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Clicker or Keybinder?(Strawpoll)


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Wow.. it's amazing to me how many people are clickers... I can't stand it.. If i'm clicking things I have to move my mouse around quickly and accurately to click before the GCD is up, but while doing that I also need to be able to pan my camera and occasionally click target as a DPS.. As a healer I don't even think it's possible to be good AND a clicker.. you need to be able to click the raid member, then click your ability?? And how in the world could someone pull off 45-50 APM being a clicker in a real raid setting (dodging out of stupid while clicking that fast..)


Life is so much easier when I can just tap buttons on my keyboard/mouse for every single ability... I click some CDs at the start of fights (like on a slinger I have a lot to get off and some are alt/shift bound and it doesn't register sometimes when i'm hitting 4 other things at the same time.. so I click) and when healing i'll occasionally click my DPS abilities (although more often than not i'm just hitting keybinds for them still..) but thats it.. only other things I click are out of combat things.. fleet pass, QT, buffs, etc etc.. there isn't a single CLASS ability I don't bind.. anything in the class or advanced class tabs (say trooper and commando abilities) that aren't passives, are bound somewhere.. (as well as others, medpacks, adrenals, as well as target markers, role markers like the dps/heal flag things)



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Click.. I do have the two most important things bound to ~ and 2, which are the easiest to reach. 2 is usually my interrupt, ~ depends on the class and situation.


Keybinding isn't faster if you can't remember what is bound to what. I steer with the mouse, too.

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Wow.. it's amazing to me how many people are clickers... I can't stand it.. If i'm clicking things I have to move my mouse around quickly and accurately to click before the GCD is up, but while doing that I also need to be able to pan my camera and occasionally click target as a DPS.. As a healer I don't even think it's possible to be good AND a clicker.. you need to be able to click the raid member, then click your ability?? And how in the world could someone pull off 45-50 APM being a clicker in a real raid setting (dodging out of stupid while clicking that fast..)


Life is so much easier when I can just tap buttons on my keyboard/mouse for every single ability... I click some CDs at the start of fights (like on a slinger I have a lot to get off and some are alt/shift bound and it doesn't register sometimes when i'm hitting 4 other things at the same time.. so I click) and when healing i'll occasionally click my DPS abilities (although more often than not i'm just hitting keybinds for them still..) but thats it.. only other things I click are out of combat things.. fleet pass, QT, buffs, etc etc.. there isn't a single CLASS ability I don't bind.. anything in the class or advanced class tabs (say trooper and commando abilities) that aren't passives, are bound somewhere.. (as well as others, medpacks, adrenals, as well as target markers, role markers like the dps/heal flag things)




My thought is how in the world do you manage to memorize all the keybinds lol. But I think its just too complicated for some, others don't care and are getting by with clicking. But yeah, every ability, that seems crazy to me. To each his own I reckon.

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i was click healing in wow in successful progression raiding guild...dont get me wrong i think i was complete idiot and handicapped myself but i was far from useless.


its more like trying to swim with a ball and chain. clickers dont get this until they stop.

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clicker all the way and haven't had any complaints thus far


When playing my DPS BH or Commando I do have 2 rows of hot keys for rotation sake (1 to = and alt 1 to alt =) but its more a hybred click/keyboard


For healing though its all clicker because of aoe placement and easier to click on persons name in group then anything else


PS: Movement is 100% keyboard

Edited by Kalfear
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Wow.. it's amazing to me how many people are clickers... I can't stand it.. If i'm clicking things I have to move my mouse around quickly and accurately to click before the GCD is up, but while doing that I also need to be able to pan my camera and occasionally click target as a DPS.. As a healer I don't even think it's possible to be good AND a clicker.. you need to be able to click the raid member, then click your ability?? And how in the world could someone pull off 45-50 APM being a clicker in a real raid setting (dodging out of stupid while clicking that fast..)


Life is so much easier when I can just tap buttons on my keyboard/mouse for every single ability... I click some CDs at the start of fights (like on a slinger I have a lot to get off and some are alt/shift bound and it doesn't register sometimes when i'm hitting 4 other things at the same time.. so I click) and when healing i'll occasionally click my DPS abilities (although more often than not i'm just hitting keybinds for them still..) but thats it.. only other things I click are out of combat things.. fleet pass, QT, buffs, etc etc.. there isn't a single CLASS ability I don't bind.. anything in the class or advanced class tabs (say trooper and commando abilities) that aren't passives, are bound somewhere.. (as well as others, medpacks, adrenals, as well as target markers, role markers like the dps/heal flag things)




You click the window pane/character portrait, then heal/cleanse. That would be about the only time I become a clicker considering you can only keybind four members of a group. You have no choice in an Op, you have to either click the person (which would be a pita) or click their portrait.


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I started playing this game as a clicker (at launch) because this is only my second MMO and the first was a different type of game (eve).


After realizing how much clicking limits one's potential in terms of movement, awareness, and reaction times, I went and got myself a naga (about two years ago) and forced myself to learn to use it and to mouse turn + strafe on 'a' and 'd'. I'm never going back. I watch youtube videos of people clicking now and cringe at the utter chaos.


