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Would mind fixing my hand??


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You can't see she's holding the gun with only her fingertips?

Well now that you point it out I do.


What the heck are people doing, scrutinizing screen shots for any minor thing they can find a quibble with so they can have new material to complain about on the forums? No one not terminally pedantic would ever even notice something like this.



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Obviously this is game breaking, since I can only assume the toon holding a pistol that way drops it continuously and likely misses 99% of the time.


I heard that if you stack your accuracy high enough, when you drop the blaster it will still go off and hit your target. From there it's just about stacking enough alacrity so that you can bend down and pick it back up before your next global cooldown.

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Well now that you point it out I do.


What the heck are people doing, scrutinizing screen shots for any minor thing they can find a quibble with so they can have new material to complain about on the forums? No one not terminally pedantic would ever even notice something like this.




Well sure, it's only a cosmetic issue and of very minor importance, but it's still something that should be on the fix list.

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My grip around the pistol is not as it used to be.


This happens with some weapons. They don't do physics calculations to properly wrap your hand around weapons (which you should be very happy about), so there are going to be some issues like this. It's going to vary based upon model quality, character model, and possibly even the camera location.


Welcome to video games. Either you get a small number of model options or perfect model placement. You very rarely get both.


Can we get a fix ASAP??




This is not even close to an "ASAP" level bug. This is a very, very minor cosmetic bug. They should fix dozens of things before putting this thing onto the low-priority bugfix list.


This is another example of immersionbreaking failures.


If this is all it takes to break immersion for you, then I don't think video games are for you. This is actually a common issue in games that support a wide variety of model interactions (FPSs cheat: they have pre-cooked arm/hand/weapon models. And no: that wouldn't work here).


At the very least, you should be used to this sort of thing. I mean... SWG did it, too. So, apparently they didn't think it was an urgent problem, either.

Edited by Malastare
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I heard that if you stack your accuracy high enough, when you drop the blaster it will still go off and hit your target. From there it's just about stacking enough alacrity so that you can bend down and pick it back up before your next global cooldown.

Well done lol

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I don't remember it was this bad before....



My grip around the pistol is not as it used to be. Can we get a fix ASAP?? This is another example of immersionbreaking failures.


As there are really no outstanding more pressing bugs present in the game, I am sure this will go to the top of the priority list.



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I heard that if you stack your accuracy high enough, when you drop the blaster it will still go off and hit your target. From there it's just about stacking enough alacrity so that you can bend down and pick it back up before your next global cooldown.


Yeah but alacrity decreases the GCD too....

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This issue only applies to recently created female toons. I created a new Smuggler and a BH today. They both got the "grip issue". Also tried multiple pistols. However, my female BH toon which I made maybe 1 month ago has no issues at all. Neither do the male toons. Old or newly created ones.

Seems to me that this issue occurred after the latest patch?

So they broke something that was working just fine. Yes it's annoying and since I pay for this product, it's only fitting that I complain about it. As for people saying it's not important, well that's all subjective isn't it? It's as important to me as 'balancing OP classes' in PvP. ;)

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