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12 x XP for class-missions


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I don't recall seeing anyone who is against the "light speed, easy mode, fast pass to max level" of 12XP claiming that they were good players.


I do see many of those who are too averse to the minimal effort required to level new characters who appear to claim to be leet enough to be able to learn all the in and outs of that new class in a few minutes or hours simply by checking website or two, even if they phrase it differently, though.


no, I see those fighting tooth and nail against any convenience, claiming that people wont know how to play their class. who the hell are you to judge? what evidence do we have that you arent one of the perpetual bad players that cant even get a guild to run with them through ops or fp's? are you on the top of the leaderboards with your pvp skills?

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no, I see those fighting tooth and nail against any convenience, claiming that people wont know how to play their class. who the hell are you to judge? what evidence do we have that you arent one of the perpetual bad players that cant even get a guild to run with them through ops or fp's? are you on the top of the leaderboards with your pvp skills?


Have I ever claimed to be one of those things?


What evidence do we have that you aren't one of those perpetual bad players of which you speak? What eveidence do we have that you top the leaderboards with your leet PVP skills?



The only evidence we have regarding you is that you seem to belong to the "lazy, entitled, have to have it now and for as little effort and cost as possible" crowd judging from aversion to the minimal effort required to level new characters.


One of us IS mature enough to actually be willing to put forth some effort to obtain that which he wants, though. I don't think his display name starts with the letter "I", BTW.

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Have I ever claimed to be one of those things?


What evidence do we have that you aren't one of those perpetual bad players of which you speak? What eveidence do we have that you top the leaderboards with your leet PVP skills?



The only evidence we have regarding you is that you seem to belong to the "lazy, entitled, have to have it now and for as little effort and cost as possible" crowd judging from aversion to the minimal effort required to level new characters.


One of us IS mature enough to actually be willing to put forth some effort to obtain that which he wants, though. I don't think his display name starts with the letter "I", BTW.


If by lazy and entitled you mean some people have busy real life schedules and would like to PLAY the story without all the side-stuff, then yeah, I guess some of us are lazy and entitled.


What the hell is this little cost thing you're spouting off nonsensically? We're willing to pay for it.

Edited by Djiini
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"lazy, entitled, have to have it now and for as little effort and cost as possible" crowd"

The same old insult being dished out to supporters of 12xp; which in itself is pitiful. Come up with something better and original for once. Anytime anyone in this game wants anything (not just 12xpers) that that insult pops up.


To continue:

- Arguments that people wont know what they are doing with their class if they 12xp is not a logical one as people who DONT USE 12xp and level to cap don't know what they are doing.

- Should be a CM unlock for CC. It's going to happen eventually. The sooner the "anti-12xpers" can accept this, the better. Bioware won't let the money sit on the table like that.

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The same old insult being dished out to supporters of 12xp; which in itself is pitiful. Come up with something better and original for once. Anytime anyone in this game wants anything (not just 12xpers) that that insult pops up.


Gee. The only times I remember seeing it "pop-up" are when members of that "lazy, entitled, instant gratification, have to have it now and for as little effort as possible" crowd start asking, or demanding, that BW cater to their aversion to the minimal effort required to obtain that which they want.


All one needs to to is to read the forums. There are demands, I mean "requests", for everything including, but not limited to: class changing, instant max level characters, augment slots for no cost, a "light speed, easy mode, fastpass" to max level (12XP-- and at least one poster would not even be satisfied with that), etc. You name it, it seems that there is someone on the forums demanding it. I'm sorry, "requesting it".


To continue:

- Arguments that people wont know what they are doing with their class if they 12xp is not a logical one as people who DONT USE 12xp and level to cap don't know what they are doing.


It's a fact that SOME players don't know what they are doing now, true. Is that any reason, though, to exacerbate the situation by making it even easier for MORE players to reach max level without knowing how to play their class? I don't think it is, but then again, I'm not averse to a little effort or time to obtain that which I want, in this case, that new character.



- Should be a CM unlock for CC. It's going to happen eventually. The sooner the "anti-12xpers" can accept this, the better. Bioware won't let the money sit on the table like that.


It MAY happen eventually. It may NEVER happen. I do not know, and neither do you.


What I do know is that BW has chosen to let the money sit on the table so far and that the last statement from a yellow did not bode well for those demanding 12XP.


Some of those demanding 12XP latched onto the "legacy perk" words in that statement, claiming that 12XP not being a legacy perk meant they would likely be adding it to the CM.


I'm not convinced of that, though. They have not yet done so, nor have they indicated that they are even considering doing so.


