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12 x XP for class-missions


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You trot out this argument everyctime and it fails because you think 12ers are making a choice between grinding and not-grinding. We're not. The choice we're making is between playing alts and not playing alts. You position is untenable because you think playing alts (even rushing through planets) somehow will make it so there are LESS people on the planet than had we not played the alts at all.


its not directed at those that play alts. but how it impacts everyone. especially new players. they will find out how quick it is to lvl up and really not spend enough time learning the ins and outs of their class. give it time and they will catch up to the rest of us.


we see it a lot in PvP. new players that really have no idea about what their own class is capable of, their own weaknesses and how to counter attacks. with time they will get it but there are those that give up and move on to something else. be that pve or an entirely different game.


those of us that are against the x12 XP boost are looking at a larger picture than ourselves and our gameplay. we honestly don't care how your time in game impacts us. but when there are many new players that don't know much about the game at max level, then it becomes our issue. we are trying to convince you and others that support x12 XP boost to understand our side of the discussion.


its funny, the supporters of no x12XP boost are looking out for the games future whereas the x12XP supporters just want their alts leveled up asap without any thought in what they are asking for.


the supporters of no x12 XP boost understand your side of the discussion and have tried to reveal faults in your debate. a small portion of the x12XP boost supporters do understand this while the majority have already made up their mind and call us names. LoL it cracks me up when I read through this entire thread and every post.


its a discussion about keeping SWTOR going as is for the long term VS. x12 XP me, elite me, x12 XP me, x12 XP me, story missions, x12 XP me, end game sucks, more content, x12 XP me, x12 XP me


you do realize SWTOR is one of the fastest level up MMOs out there.

we even have sources displaying how quick you can level up in SWTOR, but gamebreaker isn't valid? wheres your proof and sources on that? :mon_trap:

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its funny, the supporters of no x12XP boost are looking out for the games future whereas the x12XP supporters just want their alts leveled up asap without any thought in what they are asking for.

Aren't most supporters of 12xXP asking for it to be a Legacy perk? How does that impact new players again?


And come on lol, the games future?! In what way? If you're concerned about the games future, maybe try asking the Devs for some content...don't put the blame for the games failure on my shoulders for not creating alts I have no desire to grind.

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its not directed at those that play alts. but how it impacts everyone. especially new players. they will find out how quick it is to lvl up and really not spend enough time learning the ins and outs of their class. give it time and they will catch up to the rest of us.


we see it a lot in PvP. new players that really have no idea about what their own class is capable of, their own weaknesses and how to counter attacks. with time they will get it but there are those that give up and move on to something else. be that pve or an entirely different game.


those of us that are against the x12 XP boost are looking at a larger picture than ourselves and our gameplay. we honestly don't care how your time in game impacts us. but when there are many new players that don't know much about the game at max level, then it becomes our issue. we are trying to convince you and others that support x12 XP boost to understand our side of the discussion.


its funny, the supporters of no x12XP boost are looking out for the games future whereas the x12XP supporters just want their alts leveled up asap without any thought in what they are asking for.


the supporters of no x12 XP boost understand your side of the discussion and have tried to reveal faults in your debate. a small portion of the x12XP boost supporters do understand this while the majority have already made up their mind and call us names. LoL it cracks me up when I read through this entire thread and every post.


its a discussion about keeping SWTOR going as is for the long term VS. x12 XP me, elite me, x12 XP me, x12 XP me, story missions, x12 XP me, end game sucks, more content, x12 XP me, x12 XP me


you do realize SWTOR is one of the fastest level up MMOs out there.

we even have sources displaying how quick you can level up in SWTOR, but gamebreaker isn't valid? wheres your proof and sources on that? :mon_trap:


