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Kicked for a reason so stupid I had to laugh...


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Okay... FP hasn't even started yet. I get kicked...the reason "in PvP gear... Nooo"


Thing is I don't even have PvP gear in my bank so I send tell to the guy who initiated and said "hey I don't even own PvP gear what gives? His response..."oh your gear must have sucked then. don't take it personal."


Apparently you must now do FPs in all 198 gear? I just had to laugh tbh.


So I told the guy that I was in the end glad I got kicked because I prefer to run FPs with people who are literate and don't just make excuses when they get caught in an ffff up...


Another for the ignore list.

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Meh, if they wanted to do the HM BoR Bonus Boss you'd need a 178/186 mix, but you definitely don't need 192s for any FP boss.



Yeah. I am in a mix of 192 and 186 atm. I can only assume that A...they clicked on the wrong character, B... they actually were illiterate. or C.... were looking for an excuse to kick a Operative healer and assumed the "PvP gear" comment would get it done and they didn't expect me to be read the reason and call them out on it. I can't think of any other reasons to say in response to "no pvP gear"..."oh then your gear must have sucked."


I mentioned C because I know more than a few people have the attitude that Operative healers are gimped atm. They have some issues but so far I haven't found a HM FP I can't heal rather easily so long as the rest of the group knows how to do their jobs.

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Okay... I get kicked...the reason "in PvP gear... Nooo"

If you can hold your own "in PvP gear"........ it's all good... the thing is (and it really is the kind of an issue in a lot of MMOs)if you come into a PvE party "flagged" geared or not you gonna tick some people off especially the PvE healers not wanting to get flagged for PvP,


(edit) tonite is my personal "weekend" and I made misspellings errors,....ffffuggggdit!..... trying to enjoy all that is (good bad and ugly)



Edited by Mavolio
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If you can hold your own "in PvP gear"........ it's all good... the thing is (and it really is the kind of an issue in a lot of MMOs)if you come into a PvE party "flagged" geared or not you gonna tick some people off especially the PvE healers not wanting to get flagged for PvP,


(edit) tonite is my personal "weekend" and I made misspellings errors,....ffffuggggdit!..... trying to enjoy all that is (good bad and ugly)




wasn't flagged either... I do NOT PvP in this game... period. hence the no gear. I had literally just logged in queued, was headed to the Market on Fleet but got an insta pop. hence why I laughed at someone who either expects all 192 gear for some reason OR clicked on the wrong person... or is simply an idiot. Oh... and I was the healer.

Edited by Ghisallo
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I can totally relate. I got kicked from FP because i had 1 (one) 178 item. The rest was 186 .With reason: "178 gear". To be honest i havent played since classic so I dont really know what gear is required today for HM FP, but this seems a bit silly ^^.
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I can totally relate. I got kicked from FP because i had 1 (one) 178 item. The rest was 186 .With reason: "178 gear". To be honest i havent played since classic so I dont really know what gear is required today for HM FP, but this seems a bit silly ^^.


186 is recommended for lvl60 HM FPs. Mixed 178/186 should be doable if you know your class/role/rotation.

148 is recommended for lvl55 HM FPs. 140 should be doable.

Edited by Halinalle
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Okay... FP hasn't even started yet. I get kicked...the reason "in PvP gear... Nooo"


Thing is I don't even have PvP gear in my bank so I send tell to the guy who initiated and said "hey I don't even own PvP gear what gives? His response..."oh your gear must have sucked then. don't take it personal."


Apparently you must now do FPs in all 198 gear? I just had to laugh tbh.


So I told the guy that I was in the end glad I got kicked because I prefer to run FPs with people who are literate and don't just make excuses when they get caught in an ffff up...


Another for the ignore list.

literate? that's an odd thing to say.


i dont think this is a stupid reason at all to kick someone. in fact its a very good reason.

this is a multiplayer game. if they dont want you in their group and fear you may hamper their progress, then they will remove you. they arent married to you; they dont have to group with you just because the groupfinder matched you.


if they thought you were in pvp gear you probably have 40k hp. kicking you before they see your skill is a bit aggressive, but like the rest of us, they probably have had to put up with so many poor performing players that they'd rather not try in the first place.

