bring WAR back to Star Wars, actual Conquesting, and open world PVP


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Greetings friends and allies in the Force,


What is Star WARS : The Old Republic lacking a bit of? WAR.


We need open world PVP with purpose, goals and rewards... and we need it bad. We can combine the lack luster craft fest we call conquests with an actual….conquest.


Here is the idea:


The developers design and place military bases, or planetary control locations on every planet except starting worlds and capitals.


These bases would be manned by level 60 Champion NPCs from either the Republic or the Empire, whoever has gained control of the bases control nodes. These NPCs make defending the base easier than capturing it.

We take crafted items from conquests, the 5 supplies, the combined war supplies, and the dark projects and make them be able to buy NPC champions, turrets, walkers, tanks, bombers etc… your team can place either to defend or help attack a base and it’s control nodes.


Any player kills in the open world pvp bases and the surrounding auto flag pvp zone would be able to earn you warzone comms. Ranked Warzone comms if you kill a certain amount of players and/or capture a node etc.


If you faction gains control of all the nodes, captures the base, the planet becomes under your faction’s control. What does that mean? Everyone from your faction gets an (x)% buff to all stats while on that planet.


If your faction gains control of all the planets in a sector, they also get a secondary buff.


Players that capture nodes, bases and planets for their faction gain “faction reputation” which allow them to buy items from a new faction vendor… only located in the bases. It would also grant new titles, faction specific.


Replicate this system in space, so that every planet has a defense “base” either a Space Station, or a Capital Ship, or some other control point in orbit. The battles here would take place just like space pvp, but not restricted to

warzones with timers, but similar to the fluid environment on the ground.


Guild’s could then move their Conquest capital ship into the sector to provide both ground and space support.



Let’s breathe some life back into PVP, give us goals, give us purpose, give us reward and let us fight it out.!


Help us Bioware Devs, you’re our only hope...


EDIT: For all those people saying the engine can't handle it, I call BS - we do this sort of thing with our community, it works just fine, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6IHOjbb4McY

Edited by OrionSol
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this again? do you really need to be told AGAIN why this kinda thing won't happen?


I'll REPEAT one of the reasons since you don't seem to pay attention...THE ENGINE CANNOT HANDLE IT.


don't bother saying anything to that..don't bother explaining how it's bs..or how they should do this or that to correct it...it's NOT GOING TO HAPPEN.


if you want the rest of the reasons....go search..there's 100's of threads I'm sure

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I really like your ideas! They contribute to the community good. I actually kind of agree. They need to make a conflict again. Unfortunately, unless they figure out a way to make this happen with their modified heroengine code so it doesn't lag with a lot of people all in one area, it won't happen..that that extent. Perhaps something like it, but up to a certain point. I do like your ideas though. :)


This past expansion was good, but it was about Revan and the Empire and Republic putting aside their differences to counter an even bigger threat. I have a feeling that's happening more and more. I don't want to work with the Empire, I want to annihilate them! :p They do need more conflicts going on and an expansion focused on it though.

Edited by Sarfux
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It seems like what the OP and people like the OP want is more along the lines of 40v40 or even greater. Which will never happen with this engine and EA will NEVER green light any proposal to update the game engine. Edited by Anaesha
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This reminds me a bit of the GCW update that SWG did like its final year...it was awesome but came a little late


Every hour one of several cities would be invaded by NPCs, just before the invasion you had like 30

mins to build turrets or NPC spawns and you earned rewards for particapating as both PvE and PvP.


They should take a look at that stuff because it was pretty cool and it was staggered so you could constantly participate, really added alot to the game. There were even guilds that constantly fought over certain cities to keep that area under their factions control. It shouldnt be the same but they could take some of those ideas from it and make it more SWTOR specific


Planetary control was a part of it and it made it fun to try to turn a planet to your factions side.

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I agree that conquests should be changed to be more about doing something "combat" related, not these ludicrous crafting competitions.


OW PvP would be great, but it is very hard to do in this engine (although it is slightly better now), unless BW figures out a way to forcefully disable particle effects when there are too many people clustered (that is what is causing the most lag, I believe). I think that if that happened, something more large scale "could" happen.

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Conquest was just a credit/materials sink.


Unfortunately if you want PvP you have to join warzones, or wait for the one week a year for OW PvP during the Gree event, + people QQing if they get flagged & trash talk in gen chat.


Occasionally you get to defend /attack when people are taking bases out for conquest points. Most of those are one guild flexing their muscles so unless you can counter with similar numbers at a moment's notice, you cant repel their zerging.


large scale OW PvP obviously didn't work before, so unless you can present the BW team with complete and tested code + new game engine -that they can simply patch in at the next update, it isn't gonna happen.

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I already know the answer, but it still pisses me off that we have an MMO and a bunch of people clamoring for greater than 20vs20 and they implemented a system that wouldn't be able to handle it. Like what were they thinking!? Battlefield1942 came out in 2002 and have 32vs32. COME ON MAN!
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This reminds me a bit of the GCW update that SWG did like its final year...it was awesome but came a little late


Every hour one of several cities would be invaded by NPCs, just before the invasion you had like 30

mins to build turrets or NPC spawns and you earned rewards for particapating as both PvE and PvP.


They should take a look at that stuff because it was pretty cool and it was staggered so you could constantly participate, really added alot to the game. There were even guilds that constantly fought over certain cities to keep that area under their factions control. It shouldnt be the same but they could take some of those ideas from it and make it more SWTOR specific

I would be most displeased if I were "forced" to subsidize such a system with my subscription dollars. As a CM-based add-on, fine.


If I wanted to play a game like that, I'd go play a game like that. TOR != SWG. Get over it.

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What they had on Ilum was garbage. Not flushed out, and no reward for doing it.



What they had on Ilium was lag, 5 frames per second and kill trades for Valor.



It was a exercise in futility.



it's the reason we have multiple instances of fleet, Yavin 4 and Rishi. The game can not take lots of people in a small area fighting.

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This reminds me a bit of the GCW update that SWG did like its final year...it was awesome but came a little late


Every hour one of several cities would be invaded by NPCs, just before the invasion you had like 30

mins to build turrets or NPC spawns and you earned rewards for particapating as both PvE and PvP.


They should take a look at that stuff because it was pretty cool and it was staggered so you could constantly participate, really added alot to the game. There were even guilds that constantly fought over certain cities to keep that area under their factions control. It shouldnt be the same but they could take some of those ideas from it and make it more SWTOR specific


Planetary control was a part of it and it made it fun to try to turn a planet to your factions side.

if they had that with the pre-cu system we'd all still be playing swg today.

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