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The 50k+ HP approach to PvP


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Like a previous poster said, it doesn't matter in regs as this is where they are to grind their exhumed gear. In ranked there should definitely be a 2018 exp requirement.


There's a merc on my server who does ranked wearing scraps of PVE gear as well as bits of the old lvl50 PVP gear. Yes lvl50.


There's another guy who is a PT but queues for ranked wearing his merc's exhumed set. Fine for regs, but not ranked. Whispered him politely asking him about it but he didn't care. I'm not sure how a 2018 requirement would work with folks like him as he had 2018 exp. I think he might have been a rare case though.

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Like a previous poster said, it doesn't matter in regs as this is where they are to grind their exhumed gear. In ranked there should definitely be a 2018 exp requirement.


There's a merc on my server who does ranked wearing scraps of PVE gear as well as bits of the old lvl50 PVP gear. Yes lvl50.


There's another guy who is a PT but queues for ranked wearing his merc's exhumed set. Fine for regs, but not ranked. Whispered him politely asking him about it but he didn't care. I'm not sure how a 2018 requirement would work with folks like him as he had 2018 exp. I think he might have been a rare case though.


The most important thing is that BW doesn't give to sheets either way =D

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The most important thing is that BW doesn't give to sheets either way =D


Eh, Bioware doesn't care about people just being plain bad at the game which the guy you replied to is.


So I fail to see the difference.

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I've been doing some parse testing using http://swtor-parser.elasticbeanstalk.com


I've used the combat dummy on the fleet wearing a full set of PVE 162 gear (2018 bolstered), a full set of PVE 186 gear (900 bolstered), a full set of PVP 162 Brutalizer (bolstered) and finally a full set of Exhumed (bolstered)


LoL... The dummy is pretty useless for this sort of testing... It doesn't take Expertise into account... It only takes the bolstered stats


So I tested it in WZs... Massive gap difference between the 2018 Expertise gear and the 900 Expertise gear... Approx 30-50% less damage and 3rd more deaths wearing the 186 PVE gear... There wasn't as big of a difference between 162 PVE gear and Brutalizer... Approx 2-5% due to set bonus and relics and damage/deaths about even... About 3-6% difference between Brutalizer and Exhumed...

I did do multiple WZs in each, but each match had different quality players... So these figures are just estimates


Next test when I can organise it with my mate is to test it on Oricon 1v1 to see if I can get more accurate numbers...

We are very similar in skill LVL and both have full the same class in full Exhumed gear... I need to check what he has available in the other gear

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Can BW please provide a comprehensive explanation on expertise and bolster to these people?


Thank you.


Bioware need to understand how it works themselves. Bolster has never worked since launch. LOLNaked bolster anyone?!

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Why is this happening more and more? Why is it that people still don't know that it's better to have greens with a rating of 162 bolstered up to maximum expertise than super-dooper-PvE-gear with a rating > 192 bolstered to nothing?


I don't have any sub-180 gear on my chars.

Why should I farm old gear when I can just queue with my current gear until I have enough comms for pvp gear?

(I'm not talking about ranked that would be a completely other topic)

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I love when people (mostly opposing team) see my PT Tank with 53k and think "easy pve guy", then after pounding on me for 2 minutes and I'm still at 75% health they are like "@$%^#!". I love guarding nodes and pylons and see people coming, i know i have at least 1 minute up-time (as long as my def cd's are up) to call for help and wait for re-enforcements to arrive. Edited by dallaas
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My take on all of this ...


When I inspect players, I just shake my head when I see people in raid gear PVPing. God, I have seen matches where more than three players on a team are geared like that. That is auto lose. Those guys and gals are going to get creamed and they sadly are going to take you with them.


