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The sniper Motto: 'Just waiting to die'


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Been playing a snipe recently and can't figure out if this is the playstyle.. It's the least mobile class by a huge margin and it just seems at the moment that you shoot, shoot some more, then someone catches up with you and you die. Then repeat.


Anyone else experience this, or have any tips on how the class can be played?

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I'm quoting myself :


Just let your character stand still and die. Someone wants Comms and a Good Laugh.


I haven't touched my own Gunslinger since 3.0 - won't do for the near future. I'm enjoying PvE with my Sage meanwhile, though.


On a more serious note : You MUST NOT let someone come close to your Sniper.

Ranged classes are notoriously bad in terms of close combat defense.

Anf if someone gets close to you - well, you have some CCs ... and a Roll ...

Edited by AlrikFassbauer
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And while you're waiting to die, might as well chain a couple of 22K ambushes...


^^this, although its more like 16.5k on people not wearing yavin gear.


Ambush+followthrough too stronk please nerf.

Edited by Zoom_VI
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^^this, although its more like 16.5k on people not wearing yavin gear.


Ambush+followthrough too stronk please nerf.


Please don't nerf it. It's the only thing right now that can counter hatred.


Most sniper damage is white/weapon, so it goes right through shroud. That's a ridiculously huge advantage when every other player is running an assassin or shadow.

Edited by Brunner_Venda
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Please don't nerf it. It's the only thing right now that can counter hatred.


Most sniper damage is white/weapon, so it goes right through shroud. That's a ridiculously huge advantage when every other player is running an assassin or shadow.


That works until the assassin pop deflection. :(

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That works until the assassin pop deflection. :(


Assassins have that as well ?? (My Shadow is level 23 now so I can't say). I had thought that only Warriors had that ??? (My own Jedi Knights are around level 20-30 as well.)


Or did I misunderstand something there ? (I'm playing SWTOR in German language, so I have to reassign all terms I read here in English language. Which is somewhat tiresome since not direct translator exists.)

Edited by AlrikFassbauer
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Been playing a snipe recently and can't figure out if this is the playstyle.. It's the least mobile class by a huge margin and it just seems at the moment that you shoot, shoot some more, then someone catches up with you and you die. Then repeat.


Anyone else experience this, or have any tips on how the class can be played?


Sniper is not as easy as some classes, and it can take some work... but it has a lot going for it right now compared to other classes that need more immediate help (Mara, Merc ...).


It has arguably the highest burst in the game, some of the highest dps (1.5k to 2k dps is average for a typical warzone/arena in most specs... for me at least), and it has adequate defenses for most circumstances if utilized in an efficient manner.


It's not for everyone, but if you want to make it work... the potential is there.

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Been playing a snipe recently and can't figure out if this is the playstyle.. It's the least mobile class by a huge margin and it just seems at the moment that you shoot, shoot some more, then someone catches up with you and you die. Then repeat.


Anyone else experience this, or have any tips on how the class can be played?


Sniper mobility isn't as bad as you'd expect, but it's different. The best comparison (for Marksman especially) would be if the PT could regularly gain their HO for short periods, but couldn't move at all without HO.


You have some powerful mobility tools: Seek Cover and Covered Escape (which procs an additional Seek Cover for Marksman) and you have the most immunity of any class to control (if you try to maximise it you can theoretically achieve 94% uptime on root and snare protection, and 61% on stun protection as Marksman—a bit less for the other specs). Your strongest DCD only lasts 3 seconds, but for those 3 seconds its one of the closest things in the game to a true godmode, and as others have pointed out you can dish out serious damage in those 3 seconds. It also has only a 60 second CD. Also, a well-timed roll can make your attackers waste their prepared spikes.


