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Just hit 60 and jumped into Warzones.


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The separation of gear came because PvErs cried that the grind for PVP gear was a lot less than pve gear. When you can show up for HM OPs in PVP gear and actually contribute the pvers cried. So they separated it.


And they can't give flat stats because you could basically do nothing and be just as competitive in PvP with those that did gear grind. And if they got flat expertise those in top notch pve gear would blow pvpers out of the water.


Bolster is the best it has ever been, you just need to understand it and use it correctly.

Edited by Ld-Siris
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The separation of gear came because PvErs cried that the grind for PVP gear was a lot less than pve gear. When you can show up for HM OPs in PVP gear and actually contribute the pvers cried. So they separated it.


And they can't give flat stats because you could basically do nothing and be just as competitive in PvP with those that did gear grind. And if they got flat expertise those in top notch pve gear would blow pvpers out of the water.


Bolster is the best it has ever been, you just need to understand it and use it correctly.

Oh bull! Expertise is there because BIOWARE wanted it there. They wanted you to grind out 2 sets, not just one. PvEers who complain about that are a joke...how many full pieces of PvP gear have you seen drop from a PvP match? How many mods have you removed from your random loot roll PvP gear?


Bolster is an absolute joke. It's beyond screwed up from 30-59, and at 60 it's more confusing than freaking Recruit gear ever was. Bioware needs to scrap Bolster, as it is, and make it work off fixed numbers, not calculate everything someone is wearing.

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And the only reason you won't be full 2018 with 162 bolster gear is because they limit the gain of expertise in the MH and OH slots. That is to prevent ppl from using PVE hilts/barrels. So if you are gonna be a pvper I sugest your first buy being the MH/OH. With relics next. That will get you the biggest gain.


As far as having to down grade that is stupid but happened because they made exhumed only one tier higher than bruitilizer gear. And with PvE gear way ahead they stepped it up several for the lvling experience for the expansion.


Sorry but you can hit 2018 expertise by Equiping a 162 hilt, and 148 mod and 148 enhancement in you main/off hands

Of course it is a good idea to get pvp weapons as soon as possible... But don't think you can't have 2018 expertise while you are grinding comms, you can

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Oh bull! Expertise is there because BIOWARE wanted it there. They wanted you to grind out 2 sets, not just one. PvEers who complain about that are a joke...how many full pieces of PvP gear have you seen drop from a PvP match? How many mods have you removed from your random loot roll PvP gear?


Bolster is an absolute joke. It's beyond screwed up from 30-59, and at 60 it's more confusing than freaking Recruit gear ever was. Bioware needs to scrap Bolster, as it is, and make it work off fixed numbers, not calculate everything someone is wearing.


Bolster is working as intended in gear... What is screwed up 30-59 is the extra lvling stats you get as you LVL up... They are not taken into account by gear bolster and is a whole other issue


Getting 2018 expertise at LVL 55-60 is easy... Wear all 156-162 gear... Nothing higher... In your MH/OH have 162 hilt/barrel, 148 mod, 148 enhancement = 2018 expertise and Bolster takes care of the rest


Read my thread on how to achieve this - http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=795518

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The problem with a lot of people that wear pve gear is they see their damage and don't see a problem. Met a 970 expertise sniper couple of days ago in a novare on my team, he did 358K damage compared to my 452K (lots of fotm on the other team, usual pug slaughter) and sure that's not to bad in comparison but he took like 200K more damage than I did.


Someone playing a pve geared toon might very well sometimes dish out okish damage but entirely miss exactly how much damage they're taking. I don't know why they don't alter bolster so that if you log on with pvp gear then it ignores it completed and gives you a bolstered "recruit gear" type effect.


No recruit gear like we used to have (people just didn't know about it) but a base bolster for anything but a full set of pvp gear. The best of both worlds.


I played and played with people in 192 gear yesterday... They are so squishy and hit like babies... Class for class, people with 2018 expertise vs people wearing 192 gear do 3-5 times more damage and soak up about the same in damage

The funny thing is a lot of these people are from pvp guilds or guilds that have a lot of good pvpers in them... I cannot understand why their guild mates haven't explained to them how to gear

When I politely explained they had the wrong gear on and how to obtain 2018 expertise for pve gear I was abused... They lost us match after match... So I stopped queuing with them and switched factions to play against them... It was like these people had forgotten how to pvp over night... Dying quickly and doing no damage

As I've mentioned in my other posts and in this thread http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=795518 ,

You can easily have 2018 expertise with 156-162 PVE gear.. You should all be wearing this while you grind out your pvp gear... Anyone not wearing 2018 expertise is gimping your team and themselves... Meaning your team needs to carry them... It doesn't matter how skilled they are... A noob in 2018 expertise gear can smash them

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The discussion on the what the Bolster should be aside,


A PvE user could wear until s/he quickly obtains the Exhumed set gear readily obtainable through either Forged Alliances Solo run (162 gear); L55 vendors (162 version); Crafting (156 version and 148 versions); Oricon run (156 version); Black Hole gear (148 rating, still there, I guess?).


It really isn't that bad. Just relax, enjoy the zones, and if a set of gear is all that stands between you and the Leaderboards, you’ll have it before you know it, I promise.


Have fun playing!

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Just wanting to make sure I understand the flow of this.

1) @60 get the low level gear in place of the top tier PvE gear. This max's expertise

2) Get MH/OH, relics first

3) Work to replace low level gear with unranked gear via swapping the pieces into a shell(look) you like or just swapping pieces if you swapped


If you get the full 2018 bonus do you what's the point of the unranked gear?


