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11 Good
  1. This thread just summarises what is wrong with this game entirely. Instead of 50/50 supporting their decision, why not get them to LEAVE IT AS IT IS. Leave the gear drops in operations where they belong. Screw these command crates. I don't see why you're all campaigning for a change to it, instead of supporting the most efficient, guaranteed way of gearing; operations drops. If you're good enough to get NiM gear, good on you. If you aren't? Then you don't need nor deserve it. Stick to your SM gear. That's my two cents on the matter.
  2. Eric, can you confirm that this 200% EXP is intentional and not a bug? I'd rather not level an alt and then find out it's a bug.
  3. Hi mate! Yeah, I had exactly the same issue as you. I completed the Knight story, full dark side for this DvL event, but no Chapter 3 achievement/legendary status. So I rerolled another knight, rushed class story, full light side, did Doomsday on Dromund Kaas with the saving companions side quest and lo and behold, I got my achievement, no thanks to the automated responses I got in my ticket. The only thing I can suggest is; just play light side knight always to avoid this until they definitively fix it. xD Glad to see I'm not the only one. (Well, not glad. But y'know. )
  4. http://i.imgur.com/8INUPHS.jpg Well, I think you should think again! We had Maratanks introduced!
  5. This is ridiculous. Not only is this an even longer wait to finish Kotfe, it's a longer wait to progress your Dark vs. Light event. 0/10
  6. Thanks for the support, let's see if other people will! ^^
  7. Fine, as you are so uptight about something that isn't classed as progression in 4.0: DoB have cleared all 8m NiM Operations, with the inclusion of HM Rav/ToS. I'm sorry my statement was so vague for you. I'll try to be a little more specific in the future.
  8. Yes, the guild/team I am in, Disciples of Babylon have cleared all current 4.0 NiM's and HM ToS/Ravagers.
  9. I really was happy to see some of the old Tionese gear shells come back in some way, shape or form. And even the Odessen legacy crates. But one of the things I really do regret doing is deleting my old weapons a long time ago. So, as a suggestion, I'd like to see the old weapons come back: Fall of Atris, Heart of Ragnos, Darth Sion's lightsaber, Echo of XoXaan, Jolee Bindo's saber, The Indomitable, The Oath of Ragnos, Draay's Legacy, Punisher, Soresu's Razor, Fear, Hatred, Justice, Guiding Light, Honor, Kaelynn's Grace, Mercy, Strife, Temptation, The Unstoppable Force, Last Bastion, Thelathra's Wrath, Zeal. - To name a few. They really were awesome and I'm sure a lot of people would love to see their return!
  10. https://www.change.org/p/bioware-austin-bioware-austin-we-want-group-content-for-star-wars-the-old-republic?tk=o57HmBST4OsqTZki3PYbpEKByE7OsN0tA94h-p9E-4Y&utm_source=supporter_signature_milestone_email&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=supporter_signatures_2500&utm_term=supporter_signature_milestone_email Please guys, go sign this if you haven't already, we may just swing something yet...
  11. Thanks for the info on the stream. But me and several guilds, yes, -guilds- on The Red Eclipse feel ignored. Can we please have an update on ops? A schedule? Anything? Please.
  12. I'd really like to see this happen, not get swept under the carpet as a nonsensical suggestion.
  13. Don't get me wrong, Bioware do put out some awesome armours, my current favourite being the Sith Recluse Breastplate, however. Can you guys please, PLEASE stop putting armour additions, like the droid that comes when you unsheathe your weapon on the Sith Recluse Breastplate? Remove them or something, jesus. It's something a LOT of people in the community hate to see. Even more so when you fork out so much money to get it, realise it has an irritating little droid with it, and then have it bug out in raids and glitch things. Please, remove these silly addons or something. Or give us an option to turn them off!
  14. P.S. That Crystal of Nightmare Fury is becoming really controversial and it's a silly idea. Please, delete it from existence. No real raider needs one!
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