One thing you absolutely need to practice is moving in and out of cover. Even if you don't move you should always be proc'ing your three stacks of Ballistic Dampers every 4 GCD. If you have to kite, you can move into cover, instant cast Snipe, and move again—and if you have Entrench running, it refreshes your Seek Cover, in addition to your Ballistic Dampers. If a melee has charged to/caught up with you, you can also Cover Pulse since it's off the GCD (though don't waste it on a Vengeance Jugg with their post-charge immunity, or a HO-using PT—not that the latter even needs to be in melee range).


You do have limitations, however: unless you're Engineering (and even then, tbh) your damage output will plummet if you have to kite for a sustained period of time. You don't have the raw durability of a Jugg with their multiple lives or of the self-healing Inquisitor specs. Compared to an Operative, you probably have more defences but none of them is as powerful as his vanish (however, none of your defences require you to stop attacking like the vanish does). If multiple people focus you for a while, you'll run out of DCD and die, lasting longer than some but also less than some others.


Another Sniperslinger can really screw you over with Diversion (so you should do it to him first!), and a Merc hitting you with Electro-Net can be almost as damaging as for a Sorc if your Entrench isn't up already. Less talked about but also a very real limitation: Snipers are the class most dependent on weapon damage, which is easier to protect against than Tech/Force. Marksman, the popular burst spec with the most survivability, has next to no Tech and Internal/Elemental damage. You can partially offset this lack with your OCD (Target Acquired) and Marksman's armour-piercing skills, though.

Edited by MiaowZedong
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Been playing a snipe recently and can't figure out if this is the playstyle.. It's the least mobile class by a huge margin and it just seems at the moment that you shoot, shoot some more, then someone catches up with you and you die. Then repeat.


Anyone else experience this, or have any tips on how the class can be played?

I don't play my sniper. I'm not good at it. I only played EZ mode MM, but I can tell you that snipers are garbage without a cooperative team. they're worse than mercs cuz mercs can zig zag. engineering should be better than merc but I guess that spec got gutted in 3.0 (taking other ppl's word for it).


all of that said, if a sniper catches you out in the open, he should obliterate you. the burst is real. it's just a horrible spec to bring into arenas without trinity.


on JM, I saw snipers that I respect and know are flat out better players than me just get murdered in soloQ. it's the only solace I take when on merc is that there's someone more of a priority target than me.

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Assassins have that as well ?? (My Shadow is level 23 now so I can't say). I had thought that only Warriors had that ??? (My own Jedi Knights are around level 20-30 as well.)


Or did I misunderstand something there ? (I'm playing SWTOR in German language, so I have to reassign all terms I read here in English language. Which is somewhat tiresome since not direct translator exists.)


Well, once your shadow hits 24, youll get Deflection, which jacks up your melee and ranged defense by 50%, IE, adds 50%, so base, 60% melee range def. For 12 seconds. And in 60 pvp, thats 12 seconds of immunity to CC. IE, dead sniper, unless the sin has an awful crick in their neck and cant quite roll their face across the keyboard just then.

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I don't play my sniper. I'm not good at it. I only played EZ mode MM, but I can tell you that snipers are garbage without a cooperative team. they're worse than mercs cuz mercs can zig zag. engineering should be better than merc but I guess that spec got gutted in 3.0 (taking other ppl's word for it).


all of that said, if a sniper catches you out in the open, he should obliterate you. the burst is real. it's just a horrible spec to bring into arenas without trinity.


on JM, I saw snipers that I respect and know are flat out better players than me just get murdered in soloQ. it's the only solace I take when on merc is that there's someone more of a priority target than me.


Honestly, the only reason (other than sheer not knowing the two classes) to focus a Sniper before a Merc is that Marksman burst > Arsenal burst and the Merc can be interupted whereas the Sniper can never be interrupted ever. So if Snipers are dying before Mercs, other than being bad, the reason is that they are victims of their class just being flat out better and therefore more important to kill. Even so, for most classes the Net is a bigger threat than Diversion and that can justify killing the Merc before the Sniper (besides the fact that it should take fewer globals to kill him).


