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If you finish a warzone with no objective points...


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if you are that bad, you still dont deserve any reward and should probably not queue for pvp. either way.


And people wonder why pvp hasn't gained any traction with the main part of the community. It's this attitude right here. Nobody wants to play with people like you. Or at least not many. I don't think you deserve to log into the game, but you do anyway.


The more this attitude hits the forums / gen chat / whatever the less likely the pvp community grows, and the less likely we get new maps. So keep up being part of the problem instead of part of the solution. My hat is off to you.

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if you are that bad, you still dont deserve any reward and should probably not queue for pvp. either way.


Yeah that's just what I want. No reward or credit or experience or commendations for losing horribly. Yeah. That would inspire me to keep playing.


Do you want people to PvP? Do you want a healthy population? Then chill.

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It's sad, but the people I see comlaining about losing WZs a lot only have one common denominator, they were in all those WZs...


Thats not really true all of the time. You are only as good your team is. You might be a superb pvper, but with no backup or support you're probably going to lose a majority of your matches (save maybe save 4v4). I'm not saying I'm a great pvper, but I know enough to call out, fight on objectives, block entrances, sacrifice myself to hold an objective, go for the healers, and to try to hustle when someone calls out. Their only so much one person can do though.


Lately I've encountered alot of people don't do this, I've been losing alot of them as a result of it. It is frustating and I have complained at least a little, trying not to all the time but its hard to help when players do such idiotic things. For example had one team with 6 players who didn't cross the bridge in void star when one side was completely open.


The teams that have been doing this, I rarely lose or its a close loss, which is acceptable, because I know we at least put a good effort in. Alot of the fun games I've been in were ones that were close losses actually.

Edited by Nickious
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And people wonder why pvp hasn't gained any traction with the main part of the community. It's this attitude right here. Nobody wants to play with people like you. Or at least not many. I don't think you deserve to log into the game, but you do anyway.


The more this attitude hits the forums / gen chat / whatever the less likely the pvp community grows, and the less likely we get new maps. So keep up being part of the problem instead of part of the solution. My hat is off to you.


I don't agree with his assessment to reward people with absolutely nothing, but at the same time, when its objective based PVP, the people who contribute something to completing the objective should be rewarded more than a person who soloing in the corner away from any objective.

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This is why I always have, and probably always will, prefer TDM style multiplayer in a "pick-up" environment (e.g., your teammates and opponents are random). It allows you to have terrible teammates, but still have a successful result in the end - either collectively or individually. Objective-based game play with pick-up groups always frustrates me. Unfortunately, the entire MMORPG developer community has decided to use objective-based PvP almost exclusively.


SWTOR has slightly broken the mold with the PUG 4v4s, but unfortunately you're still at the mercy of Bioware's bizarre PvP queuing system where you can't actually pick the WZs you want. Even if we couldn't queue for one specific WZ, it'd be nice if they at least gave us the option to toggle/untoggle certain WZs, like we can with FPs in the FP queue.

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Yeah that's just what I want. No reward or credit or experience or commendations for losing horribly. Yeah. That would inspire me to keep playing.


Do you want people to PvP? Do you want a healthy population? Then chill.


absolutely wrong. people like me are created by being forced to play with brain deads who dont type in chat, dont even look for objectives and absolutely fail at every aspect of pvp. I am an awesome guy. I help people most of my day run them through heroics, and give friendly advice in pvp.

when i am standing there wide open in a huttball game and powertech joe number 400 is sitting in the middle running in circles NOT passing as I spam chat, "PLEASE PASS UP, IM WIDE OPEN!" i cant help to get angry.

i do want a healthy population. a healthy population of people that are going to put forth effort into winning the warzone.

what I dont want are warm bodies running around in circles getting farmed, not even trying to communicate.


ed: weird, that isnt the post i tried to quote...

Edited by Jensaga
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I don't agree with his assessment to reward people with absolutely nothing, but at the same time, when its objective based PVP, the people who contribute something to completing the objective should be rewarded more than a person who soloing in the corner away from any objective.