I'm not a programmer, so I'm likely wrong, but it doesn't seem to difficult to me to add a 12XP boost for story missions consumable to the CM. They have XP boosts consumables already, many for specific functions. We already know they can differentiate the story missions with regards to XP earned. It seems like it would take a little time to create a story mission XP boost consumable. That is, of course, presuming that they even want to create such an item.


If I were a mouse (a member of the "lazy, entitled, instant gratification, have to have it now and for as little effort and cost as possible" crowd), I would seriously start to look at what happens every time BW does something nice for us (gives the mice a cookie). The mice are NEVER satisfied, it seems.


BW gave us a double XP weekend event and when it's over the forums explode with cries of "It's not fair, I wasn't playing and missed it. You OWE ME, BW." or "When is the next double XP weekend?". The mice apparently immediately felt they were entitled to more, it would seem.


Legacy gear from the Gree event or the Rakhghoul event led to forum cries of "You mean I have to wait a few months to get that legacy item?" or "What? NO LEGACY OFFHAND? It's a slap in the face". More entitlement from the mice, IMO. '


The same pattern has held true EVERY TIME that BW has done something nice for us.


Eventually, even the most generous person gets tired of constant demands for more cookies, though.

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Consider when they did it and when they do increased XP in general.


They will add 12x XP as some form of purchase the next time they feel there is a strong reason to have the player-base increase to level cap, alongside another double XP event.


This is most likely going to be towards the end of the year shortly before the new expansion.

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but it doesn't seem to difficult to me to add a 12XP boost for story missions consumable to the CM. They have XP boosts consumables already, many for specific functionsEVER satisfied, it seems.


I can see it now, they will make it like the walker drop rate for the CSM, but out of packs. :p


"Hey, guys! You can have a chance to get a 12xp boost randomly from this pack! Buy now folks!" :D

(With a .0001 chance rate)


Amd they STILL wont let you sell XP boosts to vendors either (no XP boosts sell on the GTN that ARENT Warzone or Generic XP)

Edited by XiamaraSimi
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Consider when they did it and when they do increased XP in general.


They will add 12x XP as some form of purchase the next time they feel there is a strong reason to have the player-base increase to level cap, alongside another double XP event.


This is most likely going to be towards the end of the year shortly before the new expansion.


IF they do another 12XP event, I think it will be before the next expansion. I'm not convinced that BW was completely satisfied with the 12XP event and the resulting entitled demands for more, so I would not be surprised if they chose not to offer 12XP again even before the next expansion.


I do not think they will ever offer 12XP as a permanent option or even as a CM item, though.

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Have I ever claimed to be one of those things?


What evidence do we have that you aren't one of those perpetual bad players of which you speak? What eveidence do we have that you top the leaderboards with your leet PVP skills?



The only evidence we have regarding you is that you seem to belong to the "lazy, entitled, have to have it now and for as little effort and cost as possible" crowd judging from aversion to the minimal effort required to level new characters.


One of us IS mature enough to actually be willing to put forth some effort to obtain that which he wants, though. I don't think his display name starts with the letter "I", BTW.


Im not the one dependent on pugs that needs help finding a team. But i am the one that leveled 24 toons to 55+ before 12x xp. You are claiming that people wont learn their classes, calling doom and gloom if they arent forced into the grind. I DONT CARE what other peoples skill levels are. I will raid with my guild and continue to have fun. while you are running around trying to control other peoples play style. you have this false sense of entitlement that others in the game are responsible for making sure you have a good experience with pugs. we are not.

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you do realize that if x12 XP was never released, this thread wouldn't be here.


there would be less tasty tears from the supporters of x12 XP, well because there wouldn't be any to begin with.


you got it for 3.0 release, don't expect it to become the norm or feature you can purchase. there was a reason it was introduced for the short time it was around. there is a reason its gone and more reasons BW doesn't comment on this thread,


stop your crying, man up and move on. instead of arguing in this thread, you should be leveling up that alt to run some class stories :rak_04:

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Im not the one dependent on pugs that needs help finding a team. But i am the one that leveled 24 toons to 55+ before 12x xp. You are claiming that people wont learn their classes, calling doom and gloom if they arent forced into the grind. I DONT CARE what other peoples skill levels are. I will raid with my guild and continue to have fun. while you are running around trying to control other peoples play style. you have this false sense of entitlement that others in the game are responsible for making sure you have a good experience with pugs. we are not.


I have no false sense of entitlement. Remember, I am not the one who set the rules. The devs are the ones who set the rules, and one of those rules they have set is NO 12XP. I am simply requesting that they not change that rule to cater to the "lazy, entitled, have to have it now and for as little effort as possible" crowd.