You want to know something stupid? Snipers move faster than Mercs, because they have more uptime on a stronger speed buff and have more uptime on their snare/root immunity. Seek Cover >> Merc HO. Then there's the roll, for even more of a mobility advantage. Sure, the damage of a Sniper forced to just kite is crap, but once Arsenal can't hold still to cast Tracer Missile their damage, while better, is nothing very serious.


I'm not claiming to be super pro or to make things work where others can't. Sure, Sniper probably has a higher skill floor than Vengeance Juggernaut, but you don't need to be a great player to survive for a bit as one. I do play both Merc and Sniper (and 'Sin, Mara, PT, Sage, Guardian) so I think I have a fair idea of how the classes compare to each other.


P.S. Obviously I'm comparing damage Mercs to Snipers. Heal Mercs are more viable, IMO, than damage Mercs and cannot be compared to Snipers since Snipers don't ever heal other players.

Edited by MiaowZedong
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Well, once your shadow hits 24, youll get Deflection, which jacks up your melee and ranged defense by 50%, IE, adds 50%, so base, 60% melee range def. For 12 seconds. And in 60 pvp, thats 12 seconds of immunity to CC. IE, dead sniper, unless the sin has an awful crick in their neck and cant quite roll their face across the keyboard just then.


had to laugh at the "crick" part. rofl.

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Can't be worse than a marauder.


Oh quiet! The marauder / sent class is NOT NEARLY as bad off as some other advanced classes. You have 99 percent invincibility AND invisibility. This automatically makes you better than sniper / GS, and Commando / VG, the fact that BW decided to buff Marauder / sent BEFORE THOSE TWO classes is -beyond- me.

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Well, once your shadow hits 24, youll get Deflection, which jacks up your melee and ranged defense by 50%, IE, adds 50%, so base, 60% melee range def. For 12 seconds. And in 60 pvp, thats 12 seconds of immunity to CC. IE, dead sniper, unless the sin has an awful crick in their neck and cant quite roll their face across the keyboard just then.


Baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahahahahahahahahahahahhahahaha :rak_03::rak_03::rak_03::rak_03::rak_03::p Best comment ever.

Edited by mmmbuddah
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Oh quiet! The marauder / sent class is NOT NEARLY as bad off as some other advanced classes. You have 99 percent invincibility AND invisibility. This automatically makes you better than sniper / GS, and Commando / VG, the fact that BW decided to buff Marauder / sent BEFORE THOSE TWO classes is -beyond- me.


Yeah, but I can't sit at the back of the group and do damage, hence exposing myself and usually dying to chained sorc stuns.

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Before 3.0 sniper was nice, and i loved engineering.


Now that 3.0 is out, the only real viable spec is MM, since engineering got a huge nerf to it's defensive/utilities while only receiving a small increase in DPS.


A marksman sniper can be effective, but for the most part, a lightning sorc brings more mobility while still having that burst compared to a sniper.

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Yeah, but I can't sit at the back of the group and do damage, hence exposing myself and usually dying to chained sorc stuns.
That is not the marauder / sent lacking, it is the ridculousness that is sorc and sin at the moment, those two classes should have been the first up for the nerf nuke. Sents have good "oh ****" abilities, commandos have none, vanguards had one, which is now being nerfed and made useless. As for sitting back, well, its a ranged class, if it weren't able to do that, it wouldn't be ranged.
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It's very effective in 8m. It's not great in 4m. I'd like to see either a mobile cull, some sort of knockback proc, and/or an 8m ranked option. If you are not heavy into ranked, I agree with prior posters that there are other classes that need a lot more help.


To be fair sniper's are only bad in solo ranked. In group ranked marksman is actually rather strong.

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Exactly... You can't have it both ways... It's either massive crits or survivability, no class should have both... I guess it comes down to style of play...


I don't think any class should be at either extreme...well...not as a dps role anyway.

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