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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

When Is It OK To Bail On A Warzone?


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Because there are reasons why people leave WZs. If people would L2P, then they wouldn't leave, would they? Stating that people who leave are "pests," while people who make noob mistakes that cause them to leave are fine, is missing the point by a long shot. Unless you're seriously suggesting that people queue up for WZs just to leave them for the heck of it?


Im sure people have reasons. Wrong reasons are reasons too. I just think that if people only stay in a warzone if they are teamed with good players is, well, let's call it 'spineless'.


And please don't come with "I can't read the enemy's chat". You are presuming that if you knew the other team was making "noob mistakes", you would leave as well. I hope you don't believe yourself.


If I stay in a warzone when my team is much better, isn't it civilised to stay in a warzone when the situation is reversed?

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I leave if I don't like the match/group or just don't feal like it. Sometimes i queue and get bored halfway or a guildie wants to do something. Same with GF and pug groups. No shame, I pay my sub for my entertainment as I'm not going to be helpful anyways if I'm bored and continue to play the match. People won't even remember it 5 minutes later who left. It's your game OP no one can make you play something you don't want. But that's regarding regs. For ranked its not even a question as you lost ELO for quitting and I don't see the point in quitting when you lose that. Edited by FerkWork
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Because the enemy teams never have their own bads. :rolleyes:


You and your straw man arguments.


Did I say that? I said getting rolled against a good premade when you q solo.


If you want to pay my sub you can tell me how to play and dictate the matches I stay in.


I dont just leave a WZ. But I am not going to be farmed for metals because I am on a team of scrubs against a premade farming spawn in VS. If you like that kind of gameplay go for it. But I would like to try to re-q with a more competent team that is able to atleast not get killed the moment they fall out of spawn and leave me there fighting 6 people.

Edited by NuSeC
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During the prep phase and if just joining a WZ in progress i'd consider perfectly valid times to drop out.

If its a super sucky game and you really dont wanna be there anymore. I'd say go on untill someone kills ya then leave after ressing. As chances are there is a barrier up that'll last long enough for someone else to fill in before you'd be able to rejoin the fight anyway.


Also if you've for some reason not autoquit an arena (maybe you're there for comms/conquest and just want quick points instead of fun?), and you end up in one of those utterly horrible games where there is a stealther who thinks he is being smart by hiding in a corner while waiting for the timer to tick out. Then thats a perfectly good time to quit out of frustration too. Especially if he is on your side as 9/10 times he'll just instantly die once the timer runs out anyway, causing you to have just lost 5-10min (if he does it both rounds) in order to lose anyway.


All in all though, just leave if you dont feel like it.

I've never had any issue with people leaving and never felt bad when I was the one leaving either.

Infact, i'd rather have someone who doesnt wanna be there leave as they might be replaced with someone more motivated to actually win.

Having an unmotivated player stick around for the whole game can easily be alot more damaging for a team's performance than being without one for the 10-20sec it takes to get a replacement.

Only time i'd consider it kinda rude is if you're solo guarding a point or carrying the ball.. Because at that point people actually are relying on you.

Edited by Ershiin
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Im sure people have reasons. Wrong reasons are reasons too. I just think that if people only stay in a warzone if they are teamed with good players is, well, let's call it 'spineless'.


Merely your opinion. And your psychic powers need some work.


And please don't come with "I can't read the enemy's chat". You are presuming that if you knew the other team was making "noob mistakes", you would leave as well. I hope you don't believe yourself.


If I stay in a warzone when my team is much better, isn't it civilised to stay in a warzone when the situation is reversed?


You missed the point completely. I asked you how you planned to enforce your "anyone who leaves whenever his/her team makes noob mistakes must do the same whenever the opposing team is making noob mistakes" rule. Unless you plan on telling the other team whenever your team leaves nodes unguarded, doesn't call incs, left a non-stealth healer to guard a node by him/herself, etc. so that they will be "civilized," your challenge doesn't have much basis in reality.

Edited by HandOfKane
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If it's going that bad then I'll just go stand at a node and collect defender medals, find a spot to start dancing, or go mess around with defenders at a node while I'm on a stealth class.


You get nothing for quitting but atleast something for losing. Suck it up.

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Because the enemy teams never have their own bads. :rolleyes:


What does that have to do with anything? Did he disdain for enemies leaving their team for the same reasons he would?


You get nothing for quitting


Wrong. You get time. Time in which you can play a warzone with decent players, or go do a flashpoint, or dailies, or any number of activities that are more fun than losing horribly because of something beyond your control.