It seems to me that the ones with the false sense of entitlement would be YOU and the others who are too averse to the minimal effort required to level those characters and see those stories. . You think that having leveled 24 characters to 55+ entitles you to a "light speed, easy mode, fast path to max level"? News flash, it doesn't.

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Are you deaf or do you just ignore everything. Third time, levelin teaches you jack squat about playing a class endgame! You keep whining that all the noobs are due to 12xp. Where have you been? Let me tell a story, I was in an ops with a self proclaimed grinder who went up against master and blaster. I ask if he knows how to play, response I've been playing this toon for2 years I'm not a newb I have played the old fashion way since launch and know my class from questing. Want to know what happens next? He can't hold aggro the whole time and he forces me to tank both at the same time. I kicked him and replaced with a friend who power leveled a toon during 12xp in 8hours. We easily finish the ops. Moral of the story, stop repeating this nonsense that we got to grind to learn or the newbs will ruin us. No stop. All your points are made out of ignorance. Maybe that was you I kicked? :rolleyes:




You need to go back to school.

Maybe you should read all the posts before smashing a bunch of words together. You'll understand what they are trying to prevent. You seem you would rather blow a quick load than enjoy the entire ride. You won't last long in the MMO world. Go back to your console child. The grownups are talking.

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You need to go back to school.

Maybe you should read all the posts before smashing a bunch of words together. You'll understand what they are trying to prevent. You seem you would rather blow a quick load than enjoy the entire ride. You won't last long in the MMO world. Go back to your console child. The grownups are talking.


Oh the irony lol . ;)


I have read the posts. Maybe you should follow your advice and not come into a thread and spout out nonsensical insults. Enlighten me, how many NiM bosses have you downed and how much progression have you done... That's where the ride is for me. The fun ride. Leveling pffft. Go back to Runescape or whatever hole you crawled out of.


PS: I have gone through school and have several degrees. Maybe you are the one who needs to.:rolleyes:

Edited by FerkWork
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Oh the irony lol . ;)


I have read the posts. Maybe you should follow your advice and not come into a thread and spout out nonsensical insults. Enlighten me, how many NiM bosses have you downed and how much progression have you done... That's where the ride is for me. The fun ride. Leveling pffft. Go back to Runescape or whatever hole you crawled out of.


PS: I have gone through school and have several degrees. Maybe you are the one who needs to.:rolleyes:


Several degrees and you still can't spell? Or are you just too lazy to proofread?


Not everyone is as "leet" as you seem to think you are. Most players can benefit from the time spent leveling. Leveling may not teach anyone all the in's and out's of their class, but most players will usually pick up a thing or two, unless they are too lazy to do so, of course.

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Several degrees and you still can't spell? Or are you just too lazy to proofread?


Not everyone is as "leet" as you seem to think you are. Most players can benefit from the time spent leveling. Leveling may not teach anyone all the in's and out's of their class, but most players will usually pick up a thing or two, unless they are too lazy to do so, of course.


I am typing on my phone and yes I am too lazy to spell you caught me red handed. So this is about spelling now that you have nothing of substance to add. Ok. Typical resort to insults when argument is proven invalid.

It's not about how "leet" or whatever you call it in your insults, its the fact that there is no experience in grinding that is learned in a far more efficient matter by doing parses and reading guides. You two seem very bitter and make great company. As for arguing this it seems no point as you would rather have the game fail. It doesn't affect my play at all. Enjoy your bitterness ;)


PS: You are probable just mad that the majority of players are better than you. :)

Edited by FerkWork
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If by lazy and entitled you mean some people have busy real life schedules and would like to PLAY the story without all the side-stuff, then yeah, I guess some of us are lazy and entitled.


What the hell is this little cost thing you're spouting off nonsensically? We're willing to pay for it.


So tired of seeing this nonsense. I own a restaurant, work 70+ hours a week, and only get to play a couple hours a night. And really tired of seeing people use this excuse. All this boils down to is a bunch of self entitled people wanting to have everything simply handed to them. If you actually go back and read posts, there is no majority of people that want this, just a small number of the same people reposting, claiming they speak for the majority.


not to mention the fact that they have the misconception that people who are against it are selfish, the only selfish ones I see is the small minority that expect the developers to completely redefine the game to meet their play style.

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I am typing on my phone and yes I am too lazy to spell you caught me red handed. So this is about spelling now that you have nothing of substance to add. Ok. Typical resort to insults when argument is proven invalid.

