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create a new 'Purchase Alert' to protect GTN buyers


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If we were meant to put all the responsibility for preventing GTN accidents on the buyers, there wouldn't BE a purchase confirmation window in the first place. It's as simple as that, I don't need to explain anything more or offer further justification for this entry to the Suggestion Box.


The Purchase Confirmation is not doing its job... it needs a feature upgrade.



Wrong. They have the responsibility to give reasonable safety features, which the confirmation window, the price sort features, and mix/max price sort provide.


They are not responsible however to idiot proof things to make sure that people who do not use the safety features are safe from their own short shortsightedness.


It is a two part system, one part on bioware's end. The other part on the players end.

1. They provide clear information on the confirmation box so that players can clearly see what they are paying for.

2. The player is responsible for checking what they are buying before confirming it.


SO AS YOU CAN SEE THEY ARE NOT PUTTING ALL THE RESPONSIBILITY ON THE BUYERS, AND ALL RESPONSIBILITY IS NOT DOWN TO THEM. They have done their part, buyers have to do theirs. The system that exists is already safety feature from bioware and responsibility to use it by the player.


If the players do there part and use the freaking confirmation and sorting options then everything works. Bioware did their part, the player has to do their part. There is no need for this, players just need to use some common sense. You don't check and just click off then you loose due to your own inattention. You check the damm confirmation and you can see in literally 2 seconds if the purchase is too high.


The confirmation box is doing it's job perfectly fine, it is the players not doing their part by not checking it.


If you tried discussing the idea to come up with a reasonable compromise then a modification (e.g it as an option to turn on/off) would stand a chance. But your not gonna get much support while sticking to this everyone should have to have it because of people who habitually just click it off stance. Come up with a way that people who need it can have it, and those that don't will not have to and you will find more support.


As i have stated it is not your idea itself, it is having to put up with a mandatory box because of people who cannot check the freaking confirmation that i object to. Make this idiot proofing an optional setting and i will give you my support, but while it is mandatory for everyone idea i will argue against it.

Edited by Rusah
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There's nothing to distinguish a low price from a high price in the current Purchase Confirmation.

So, what is a low price, and what is a high price? I almost always ignore anything past 100k, and rarely purchase anything above 75k... so your "pricing bracets" would be nonsense for me. Other players consider anything below 200k "small change" and don't waste a second thought considering wether it is worth investing that amount or not, because to them it doesn't matter if those few bucks are gone or not.


So, you will never find the brackets that please everyone. So, the only way to implement it would make it optional for every player with a method to define those brackets personally... wow, that feature is already there. No need to change it. Huzzah!


That's the entire purpose of a Purchase Confirmation, to prevent GTN accidents.

And again, the warning is there. If you klick it away before reading, it is your fault. Yours alone. Stop whining. And it wouldn't matter if stayes there for 5 seconds, 20 seconds or 1 hour - if someone doesn't care about whats written there, he will not read it, no matter how long the window remains open.


And again: just before a small minority is to dumb to handle all the safety features that are there, there is no need to bother all those who can work with what is present just to protect a few idiots from their own stupidity. Let them purchase stuff for overpriced rates. Let them make the mistakes. Maybe they learn and next time they do read what that pop-up window says. And if they don't learn... well, let's see if Darwin was right.


So... colorcode: doesn't work because there's no common ground on wih "cheap", "expensive" or "overpriced" can be defined.

Mandantory pop-up with timer: would annoy much more people than it would help (and it wouldn't help all idiots), and thus must be defined as a no-go.

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If we were meant to put all the responsibility for preventing GTN accidents on the buyers, there wouldn't BE a purchase confirmation window in the first place. It's as simple as that, I don't need to explain anything more or offer further justification for this entry to the Suggestion Box.


The Purchase Confirmation is not doing its job... it needs a feature upgrade.



The proof that the Purchase Confirmation isn't doing its job IS the redesign that I've suggested, that will no doubt stop 100% of the GTN accidents if the exact combination of changes I've suggested is implemented. How exactly do you expect to argue against the suggested changes, when it'll stop the GTN accidents that ARE happening, and the only possible criticism is that then everyone has to put up with the new Purchase Confirmation.


It's horribly twisted logic to say that everyone shouldn't have to put up with a Purchase Confirmation window when the Purchase Confirmation window is, by design, exactly the thing that's supposed to prevent GTN accidents.


Am I the only one that sees the hilarious logic being employed by opponents to this suggestion? Surely all of you will soon have a light bulb flicker on inside your head and realize that a large part of the failure here (and what can be partly blamed for the entire problem) is the very logic you're using to argue against the redesign of the Purchase Confirmation. Where's Waldo? Don't keep searching for TOO long he's not that difficult to find . . .

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The proof that the Purchase Confirmation isn't doing its job IS the redesign that I've suggested, that will no doubt stop 100% of the GTN accidents if the exact combination of changes I've suggested is implemented. How exactly do you expect to argue against the suggested changes, when it'll stop the GTN accidents that ARE happening, and the only possible criticism is that then everyone has to put up with the new Purchase Confirmation.