No doubt rewarding people who are hiding in corners trying to avoid actually participating are problematic, and if there were a way to boot them from the group then I'd be absolutely interested in hearing / discussing that. I'm not sure how wide spread that is though. My gripe is mainly with people who hold a similar attitude to the OP. People just don't like playing with players like him / her. Most of these pvp snobs forget that they were once in the "noob's" shoes where they didn't have any pvp gear, or very few pieces, or didn't really know their rotations, or what maps called for tactics wise. Pvp is fun, and if I could play voidstar and hypergate all day I would. I just know that people don't want to even try to learn how fun pvp can be because of people like the op who are the first to throw insults at others. Just bugs me is all.


edit: OP came with more detail, so I can't fault him for his / her frustration. I'll leave it as a general complaint none the less. But, OP isn't in my cross hairs anymore.

Edited by Shwarzchild
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absolutely wrong. people like me are created by being forced to play with brain deads who dont type in chat, dont even look for objectives and absolutely fail at every aspect of pvp. I am an awesome guy. I help people most of my day run them through heroics, and give friendly advice in pvp.

when i am standing there wide open in a huttball game and powertech joe number 400 is sitting in the middle running in circles NOT passing as I spam chat, "PLEASE PASS UP, IM WIDE OPEN!" i cant help to get angry.

i do want a healthy population. a healthy population of people that are going to put forth effort into winning the warzone.

what I dont want are warm bodies running around in circles getting farmed, not even trying to communicate.


ed: weird, that isnt the post i tried to quote...


It's cool I had a feeling you were talking to me there. That's detail. And I can agree with your frustration now.

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absolutely wrong. people like me are created by being forced to play with brain deads who dont type in chat, dont even look for objectives and absolutely fail at every aspect of pvp. I am an awesome guy. I help people most of my day run them through heroics, and give friendly advice in pvp.

when i am standing there wide open in a huttball game and powertech joe number 400 is sitting in the middle running in circles NOT passing as I spam chat, "PLEASE PASS UP, IM WIDE OPEN!" i cant help to get angry.

i do want a healthy population. a healthy population of people that are going to put forth effort into winning the warzone.

what I dont want are warm bodies running around in circles getting farmed, not even trying to communicate.


ed: weird, that isnt the post i tried to quote...

Lemme guess - you're a stealth guy who runs to the endzone in huttball and then complains when his teammates don't pass you the ball?!


EVERY PvPer started out as a "warm body" - your intolerance for them is self defeating since you NEED new players entering the PvP pool.

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If you're vs a premade you can spend a whole game chasing/harrassing the ball carrier in huttball and not get any pts. I've seen a few of those where most ppl on the losing team got nothing or next to nothing; same deal with many on the winning side even.
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And people wonder why pvp hasn't gained any traction with the main part of the community. It's this attitude right here. Nobody wants to play with people like you. Or at least not many. I don't think you deserve to log into the game, but you do anyway.


The more this attitude hits the forums / gen chat / whatever the less likely the pvp community grows, and the less likely we get new maps. So keep up being part of the problem instead of part of the solution. My hat is off to you.


This is exactly why I can't stomach PvP. It's a cool feature, but the people in it act like they deserve to be on roflstomping teams at all times, and any loss can never be their fault, and everyone needs to come into every WZ already completely geared, all supports should be focusing on them - it's so antisocial that I don't touch it ever. You want people to play with? Start being the kind of person worth playing with.

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It is possible to contribute greatly to your team without spending much time in the "obj zones" or earning top gold medals.


If your point is that people should camp objective zones, then I think it's pretty ****. If your point is people who backfill and don't have time to do any objectives should be screwed even thought they waited for the pop, and will have to wait for the next pop, I think it's petty to worry about it.


If your point is that there are people who intentionally Q for pvp and then do nothing while there, I think life punishes them enough that a stricter system that WILL hit people who do contribute but not in the way the game's system notices is overkill. ******es get what they earn. Being petty only drags you down with them.


The important thing is knowing who contributes and who doesn't. How the game's automated medals system judges that is irrelevant when it comes to shaping your team.