If you set up your binds in a manner that makes sense to you, you really can use a similar layout across multiple characters. There are a lot of similar abilities, but more than anything, it's about getting your brain accustomed to "ok this button activates the thing that is in that spot" and getting in a lot of repetition for muscle memory.

Edited by teclado
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I'm a self proclaimed, dirty rotten, scumbag of the earth, how do you even exist clicker.


Much to my brother's dismay, I don't keybind anything. I probably should (I think I might have my hard stun on my shadow keybound to R, but that's pretty much the extent.) buttttttt I don't. Guess it's a good thing I don't yoloque. :rolleyes:


My excuse? I have really small hands. :D I mean, I can't even play Guitar Hero because I can't hit all the frets. So watching people do these ridiculous binds like Shift = or Shift - or whatever have you just boggles my mind because I just can't even.


I use the WASD keys to move, and my mouse to click and shift camera angles. My camera is always scrolled out to maximum and I usually use the bird's eye view to raid. Gives me a good awareness of what's going on around me so if I do have to switch targets, I can usually alt tab really really quickly and not lose DPS. (Gasp, the horror.)


I play all roles too, and I'd like to say I do pretty well. Had a friend watch me clickheal in an S&V HM before sorcs got that lovely upgraded mobility and I'm proud to say said friend, who's a HM/NIM progression healer, was thoroughly impressed. /selfshoulderpat. Parsed in the 4.4k range on my clicky lightning sorc just yesterday too and I'm almost always the one in charge of interrupts on my raid team. (Don't be alarmed, they all know I'm one of them. ;) )


I've tried to convert. Believe me. But a) I just don't think I have the brain space to remember all my mechs, all my interrupts, all my keybinds, all my favorite ice cream flavors, and all of my lunches for the week and b) it's just too uncomfortable, for me, to be playing my keyboard like I'm playing Debussy.


Don't worry, I know there's a special circle in Purgatory for people like me. ;)

Edited by rayneneverwind
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You click the window pane/character portrait, then heal/cleanse. That would be about the only time I become a clicker considering you can only keybind four members of a group. You have no choice in an Op, you have to either click the person (which would be a pita) or click their portrait.



Yea but in the time you click the players frame, then go to click the heal, they may have died.. i'm sure in SM it might be fine but, these HM fights now are very spikey damage, theres just no way I could click the frame then click my ability, then go right back to click the other tank.. or a dps.. it would just take to much time without keybinds..


Oh, and the way I remember all my keybinds is by placing them similiar across all my toons.. for instance.. B is my interupt on every single toon.. X is usually knockback unless i don't have one.. Z is my threat drop, GTRWQA are all frequent abilities, V cleanse or w/e.. etc etc.. and all of the keys are double bound, with keyboard shortcuts as well as having a number shortcut (for my naga) gives me the ability to click even fast as well as mobility while hitting keys.. eg, instead of hitting T > W > Q for precision, dispatch, clashing blast, if I need to move I can click 2 > 5 > 3 and it does the same thing... All in all I think I have about 40 keybinds average per toon.. sometimes more

Edited by GopherLuV
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My excuse? I have really small hands. :D I mean, I can't even play Guitar Hero because I can't hit all the frets. So watching people do these ridiculous binds like Shift = or Shift - or whatever have you just boggles my mind because I just can't even.

Razer Naga. It's kind of pricey, but worth it IMO.


I get where you are coming from. Anything beyond Shift-5 starts to get really uncomfortable for me. Plus I never like to take my fingers off the 'a' and 'd' keys (strafe left and right).


Here's what I do. I use all 12 buttons on my naga, Shift+naga (extra 12 buttons), Q, E, R, F, Ctrl+naga, and 3 extra mouse buttons (e.g. middle mouse). I end up with way more buttons than I need, all easily within reach, and I don't ever have to take my fingers off the movement keys (exception QERF). I like being able to activate abilities while constantly moving (vital for pvp with melee classes or kiting with ranged classes). Once you get enough muscle memory in place, it really seems like a neural interface from your brain to the game.

Edited by teclado
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I'm a clicker - and any ability that's on the global cool down timer I can click before the GCD timer is up.


Switching targets, switching players while on my healer, never had a problem clicking before the GCD timer was up.


The only issue I ever have is with interrupts. And only on the really fast cast abilities do I have issues.

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@Teclada - Yea that's about what I do.. naga + shift/alt (only a few ctrl modifiers.. youll see why..)


But I do something CRAZY!!!! I moved my movement keys over to be ESDF instead.. freeing up WQAZXCVGTRB as all easy to reach keybinds.. if you count that's 11.. I then use SHIFT+V as my 12th so that I double bind any razer 1-12 keybinds same as my keyboard keybinds, same on the alt and shift modifiers.. with moving those movement keys I lose CTRL alt modifier's easy reach, it's kinda difficult to quickly hit it with a keybind.. but I do still have a few things bound to it, just some not often used things..

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Mixture of both. Mainly depends on what's faster to me at that moment.


For basic attacks or support abilities like Taunts or CC, I click. but If I'm doing a basic rotation, then chances are that I'll be using the number keys, although sometimes I use clicks for that.

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