As posted in the other thread:

You think your idea will stop all "GTN accidents"? Are you that sure in this point that you will personally refund everyone who will still make mistakes after this thing is introduced? If this idea of you will stop 100% of all accidents, you should happily say "yes, if after this there are still accidents, I will repay the poor fellows what they have lost".


And, certainly, the definition of what has been an "accident" or a "scam" is totally up to the victim. No "you did it intentionall, so no refunds" or "no, you didn't pay enough attention, so no refunds for you" or whatever. When someone says it was an accident, or a sam, it is an accident, or a scam, no discussion. Will you, under this circumstances, refund everyone? Unless you say "yes" and stay true to this answer (better start hoarding a few billion credits), you should realize that your "solution" solves nothing for noone...

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...and provide a little perspective:


It's not a question of whether YOU are having problems on the GTN with making accidental purchases for huge numbers of credits. . It's a question of whether ANYONE is having these problems on the GTN.


More like It's not a question of whether YOU use the hair dryer in the shower. . It's a question of whether ANYONE uses the hair dryer in the shower.


Natural selection. It applies to internet worlds as well.


There is a price range selector. That is all the "prevention" against stupidity that is needed.

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As posted in the other thread:

You think your idea will stop all "GTN accidents"? Are you that sure in this point that you will personally refund everyone who will still make mistakes after this thing is introduced? If this idea of you will stop 100% of all accidents...



You're essentially admitting that it's possible my suggestion will stop 100% of GTN accidents. While your suggestion is absurd and severely offensive, it does give me the opportunity to bring the discussion to the next level...


WILL my suggestion actually prevent 100% of all GTN accidents? WILL it? I'm saying it will. But even if it falls short of 100%, what's the % GTN-accident-reduction that makes it compelling to go ahead and implement my suggestion? It doesn't actually have to be a very high percentage to make it compelling ... even 75% would be extremely compelling.

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I won't respond directly to any nonsense being posted into this thread, however I will put 2 very simple reminders:



The entire purpose of the Purchase Confirmation is to prevent GTN accidents.


Proof that the Purchase Confirmation needs an update is that GTN accidents still happen.

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Several people are now just here trolling in order to gloss over the fact that my suggestion would reduce GTN accidents by a very large percentage. Possibly even close to 100% of all major GTN accidents.


It's analogous to focusing on vehicle safety by only addressing the issue of major injuries and deaths. It's an extremely effective strategy, and would increase overall player satisfaction by quite a huge amount by reducing GTN catastrophes. Selfish people will say they don't want any obligatory GTN purchase confirmations. But the suggestion is to only pop up an obligatory confirmation window for the more expensive purchases. And the only effective Purchase Confirmation is one that doesn't have an 'OFF' switch.

Edited by anonnn
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The proof that the Purchase Confirmation isn't doing its job IS the redesign that I've suggested, that will no doubt stop 100% of the GTN accidents if the exact combination of changes I've suggested is implemented. .


You know what they say "try to idiot proof something, and the world will just make a bigger idiot"


So the first person who blindly clicks through two of these prompts and STILL gets scammed do we then add a third set?


maybe a 4th?


maybe a captcha?


Anything priced over 25k requires an email with "do you really want to do that" followed by a phone call from CS of "do you really really want to do that"

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Several people are now just here trolling in order to gloss over the fact that my suggestion would reduce GTN accidents by a very large percentage. Possibly even close to 100% of all major GTN accidents.


It's analogous to focusing on vehicle safety by only addressing the issue of major injuries and deaths. It's an extremely effective strategy, and would increase overall player satisfaction by quite a huge amount by reducing GTN catastrophes. Selfish people will say they don't want any obligatory GTN purchase confirmations. But the suggestion is to only pop up an obligatory confirmation window for the more expensive purchases. And the only effective Purchase Confirmation is one that doesn't have an 'OFF' switch.


Look people being accused of trolling, yet more insults stating that everyone that does not agree is selfish (which i guess makes everyone that has posted here except the op selfish lol), no discussion about a reasonable solution, and comparing it to restrictions that are there to save lives in the motor industry (talk about out of proportion), and just stubbornly sticking to an idea and refusing to consider anything other than how you have decided it should be.


To address a few points here

1. Would increase player satisfaction by a huge ammount: So if this would make players more satisfied by a huge ammount then why are all these players not here supporting this. What actual data do you have that it would cause a huge satisfaction increase have you personally asked over half of the population of this game in order to obtain enough data, proof on that statement needed or it is just speculation based on your opinions with no facts to back it up.


2. People not wanting mandatory confirmation are selfish huh. SO having it forced on us because a portion of the population cannot read the popup confirmation is ok, not selfish to us in any way. People wanting them to read the confirmation instead is selfish. Well i guess thats that, expecting people to use common sense is selfish then.


3. It is not comparable to vehicle safety in any way, it has to be more strict there or people can y'know die. People cannot die from accidental purchases of ingame items using virtual currency. In non life and death situations adequate measures (a confirmation box telling you what you have clicked how many items and how much) combined with people using common sense (reading it to be sure what you are buying) is enough.