Are you deaf or do you just ignore everything. Third time, levelin teaches you jack squat about playing a class endgame! You keep whining that all the noobs are due to 12xp. Where have you been? Let me tell a story, I was in an ops with a self proclaimed grinder who went up against master and blaster. I ask if he knows how to play, response I've been playing this toon for2 years I'm not a newb I have played the old fashion way since launch and know my class from questing. Want to know what happens next? He can't hold aggro the whole time and he forces me to tank both at the same time. I kicked him and replaced with a friend who power leveled a toon during 12xp in 8hours. We easily finish the ops. Moral of the story, stop repeating this nonsense that we got to grind to learn or the newbs will ruin us. No stop. All your points are made out of ignorance. Maybe that was you I kicked? :rolleyes:

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Aren't most supporters of 12xXP asking for it to be a Legacy perk? How does that impact new players again?


And come on lol, the games future?! In what way? If you're concerned about the games future, maybe try asking the Devs for some content...don't put the blame for the games failure on my shoulders for not creating alts I have no desire to grind.


Making it a legacy perk is what I want as its a nice reward for all that leveling.

Also to the other anti 12xp (as in 2 people vs everyone else) go back to EQ and grind it like a true warrior :D

Edited by FerkWork
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This debate is like two different type of "Movie Watchers":

1. You have Joe, who buys the latest movie on Blu-ray and watches it ONE time.

2. You have bob, he buys the latest movie on Blu-ray and has seen it FOUR times.


I bought the game back in 2012, played a month or two and stopped.

I started Leveling a mercenary on January 22nd. It took me FIVE weeks of playing NON-STOP after work to get to 60. Like I literally tried to level as quickly and efficiently as possible and MICRO-MANAGE my time.

I had a good time and was hooked!

Unfortunately because of how my brain is wired,there is no way I'm going through that long journey to 60 again. Nope. It's like a weird dejavu thing, I rather max myself out EndGame and play something else.

Edited by hiddenpookie
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There aren't any irrelevant filler quests in this game. None that I've come across yet, anyway.


have you not passed level one on any of your toons??? ALL the planetary quests are irrelevant filler quests. anything that is not part of your class story quest line is irrelevant filer. 75% or more of this game is irrelevant filler.

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its not directed at those that play alts. but how it impacts everyone. especially new players. they will find out how quick it is to lvl up and really not spend enough time learning the ins and outs of their class. give it time and they will catch up to the rest of us.


we see it a lot in PvP. new players that really have no idea about what their own class is capable of, their own weaknesses and how to counter attacks. with time they will get it but there are those that give up and move on to something else. be that pve or an entirely different game.


those of us that are against the x12 XP boost are looking at a larger picture than ourselves and our gameplay. we honestly don't care how your time in game impacts us. but when there are many new players that don't know much about the game at max level, then it becomes our issue. we are trying to convince you and others that support x12 XP boost to understand our side of the discussion.


its funny, the supporters of no x12XP boost are looking out for the games future whereas the x12XP supporters just want their alts leveled up asap without any thought in what they are asking for.


the supporters of no x12 XP boost understand your side of the discussion and have tried to reveal faults in your debate. a small portion of the x12XP boost supporters do understand this while the majority have already made up their mind and call us names. LoL it cracks me up when I read through this entire thread and every post.


its a discussion about keeping SWTOR going as is for the long term VS. x12 XP me, elite me, x12 XP me, x12 XP me, story missions, x12 XP me, end game sucks, more content, x12 XP me, x12 XP me


you do realize SWTOR is one of the fastest level up MMOs out there.

we even have sources displaying how quick you can level up in SWTOR, but gamebreaker isn't valid? wheres your proof and sources on that? :mon_trap:


ok keep game the way it is and watch is slowly die off and become a ghost town like SWG:NGE, or bring in 12x XP get more people back and more new people.


people will be just fine in your lil PVP side of things IF you PVPers actually take the time and help out new people trying out the PVP part of the game.


you could spend YEARS playing this game, get to max level and still be total crap in PVP. length of time playing means nothing until you get in and get some real experience in PVP, and get some advice from other PVPers.