On the other hand, when I inspect players and I see they are in mix match gear, I don't usually complain. Sure they are just as ineffective in the match, but having some pieces of PVP gear indicates that are at least aware of the basics of how bolster and expertise work. And rarely will I see them mix match PVP and raid gear. If it is mix matched it is PVP and leveling pve gear. In other words, they are a new member to the 60 bracket and they are trying to obtain the correct gear for PVP. So I have no issue with them in the mix.


However, after playing both sides, it is crazy how different it is with obtaining PVP gear between the two fractions. When I started on my Mando, I jumped on him a week or two after 3.0 released. And I still am not finished with obtaining the Dark Reaver set for him. I still have 3 pieces to go. On my OP, I got half my exhume set in two days. Play it another week and I'd likely be working on the Dark Reaver set and gain it in a fraction of the time.


Why the difference between a Repub character taking months and a Imp tune that likely will be done in a matter of weeks? The difference is between population issues on the server. Imps get more matches than the Repubs on PoT5. They also have a dedicated PVP community that tends to win 90% of the matches against the Repubs. The Repubs face a variety of issues. Low population (so they go into the matches short a man), lack of dedicated healers and tanks (mostly DPS), poor gear (population tends to do Raids and they is what they bring into the match), and more importantly low morale in warzones. They have just gotten beaten too many times and don't really put up much of a fight any more.

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I love when people (mostly opposing team) see my PT Tank with 53k and think "easy pve guy", then after pounding on me for 2 minutes and I'm still at 75% health they are like "@$%^#!". I love guarding nodes and pylons and see people coming, i know i have at least 1 minute up-time (as long as my def cd's are up) to call for help and wait for re-enforcements to arrive.


I got three pieces of Dark Reaver to go on my mando and I'm at about 42K. I will probably be 43k with the full set and augments.


But in a warzone it is simple. If I go through my initial attack rotation and I have barely scratched a player's HP, then it is time to select another target. That player either has some healing, guard, taunts, or other factors in play and as the attacker you simply aren't taking them down. This is especially true if you don't have focus.


If the same thing happens on the next target I select, then the game is lost. If I haven't killed somebody by the time I get through a second rotation of my attacks then it is a wipe and odds are not good that we will recover.

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This problem is directly attached to "Bolster".


If I were new to PvP and I wanted to give it a go, why the **** wouldn't I wear the best gear i have? In what bizzaro world does my BEST possible gear, give me the crappiest chance of living? This problem is 100% the fault of the absolutely asinine and foolish way Bolster works.


Bolster should be simple: PvP gear? If no, Brutalizer set piece stats. Done. I don't give a flip what you have on, you get the flat stat until you get your gear.


Only Bioware could make something as obvious as wearing your best gear to PvP in, the wrong thing to do...it blows my freaking mind. The absolute stupidity of how Bolster works is beyond me. It almost has to be intentionally trying to **** players over.

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This problem is directly attached to "Bolster".


If I were new to PvP and I wanted to give it a go, why the **** wouldn't I wear the best gear i have? In what bizzaro world does my BEST possible gear, give me the crappiest chance of living? This problem is 100% the fault of the absolutely asinine and foolish way Bolster works.


Bolster should be simple: PvP gear? If no, Brutalizer set piece stats. Done. I don't give a flip what you have on, you get the flat stat until you get your gear.


Only Bioware could make something as obvious as wearing your best gear to PvP in, the wrong thing to do...it blows my freaking mind. The absolute stupidity of how Bolster works is beyond me. It almost has to be intentionally trying to **** players over.


I was about to post this same exact argument, so thanks for saving me the time ;) Maybe we can get a "Fix Bolster" item added to the Cartel Market.

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This problem is directly attached to "Bolster".


If I were new to PvP and I wanted to give it a go, why the **** wouldn't I wear the best gear i have? In what bizzaro world does my BEST possible gear, give me the crappiest chance of living? This problem is 100% the fault of the absolutely asinine and foolish way Bolster works.


Bolster should be simple: PvP gear? If no, Brutalizer set piece stats. Done. I don't give a flip what you have on, you get the flat stat until you get your gear.


