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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Action For The Ravager's Exploit


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Permanent bans? Oh snap. Don't look now, but I think EA has grown a spine. Now you guys can get back to working hard at hardly working.


I got a crazy idea on how to prevent this in the future EA. Actually hire QA staff instead of having monkeys or 3 year olds QA new patches. I know it's crazy, but it's so crazy it just might work.

Edited by Bugattiboy
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Put in a ticket. When my group did Ravagers SM we were unable to get loot. Ticket was filed. Responded within a few days and we got our stuff.


Agree with you to a point and I did the same thing and got our missing loot w/o problem. Getting those missing loot tickets from 16m SM correctly is almost impossible. In fact, six tickets in the making with 5 of them closed "Working as intended". Far from a fair or easy process, but I can understand why people would feel ripped off by BW and engage in the exploit in the first place. Not saying two wrongs make a right, but that coupled with lack of real exploit handling in the past a typical MMO player would be like... oh free loot... it all balances out. *meh*


INB4 pitchfork crowd tears this up. Not looking for any response, but just my 2 cents on it. :)

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In terms of effect on the game, I agree: leaving Ultimate Comms in for the old Ops probably had far, far more effect overall than this Ravager exploit.

How can one possibly think that Ultimate coms had worst effect than Ravagers Exploit ? thats just dumb. people got best in slot mods and enhancements from Ravagers and mats to sell and implants and such to RE. ultimate coms give you what ? armorings ? seriously

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Absolutely. I would take the one day ban to get 198 set bonus gear. Which is not a good enforcement of breaking the TOS. Eric, I would assume exploiters that got gear and were banned for a day will lose the gear?


No they will lose the gear as Eric stated:

  • Removal of inappropriately obtained high-end gear and crafting materials
  • Removal of credits and commendations
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As much as I generally agree with you on this topic, and think that Bioware stumbled again in going from doing nothing on past exploits to dropping the hammer out of nowhere (likely in response to the disproportional outrage expressed by some players), I have to say this one thing: most people who did take advantage of the bug, did so knowing what they were doing, and it was their choice. They had to decide for themselves whether it was "right" or "wrong", regardless of whether they thought Bioware would ever do anything about it.


This is what it really comes down to.


I understand why people thought they could get away with this without punishment due to past experience where exploits were simply patched and forgotten, but it doesn't change the fact that the actions were against the TOS, and the punishment is within Bioware's rights given the situation.


That said, it could most definitely have been handled better from start to end, and justified or not, it does feel like the change is coming out of left field. If this represents a new approach to how Bioware will handle future exploits, I'm okay with it, although I hope the communication and responsiveness gets better. If it turns out to be a one off, and the next exploit is not handled the same way, I will be greatly disappointed.

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So much QQ from the exploiters on this one. Like you didnt know it was an exploit? Like you didnt know it was going to be fixed and against the ToS? Like you didnt know getting schematics for 192/198 Hilts was going to mess up the delicate economy? It was obvious!


Mind you these are all the same things that were said about the Slot Machine pre-nerf. What is funny, is the people upset and QQ about the bannings/suspensions are the same ones that wanted the slots nerfed, gave the above reasons why the slots should be nerfed. But evidently they really dont believe that, or they would have practiced what they preached when it comes to the Ravagers exploit.


What is the word I am looking for here?


Oh hypocrites!


I wish I could bathe in the tears of exploiters. :D

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So much QQ from the exploiters on this one.


Given that the bans that have started include forum posting bans, per Eric's statement, it's unlikely that the people posting here today are "exploiters".


But, you know, keep on assuming that anyone who questions the disproportionate response from the outraged players and from Bioware is "an exploiter."


I'll just refer back to my earlier post:


I wonder if any of the twerps who accused anyone who questioned their demands for draconian punishment of "being one of the exploiters" will have the guts to publicly apologize to those they accused who are still "somehow" posting here despite the punishment including a forum ban?


Nah, they won't.

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Seems that most people fall on the "well its biowares fault for.... leaving it in there, not taking action sooner, making items hard to get etc". This blames someone else for personal responsibility.



I am not saying its BW's fault OVER the Exploiter's fault. Myself, and others I'm sure, are saying its BW's fault the exploits exist AND its the exploiter's fault for taking advantage of it. In a NORMAL case of an exploit, we would still see that, but give BW a break on the matter because we all know these things happen, and they will acknowledge and fix in a timely manner.




What I AM saying is that BW, in their not taking action and letting this go on as they did is at fault IN ADDITION TO the exploiters.


If a bank accidentally leave's their vault door and people start taking money from inside, of course those people should go to jail. At the same time, if its reported to the security guard on duty that its happening, and the guard stands around watching people do it without shutting the door, you don't let him off the hook either!

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Hey folks,

We didn’t take these actions lightly and reviewed every account to determine where we could be lenient. From our end, this was a no win situation. We feel responsible for allowing the exploit to occur and remain in the game for an unreasonable length of time, but we also cannot and will not condone cheating. Thankfully, a large majority of our players didn’t exploit at all, but unfortunately, some of those who did have been with us for a long time, even all the way back to launch. It breaks our hearts to see a few of those loyal players partake in the exploit. Still, it would be unfair to not punish those players, and so we had to take action.



So Eric, it breaks your heart to see this happen, when there has been sometype of gearing exploit/bug at EVERY teir of content in this game going back to launch. Many of those earlier ones were worse and effected the game more then this one did.

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Like you didnt know getting schematics for 192/198 Hilts was going to mess up the delicate economy?


198s cannot be REd. I assume most people got their hilt/barrel REs from off-hand elite comms like I did. 192 Mods and Enhancements were probably the schematics that will be removed.


It's not really the schematics that were the issue as much as it was being able to get the purple mat needed for that schematic easily from the exploit.

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RIP for good now swtor. The player base in this game is retarded and you are baning the last loyal, and above average, ones that you had.


I can actually attest that the guild I am in with multiple progression teams did not once participate in this exploit. So let's not brand all players since launch under the same brush.


That being said, the player base is certainly toxic these days. Bioware has a majority share of fault in that, but the player base itself seems to do itself no favors either.

Edited by azudelphi
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RIP for good now swtor. The player base in this game is retarded and you are baning the last loyal, and above average, ones that you had.


this game is very profitable and will be around for awhile also i support they get rid of all the noobs crying in this thread you know what u did own up to it and thats that cheaters get punished end of story

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We have all learned some valuable lessons this past month or so, and we’re hopeful to catch these types of situations long before they get released or very quickly thereafter. Please continue to do what you can to notify us quickly should we create another situation where someone can benefit by exploiting a bug in the game.


This I gotta see...


My bets are on a cow jumping over the moon first.

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