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Xenoanalyst Loot

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So it looks like the loot table trolls at Bioware have struck again. According to Dulfy's updated guide to the event Xenoanalyst does not drop any unassembled tokens at all on either SM or HM with this iteration of the Gree event. It just drops elite comms gear on both SM and HM.




If this is true then the only question I have for Bioware is: what the hell do you think you are doing? I was planning to do Xenoanalyst tomorrow evening but if this is indeed true then I simply cannot be bothered. As with HM flashpoints the rewards are out-of-kilter with the effort and level of play required. I don't do HM flashpoints now at all either for exactly that reason.


Again your ham-fisted and inept handling of things threatens to reduce participation in the game.

Edited by davidp_newton
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So it looks like the loot table trolls at Bioware have struck again. According to Dulfy's updated guide to the event Xenoanalyst does not drop any unassembled tokens at all on either SM or HM with this iteration of the Gree event. It just drops elite comms gear on SM and ultimate comms gear on HM.




If this is true then the only question I have for Bioware is: what the hell do you think you are doing? I was planning to do Xenoanalyst tomorrow evening but if this is indeed true then I simply cannot be bothered. As with HM flashpoints the rewards are out-of-kilter with the effort and level of play required. I don't do HM flashpoints now at all either for exactly that reason.


Again your ham-fisted and inept handling of things threatens to reduce participation in the game.


Wait, hold on, Xenoanalyst is old content. Why should old content drop at-tier gear tokens? What about Xeno justifies dropping a Resurrected OR EVEN Revanite token? Are you advocating that you include Resurrected and Revanite Tokens in TFB and SNV? How about EC? What about Kingpin Bounty events? How about Toborro? These are serious questions. I don't understand what you're thinking Bioware should do. I don't WANT Resurrected or Revanite tokens to drop from ANY previous content or content outside of the raids. It weakens the loot table in the new raids. The only exception I could think of is Ancient Threat secret boss, which I could totally understand if it dropped random Unassembled loot.

Edited by justinplainview
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So it looks like the loot table trolls at Bioware have struck again. According to Dulfy's updated guide to the event Xenoanalyst does not drop any unassembled tokens at all on either SM or HM with this iteration of the Gree event. It just drops elite comms gear on SM and ultimate comms gear on HM.




If this is true then the only question I have for Bioware is: what the hell do you think you are doing? I was planning to do Xenoanalyst tomorrow evening but if this is indeed true then I simply cannot be bothered. As with HM flashpoints the rewards are out-of-kilter with the effort and level of play required. I don't do HM flashpoints now at all either for exactly that reason.


Again your ham-fisted and inept handling of things threatens to reduce participation in the game.



Hahaah. Gimme Gimme.


What do you want from a boss that takes 5min to kill and can be farmed by Alts over and over again?


192 Tokens?

198 Tokens?


If you need Unassembled token gear drops to do a boss that takes 5min, I don't agree with you. I'll do it for the helix components, I'll do it for the chance of a Red Sphere. I'll do it because it's something "different"


I had no realistic expectation it would drop Ops gear. And it shouldn't. Maybe HM could drop a SM token. But if you thought 198 gear would come anywhere near this boss, then you're expectations were way too high.

Edited by JMagee
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Wait, hold on, Xenoanalyst is old content. Why should old content drop at-tier gear tokens? What about Xeno justifies dropping a Resurrected OR EVEN Revanite token? Are you advocating that you include Resurrected and Revanite Tokens in TFB and SNV? How about EC? What about Kingpin Bounty events? How about Toborro? These are serious questions. I don't understand what you're thinking Bioware should do. I don't WANT Resurrected or Revanite tokens to drop from ANY previous content or content outside of the raids. It weakens the loot table in the new raids. The only exception I could think of is Ancient Threat secret boss, which I could totally understand if it dropped random Unassembled loot.


