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Force barrier ruins pvp completely.


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Ever since conquest and strongholds, pvp has been going downhill, and this just adds insult to injury. I have to waste precious time and losses just because sorcs didn't know how to play their classes and stay alive. If they REALLY had survivability concerns, why couldn't they LOS the enemies around walls until their cd's (force armor etc) went off CD? It must really be a sad day in sorc-ville if they need godmode just to pvp.
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2% max health every 3 seconds is no big deal compared to a bubble that reduces 100% damage from all sources and allows the user to be healed from 1% to 100% health in seconds.


its not really 100% health. its more like 50-60. like i already said before. if you played sage/sorc in pvp. you wouldnt have made this post

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Ever since conquest and strongholds, pvp has been going downhill, and this just adds insult to injury. I have to waste precious time and losses just because sorcs didn't know how to play their classes and stay alive. If they REALLY had survivability concerns, why couldn't they LOS the enemies around walls until their cd's (force armor etc) went off CD? It must really be a sad day in sorc-ville if they need godmode just to pvp.


Because they know how to survive by popping this ability when they need to. And Losing wastes time.

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Sorry, that was just off the top of my head. It's their 'From 50 to 55' ability.


okay but seriously, as it is now, it's not proper for pvp. It could be interruptable, it could also have the godmode removed so it only blocks out incoming damage but leaves behind dots. Think of a REAL jedi using it, seriously. If Anakin used this crap in Episode 3 with his legs cut off, would his legs really have stopped bleeding? REALLY...? I think the dots should stay, not be purged.

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Typical PVPer tripe an ability meant for PVE gets used in PVP and next thing you know someone starts yelling "OMG OP OP OP REMOVE IT REMOVE IT FROM THE GAME NOW!!!!"


I could see making certain skills unusable in PVP but asking for the outright removal of it from the game is just going to *********** far.


Barrier was added to the game because of pvp actually. And without it sorcs would melt under any pressure and would be useless in ranked pvp.


This might seem typical to you because pve bosses dont care what kinda tool set a person is working with.

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Barrier was added to the game because of pvp actually. And without it sorcs would melt under any pressure and would be useless in ranked pvp.


This might seem typical to you because pve bosses dont care what kinda tool set a person is working with.


Some PvE bosses don't even care if you are barriered, like Nefra. If you are the only one alive and in your happy place Nefra will still kill you anyways. Also in PvP there is this debuff called trauma which reduces healing received, if they bubble get that debuff on them and they do not heal nearly as much. Sounds more like you need to learn how to counter the ability then dismiss it as Godmode.

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Some PvE bosses don't even care if you are barriered, like Nefra. If you are the only one alive and in your happy place Nefra will still kill you anyways. Also in PvP there is this debuff called trauma which reduces healing received, if they bubble get that debuff on them and they do not heal nearly as much. Sounds more like you need to learn how to counter the ability then dismiss it as Godmode.


Force Barrier.

Does not.

Heal the user.


OTHER people can heal them, and STATIC BARRIER (or whatever the Sage equivalent is) CAN. But the ability itself does not heal, no.

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Force Barrier.

Does not.

Heal the user.


OTHER people can heal them, and STATIC BARRIER (or whatever the Sage equivalent is) CAN. But the ability itself does not heal, no.


This is correct. The buff "Enduring Bastion" that Force Barrier leaves on you does though, but only if you have the empowered/corrupted barrier utility.

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Clearly you forgot Sages have Light Armor? I suggest you roll a Sage to PVP at lvl 60 and never use Force Barrier. I dare you. Enjoy dying because Sages get focused more than any other class. We need that barrier.


Also you ( and most PVPers) clearly forgot that PVP is an OBJECTIVE game, not kill farming.

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This is correct. The buff "Enduring Bastion" that Force Barrier leaves on you does though, but only if you have the empowered/corrupted barrier utility.


Actually this is incorrect, both static barrier and force barrier heals you if you have that utlity , plus enduring bastion heals you for a nice amount of hp.


And we shouldn't be crying about the bubble, nerf that fking force storm :rak_02:

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I have an even better idea. instead of having all these abilities and weapons and gear. Pvp should be changed to just the punching abilities and no clothes


OMG! That would be awesome! Jedi Fight Club! What's the first rule of Jedi Fight Club? Han shot first.

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