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Take the exploiter's unearned gear away! -petition-


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It's not fair to me and everyone else that didn't cheat if you let the exploiters keep their unearned high end gear. I for one will not stand for it. They didn't earn it, and they don't deserve it. Enforce rules and let them know that they will not get away with this in the future if it happens again. I have 45 days left of sub if you want me to continue playing this game as I have been since early beta, you need to 1) Take away the exploited gear, or 2) Provide me with a good enough reason of why you decided not to. Thanks.


If you are an honest player and agree with me, please leave feedback to let them know how you feel. Thanks


What difference does it make? I mean, really.

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In the end, OP, Bioware has determined what the appropriate level of action was that needed to be applied to the account involved in the exploit. They have, they enforced the rules as they saw necessary... those who were involved have received their "punishment"... let that be the end.


Lets just move on... Whether or not they have the gear is irrelevant at this point.

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In a society that values liberty an action that does not negatively affect anyone else would not be criminalised.


and secondly it is NOT a crime. Its taking advantage of Bioware's lax attitude to fixing bugs and i find it extremely disgusting that Bioware is seeking to punish PAYING CUSTOMERS for their mistake.


To quote Captain Denal-zon in the Old Galactic Market:


"The laws the law. Even for Senators."


In this case, the game rules are the game rules. Follow them, or don't. However, don't expect that if you DON'T follow them, you are free from punishment just because "not hurtin' nobody".


Oh, and a society that values liberty, also understands that without the rule of law, chaos and anarchy ensue, and therefore to protect the society, and, protect the liberty of it's citizens, order must be maintained.

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It is really time to let this go.


Bioware has set a precedent for future exploits and that is something that many will now consider before they consider doing this again.


This is what I consider important is that they have told people they will not accept or allow this type of behavior anymore.

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OP you are right of course, but lets go further.


  • BW should give them all a permanent PvP flags - Lets gank them!
  • A legacy title they can't turn off - "The Exploiter" - that way we can tar and feather them more easily.
  • And they should be on fire all the time - Burn them! BURN THEM ALL!!!


But seriously, BW messed this whole thing up, we all know how it went down and so do they. BW seem to have struck some balance in the end though. Its a shame that some people did it and some people have left the game themselves.


And Musco clearly said that gear is gone.


  • Removal of inappropriately obtained high-end gear and crafting materials



Doesn't affect you, or me...


And to everyone else that posted that sentiment, it actually does. A lot of people had and obviously still do have pretty low opinions of BW about this. These attitudes/beliefs are all over the forums lately and expressed in game too. Morale has been low - I accept of course there are multiple factors also but they have still been compounded. And surely none of us want to be in a game rife with exploiting.

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I wonder how much of this anger is coming from frustrated jealousy.


yes people so jealous of cheaters


jesus do you people even read what you type some days?


EA was pretty clear on issue so EA should do as they said and remove the gear


But from what I seen they pretty much kids gloving whole issue once again


They did more then I thought they would to the exploiters

But they still did far less then situation required

Whole thing is just another black mark on EA who once again shows they worship money over professional respect by coddling cheaters who really should have just been given their walking papers and had accounts wiped out.


Everyone knew the rules

Everyone knew it was a exploit/cheating

Everyone that did it should face the consequences

Exploiting has been a ban-able offense in MMORPGs for 24 years now

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And Musco clearly said that gear is gone.

  • Removal of inappropriately obtained high-end gear and crafting materials


No he did not.


Here are the types of actions we are taking based on the severity of their exploits:

Received a warning along with anywhere between 1-7 days of in-game suspension time.

Anyone who received an in-game suspension will also lose their forum privileges for the same period of time.

For our most egregious offenders, they will have received a suspension up to a permanent suspension.

Inside of those categories of player’s it is also possible they could have very specific additional actions taken against them including:

Removal of inappropriately obtained high-end gear and crafting materials

Removal of credits and commendations


In short, of the players who get a 1-7 day suspension, "it is also possible" that their gear, crafting materials, credits and commendations were removed. It is in no way a given that all or even most exploiters had their ill-earned gear removed.

Edited by MFollin
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I don't consider it cheating when it's a developer-introduced bug that is wholly contained and exploited within the game itself. I'm just a weird guy that puts the responsibility of bugs on the developers.


Try giving that argument against a bunch of Blizzard or Dice developers. Good luck.

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Do I want to be in a game rife with exploiting? Of course not.


Do I feel this was an example of that. No.


This mainly seemed to effect high end hardcore players. That means it is likely of little consequence, either way, to the majority of players.


That does not mean nothing should have been done...quite the contrary, I think it was wise the acted on it. But the effects of the exploit AND the folks being banned is obviously exaggerated.


I expect most don't care either way. The amount of folks involved and affected is likely not large enough to be of a concern to most players.

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