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186 is recommended for lvl60 HM FPs. Mixed 178/186 should be doable if you know your class/role/rotation.

148 is recommended for lvl55 HM FPs. 140 should be doable.


You're ignoring one very important fact.


The player you quoted had obviously met BW's criteria for using the group finder for that particular instance, otherwise he would not have been able to do so or the group finder would not have placed him in that instance. Those criteria are set by the devs and are set so that anyone who meets those criteria is capable of completing the instance, although it may not be a faceroll and may actually require some effort.


He apparently found himself in a group of elitist players who thought they knew better than the devs or who were so averse to actually having to put forth any effort that they felt they needed to vastly out gear the instance. .

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im not sure elitist was the word; probably presumptuous.


you can complete the hm's in 186 no problem; IF you are a competent player.

seeing someone join with 40k hp sets off alarm bells. remember you are a stranger. they will jump to unsavoury conclusions about your ability.


whether they assume right or wrong, they can decide whether its worth the risk or not, or remove you and requeue. its their prerogative.

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If you can't handle playing with people of all types and skill levels I recommend you stop playing MMOs and stick to single players. There is an old saying "don't judge a book by its cover" for all they knew he had 100 times more experience in running FPs and OPs then all of them combined.


I happen to agree with what someone else said, People don't run these for fun anymore they just want to get through it as fast as possible to get to the goodies at the end.

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If you can hold your own "in PvP gear"........ it's all good... the thing is (and it really is the kind of an issue in a lot of MMOs)if you come into a PvE party "flagged" geared or not you gonna tick some people off especially the PvE healers not wanting to get flagged for PvP,


(edit) tonite is my personal "weekend" and I made misspellings errors,....ffffuggggdit!..... trying to enjoy all that is (good bad and ugly)




You can't get flagged in a FP or Ops instance. They changed that a while ago.


And really, who's going to gank you in a FP?


literate? that's an odd thing to say.


i dont think this is a stupid reason at all to kick someone. in fact its a very good reason.

this is a multiplayer game. if they dont want you in their group and fear you may hamper their progress, then they will remove you. they arent married to you; they dont have to group with you just because the groupfinder matched you.


if they thought you were in pvp gear you probably have 40k hp. kicking you before they see your skill is a bit aggressive, but like the rest of us, they probably have had to put up with so many poor performing players that they'd rather not try in the first place.


He's in 186/192 gear, that's above the recommended gear. I can certainly understand why they decided to do it, and respect the fact that they have the option to kick whoever they want, but that doesn't mean that I shouldn't consider them idiots for doing so.


You're ignoring one very important fact.


The player you quoted had obviously met BW's criteria for using the group finder for that particular instance, otherwise he would not have been able to do so or the group finder would not have placed him in that instance. Those criteria are set by the devs and are set so that anyone who meets those criteria is capable of completing the instance, although it may not be a faceroll and may actually require some effort.


He apparently found himself in a group of elitist players who thought they knew better than the devs or who were so averse to actually having to put forth any effort that they felt they needed to vastly out gear the instance. .


I'm not sure which is worse, the fact that this whole statement is probably rhetorical in an attempt to bash the "incompetent" devs for not putting more checks into the queue system, or the fact that he might actually think that just because someone is able to queue for 60 flashpoints while naked that means they can complete the instance.

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Okay... FP hasn't even started yet. I get kicked...the reason "in PvP gear... Nooo"


Thing is I don't even have PvP gear in my bank so I send tell to the guy who initiated and said "hey I don't even own PvP gear what gives? His response..."oh your gear must have sucked then. don't take it personal."


Apparently you must now do FPs in all 198 gear? I just had to laugh tbh.


So I told the guy that I was in the end glad I got kicked because I prefer to run FPs with people who are literate and don't just make excuses when they get caught in an ffff up...


Another for the ignore list.

HM FP? If so, gear up first.