No they're NOT serious questions: none of those are level 60 scaled, they're all still at level 55. Xenoanalyst has been scaled to level 60 and THAT is the difference. I can understand not dropping revanite gear tokens perhaps. I can understand not dropping resurrected gear tokens on SM perhaps. At level 55 this boss dropped arkanian gear tokens on story mode and underworld tokens on hard mode. Therefore as a level 60 boss it should drop resurrected tokens on story mode and revanite tokens on hard mode if equivalence is to be maintained. If equivalence is not to be maintained then the hard mode should certainly drop resurrected tokens. An equivalent "serious" question would have been to ask if TFB should have dropped pre-RotHC gear after being scaled to level 55?


I can get hold of resurrected tokens easily enough myself as I have cleared both raids on SM at both 8 and 16 man sizes. HM beckons for both raids, so at least tokens from the first two bosses of those should soon be relatively easy to get hold of. What I am complaining about is Bioware's continued tin ear towards its lower-end raiding population and the concomitant decrease in game population that is likely to occur. I can certainly kill the boss on SM easily enough, and quite possibly on HM as well. Can I be bothered to do so without unassembled tokens dropping since I don't need any grey helix components? No.

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No they're NOT serious questions: none of those are level 60 scaled, they're all still at level 55. Xenoanalyst has been scaled to level 60 and THAT is the difference. I can understand not dropping revanite gear tokens perhaps. I can understand not dropping resurrected gear tokens on SM perhaps. At level 55 this boss dropped arkanian gear tokens on story mode and underworld tokens on hard mode. Therefore as a level 60 boss it should drop resurrected tokens on story mode and revanite tokens on hard mode if equivalence is to be maintained. If equivalence is not to be maintained then the hard mode should certainly drop resurrected tokens. An equivalent "serious" question would have been to ask if TFB should have dropped pre-RotHC gear after being scaled to level 55?


I can get hold of resurrected tokens easily enough myself as I have cleared both raids on SM at both 8 and 16 man sizes. HM beckons for both raids, so at least tokens from the first two bosses of those should soon be relatively easy to get hold of. What I am complaining about is Bioware's continued tin ear towards its lower-end raiding population and the concomitant decrease in game population that is likely to occur. I can certainly kill the boss on SM easily enough, and quite possibly on HM as well. Can I be bothered to do so without unassembled tokens dropping since I don't need any grey helix components? No.


TBH the fact that it's scaled to 60 has more to do with more reasons for buying the expac (incentive) than anything about keeping it relevant. Xeno is not relevant content in any meaningful capacity. There's no reason to include unassembled tokens. It's easy to get gear, even in SM pugs. As for you saying you don't think you can kill bosses without adequate gear: at the start of this content release, the new HM's, for at least 8/10 were cleared with 186 gear with VERY few 192 pieces. At this point, with so many people having at least 192 gear with mix of 198 (and this is assuming the "lower end raiding population" not the zenith) I would argue you can kill the first two bosses of those instances without new set bonuses, so long as you execute mechanics. If you don't execute mechanics on Bulo or SS, good luck killing them regardless of gear.


Here's a more pertinent question: Why do you feel a need for Gree to be relevant? Is it that Bioware deems it should be? Is the only way an event is relevant is if there is a PVE raiding incentive? As someone who is in the raiding community, I don't think we need to be the focus of every single event. Gree is not particularly relevant to me as a raider, but I'm glad that it's back because people do get excited for it to come back in the first place, for legacy weapons, gear, a chance at the red sphere, achievements etc. There are people in my guild who will farm Xeno during the event just at a chance to get the Red Sphere. There are people I know that have 100% Operations that will farm Gree event for World Boss achievements, PVP achievements, etc. The event in and of itself is relevant for other types of play outside of raiding. I agree that Bioware has made missteps in the new raids at times (certain bosses being buggy, loot tables for 16 man being wonky, among other things), but I'm not sure a token drop being excluded from Xeno is one of them. If Bioware responded to this post and agreed with you by offering a token, then I'd be happy for you, I wouldn't get butthurt and go in my corner with a loss on the forums or something, but I just don't know why people think they deserve a part of the loot table of Instance A in mini instance X.


I'm aware that Bioware has done loot on solo bosses from larger loot tables in the past, but I could just as easily point out that Bioware changed or tweaked their view on loot and gear in general with this tier (changes to how relics drop in the loot table in 16 and 8, guaranteeing drops on Implants and Ear, as well as not having low-endurance mods for DPS on comms gear like in the past) that would put the As it was, so shall it be again argument of yours in doubt.


