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Action For The Ravager's Exploit


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RIP for good now swtor. The player base in this game is retarded and you are baning the last loyal, and above average, ones that you had.


If I'm parsing your statement correctly, it sounds like you're saying that the people being banned also happen to be the only people who are any good at this game. I doubt that's true, but if you really think it is, perhaps those people aren't quite as talented as you think they are. What, were they afraid they'd never be able to beat Coratanni legitimately more than once (or maybe even at all)?

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Punishment not severe enough.


I think that those who got less than a week suspension should get 90% of their credits removed so they can remember a lesson. Unless the remove of credit Eric means is that ALL of the credits are being removed from offending accounts. That would be marvelous! Imagine how many of them were those "sickly rich" you hate!

Edited by Alec_Fortescue
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And for the person who said "people who get banned should have their subs canceled" this game would literally die of that were to happen.


Of course it wouldn't. That is absolutely ridiculous contention. Pure fantasy.


They could ban almost every guild permanently from the game and it would likely represent a small fraction of the game's population.


I would speculate most players do not even belong to a guild.

Edited by LordArtemis
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Punishment not severe enough.


I think that those who got less than a week suspension should get 90% of their credits removed so they can remember a lesson.


Ah.. you witch hunters are never happy unless people are beheaded on fleet and heads roll down stairs. :rolleyes:


Take what was not earned and ban as deemed appropriate by BW. Taking what was earned BEFORE is a little overboard. Take a pill Alec and go look at some more Robe Patterns for the costume designer threads. :D

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Punishment not severe enough.


I think that those who got less than a week suspension should get 90% of their credits removed so they can remember a lesson. Unless the remove of credit Eric means is that ALL of the credits are being removed from offending accounts. That would be marvelous! Imagine how many of them were those "sickly rich" you hate!


I am glad your not a judge in real life.

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I think that those who got less than a week suspension should get 90% of their credits removed so they can remember a lesson.
hahaha thats a good one.


would never happen...not only is it overkill and completely unwarranted.

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Ah.. you witch hunters are never happy unless people are beheaded on fleet and heads roll down stairs. :rolleyes:


Take what was not earned and ban as deemed appropriate by BW. Taking what was earned BEFORE is a little overboard. Take a pill Alec and go look at some more Robe Patterns for the costume designer threads. :D


I agree. I think the amount of action being taken seems to be a reasonable enough one.


Asking for more is as you said, a "witch hunt".

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Glad some thorough disciplinary action will be taken against the exploiters.


This bug really did screw up the game economy and PvE progression...


Yep, the progression is ruined because now people can buy a barrel for 1 million credits instead of 5 million credits.

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Yep, the progression is ruined because now people can buy a barrel for 1 million credits instead of 5 million credits.


You are right.


People who took advantage of the exploit like it was the end of the world, did so for the benefit of the community, so they could reverse engineer as many schematics as possible, with the sure intent of lowering the price of those armorings, hilts, barrels and what not, on the GTN.


Those poor lonely souls; such sacrifice.


They weren't in it for the profit. AT ALL.

Edited by Darth_Wicked
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Good for him, I hope all the banned cancel their subscriptions.


Shame... the game would be better off if Bioware had let it go, and all the people who are taking sick pleasure in the punishment of others now, would instead have quit the game in self-righteous rage.

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WOOHOOO!!! 1000% support this. I have zero sympathy for people who do stuff like this. Its is quite different than say the nefra mechanics, naked bolster, or even the free stim use exploit, as this had major impacts in the game and was extremely obvious.


So you have zero sympathy for people that exploit unless you are able to benefit from the exploit personally? That is how I am reading your comment.

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Shame... the game would be better off if Bioware had let it go, and all the people who are taking sick pleasure in the punishment of others now, would instead have quit the game in self-righteous rage.


So the people who play the game as intended should quit, while the others who take advantage of exploits should be given a pass.


Truly ingenious to say the least. :rolleyes:

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Sorry both raid groups that I am subbing for while regular members are out of town. I won't be raiding for the next 7 days, and you'll have to find another replacement. If you want to blame someone, talk to the original poster, lol.


Way to accept absolutely 0 responsibility for your own actions. If you were part of any progression group I belonged to... I know exactly who I would blame... I may even give your spot away.


Does BW have some blame... yes... yes they do... but at least they had the guts to admit it, and accept some level of responsibility for it.


You CHOSE to use the exploit... own it.

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I would hope not as that could have been resolved by BW by ending any active sessions at the same time they sent you "that" email. Without getting into detail, I still place the blame on BW for releasing 3.0 as buggy as it was and their past history of not taking action when people participate in "exploits".


At least this will give you an excuse to get out of the house or attend to other things. :p See you back in a week.


Yes all their fault. They control other peoples actions and people have zero personal responsibility. Between exploits, and GTN "Scams" it seems everything in my life is because of someone else. I do something great, someone else must have helped. do something stupid, someone else's fault for letting me do it. Do something wrong, someone else's fault for allowing it to happen. I can not be held responsible for my own actions.

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