Edited by Dufar_Jabar
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What does that have to do with anything? Did he disdain for enemies leaving their team for the same reasons he would?



He was trying to argue against something that was not even said... and attempting to be snotty about it with his little emoticon lol

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Im sure people have reasons. Wrong reasons are reasons too. I just think that if people only stay in a warzone if they are teamed with good players is, well, let's call it 'spineless'.


And please don't come with "I can't read the enemy's chat". You are presuming that if you knew the other team was making "noob mistakes", you would leave as well. I hope you don't believe yourself.


If I stay in a warzone when my team is much better, isn't it civilised to stay in a warzone when the situation is reversed?




You can call it spineless if that helps you feel better, but some of us really have better things to do than babysit a team that can't follow simple instructions or differentiate right from left.


As for quitting when the other team is bad? That's not terribly fun either, but hey, free comms.


I DO think it's kind of dumb to bail the moment you die or a cap goes bad but I really don't see that very often.

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You can call it spineless if that helps you feel better, but some of us really have better things to do than babysit a team that can't follow simple instructions or differentiate right from left.


To be fair, left/right is going to depend on the direction you're facing, and in Voidstar right and left swap depending on whether or not you're attacking or defending. I prefer to use east/west so as not to potentially confuse teammates.

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I like your enthusasm but your logic is flawed. If you get strait out beat like a red headed step child you are wasting your time in the match. The number of comms you gain from it likely won't even cover the cost of the warzone resources you used.


I'm curious...what resources would those be? 15 minutes on a Stim? Maybe a Medpack and WZ Adrenal, if you wanted to splurge?


And if you are working on your Dark Reaver set like I am, you need every reg comm you can get because quite honestly, this is the best road to go if you play a non-FOTM class like I do.


Sorry, but running Ranked is the best way to get Ranked Comms, even if you are a non-FotM class...at least that's the case if you play on a legit PvP server where you get steady pops.


And playing Repub on Pot5, I have gone days without a single victory...When you do +20 warzones a day and lose them all ...


That's crazy. I can't speak to the situation on Pot5 as Pub is pretty solid on The Bastion. My toon will lose two Reg matches on a bad day. I only run Regz for the Daily though and don't do much beyond that. Usually win two matches and move on.


Not trying to be an a-hole or anything, but if I were to run 20 WZs and not win one, I would be seriously looking into how I could improve my own personal game and find a friend or two to run a premade with. Losing 20 WZs in a row seems impossible.

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I pretty much never bail off a WZ, unless, that is, the connection fails. :rolleyes:

I find it disrespectful towards those who are giving it a try, because I'm screwing them up forcing them to rely on a reinforcement that may even not arrive... Plus, I get comms anyway, so leaving makes little sense to me. :o


There's only one reason why I'd consider leaving: some foul-mouthed guy in my team starts blaming others, calling names and doing everything except being useful. I can't stand that kind of people, so if they don't shut up after my first chime in - yeah, I do ask them to stop, before leaving :D - I apologize to everyone else and take my leave. :cool:


It has happened about a dozen times througn my (too) many alts, so I can't really complain on that regard, tbh. But yeah, that's my 2 cents. :)

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Stealthers can do that sure. But what if you aren't a stealth class?


The answer is, you aren't carrying anybody. You are lucky just to hold your own which likely won't happen because you die quickly because your teammates die even faster than you do.


ah, but there are other things that you can do to change things.


As non-stealther in a CW match, I died mid, both sides were both faction controlled, I headed to grass, to the other faction. They called, at least had to because 3 ppl came running, I did my best to troll it...and go figure, SUCCESS, we got mid.


Hell, there are a lot of things a non-stealther can do, try and draw a guy away from a node, and even sell it, and people will come running if they think you are doing the draw strat,

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How is that hypocrisy? When there are good players, there are bad players as well. Of course I prefer players who know what they are doing, but at least I have the balls to stay in a warzone when I am teamed up with baddies. I bet you don't leave a warzone when you see that the other team leaves nodes unguarded, don't call incs etc.


Now that, my friend, is hypocrisy.


I'm someone that plays a lot of sports, and goes to open gyms to play basketball, volleyball, soccer, etc... The interesting tthing, and to parallel this, there are all kinds of players and skill levels, and all kinds of ways to divide the teams up.


The best, most competitive gyms, don't give a **** about equality. Winners court, winner stays on. It breeds better players and you have to improve if you want to play. Lots of places line up, usually with something as assinine as height, and not skill or actual position, some places actually draft a team for the night.


The sport with the widest range of skill levels seems to be volleyball, not only because of the guy girl mixture, but so much about the sport is taught by the football coach in gym class in high school or a PhysEd prof in college, and neither of which has a *********** clue about how the actual sport is played.