It's not about how "leet" or whatever you call it in your insults, its the fact that there is no experience in grinding that is learned in a far more efficient matter by doing parses and reading guides. You two seem very bitter and make great company. As for arguing this it seems no point as you would rather have the game fail. It doesn't affect my play at all. Enjoy your bitterness ;)


PS: You are probable just mad that the majority of players are better than you. :)


You're too lazy to even proofread. let alone actually level those characters and you expect me to believe that you will put forth the effort to read guides or doing parses?


I'm sorry, but I find that hard to believe, given your obvious aversion to effort.


I wish you luck as you try to muddle your way through the game, though.

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I own a restaurant, work 70+ hours a week, and only get to play a couple hours a night.


I work a similar schedule, and if you are able to squeeze in a couple hours a night, you must have very little going on in your life outside of that restaurant and this game. I'm lucky to get in an hour per day, if that. I have been playing this game for 1 1/2 years and have finished one class story. Getting close on two others (one I play myself, the other I play with my wife). I've paid several hundred dollars in subscription fees, essentially to do pvp and see one story.


I would love to be able to just play through the class stories without having to play the one-off quests just to ensure I'm at the appropriate level. I don't have a couple hours per night to dedicate to a game. Not without neglecting things that are actually important. Nobody should have to make sacrifices in their real life just in order to enjoy a video game. Anyone who thinks they should, just doesn't get it. That, or I guess I'm sorry that your life is lame.

Edited by Svarthrafn
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I work a similar schedule, and if you are able to squeeze in a couple hours a night, you must have very little going on in your life outside of that restaurant and this game. I'm lucky to get in an hour per day, if that. I have been playing this game for 1 1/2 years and have finished one class story. Getting close on two others (one I play myself, the other I play with my wife). I've paid several hundred dollars in subscription fees, essentially to do pvp and see one story.


I would love to be able to just play through the class stories without having to play the one-off quests just to ensure I'm at the appropriate level. I don't have a couple hours per night to dedicate to a game. Not without neglecting things that are actually important. Nobody should have to make sacrifices in their real life just in order to enjoy a video game. Anyone who thinks they should, just doesn't get it. That, or I guess I'm sorry that your life is lame.


Not being able to level up as fast as you would like is not a sacrifice. There is no sacrifice, it is a game. You level when you level, and eventually you hit the cap.


And you have no idea about my life, it isnt much of a time sink to play from 10pm to midnight 4 days a week, and if you think your time is worth more then that, then either a) you over estimate the value of your time or b) maybe a MMO isnt the right game for you, and you should stick to a console game.


And unless you are a business owner, you have no idea what having a small amount of time to enjoy something you like playing is. That is the difference between an employer, and a employee.

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Ah point before I forget about this sillyness,

Heh I already have my toons at max level. I will just power level another. It makes no difference only time. Heh muddle through the game lol. Can't muddle when I am at endgame. I will be busy farming Bulo on HM and working on Torque. I just have different priorities in this game. And do some fun NiM runs. Maybe get another mount. Can I get lazy as a Legacy title BW? :)


Swag :rak_03:

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Not being able to level up as fast as you would like is not a sacrifice. There is no sacrifice, it is a game. You level when you level, and eventually you hit the cap.


Well no kidding. That is exactly what we have right now. It just so happens that I don't find repeating the same quests to be all that enjoyable. Obviously there are several others who don't like these filler quests either. I've taken to leveling with pvp, and just going back and facerolling the class quests later on so I can see the story. I see no reason why somebody shouldn't have the option able to level at 12x so they play content they actually enjoy. If people aren't enjoying the game, they will leave, and none of us want that.


And unless you are a business owner, you have no idea what having a small amount of time to enjoy something you like playing is. That is the difference between an employer, and a employee.


I'm well aware of the difference, thank you. I've owned a business for several years now. Congratulations on learning the joys of self-employment.

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Well no kidding. That is exactly what we have right now. It just so happens that I don't find repeating the same quests to be all that enjoyable. Obviously there are several others who don't like these filler quests either. I've taken to leveling with pvp, and just going back and facerolling the class quests later on so I can see the story. I see no reason why somebody shouldn't have the option able to level at 12x so they play content they actually enjoy. If people aren't enjoying the game, they will leave, and none of us want that.


You've already proven that you can level without having to bother with all of those pesky planetary side quests. I see no reason why BW should cater to the "lazy, entitled, have to have it now and for as little effort as possible crowd".


You want to only play content you enjoy? You want to skip the parts of the game you enjoy?


What about the player who doesn't enjoy the grind of raiding to gear up? Should he be able to skip the raiding, but be given the rewards of BIS gear for, especially if he already geared out one character in BIS gear?


Why do you think that you are entitled to be able to play only the parts of the game that you enjoy and skip all the rest, especially when the rest of the players cannot skip the parts that they might not enjoy?

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