Only Bioware could make something as obvious as wearing your best gear to PvP in, the wrong thing to do...it blows my freaking mind. The absolute stupidity of how Bolster works is beyond me. It almost has to be intentionally trying to **** players over.


The sad thing of it all, is if you go the reverse PVE in PVP gear, you actually have easier options. All you have to do is go to Yavin, and buy the normal comms gear set. If I am not mistaken it is level 186 (12 points higher than the max pvp gear you get currently). And with the Yavin 4 weekly, you can actually completely gear out an companion and not waste the comms on them. So it is like SWTOR is giving you basic gear to PVE in that is more than sufficient to get you through all but the most difficult of flashpoints.


But on the PVP side of the house you actually have to struggle to get the gear you need just to keep from getting instant killed.

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I love when people (mostly opposing team) see my PT Tank with 53k and think "easy pve guy", then after pounding on me for 2 minutes and I'm still at 75% health they are like "@$%^#!". I love guarding nodes and pylons and see people coming, i know i have at least 1 minute up-time (as long as my def cd's are up) to call for help and wait for re-enforcements to arrive.


If I see a PT with 53k the first thing I look at is what stance are they in, same with Juggs and Sins. If you aren't paying attention to buffs, debuffs and what stance your opponent has you are trash. Now if I see a sorc or operative with 45k and up I typically mark them and kill them as many times as I can. I'm usually trying to global these fools and it happens quite often. I figure if I embarrassed these fools enough maybe they'll wise up.

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My take on all of this ...


When I inspect players, I just shake my head when I see people in raid gear PVPing. God, I have seen matches where more than three players on a team are geared like that. That is auto lose. Those guys and gals are going to get creamed and they sadly are going to take you with them.


On the other hand, when I inspect players and I see they are in mix match gear, I don't usually complain. Sure they are just as ineffective in the match, but having some pieces of PVP gear indicates that are at least aware of the basics of how bolster and expertise work. And rarely will I see them mix match PVP and raid gear. If it is mix matched it is PVP and leveling pve gear. In other words, they are a new member to the 60 bracket and they are trying to obtain the correct gear for PVP. So I have no issue with them in the mix.


However, after playing both sides, it is crazy how different it is with obtaining PVP gear between the two fractions. When I started on my Mando, I jumped on him a week or two after 3.0 released. And I still am not finished with obtaining the Dark Reaver set for him. I still have 3 pieces to go. On my OP, I got half my exhume set in two days. Play it another week and I'd likely be working on the Dark Reaver set and gain it in a fraction of the time.


Why the difference between a Repub character taking months and a Imp tune that likely will be done in a matter of weeks? The difference is between population issues on the server. Imps get more matches than the Repubs on PoT5. They also have a dedicated PVP community that tends to win 90% of the matches against the Repubs. The Repubs face a variety of issues. Low population (so they go into the matches short a man), lack of dedicated healers and tanks (mostly DPS), poor gear (population tends to do Raids and they is what they bring into the match), and more importantly low morale in warzones. They have just gotten beaten too many times and don't really put up much of a fight any more.


I've been politely point out to those players the percentages... Ie someone with about 1000 expertise can expect to do 50% less damage and take 30-40% more damage

I've also been linking this thread in chat at the beginning of matches I see people with the wrong gear



I find most people's resistance is they don't understand expertise and they don't understand that you can have 2018 expertise without having pvp gear...


At the end of the matches when the scoreboard comes up I check their stats... 95% of the time they are the lowest in dps and have taken the most damage... I then politely msg them and compare the stats of another on their class and what they achieved with full expertise


I think the more people who try to educate people instead of abusing them... The more likely they will listen and conform


People, please take the time to point them to the forums on how to get 2018 expertise with PVE gear... There is also this thread too


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If I see a PT with 53k the first thing I look at is what stance are they in, same with Juggs and Sins. If you aren't paying attention to buffs, debuffs and what stance your opponent has you are trash. Now if I see a sorc or operative with 45k and up I typically mark them and kill them as many times as I can. I'm usually trying to global these fools and it happens quite often. I figure if I embarrassed these fools enough maybe they'll wise up.