Making it a legacy perk is what I want as its a nice reward for all that leveling.

Also to the other anti 12xp (as in 2 people vs everyone else) go back to EQ and grind it like a true warrior :D


no the 12xXP should not be a legacy perk. it should be a legacy unlock. something you can unlock at level 1 of your very first toon and it work for ALL toons attached to that legacy. the only requirement is it should only be for subs

Edited by Edzew
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Sounds good to me. Legacy perk unlock whatever. I just now want it to happen so when the day comes those opposed just squirm lol.


Go play that SWG Emu if you want some grind Also, funny how they go on about PvP but I don't see that person on the leaderboards ;)

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no the 12xXP should not be a legacy perk. it should be a legacy unlock. something you can unlock at level 1 of your very first toon and it work for ALL toons attached to that legacy. the only requirement is it should only be for subs


I agree. But I think it should be x13 or x14 actually, because even with x12 some of the pacing was screwed last time with x12 :(

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I personally would LOVE to see a character specific x12 XP legacy perk. A legacy wide unlock is too much. This way if I wanted to use it on an operative to lvl faster I can, but I can also lvl a sniper the normal way if I choose. Also it should only be available to subs to stay in line with the spirit of subbing and also make non-subs even more willing to sub. The other way would be to go the blizzard route and let us use CC/cash to auto level a toon to 55 :)
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I always like it when they add more to the Legacy system - but even with the CC option for Legacy Unlocks, I feel like they'd be leaving money on the table if they implemented this particular perk through Legacy instead of as a direct CM purchase.


I suppose if it required a really high Legacy level to get through credits but no Legacy level to get with CCs (same idea as Treek's contract) that might work.

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I always like it when they add more to the Legacy system - but even with the CC option for Legacy Unlocks, I feel like they'd be leaving money on the table if they implemented this particular perk through Legacy instead of as a direct CM purchase.


I suppose if it required a really high Legacy level to get through credits but no Legacy level to get with CCs (same idea as Treek's contract) that might work.


Legacy cap should be upped to 60 anyway, to keep it in line with regular levels. Legacy 60 and 5 mill character specific, not account wide. Or cartel coins, of course.


And it NEEDS to be a toggle, because sometimes you don't want it turned on.

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I always like it when they add more to the Legacy system - but even with the CC option for Legacy Unlocks, I feel like they'd be leaving money on the table if they implemented this particular perk through Legacy instead of as a direct CM purchase.

IF we ever want to see it, it's almost a guarantee it'll be a CM item...which segues nicely too...

And it NEEDS to be a toggle, because sometimes you don't want it turned on.

Rather than doing that much work, why not just have it as a purchasable CM token like XP boosts currently are? If you don't like it, let it expire...it would only last 3 hours anyway. Wouldn't this be the easiest way to get this to work, by mimicking what the current XP boosts do?


Now...what's a fair price? $5 for 3 hours? $10? $20? I could justify 1000cc's for the boost because a $20, 2400 coin card would get me most of the way from 1-60...and that extra 400 coins doesn't buy another boost for those who don't quite make it, so they'd be inclined to purchase more coins for that one more needed boost.

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its not directed at those that play alts. but how it impacts everyone. especially new players. they will find out how quick it is to lvl up and really not spend enough time learning the ins and outs of their class. give it time and they will catch up to the rest of us.


we see it a lot in PvP. new players that really have no idea about what their own class is capable of, their own weaknesses and how to counter attacks. with time they will get it but there are those that give up and move on to something else. be that pve or an entirely different game.


those of us that are against the x12 XP boost are looking at a larger picture than ourselves and our gameplay. we honestly don't care how your time in game impacts us. but when there are many new players that don't know much about the game at max level, then it becomes our issue. we are trying to convince you and others that support x12 XP boost to understand our side of the discussion.


You really think that side-quests and pre-60 pvp, which is the content that is passed with 12x XP, teaches someone how to play his class?

