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So is mine (the cat) :)

Nice to now there is other Heinlein fans in the game :)


I was surprised two people were R.A. Heinlein fans here. I usually get some very long, blank stares if I refer to any author that dates back before the 90's. (And since R.A.H. dates back to even the 40's and the old Amazing Science days...)

My Pixil has never "meowed", she "blurp" "chirp" "squeak" "meep", but never meows.


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I've also just looked up words in other languages. I have a cyborg Assassin named Tiep (Failure, can't remember which language) and he tries a little too hard to be a Sith.

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Special characters are definitely your friend because you can have any name you want with an accent mark that is hardly noticeable.


While this works to get the name you want, it also makes it hard for you to be invited, whispered or mailed. Perhaps I'm a curmudgeon, but I've refused trade requests because someone used accented characters and refused to come to me in person. I'm sure they loved their name, but I'm not going to break out the ASCII chart just so I can fill in their name.

(Also: I've met a number of people who think that using accent characters makes breaking the naming conventions okay. This is specifically described in the naming rules. "Revan" isn't allowed, and neither are any mispellings or alt-character misspellings. "Rëvàñ" is not suddenly fine because you side stepped a binary match for the name.)

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And just to contribute, I also base my names on the in-game random name generator. I wait for an option that sounds close to what I want and start fiddling:


RNG: Volgern

Picked: Volgren


If there's something I like, but its already taken, I'll try Star-Wars-ing it. In general, SW likes doubling letters that don't change the pronunciation of the name:


RNG: Seltan

Picked: Seltann


RNG: Valeth

Picked: Valleth


RNG: Taheri

Picked: Taheeri


In cases where the character in question is similar to another one, I'll sometimes base the name off the other character.


Mirialan Vanguard: Deyati

Mirialan Pyrotech: Deyalla


Human Shadow: Seltann

Human Mercenary: Artann

Cyborg Commando: Wintann

Edited by Malastare
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i look around the area I am sitting at. or i "re imagine" names of things. For example. I took part of my real life name and mixed letters around and came up with Sitruc for a sith inquis.


or take your vehicles name and mix letters or add letters. I have a subaru, so i named a bounty hunter Bara'Sube. I had a mitsubishi at one point and named a sith marauder mitsu'bee

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When trying to come up with a good name, especially IF you are on a roleplay server.. a name means everything. Here are a few other ideas that some have not come up with, possibly.


* For those that are looking for that "trooper" or "imperial agent" name, think of the names from Transformers or G.I.Joe, as most troopers or agents will have a code name or designation.


* For a real name, for a specific male or female:


STEP # 1- You can GOOGLE full lists of baby names. Look up their meanings, and their context to one you like and are comfortable with.


STEP # 2- If the name is already taken, then try Googling that name and find the different spellings for it, in different cultures and languages.



Here is one example for you. You looking for a male you want to name Michael, but did you know that Michael is spelled so many different ways, like this:

Micael, Mical, Michail, Michal, Micheal, Michel, Mihail, Mihaly, Mikael, Mike, Mikel, Mikell,Mikkel, Mikhail, Mikhalis, Mikhos, Mikkel, Mikol, Miky, Miquel, Mischa, Misha, Mitch, Mitchell, Mychael, Mychal, Mykal, Mykel and Mykell.


Remember a name means everything, especially in a roleplay guild, and/or on a roleplay server. Be creative. Think of the name very well, while you create that character.


Hope this helps everyone. May the force be with you.

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All of my names are Japanese words or names. I do tend to avoid the anime related ones and focus instead on things relating to Origami. My legacy name is Origami by the way.


Some examples of names I use though...


Orizuru - translates as paper crane, a term used to describe the traditional origami crane

Senbazuru - doesn't really translate, but is a term used for a collection of 1000 Orizuru and is believed to be a sign of good luck if you fold them all yourself, variations of the myth indicate the person who completes one would get one wish granted

Hadako - a variation of Sadako (which was taken on my server), a female name in Japan made famous by a young woman who died from radiation poisoning in a Hiroshima hospital after WWII. There is a local legend about her creating a Senbazuru after hearing the story of how doing so was supposed to grant a person one wish. The legend is believed to be true, but the accounts are vague. When she died some say she folded a lot more than 1000 cranes, other accounts are that she fell short. Either way, she wrote an inspiring haiku about her wish being for peace so other children wouldn't have to suffer the way she did.

Arigato - Japanese for "Thank you" and the only one that isn't related to Origami in some way



I find that foreign languages tend to lend themselves well to creating names though.

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Subtle accent marks. I'm not creative.


The only thing with "subtle accent marks" is that they often radically change the pronunciation of a name to the point it's not anywhere near the name they thought they were getting. Some accents and letter varients are silent, but many are not (and my GF from Europe, where they regularly use these letter varients, happily points many of them out to me and then we chuckle at what the name really sounds like). Not to mention some letter varients have different sounds totally when going from country to country. :rolleyes:

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Malastare posted a great name earlier today:




I don't know if he made it up or if someone actually uses that name, but I kindly ask you to not take this name on The Progenitor, because I intend to rename my main. ;)


I bet no one will take me cereal with that name. But when they see that I am actually a very serial player, they will be super amazed. :p

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You can try to buy names off other players. Buying names off other players is common in other games. Swtor seems to have less of revolving door like other free to play games.


Currently, I'm selling early access names on the Harbinger and Bastion.


Should you be announcing that on the forums?

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Should you be announcing that on the forums?


People do it all time in other mmorpgs. I'm selling for in game credits, which does not violate the TOS. These transactions are not supported, so if some thing goes wrong you are on your own. If you use in game credits to buy a name off another player it's fine. I never heard of any one getting in trouble for selling names with in game currency. Besides, it allows players to buy names that otherwise would never be available. All the names I'm selling are from early access and some how I managed to keep the majority of my names after two server merges.

Edited by Knockerz
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When doing phonetic-like spelling, I sometimes also use "ae"(as in Jaesa), "ea" (makes an eh-ah sound IIRC), "oa" (long o sound, like in boat), "ao"(you're getting the point I think), and the like with vowel combinations, that still fit in a near phonetic manner (not the accent ones though).


Lyraine was originally Laura, which then became Lyra, then Lorayn, then Lyran, but I really liked the "rayn" sound so it became Lyrayn. I then decided that one y was enough, but wanted a way to have my desired pronunciation, so Lyrain. The e was added at the end for a feminine look. Lyraine. Alei is also made to be pronounced Ah-lie. But Alie looks like "Al-ee" or "Ay-lee", even if "when two vowels go walking, the first one does the talking". Alei was also meant to be made into an easily mistaken name and a long scrapped joke, "We need allies. We only have Aleis."


And I did just go through all of my files and records on just Lyraine Alei and her creation. That was quite a bit of work, but she's been mine for years and I was using her as an example of my name generation process.

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All my characters are named after members of my rap group "Mr Sche & Immortal Lowlife".... My legacy is "Immortal" and some of my characters are


BigSche (pronounced "Ski" btw)










That's the best damn inspiration for a names list I've ever heard of.


:tran_eek: I really want to see a PVP match with all of those characters in a premade.

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