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You're ignoring one very important fact.


The player you quoted had obviously met BW's criteria for using the group finder for that particular instance, otherwise he would not have been able to do so or the group finder would not have placed him in that instance. Those criteria are set by the devs and are set so that anyone who meets those criteria is capable of completing the instance, although it may not be a faceroll and may actually require some effort.


He apparently found himself in a group of elitist players who thought they knew better than the devs or who were so averse to actually having to put forth any effort that they felt they needed to vastly out gear the instance. .


I'm not sure which is worse, the fact that this whole statement is probably rhetorical in an attempt to bash the "incompetent" devs for not putting more checks into the queue system, or the fact that he might actually think that just because someone is able to queue for 60 flashpoints while naked that means they can complete the instance.


Neither one, actually.


I was simply pointing out that although the devs set the gear requirements to be able to use the group finder tool for each instance, there are plenty of elitist players who will kick any player who does not meet THEIR overly inflated desires for an easy mode, faceroll run.


"OMG!!! He's not in full 198 gear. He's only in 186 gear. We'll have to carry him."


Never mind that the instance is designed to be cleared by players with an average of 168 gear.

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Okay... FP hasn't even started yet. I get kicked...the reason "in PvP gear... Nooo"


Thing is I don't even have PvP gear in my bank so I send tell to the guy who initiated and said "hey I don't even own PvP gear what gives? His response..."oh your gear must have sucked then. don't take it personal."


Apparently you must now do FPs in all 198 gear? I just had to laugh tbh.


So I told the guy that I was in the end glad I got kicked because I prefer to run FPs with people who are literate and don't just make excuses when they get caught in an ffff up...


Another for the ignore list.


Im confused. It doesn't sound like the guy was being a jerk about it. He wasn't passing judgement on you, just the gear. If the guy/ girl was being picky so that's ok. I don't personally kick people for gear, or poor performance, but I do understand the reasoning behind it. I also find it rather interesting that he would say that without inspecting your stuff. I'm just a little bewildered by the whole thing. I'm sorry that you got the short end of the stick,. That stinks. But, it doesn't sound like the guy was being mean to you either.

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I was kicked once, simply because my internet was the slowest among the group, they loaded in a bit before me and initiated kick vote pretty quickly. At least thats the reason they gave when I was like *** in chat lol. I cried a little. Only time ive been kicked though.


Edit: *** what the heck :rolleyes:

Edited by Bobs_YourUncle
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...I was simply pointing out that although the devs set the gear requirements to be able to use the group finder tool for each instance, there are plenty of elitist players who will kick any player who does not meet THEIR overly inflated desires for an easy mode, faceroll run. ..

Umm, you obviously have somewhat incorrect idea how the GF works. It doesn't check your gear at all. The only thing it checks is your level, so you can easily queue and be matched for HM 60 flashpoint while wearing lvl 9 green gear from Tython.

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Neither one, actually.


I was simply pointing out that although the devs set the gear requirements to be able to use the group finder tool for each instance, there are plenty of elitist players who will kick any player who does not meet THEIR overly inflated desires for an easy mode, faceroll run.


"OMG!!! He's not in full 198 gear. He's only in 186 gear. We'll have to carry him."


Never mind that the instance is designed to be cleared by players with an average of 168 gear.


In that case I apologize. The way I read it it seemed like you were emphasizing not the fact that they have a recommended great level but instead on the fact that it's not strictly enforced by the queue. And that even if they don't have the recommended great it lets them.

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I only kick players who wipe several times on same thing and don't respond in chat. I care less about gear then peeps standing in stupid as long as the gear is not to under level. Especially if they are rocking old set bonus. Actually I despise the most are the comm gear heroes of 192 no set bonus and high endurance like at least beat up the loot piñata Sparky for implants or get the old dread forged gear or anything with balanced stats. Heck just get the better enhancements of 186 that you can craft... But even then I don't kick them. I kick people who think they know everything and don't listen over the newbie who actually tries to learn and listens. Edited by FerkWork
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