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So I am guessing you are glossing over where I already noted this, and already indicate it has done damage to the game, most especially the 'new player experience'.


When new players come to a game and its a barren wasteland, or worse, when there are supposedly a lot of people around but none of them chat, group up, tend tpo make a-holes comments and snide remarks because there is no penalty for doing so and they'll be leaving that planet in 15 minutes anyway.....


Etc... So it is _already_ an issue and 12x XP would make it worse.


Most of the 'convenience' items added to the game have made the game overall worse in terms of growth potentialand lasting community in the long term. They've been short term solutions to receive short term bumps that then result in the next short term bump needing to be even more drastic.


So, that methods already exist to bypass the low level game and make attracting new players more difficult does not justify making the situation _worse_.


That's my point. It won't make it worse because the players who would be using it are already not doing that repeatable content. And the ones that would be redoing the repeatable content if they were leveling another character are not there because they don't care for having to do all the planetary side quests that have to be done in order to level without the 12xp.


So in fact you are losing players who might be doing that repeatable content because they don't have access to the 12 xp.

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You trot out this argument everyctime and it fails because you think 12ers are making a choice between grinding and not-grinding. We're not. The choice we're making is between playing alts and not playing alts. You position is untenable because you think playing alts (even rushing through planets) somehow will make it so there are LESS people on the planet than had we not played the alts at all.


You say the choice about playing alts or not playing alts?


Are you ignoring that fact that your decision to "play that alt" or "not play that alt" boils down to, as you would put it "grin (play that alt)" or "not to grind (not play that alt)".


So, even though you want to disguise the motivation for the demands of the pro 12XP'ers, for many of those pro 12XP'ers, it still boils down to "let me have a max level character with as little effort as possible".

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That's my point. It won't make it worse because the players who would be using it are already not doing that repeatable content. And the ones that would be redoing the repeatable content if they were leveling another character are not there because they don't care for having to do all the planetary side quests that have to be done in order to level without the 12xp.


So in fact you are losing players who might be doing that repeatable content because they don't have access to the 12 xp.


BW might lose some players who are too averse to the minimal effort and time required to actually level those new characters. I'm sure there are many more players who will continue to play and subscribe even if they only continue to play their already leveled characters and choose not to level any others.


Many of those players will likely make use of the double XP events as they become available and will level those new alts, even if at a slower pace than the "light speed, easy mode, fast pass" that 12XP would provide.

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You say the choice about playing alts or not playing alts?


Are you ignoring that fact that your decision to "play that alt" or "not play that alt" boils down to, as you would put it "grin (play that alt)" or "not to grind (not play that alt)".


So, even though you want to disguise the motivation for the demands of the pro 12XP'ers, for many of those pro 12XP'ers, it still boils down to "let me have a max level character with as little effort as possible".


Grinding is a fun learning experience.Dang should have killed more mubcrabs or whatever to increase my ELO


You sound like someone who would yell at people for driving a car because you had to walk everywhere back in the day. Also disguise, lol this isn't a conspiracy we have stated why and what we want clearly. Get with the times dude.

It's just a game. The whole universe won't die if 12xp is introduced.

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Grinding is a fun learning experience.Dang should have killed more mubcrabs or whatever to increase my ELO


You sound like someone who would yell at people for driving a car because you had to walk everywhere back in the day. Also disguise, lol this isn't a conspiracy we have stated why and what we want clearly. Get with the times dude.

It's just a game. The whole universe won't die if 12xp is introduced.


Get with the times?


No one will die if 12XP is NOT introduced, either.


It appears that the devs also believe that no one will die without 12XP, seeing as how we don't have it, and the last word from the devs doesn't look too good for those players who are too averse to the minimal effort to level those new characters, either.

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Get with the times?


No one will die if 12XP is NOT introduced, either.


