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The Outfit **Designer**


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That ascot took the coolest looking armor they had made to date, and absolutely ****** it up...worse part is, it wasn't even orange like Fred's. :(


What if SWTOR concept art managers worked for Lamborghini:


Artist - "Sir, I came up with a really sweet concept for our latest model."

Concept art manager - "F----ng unnaccptable, denied!"


The next day


Artist - "I've updated my concept, sir."

Concept art manager - "You've just earned yourself a bonus, approved!!!"

Edited by CaptMurphy
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I think that, by now, our community should really learn to manage expectations - especially when based off of an offhand dev comment. I'd like to see any number of things, but as it stands, I'll take any new options. Options are good.

"Manage expectation" is definitely a fair point - there have certainly been times that players have taken an innocuous or off-hand comment (or potentially in this case a simple name) and run off into the distance with it.


So I'm certainly not saying "this is what they're promising" by any stretch, just doing a bit of theorizing until we get some official word. It may very well end up being just an appearance tab, but I'm just not so sure that's a given.

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What i expect.


Some A-tab system. Maybe Morphing armor shells into some appearance. DCUO, LOTR, SWG, COH. and etc kinda systems. some CC cost for tabs, or even use if not a Sub.


What i Hope.

Removing/adding bits and pieces.



What would be awesome.

Both systems.

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WHatever it will be it won't be anything that would cut into:


a) Cartel Market profit of selling new outfits

b) legacy gear/weapons being one of the main event rewards


Costume slot (companion customization-like) or appearance tab sound most likely. I just hope we can use ANY in-game look with this system, low level green armors included

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  • 3 weeks later...

Can't avoid the hype, nevertheless what I expect :


Worst case scenario - An outfit saver a la WOW.


Best case scenario - Yes! so much yes, as OP quotes, you can tweak, remove and maybe add stuff to your armor. (Not very sure if ADD, that would be very complicated, it would require the armor database, maybe only the ones you already have?) .


Second thing after the hoods being up and down comes (I know I'm not the only one thinking of this so I'll be the first): remove the piece of the armor that covers the character's "posteriors", remember when for a while it looked like an action figure and they fixed it? Means they care. "Posteriors" that perfect should not be covered ;)


Third thing that would be nice to customize is the light effects in the armors, the little buttons and such that emit light, some of them only show during a dialog :mad: , some armors in the Cartel Market doesn't have any at all and it's a very nice sci-fi touch.


Plz be a thing like the Appearance Designer. Shut Up and take my money.

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I was thinking more along the lines we just ADD existing costumes or gear to a separate TAB for each (Helm, chest, etc) and the appearance is based on that item and not the gear holding the Armor/Mod/Enh.


This would maximize the CM profits and get more people buying those outfits now they can be used more. DEFAULT would be whatever the gear looks like, but CC unlock would let you show the outfit as seen in the Appearance tab.


I'd love to pass ugly Legacy Gear around and use my favorite gear on specific toons. Like SAGE having the dark brown hood & robe combo while my SORC has a narly Supreme Inquisitor outfit. (Gear remains same, outfit no)


Those seeking eye candy of course the next to nothing bikini outfit for lady toons and the inviso outfits for male toons.




This is what I am anticipating too - nothing more than 2 sets of gear, one that is functional, one cosmetic. The cosmetic will likely override the functional, meaning it'll be what you see on the player. Then again, maybe not, as this would negate all of those mod/aug removement fees, and I can't see Bioware doing away with anything fee related, even if it's using in-game economy as opposed to CC's.


Suffice it to say, the "designer" aspect sure has me guessing.

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If it were true however... I'd pay for it.


Whore me out, Bioware. My body and mind are willing. Rakata's War Leader armor set without silly shoulder pads would be a reality. :D


PRECISELY why it's not too good to be true. They know their player base better than you think, the dress up kids are the real money.

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It going to be a second tab that overwrites the appearance of the sprite and doesn't change stats that's all your all overhyping it just like every other thing and when it's not a "real appearance designer" I anticipate a flood of slap to the face and EAWare lied topics going on about how it's the final nail. Calling it right now
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As said elsewhere, I expect it to be nothing more than a way to wear one set of gear for stats and another set for appearance, that's all. I also expect it to be buggy and kludgey, half-finished, and to not work in cutscenes in the same way that dyes, color matching, and helmet settings don't work in cutscenes.
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While I basically agree with everyone saying this will be a huge letdown, my thoughts on if it isn't are thus;


Like decorations, you'll be able to craft some customization options or costume exchange tokens to buy customization options from tailors. For more sought after bases or platings you will have to do raids or FPs to get a drop. Each drop is an unlock for your Costume Designer interface. I.e. You kill a raid boss and get Thana Vash's top, no hood no butt cape customization. Most common drops will be butt capes and huge shoulder pads.


