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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

So that it ? Thats the big tease?


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Can someone please tell me the games you play where all your expectations are met? Where nothing disappoints you? Where you don't wish for different things?


The amount of hate that Bioware gets...even from something like this...is absurd.



Kotor, jade empire, soul reaver 1 & 2, God of war 1-3, GTA San Andreas, Saints Row 2, Need for Speed-hot pursuit, Injustice: gods among us, DA:O, & Raw vs Smackdown 2010....and that's just off the top of my head.



As far as the new video....I wasn't expecting anything that would get me excited....and I wasn't disappointed! :D

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Fine...so you follow one. Do you think there's even one person in this world who follows SWTORs FB/Twit because of the comedic value of their posts?


Read the comments section of any SWTOR post chosen at random and you will see tons of "I quit because x" or "I hate bioware because of y".

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Eg, rather enjoyed it actually. Captured the feel of why I created a sith warrior in the first place.


yeah, I don't think that was a big reveal of any kind and I don't really see anything that indicates it is something new, so I don't see what was so bad about this. True it doesn't offer really anything new from what I can see, but still it's not the biggest sin either to just make a new trailer on something that already exists. And personally I did get a Sith Warrior feel from it too which was nice.

Edited by Sangrar
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I think there was a hidden message in there.......defecting or cross-faction queuing?


I don't. this is just a new trailer IIRC it's been awhile since they put out a general advertising trailer, and with the new movie at the end of the year I bet Bioware is flexing their advertising muscles. hell maybe this'll be put on TV or something. that said we're two months out from any new content, if you expected some sort of revelationary new video you've not really been paying attention.

Edited by BrianDavion
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no you drones are hilarious clinging to a dying game thats the laughing stock of the gaming world. giving money to bioware who hasnt had a hit game in years. tor? failed. da2? failed. me3? massive fail. da:i? huge failure.


and know what yes i hate this game this game is why we don't have swg around anymore a game that had soooo much more and could have been huge if they didn't give up and work on this. my sub is almost up and then i'm done with this i'll be laughing as this game slowly fades away and we get more real mmo's.


maybe all of you should go to /v/ or /r/games and see the truth for once.



..."gave up" on Galaxies?...HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAA!!!!! .....to ....to ...."work" on this game?!?! AAAAAHHHHHHHAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAA!!!!!!





No but really man, keep on subbing to a game you loathe. Your support to this game is much apprieciated.

Here, I'll do one better, I'll go get myself a 6 month sub since you love the game so much> :D


Edited by QuiDonJorn
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no you drones are hilarious clinging to a dying game thats the laughing stock of the gaming world. giving money to bioware who hasnt had a hit game in years. tor? failed. da2? failed. me3? massive fail. da:i? huge failure.


and know what yes i hate this game this game is why we don't have swg around anymore a game that had soooo much more and could have been huge if they didn't give up and work on this. my sub is almost up and then i'm done with this i'll be laughing as this game slowly fades away and we get more real mmo's.


maybe all of you should go to /v/ or /r/games and see the truth for once.



You pretty much where auto dismissed when you claimed dragon age inqusition was a failure. you may not personally like the game but it's hardly been a failure. fact is it is objectivly proably bioware's most sucessful game to date.

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I saw it as.... chose light side or dark side... but then i also was expecting a commercial, which was what we got, and not the verification of silly assumptions like some were, gasp!, Assuming! :p


Choose Light side? Where exactly in the video was the Light Side promoted at all? OK maybe a little bit LOL


It was a video of Star Wars:The Old Empire thru and thru. I am glad Bioware isn't going to allow us the option to change Factions.... or I think most Players would take their Republic characters to Empire. It would be a might bit lonely for us Republic diehards then.


I agree it was just a commercial trying to drum up new business. Glad that's all it was after how they worded the stuff yesterday.

Edited by Kyrmius
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only thing I see towards the end I don't reckongize immediately is a shuttle crashing.


That looks like it is from the intro to the Darvanis Warzone, which has nothing to do with anything new. A lot of that video is actually from the launch game or from content that is 2 years old.

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no you drones are hilarious clinging to a dying game thats the laughing stock of the gaming world. giving money to bioware who hasnt had a hit game in years. tor? failed. da2? failed. me3? massive fail. da:i? huge failure.


and know what yes i hate this game this game is why we don't have swg around anymore a game that had soooo much more and could have been huge if they didn't give up and work on this. my sub is almost up and then i'm done with this i'll be laughing as this game slowly fades away and we get more real mmo's.


maybe all of you should go to /v/ or /r/games and see the truth for once.


Isn't tor like the third highest grossing mmo in the western world? Da2 was a let down but it was average and made money so not really a fail. Me3 made a **** ton and apart from the ending and the part of biowares base that would ***** if they got free gold because its heavy well received. Acourding to ea's financial reports dai is the most successful launch of any bioware game ever so yes spectacular fail. Also what real mmos every tor wow and whatever killer has failed so epically that bards will sing of the epic fails for time immortal.


Yes I know he's probably a troll but on the off chance he's not I replyed after all bioware fans have some very stupid complaints.

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Ya know now that I think about it, I realize I actually got punked. :mad:


AshenK is actually one of the best trolls ever. He actually DOES love this game and he's been yanking all our collective chains for quite awhile now. Keeps saying he's unsubbing and never does..keeps saying he hates this game and then, of course, for good measure blames Bioware for shutting down SWG.

It all makes sense now. No one could be that stupid, right??....Right?!?! :(

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Ya know now that I think about it, I realize I actually got punked. :mad:


AshenK is actually one of the best trolls ever. He actually DOES love this game and he's been yanking all our collective chains for quite awhile now. Keeps saying he's unsubbing and never does..keeps saying he hates this game and then, of course, for good measure blames Bioware for shutting down SWG.

It all makes sense now. No one could be that stupid, right??....Right?!?! :(

Wait, there are still people who don't have him on 'Ignore'? Thought he was the quintessential example of "obvious troll is obvious".

Edited by DarthDymond
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