It appears that the devs also believe that no one will die without 12XP, seeing as how we don't have it, and the last word from the devs doesn't look too good for those players who are too averse to the minimal effort to level those new characters, either.


Yes no one will die either. Also, you aren't a Dev so don't make assumptions. Some might leave the game then losing subs. As for me, by not having 12xp you only drag out my power leveling. Also, again I ask what does dragging it out do? Want me to grind more? Boring, do you want people to hate the game. I will get more toons to 60 regardless. Maybe you want the game to fail. Maybe you have some nostalgia for the good times MMO where I could kill your character and loot your corpse. You may have some weird delight in making people grind because you did. There is no sides. Only a few stuck in the past because they want others to suffer and the majority who moved on. Again, Get real and get with the times.

Edited by FerkWork
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Yes no one will die either. Also, you aren't a Dev so don't make assumptions. Some might leave the game then losing subs. As for me, by not having 12xp you only drag out my power leveling. Also, again I ask what does dragging it out do? Want me to grind more? Boring, do you want people to hate the game. I will get more toons to 60 regardless. Maybe you want the game to fail. Maybe you have some nostalgia for the good times MMO where I could kill your character and loot your corpse. You may have some weird delight in making people grind because you did. There is no sides. Only a few stuck in the past because they want others to suffer and the majority who moved on. Again, Get real and get with the times.


Where did I say I was dev or that I knew what they were thinking?


I said "It appears that the devs also believe that no one will die without 12XP".


Yes, you will still get those characters to 60 even without a "light speed, easy mode, fast pass" to max level.


Yes, as I said, SOME players may unsubscribe, but I'm going to bet that far more will continue to subscribe and play, even with out that "light speed, easy mode, fast pass" to max level.



My opposition to a "light speed, easy mode, fast pass to max level" has nothing to do with wanting the game to fail. I want the game to succeed so that I can continue to play a game that I enjoy playing.


It has nothing to do with wanting to make people grind because I did. Leveling a character in this game has never been hard and it has only gotten easier. There are legacy XP boosts, XP boosts are given as quest rewards, you can gain HK-51 as companion at level 1, speeder piloting at level 15 (10 with the legacy perk) and numerous other things that make leveling easier and faster.


I do oppose making things, such as leveling, too easy, though.


I believe that not having a 'light speed, easy mode, fast pass" to max level is far less detrimental to the game than implementing one would be for reasons that have been stated time and time again in this thread and others.


This may only be a game. In my experience, though, I have found that the "instant gratification, entitled, have to have it now and for as little effort and cost as possible" attitudes will often carry over from the game into real life. Today, the excuse is "it's just a game, get with the times". What will the excuse be tomorrow when there is something else that person is too lazy (averse to effort) to do?

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Get with the times?


No one will die if 12XP is NOT introduced, either.


It appears that the devs also believe that no one will die without 12XP, seeing as how we don't have it, and the last word from the devs doesn't look too good for those players who are too averse to the minimal effort to level those new characters, either.


I love it when you post on topics like these. Your "I had to do everything the hard way so everyone else should too" attitude never gets old and always makes me laugh every time I see it. That's at least one productive thing you manage to do from time to time, so you got that going for you.

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I love it when you post on topics like these. Your "I had to do everything the hard way so everyone else should too" attitude never gets old and always makes me laugh every time I see it. That's at least one productive thing you manage to do from time to time, so you got that going for you.


the control freaks that want to tell you how to play will come out in force on topics like these. its just their nature. the best part is where they assume they are good players.

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the control freaks that want to tell you how to play will come out in force on topics like these. its just their nature. the best part is where they assume they are good players.


I don't recall seeing anyone who is against the "light speed, easy mode, fast pass to max level" of 12XP claiming that they were good players.


I do see many of those who are too averse to the minimal effort required to level new characters who appear to claim to be leet enough to be able to learn all the in and outs of that new class in a few minutes or hours simply by checking website or two, even if they phrase it differently, though.

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