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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

What Vanity Items you like to see in upcoming NiM?

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Since these eventually will be released in NiM and to be a little light-hearted, I was wondering what the top raiders would like to see drop in these upcoming versions vanity wise? Mounts, weapons, decos, whatevs. Go crazy. Let your imagination run wild :)



*Torque: His Wrench as a legacy main hand like Corrupter Blade. ( Who wouldn't want to swing that around heck even add fire to edges) :p

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Since these eventually will be released in NiM and to be a little light-hearted, I was wondering what the top raiders would like to see drop in these upcoming versions vanity wise? Mounts, weapons, decos, whatevs. Go crazy. Let your imagination run wild :)



*Torque: His Wrench as a legacy main hand like Corrupter Blade. ( Who wouldn't want to swing that around heck even add fire to edges) :p




HK47 Skin for HK51

T3M4 Skin for T7-01

Ebon Hawk stronghold decoration


Everything else, I got nothin

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*Torque: His Wrench as a legacy main hand like Corrupter Blade. ( Who wouldn't want to swing that around heck even add fire to edges) :p


That. But they'll probably just reskin the season 3 rewards gear if I had to guess. Not that they're bad looking.

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Riding underlurker like a rancor.


Summoning him does a special animation where the cross comes out always red.


Or it could be like the Titan 6 mount where you have a chance to get a buff and when you click it off the mount roars and plays the red cross animation


Also this just reminds me I still want a Kell Dragon mount :(

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getting away from vanity items


I wish they would add more passive/active effects to non set peices (that arent part of the main set bonus and are attached to the shell in the case of MH/OH) and get away from just having boring unassembled tokens that no one has any real reason to use but back to the unique items that existed pre 1.0. I'd even be ok with a % drop rate on them.

Edited by Gwence
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A Kephess mount

Leaking information about the next Cartel pack is prohibited :p


A mount of Blaster that says, "HERE COMES THE BOSS" when you get on it.


On a random note The first time I did this boss I died because I was so distracted at the hilarity of his voice. Oh you done it now! :)


10/10 laughed wayyyyy too hard

Off topic: your Return of Kephess PvP thread is my favorite thread and is saved for a good laugh about the strange nature of SWTOR PvP "balance" :)


On topic: Following the tradition of walkers in 3.0 maybe they will have a

Sword Squadron mount. What about deco wise? Miniature airship from Coritanni would be cool as a centerpiece.

Edited by FerkWork
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i like the idea of the wrench being an obtainable weapon.


When i first saw brontes in DF i was hoping that the tentacle things she has would be useable weapons. They slam like whips and shoot.. so there could have been variations for both melee and range classes. oooh well.

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i like the idea of the wrench being an obtainable weapon.


When i first saw brontes in DF i was hoping that the tentacle things she has would be useable weapons. They slam like whips and shoot.. so there could have been variations for both melee and range classes. oooh well.


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