TLDR Not everything should drop current tokens. If it does, it's all gravy for you. If it doesn't, I don't think you need to tell Bioware that their sky is falling.

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No they're NOT serious questions: none of those are level 60 scaled, they're all still at level 55. Xenoanalyst has been scaled to level 60 and THAT is the difference. I can understand not dropping revanite gear tokens perhaps. I can understand not dropping resurrected gear tokens on SM perhaps. At level 55 this boss dropped arkanian gear tokens on story mode and underworld tokens on hard mode. Therefore as a level 60 boss it should drop resurrected tokens on story mode and revanite tokens on hard mode if equivalence is to be maintained. If equivalence is not to be maintained then the hard mode should certainly drop resurrected tokens. An equivalent "serious" question would have been to ask if TFB should have dropped pre-RotHC gear after being scaled to level 55?


I can get hold of resurrected tokens easily enough myself as I have cleared both raids on SM at both 8 and 16 man sizes. HM beckons for both raids, so at least tokens from the first two bosses of those should soon be relatively easy to get hold of. What I am complaining about is Bioware's continued tin ear towards its lower-end raiding population and the concomitant decrease in game population that is likely to occur. I can certainly kill the boss on SM easily enough, and quite possibly on HM as well. Can I be bothered to do so without unassembled tokens dropping since I don't need any grey helix components? No.


I'd be more inclined to agree here once they bring the event back again at a later time, when the HM stuff is a little easier to come by. Maybe after NiM of one or both ops release even. But I agree with the others for now: it doesn't need to drop the 192/198 tokens. Although I think it should drop one Vendor-type piece at it's corresponding difficulty. (Dulfy guide says it only drops Massasi on HM) with a chance to drop a piece with an optimized enhancement.

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I understand how it shouldn't drop revanite gear, however dropping useful gear could serve as an incentive to do the event if you already have legend rank and a stack of helix components, specially if there is nothing new to buy with helix components. They could have make it drop a token of resurrected gear in SM and 2 tokens in HM, since resurrected gear is already easy to obtain and a 1 week event will not have a major impact on the loot tables. Edited by g_mK
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I understand how it shouldn't drop revanite gear, however dropping useful gear could serve as an incentive to do the event if you already have legend rank and a stack of helix components, specially if there is nothing new to buy with helix components. They could have make it drop a token of resurrected gear in SM and 2 tokens in HM, since resurrected gear is already easy to obtain and a 1 week event will not have a major impact on the loot tables.


Yep. As I said higher up the thread I am not primarily concerned about this from a personal perspective, although the small slowing of gearing this represents is a bit annoying. What I am primarily concerned about is the pattern this is a continuation of. HM flashpoints drop elite comms gear with crap enhancements when the gear the final boss and the bonus boss drop should mk-2 massassi stuff with decent enhancements and mods. SM ops drop tokens and elite comms gear with crap enhancements when the drops should be tokens and mk-2 massassi stuff with decent enhancements and mods. This results in no incentive to do HM flashpoints. The loot table on Xenoanalyst results in no incentive to do it if like me you have full reputation and no need for grey helix components.


On top of the Underlurker and Coratanni bugs, 16 man loot table bugs on Ravagers and Temple of Sacrifice, exploit lack of fix for ages …. You get the idea.

Edited by davidp_newton
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TBH the fact that it's scaled to 60 has more to do with more reasons for buying the expac (incentive) than anything about keeping it relevant. Xeno is not relevant content in any meaningful capacity. There's no reason to include unassembled tokens. It's easy to get gear, even in SM pugs. As for you saying you don't think you can kill bosses without adequate gear: at the start of this content release, the new HM's, for at least 8/10 were cleared with 186 gear with VERY few 192 pieces. At this point, with so many people having at least 192 gear with mix of 198 (and this is assuming the "lower end raiding population" not the zenith) I would argue you can kill the first two bosses of those instances without new set bonuses, so long as you execute mechanics. If you don't execute mechanics on Bulo or SS, good luck killing them regardless of gear.