You can still augment those pieces correct with lvl 60 augments correct? As they have no effect on bolster?


Thanks. Sorry I've not PvPed since the start of this game which if I remember was more of a flat lvl bonus. Anyways.

Thanks again.

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Just wanting to make sure I understand the flow of this.

1) @60 get the low level gear in place of the top tier PvE gear. This max's expertise

2) Get MH/OH, relics first

3) Work to replace low level gear with unranked gear via swapping the pieces into a shell(look) you like or just swapping pieces if you swapped


If you get the full 2018 bonus do you what's the point of the unranked gear?


You can still augment those pieces correct with lvl 60 augments correct? As they have no effect on bolster?


Thanks. Sorry I've not PvPed since the start of this game which if I remember was more of a flat lvl bonus. Anyways.

Thanks again.


1)Wear 156-162 gear... Do not wear high LVL pve gear

2)Get weapons first... Personally I get my 2 set bonus pieces second... The cheapest are wrist/belt... Then I get relics

3)replace gear as you obtain pvp gear


The point of the entry LVL pvp gear is to get set bonuses... They will also give you a slight stat boost... Plus it's part of the grind to get ranked gear


Augments do Bolster... But only Endurance if you have none or low LVL ones equipped and it is only a very small amount... You definately want to equip the highest LVL augments you can afford


Read this thread on gearing http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=795518

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1)Wear 156-162 gear... Do not wear high LVL pve gear

2)Get weapons first... Personally I get my 2 set bonus pieces second... The cheapest are wrist/belt... Then I get relics

3)replace gear as you obtain pvp gear


The point of the entry LVL pvp gear is to get set bonuses... They will also give you a slight stat boost... Plus it's part of the grind to get ranked gear


Augments do Bolster... But only Endurance if you have none or low LVL ones equipped and it is only a very small amount... You definately want to equip the highest LVL augments you can afford


Read this thread on gearing http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=795518


some of the best lvl 162 gear is available on oricon at the basic comms vendor. Most of it is only 60 basic comms apiece, so as a full set, it's pretty cheap. And remember, if intend to do some wz's, you can always do the vendor dance and when you are done pvping, sell the stuff back to the vendor when time is running short on them, and buy a new one back. no sense in losing basic comms over this.

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They don't want pvp gear to be good enough to raid so they need to keep it lower then the pve gear mods. Which is why having more HP still means you get globalled but player in pvp gear otherwise people would start using pve mods in pvp. There are always rumors about pve hilts being better but 2018 expertise is priority one.


Yeah sin/shadow jumping you = death these days. Honestly just stick it out and grind it, doesn't take long to get pvp gear. Also you can use legacy gear to trade mods over so if you have other chars with spar warzone comms lying around so you can gear up in no time if you got a few 60's with maxed comms.

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The separation of gear came because PvErs cried that the grind for PVP gear was a lot less than pve gear. When you can show up for HM OPs in PVP gear and actually contribute the pvers cried. So they separated it.


Historically that's not true. PVE/PVP gear separation was pretty much introduced in WOW early game. There, raiders who were doing NAX40 with raid gear were entering battlegrounds and stomping on most every player. Thus the resilience stat was introduced to even it out a bit. It wasn't for a while after until the pendulum swung a bit and high end PvP/ Arena gear competed for BiS in PvE. SWTOR just copied WoW, essentially, but called it expertise.


But, ya, there is no real need to have separate sets these days since there is a more established meta and hindsight to develop to achieve gear parity between both with equal efforts put in either side - but why change now its just another grind to keep the sheep busy.

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Level 60 pvp is a lot less forgiving than midbie or lowbie pvp. Ideally you should have done extensive pvp at 50-60 to #1 max out on comms (you can save up like 20,000 comms buy buying titles and storing them on an alt through legacy bank transfer) and #2 just learn your class and how to counter others. You're gonna have a rough time of it now =/.
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Historically that's not true. PVE/PVP gear separation was pretty much introduced in WOW early game. There, raiders who were doing NAX40 with raid gear were entering battlegrounds and stomping on most every player. Thus the resilience stat was introduced to even it out a bit. It wasn't for a while after until the pendulum swung a bit and high end PvP/ Arena gear competed for BiS in PvE. SWTOR just copied WoW, essentially, but called it expertise.


But, ya, there is no real need to have separate sets these days since there is a more established meta and hindsight to develop to achieve gear parity between both with equal efforts put in either side - but why change now its just another grind to keep the sheep busy.


I was really hopeful that SWTOR would break the mold that WoW set by having PvP and PvE gear be equal, or just making everyone have equal stats in pvp, and having prestigious rewards, titles, etc instead, but I suppose the sheep do need something to grind for.

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Kind of off-topic, but it's really stupid and non-intuitive that you need to get gear worse than what you get from leveling to participate in warzones and be somewhat competitive. Basically, the "allies" gear you gain from prelude of SoR is the best PvP gear until you gain warzone gear. Big fail imo.


I agree, its a ridiculous situation. Bolster should be altered to account for that.

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Little off topic and I didnt check if anyone asked but are you also utilizing e-net? As one who mains a sin I can tell you e-net without cc breaker up is the most anoying thing on earth. So if you pushback and e-net you will more than likely force a sin/jug to blow a big cd which means you can stun and run :D but you didnt hear that from me
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Little off topic and I didnt check if anyone asked but are you also utilizing e-net? As one who mains a sin I can tell you e-net without cc breaker up is the most anoying thing on earth. So if you pushback and e-net you will more than likely force a sin/jug to blow a big cd which means you can stun and run :D but you didnt hear that from me


E-net has an obscenely long cooldown time. fyi

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