Anyone that has health much higher than they should for their class is nearly always my first target... Especially if they are a healer... I will stay on them all match


We had a Sorc in arena yesterday from a good pvp guild, who was in 192 PVE gear?? He had something like 50-54k health

The first round they focused him and he did less than 2000 dps and died in 4 secs... On my Sorc I did 120k and didn't die... I pointed out the gear and that is why they focused him... He said my bad... I'm still getting comms for pvp gear... I linked him the thread on gearing in PVE gear and he went straight there... I saw him 20 mins later in 162 gear and 2018 expertise... He was doing heaps more damage and not dying as fast... He thanked me for the help


What I don't understand is why these top pvp guilds don't know or educate their players... I would think they would have it posted on a facebook page or guild website (most have these)... You would think that they wouldn't want their guild to look noobish because their members don't know how to gear

What is even more disturbing is the amount of people who are good players and played LVL 55 pvp for more than a year and don't know how to gear... They should know by now that expertise is a must... They are usually the ones that complain about people in ranked wearing the wrong gear... They are usually the most resistant to advice too... But some actually don't know how to gear with PVE items to get 2018 expertise... At least some of them listen

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..........................What I don't understand is why these top pvp guilds don't know or educate their players... I would think they would have it posted on a facebook page or guild website (most have these)... You would think that they wouldn't want their guild to look noobish because their members don't know how to gear


Because they are not top PVP guilds I imagine, the proof is surely in the pudding?

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Anyone that has health much higher than they should for their class is nearly always my first target... Especially if they are a healer... I will stay on them all match


We had a Sorc in arena yesterday from a good pvp guild, who was in 192 PVE gear?? He had something like 50-54k health

The first round they focused him and he did less than 2000 dps and died in 4 secs... On my Sorc I did 120k and didn't die... I pointed out the gear and that is why they focused him... He said my bad... I'm still getting comms for pvp gear... I linked him the thread on gearing in PVE gear and he went straight there... I saw him 20 mins later in 162 gear and 2018 expertise... He was doing heaps more damage and not dying as fast... He thanked me for the help


What I don't understand is why these top pvp guilds don't know or educate their players... I would think they would have it posted on a facebook page or guild website (most have these)... You would think that they wouldn't want their guild to look noobish because their members don't know how to gear

What is even more disturbing is the amount of people who are good players and played LVL 55 pvp for more than a year and don't know how to gear... They should know by now that expertise is a must... They are usually the ones that complain about people in ranked wearing the wrong gear... They are usually the most resistant to advice too... But some actually don't know how to gear with PVE items to get 2018 expertise... At least some of them listen


The answer is the PVP guilds self educate. They do this by doing pre-mades. And to be honest, when I do pre-mades with my guild gear is the first thing that comes up in voice chat. If somebody is in bad gear, they either give the guild team mates a heads up (so we know to watch out for him / her) or the guildmates will notice the bad gear mix and bring it to their attention in the first warzone. You can then point them in the right direction after the first match in chat.


But using a guild webpage for a PVP guild isn't the best approach. PVP guilds don't truly need webpages to be effective. Webpages are places to go to see what PVE events are scheduled. PVP guilds pvp all day and every day. Since open world pvp is all but dead in this game, you just ask in chat is a group has a slot open and jump right in or solo queue until one becomes available. If you look for information on a class or gear, you are better to ask it in these forums than your guild webpage. On the forums you can get feedback from a number of players and not be limited by the number of guild members who are active on the webpage in your guild.


Honestly, my pvp guild has a webpage but I have never even once been to it.

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