Here's a more pertinent question: Why do you feel a need for Gree to be relevant? Is it that Bioware deems it should be? Is the only way an event is relevant is if there is a PVE raiding incentive? As someone who is in the raiding community, I don't think we need to be the focus of every single event. Gree is not particularly relevant to me as a raider, but I'm glad that it's back because people do get excited for it to come back in the first place, for legacy weapons, gear, a chance at the red sphere, achievements etc. There are people in my guild who will farm Xeno during the event just at a chance to get the Red Sphere. There are people I know that have 100% Operations that will farm Gree event for World Boss achievements, PVP achievements, etc. The event in and of itself is relevant for other types of play outside of raiding. I agree that Bioware has made missteps in the new raids at times (certain bosses being buggy, loot tables for 16 man being wonky, among other things), but I'm not sure a token drop being excluded from Xeno is one of them. If Bioware responded to this post and agreed with you by offering a token, then I'd be happy for you, I wouldn't get butthurt and go in my corner with a loss on the forums or something, but I just don't know why people think they deserve a part of the loot table of Instance A in mini instance X.


I'm aware that Bioware has done loot on solo bosses from larger loot tables in the past, but I could just as easily point out that Bioware changed or tweaked their view on loot and gear in general with this tier (changes to how relics drop in the loot table in 16 and 8, guaranteeing drops on Implants and Ear, as well as not having low-endurance mods for DPS on comms gear like in the past) that would put the As it was, so shall it be again argument of yours in doubt.


TLDR Not everything should drop current tokens. If it does, it's all gravy for you. If it doesn't, I don't think you need to tell Bioware that their sky is falling.


I agree and go even further and say why should gear even drop as the event is centered around the Gree stuff. I would gladly exchange the gear drop for an extra drop on the pet or mount. I would praise BW forever (plus sexual favors :D) if they increased the drop on the red sphere in exchange for getting rid of the gear drop. Now to pray to the RNG gods for a winning roll this week. :p

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While it was a little disappointing not to see any tokens drop, it was even more disappointing to see how under-tuned the fight was after being scaled. Of course it's an old encounter that a lot of us have become far too familiar with...


Perhaps It's time for Xenoanalyst III; surely they've collected enough data on us by now.

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TBH the fact that it's scaled to 60 has more to do with more reasons for buying the expac (incentive) than anything about keeping it relevant. Xeno is not relevant content in any meaningful capacity. There's no reason to include unassembled tokens. It's easy to get gear, even in SM pugs. As for you saying you don't think you can kill bosses without adequate gear: at the start of this content release, the new HM's, for at least 8/10 were cleared with 186 gear with VERY few 192 pieces. At this point, with so many people having at least 192 gear with mix of 198 (and this is assuming the "lower end raiding population" not the zenith) I would argue you can kill the first two bosses of those instances without new set bonuses, so long as you execute mechanics. If you don't execute mechanics on Bulo or SS, good luck killing them regardless of gear.


Here's a more pertinent question: Why do you feel a need for Gree to be relevant? Is it that Bioware deems it should be? Is the only way an event is relevant is if there is a PVE raiding incentive? As someone who is in the raiding community, I don't think we need to be the focus of every single event. Gree is not particularly relevant to me as a raider, but I'm glad that it's back because people do get excited for it to come back in the first place, for legacy weapons, gear, a chance at the red sphere, achievements etc. There are people in my guild who will farm Xeno during the event just at a chance to get the Red Sphere. There are people I know that have 100% Operations that will farm Gree event for World Boss achievements, PVP achievements, etc. The event in and of itself is relevant for other types of play outside of raiding. I agree that Bioware has made missteps in the new raids at times (certain bosses being buggy, loot tables for 16 man being wonky, among other things), but I'm not sure a token drop being excluded from Xeno is one of them. If Bioware responded to this post and agreed with you by offering a token, then I'd be happy for you, I wouldn't get butthurt and go in my corner with a loss on the forums or something, but I just don't know why people think they deserve a part of the loot table of Instance A in mini instance X.


I'm aware that Bioware has done loot on solo bosses from larger loot tables in the past, but I could just as easily point out that Bioware changed or tweaked their view on loot and gear in general with this tier (changes to how relics drop in the loot table in 16 and 8, guaranteeing drops on Implants and Ear, as well as not having low-endurance mods for DPS on comms gear like in the past) that would put the As it was, so shall it be again argument of yours in doubt.