Edited by calypsissmexy
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absolutely wrong. people like me are created by being forced to play with brain deads who dont type in chat, dont even look for objectives and absolutely fail at every aspect of pvp. I am an awesome guy. I help people most of my day run them through heroics, and give friendly advice in pvp.

when i am standing there wide open in a huttball game and powertech joe number 400 is sitting in the middle running in circles NOT passing as I spam chat, "PLEASE PASS UP, IM WIDE OPEN!" i cant help to get angry.

i do want a healthy population. a healthy population of people that are going to put forth effort into winning the warzone.

what I dont want are warm bodies running around in circles getting farmed, not even trying to communicate.


ed: weird, that isnt the post i tried to quote...


I also play with those same people and endure their frustrating ways. I don't respond in the same way as you though, so maybe we shouldn't blame the environment and instead look at your standoffish personality revealing itself. When someone screws up in an amateur way I let them know without coming across like a baby. I imagine they are more likely to actually listen that way. Still, I am sure you are a great person who spends many hours doing charity work with the blind.

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I also play with those same people and endure their frustrating ways. I don't respond in the same way as you though, so maybe we shouldn't blame the environment and instead look at your standoffish personality revealing itself. When someone screws up in an amateur way I let them know without coming across like a baby. I imagine they are more likely to actually listen that way. Still, I am sure you are a great person who spends many hours doing charity work with the blind.

because youve played so many games with me.

careful you dont fall off that high horse. a drop that distance could kill a man.

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I've noticed that the game tends to be far, far stingier with attacker points than with defender points. In some situations it doesn't seem to award attacker points at all, unless you can either kill enemy players near the objective (nearly impossible if the dps on your team is overmatched in skill by the opposing healers), or actually cap the objective (even less likely if your team is overmatched in skill).


As a healer in solo queue, I can do surprisingly little to force DPS to do its job. Sure I can keep them up forever (if they even know what a DCD is), I can even try to find the opposing healers and mark them, but ultimately I can't force the mouth breathers to focus target or even press buttons. If the DPS on my team can't perform, no one on the opposing team dies, I suffer more pressure because I'm trying to kite around 4 enemy DPS (none of whom are dying, obviously), and ironically enough I probably do more for the team luring the enemy DPS away from the objective, in the hopes that the pugs see an opening to backcap it, than I do "fighting on the objective."


And in such a situation I will have 0 objective points. Even if I successfully pull 4 enemies off the objective and stay alive long enough, giving the pugs a 3 man advantage for long enough, to pull off a cap. Granted that kind of tactic is kind of a last ditch effort after I've determined that my team is too mismatched in skill against the enemy team to win conventionally, and hence guerrilla tactics are needed. (I'm also gambling that the pugs have too little situational awareness to notice I've left, and therefore don't follow me like lemmings, yet just enough to notice the objective is suddenly very sparsely defended, hahaha. ALWAYS a desperate gamble.) But I'd rather have maybe a 1 in 4 chance of winning unconventionally than slog through an otherwise unwinnable match.


If you want to penalize people who get 0 objective points, ultimately that just gives players that much more reason to farm defense medals if the other team caps mid. Defense points are much, much more reliably awarded than attacker points.

Edited by AdrianDmitruk
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Open world PvP in SWG was pretty fun. No objectives other then the PvP itself. Never " even teams " and that was the thrill of it. Was great fun.:)

The PvP in this game is pretty boring. WZs and Huttball arenas get old very fast.


Your post is funny, nothing stops people, starting with Tatooine, to do Open World PvP in SWTOR...


except it doesnt happen often because the "No objectives other then the PvP itself." thing is a small old school niche that doesn't appeal to many people. You think wzs get old very fast, well many people think the same about PvP for the sake of PvP. Many people want objectives, rewards, killboards.... not some PvP of no consequence.



Anyway, as for the OP I'm not against it but only once they completely revamp the way you get objective points, there's so many ways you can be useful without getting any point or much and getting many, AFK'ing at a node.

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