Some mainstay customization options like basic long cloth robes will be offered through the CM and some rare ones will come in packs.


Once unlocked, there will be still be a cost per use of credits or CC or a choice of either. It won't be exhorbitant. Probably low enough to encourage repeated use and experimentation.


Collections will not play a part in customization options, basically putting everyone at zero at the start.


****this will not be the case. Nothing I've said will happen. However, it is my best case scenario and it isn't even all that great.

Edited by calypsissmexy
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Absolutely impossible:

Modifying existing piees by adding/removing stuff. Additional information would have to be transmitted to other clients. That works in a persistent world where players can change how the world looks. That simply cannot work here. That would be like designing your own tattoo for your face. Completely unrealistic.


Possible but very unlikely in my opinion:

Appearance tab. Would remove an important credit sink. Would also remove demand for Augmentation kits and augments. Would also put more importance on Legacy gear, which - afaik - they don't really like that much. Would allow players to use legacy gear for BiS components to share between alts, while maintaining their appearance. Too much impact on the game, not going to happen.


My best guess:

An new interface for collections that is a combination of the character sheet and the collections interface, which allows browsing through unlocked armor pieces (like Appearance Modification station where we select from different hair styles, skin colors, complexion, etc.) and placing a copy of the selected set (from different armor sets) into inventory.

Edited by Shoraan
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Well I can see it more than likely being a way to switch stats over between costumes which would be awesome. It is surprising how much it costs to strip mods etc out of one set of armour into another, just because you want a change of appearance.


I have to say I love what the OP postulated as an idea for the designer, where we could choose components to add to a base set of armour etc. I think that would really give us the ability to create unique armour sets and have a unique appearance. Although even though that makes sense to give us that, I can't see it happening. Sorry to sound cynical but it will be like the image designer booth for changing your body type and species etc, this will be another Cartel Coin sink as every new addition to the game seems to be.


Love this game, but like everyone else, I am very aware that we get nothing for free as part of our subscription generally speaking. We shall await the reveal and see what it is all about I guess!

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Absolutely impossible:

Modifying existing piees by adding/removing stuff. Additional information would have to be transmitted to other clients. That works in a persistent world where players can change how the world looks. That simply cannot work here. That would be like designing your own tattoo for your face. Completely unrealistic.


Theoretically speaking, this is no different from creating your character's face for instance. Other mmos are doing this so it's definitely not impossible. However, I don't see them doing this as well. Designing a modular system like this is quite an effort, and if it was really free form it would mostly destroy the economy they have built themselves. Taking or adding those annoying tidbits to existing armors and selling them as new items is an extremely money efficient way to create new stuff to sell, and they most likely won't destroy that niche.


Personally, my bet is on a slightly redesigned collections interface with some minor functionalitly improvements on top. I'd hope for appearance slots but I don't see them giving us that without some major catch to monetize it.

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Absolutely impossible:

Modifying existing piees by adding/removing stuff. Additional information would have to be transmitted to other clients. That works in a persistent world where players can change how the world looks. That simply cannot work here. That would be like designing your own tattoo for your face. Completely unrealistic.


Possible but very unlikely in my opinion:

Appearance tab. Would remove an important credit sink. Would also remove demand for Augmentation kits and augments. Would also put more importance on Legacy gear, which - afaik - they don't really like that much. Would allow players to use legacy gear for BiS components to share between alts, while maintaining their appearance. Too much impact on the game, not going to happen.


My best guess:

An new interface for collections that is a combination of the character sheet and the collections interface, which allows browsing through unlocked armor pieces (like Appearance Modification station where we select from different hair styles, skin colors, complexion, etc.) and placing a copy of the selected set (from different armor sets) into inventory.


They called it Outfit Designer and not Outfit Collection. We can guess a insane amount of things, but the word Designer have a meaning and a reason.

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My personal thoughts are that it will work in a similar way to the strongholds, I think you'll be given a basic set of Armor, say similar to the set you have when you create a new character, then through cartel packs and random drops you'll unlock 'extras' that you can add, for example, spikes for a chest piece or maybes a hood for the head set and just stuff like that...this I think would be perfectly acceptable
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After watching the latest "trailer" from Bioware no one here should expect anything of great importance in 3.2. Seriously, Outfit Designer? Loaded with cartel market cash grabs and will mostly have a Collections element to it where you are forced to use stuff you have unlocked via collections.



Expect next to nothing, be mildly surprised in the end. Its the best anyone can hope for at this point with Bioware involved.

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