TLDR Not everything should drop current tokens. If it does, it's all gravy for you. If it doesn't, I don't think you need to tell Bioware that their sky is falling.


When did I ever say that I can't kill bosses without "adequate" gear? As I said I have not killed any of new bosses on HM yet. What I have done is cleared the SM ones with a mixture of rating 180 and 186 gear with perhaps a rating 192 piece thrown in there later in the runs. I am quite capable of doing that content at the recommended gear level, or indeed below at the start.


That said you are correct that it is a much more pertinent question to ask why the Gree event needs to be scaled to level 60? However again you are putting words in my mouth by saying that I feel a "need" for the Gree to be relevant. If the Gree event had been left at level 55 it would not have enormously bothered me, but it has not been left at level 55; it has been scaled to level 60. Since it has been scaled to level 60 the question then becomes how should the loot table be updated? There has been a trend recently towards loot rewards not matching what are needed to actually incentivise people to do content.


Obviously at the end of RotHC we had all massively out-geared HM flashpoints so the rating 162 drops were virtually useless, reducing the incentive to do that content enormously. Now we don't out-gear HM flashpoints massively and the gear they drop from the final boss and the bonus boss is only one rating below current top-tier. However that gear is simply the same as can be obtained from the elite comms vendor and there are plenty of other sources of elite comms then HM flashpoints where they can be obtained much more easily, including guild ops runs for me personally. So if the above is true concerning the gear drops where is the incentive to do the HM flashpoints, even at the start of this expansion? I certainly don't feel any incentive to do them and have only completed three of the six, and then only once in each case.


Come forward to the Gree event and the same is true. I don't need the grey helix components any more, so the only incentive to do the boss for me is gear drops. Its gear drops are completely terrible and available from the elite comms vendors in the same way as HM flashpoint drops. So tell me how this encourages participation in the game?

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Nevermind the tokens, how about the fact that Xeno 16 HM drops exactly the same stuff as Xeno 16 SM? Implant, boots, 8 helixes and a rep item. Both SM and HM, 8.

Also, only two gear items at 16 man mode?

I wonder if it's even possible for the Red Sphere to drop now.

Surely this isn't "working as intended"?


Did both HM and SM in a row yesterday, and this happened. Did anyone else encounter it?

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Nevermind the tokens, how about the fact that Xeno 16 HM drops exactly the same stuff as Xeno 16 SM? Implant, boots, 8 helixes and a rep item. Both SM and HM, 8.

Also, only two gear items at 16 man mode?

I wonder if it's even possible for the Red Sphere to drop now.

Surely this isn't "working as intended"?


Did both HM and SM in a row yesterday, and this happened. Did anyone else encounter it?


well xeno sm drops 6 helix and 2 less commendations both elites and ultimates. the fight is dead easy even in hm even with facerolling bads so why should it drop tokens?

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The Xenoanalyst's loot is disapointing. I'd say it should drop Ultimate comms, but Ultimate comms gear has been so disapointing this tier, and the supply of Ultimates itself made so small, it looks like BW is headed towards eliminating the Ultimate gear altogether.


Like for SM Ops now, the difficulty, if you can call it that, of Xeno is assembling the raid (especially for 16M). The difficulty of the fight itself is rather irrelevant, people will get the kill but may take a long time getting the raid together. The fight and story are rather bland and uninteresting. If you don't need the rep or the Helix components...currently it's just not worth the effort. I don't understand why BW bother making such an irrelevant event.

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well xeno sm drops 6 helix and 2 less commendations both elites and ultimates. the fight is dead easy even in hm even with facerolling bads so why should it drop tokens?


Yes, I know SM should drop 6 helix - and yet it dropped 8 in that particular fight. Everybody in my ops group was puzzled.

And... I believe I said "nevermind the tokens" )) To clarify this: I don't think it should drop token gear, and I never said otherwise.

What I do care about, is (no surprise here ^^) the Red Sphere. So if Xeno loot is bugged, then the sphere may not drop at all.

So I'd really like to know if it's bugged or not.

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