You also get a wide range of athletic ability from guys that can jump out the gym, to guys that are just trees with zero mobility. The ball can literally be one foot in front of them but becasue it is at the knee level they can't get it because they just give up on it.


some of the worst people you encounter are the athletes that think they can just rely on said athletic ability. Typically they are a danger to themselves and others. The worst knee and ankle injuries I've seen are from these types because they jump so high and with no control that they'll land on someone else and depending on the nature of the landing, typically will blow their ankle (break it, or a serious sprain) but if they hit it wrong, they can blow their knee out. I've seen this once.


To parallel this with SWTOR, it's those types of guys, the ones you tell them what they are doing wrong, and basically don't listen to you, and think they know what they are doing and do what they want that are the worst. Those are the teams and gyms I will leave early on and refuse to play with because not only could they hurt themselves but hurt you. I've seen guys walk off the court, yelling at other players to learn to play or get off the court. And to be honest, I can't blame them, the ones that are yelling are the ones that have blown out ankles and knees due to baddies. The only time I've ever really yelled at someone was when they just weren't playing. They just stood on the court and did nothing. I basically yelled, "are you here play? if not, get off the court" He was terrible but he apologized to me afterwards too.


Granted that's real life vs a video game. But the same sentiment is there.


In terms of myself, I typically won't quit, but I'll be extremely cautious when going up against those kinds of players, and if I get stuck on a bad team, many times I'll just call it a night after a couple of games. Just not worth my time. However, even if the team si bad, but the players are trying to get better, listen to instruction, etc... I'll put on my coaches cap and help them out, but too many times, people just don't care.

Edited by Anyakaschala
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I pretty much never bail off a WZ, unless, that is, the connection fails. :rolleyes:

I find it disrespectful towards those who are giving it a try, because I'm screwing them up forcing them to rely on a reinforcement that may even not arrive... Plus, I get comms anyway, so leaving makes little sense to me. :o


There's only one reason why I'd consider leaving: some foul-mouthed guy in my team starts blaming others, calling names and doing everything except being useful. I can't stand that kind of people, so if they don't shut up after my first chime in - yeah, I do ask them to stop, before leaving :D - I apologize to everyone else and take my leave. :cool:


It has happened about a dozen times througn my (too) many alts, so I can't really complain on that regard, tbh. But yeah, that's my 2 cents. :)


Holy emoticons, Batman.


1. I find it more disrespectful when people don't know what they are doing, don't respond to calls in ops chat, don't fight on the nodes even after being asked to, and all that jazz. If that's what I see in a warzone, I'm out. I've already found that they have no respect for me, so why should I have any for them?


2. Who cares if they get a reinforcement or not? They obviously are not all that invested into winning, or I'd not be inclined to leave in the first place.


3. You get fewer comms for losing. You'll gain comms faster if you leave and get in a groove with good players than if you stay to eke out comms from defeat after defeat.


4. Ragers suck, and are usually indicative of someone who can't play. Most of the people who know what they're doing call things out politely and calmly in ops chat. Whether anyone listens to them or not is a good indication of how many bads are in your group.

Edited by Dufar_Jabar
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Personally, I do not leave a warzone (my choice) and even when we are getting rolled I can normally find something useful to do, whether its helping at a team level (giving instructions) or just trying new moves, position, understanding how quick i get burned taking on a FOTM one on one, plus there is always comm and creds..... As a Merc there is always new ways to smashed quickly...


However, my question to people who leave within the first minute or two is, how do you know that everyone else is crap?


The number of games where the team has been flamed by the leaver and than everything seems to turn around and the group gets itself sorted? Finishing in either a close loss or a win??? The opposition is actually good and did something new, different, or we just had our line up wrong... Best example recently (within the last 3 days) of "our team sucked!".... Voidstar, pubs rolled through us in under 5mins, my thought at the time, well this is not going to be fun hope to get through the first door... however we than roll over them in 3 and half minutes... win. Unusual I know, but .......


While I do not play ranked... I would like too, but I get to worried of stuffing up and affecting someones ranked score.


But in 30-59 and 60+ regs the lack of discussion/plan/ focus/ lets do this has really dropped off. 12-18 months ago 7 out of 10 matchs I was in, the leader or experienced players would announce the basic start plans, voidstar - all zerg left, noise right and stealthers left..... or for civil war - 2/6/0 or 1/5/2... Even huttball, lets own the middle, bob carry, phil hide in the end zone run straight to the bottom pass up..... Healers would ask for a guard, protection I'm in the middle Barny keep an eye out.......


I learnt from these people what to do, by the time I got to the stage where I was leader, I thought this was the normal, expected so I just did it, however now... you call for a sleather to go grass/snow for a 1/6/1 and its bugger that who care i'm chasing biggest number.. I want to cap the third pylon by myself and not defending.....


Than you get YOU GUYS SUCK!!! Flame the rest team gone into the wind... Is it due to our own lazy ways.. everyone should know what to do by now.. OPS bugger nope...


Sorry for the vent.... :p

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Holy emoticons, Batman.


1. I find it more disrespectful when people don't know what they are doing, don't respond to calls in ops chat, don't fight on the nodes even after being asked to, and all that jazz. If that's what I see in a warzone, I'm out. I've already found that they have no respect for me, so why should I have any for them?


2. Who cares if they get a reinforcement or not? They obviously are not all that invested into winning, or I'd not be inclined to leave in the first place.


3. You get fewer comms for losing. You'll gain comms faster if you leave and get in a groove with good players than if you stay to eke out comms from defeat after defeat.


4. Ragers suck, and are usually indicative of someone who can't play. Most of the people who know what they're doing call things out politely and calmly in ops chat. Whether anyone listens to them or not is a good indication of how many bads are in your group.


Eh, I know, and I agree on those points, all in all. But I don't think acting the way they do will make me any better, so I just don't, since there's bound to be another good player in there who's resisting as I do. I stay mostly for that guy.

Plus, better to get few comms after a 5-10 minutes WZ, rather than 0, I guess. :o

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However, my question to people who leave within the first minute or two is, how do you know that everyone else is crap?


People not fighting on nodes. People not passing the huttball. People not paying attention to objectives and letting them get capped while they 1v1 the distraction tank. People not calling out incoming, or calling them only after they die and its too late.


More importantly, people doing all of the above even after someone in ops chat tells them not to do the above.


There's other hints, of course. Seeing the sniper never get into cover, or that juggernaut blowing his CC break on a slow. Identifying bads is not very difficult.

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Wrong. You get time. Time in which you can play a warzone with decent players, or go do a flashpoint, or dailies, or any number of activities that are more fun than losing horribly because of something beyond your control.
Oh boohoo. Wasted time. 10-15 minutes of it being the only wz that popped, so it's not as if you're missing a better one being played. Time where you'd still be sitting in flashpoint queue if you're a dps. Dailies? lol... please.
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If it's going that bad then I'll just go stand at a node and collect defender medals, find a spot to start dancing, or go mess around with defenders at a node while I'm on a stealth class.


You get nothing for quitting but atleast something for losing. Suck it up.


This is one reason I will leave a match. I don't care about losing. I do care about my teammates not trying. If I see 5 - 7 teammates farming defender points and not even trying anymore that is my que to leave that match. I have no intention of being in a queue sync with them. There are plenty of reasons I leave....losing isn't one of them. Sometimes a match can be extremely fun, but the other team is just better and you lose. Doesn't matter....it was a fun game. I will not stay in a match were the Voidstar door gets capped when 6 of my teammates are over there fighting 3 enemies while me and another teammate are trying to hold off the other 5 of their team. There is a difference between not being a good player and being a completely oblivious/idiotic player. I'm cool helping people who are new and want to get better especially if they ask for advice and receive it well. But I will not stay in a match with bads.


Wuiting a match isn't so much about that match itself, but more about the tendency to get stuck with those same bads over and over and over. So I quit to get into a different queue rotation. I'd say in regs people can leave for whatever reason they want. Ranked is the only one that you shouldn't quit.

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While I agree with your basic sentiment (1 person who knows what they're doing and 7 morons vs. 8 people who know what they're going = the 8 win, every time), I disagree with your measure of worth. In Civil war on my Jugg, I'm usually the one to go left and cap the node. Then, because no one went with me (they all want to go center and jack up their damage dealt stats) I stay there for most the rest of the match. Depending on how hard the other team tries to take the node from me, I may have decent damage, or practically none at all. This is not a measure of my worth in that WZ, however, as I am providing a critical task.


You'd be surprised at how many people (at least on my server) will vote for someone who either has the most objective points or simply node guarded the entire match. Speaking of only myself, as I mostly queue as a healer, I'll vote for a tank who guards me (which doesn't happen often, why those people q as a tanks then idk, even not using taunt), or someone willing to do what others don't want to (guard). And as you said, a lot of the time, that off node is gonna get hit hard sooner or later.


While it's not always mostly empty, more and more people (even "bads") are catching on to how total dmg might not be the best indicator of worth to your team.

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