Edited by Rusah
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Making an accidental purchase for 10M credits without realizing qualifies as a major injury. I've never made a severe GTN mistake myself, but I find myself sort-of-almost having a GTN accident now and then. And since I'm both highly intelligent and a lot more careful than the average person, I understand that a GTN accident could happen to anyone.


I would never be so pathetically brazen and callous as to insult the people who have had GTN accidents, because I have a civil personality and because I'm intelligent enough to divine the circumstances under which they had these GTN accidents. A legitimate member of the player community never spouts insults at someone for no reason other than they made an honest mistake.


I'm intelligent enough to understand that the game design has a certain responsibility towards the players (let's call this Game Design Ethics), to provide a minimally error-proof mechanism when credits are going to be spent, and this responsibility is not to be ignored or there are adverse consequences to the player community.


No one's debating whether players have ended up having GTN accidents. And no one's debating whether a lot of these GTN accidents lost some players many millions of credits. So the conclusion is that the game designer has a perpetual responsibility to make sure the game design is providing an adequate level of protection against catastrophe. The continued reports of GTN accidents is irrefutable proof that the current design of the Purchase Confirmation is inadequate.


Edited by anonnn
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There's a difference between an "accidental" 10M purchase and a "stupid" 10M purchase. "Accidental" would be "I drove by the GTN and it sold me an item that I didn't click on." "Stupid" would be "I ignored all the numbers in the price, and the existing pop-up."
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If we were meant to put all the responsibility for preventing GTN accidents on the buyers, there wouldn't BE a purchase confirmation window in the first place.

False dichotomy. You're saying that either players should have no GTN safety features, or they should take zero responsibility for purchasing errors. The devs added the current confirmation as a QoL feature. That does not, by any stretch, mean that you no longer carry any responsibility for "GTN accidents." If you close the confirmation box without reading it, that's on you.

It's as simple as that, I don't need to explain anything more or offer further justification for this entry to the Suggestion Box

Begging the question, making baseless assertions and then stifling any further debate with what basically amounts to "i win, kthxbai." Who's being illogical here?

The proof that the Purchase Confirmation isn't doing its job IS the redesign that I've suggested, that will no doubt stop 100% of the GTN accidents if the exact combination of changes I've suggested is implemented.

First of all, the crafting of a solution is not prima facie evidence that there was an issue in the first place. Second, you seem to be implying that any solution that does not work perfectly 100% of the time is insufficent and should be replaced. Taking your own terrible analogy with the auto accident example from another post:

It's analogous to focusing on vehicle safety by only addressing the issue of major injuries and deaths.

Do airbags stop 100% of injury in car crashes? They do not. Does that mean they are useless? Should we replace them with seatbelts that lock you in as soon as you sit down and a mechanism to ensure that no motor vehicle ever goes above, say, 20 miles per hour? Please remember that these are real lives we're talking about, so no sacrifice should be too much.

How exactly do you expect to argue against the suggested changes, when it'll stop the GTN accidents that ARE happening, and the only possible criticism is that then everyone has to put up with the new Purchase Confirmation.

Most of the posters in this thread simply are not seeing the widespread issue that you suggest exists mainly due to your own inability to check your purchases. No one is arguing that there are no GTN mistakes; you've admitted to making them repeatedly. What they are arguing is that the cost-benefit ratio does not favor your suggestion: in other words, it would annoy far more people than it actually helps. Furthermore, there are already safety checks in place to minimize such events - if you choose to actually utilize them. To top it all off, your idea wouldn't even accomplish what you imagine it will, as people would become inured to the new box and stop paying attention. You've yet to respond to any of these criticisms beyond accusing people of trolling.

It's horribly twisted logic to say that everyone shouldn't have to put up with a Purchase Confirmation window when the Purchase Confirmation window is, by design, exactly the thing that's supposed to prevent GTN accidents.

How is it convoluted logic to state that the current confirmation box in game is more than sufficient as long as players pay attention to what it says? It is fallacious reasoning to say that players who are happy with a confirmation box with no enforced delay - that they can disable at their discretion - must therefore automatically also agree with the necessity for an additional, mandatory enforced delay confirmation box that won't even solve the issue it attempts to address.

Am I the only one that sees the hilarious logic being employed by opponents to this suggestion?

A classic example of either psychological projection or deliberate misdirection. I can point to and name the logical fallacies in your argument. Please do the same for the posts of the folks arguing against your idea.

Surely all of you will soon have a light bulb flicker on inside your head and realize that a large part of the failure here (and what can be partly blamed for the entire problem) is the very logic you're using to argue against the redesign of the Purchase Confirmation. Where's Waldo? Don't keep searching for TOO long he's not that difficult to find . . .

Several people are now just here trolling in order to gloss over the fact that my suggestion would reduce GTN accidents by a very large percentage. Possibly even close to 100% of all major GTN accidents.

Ad hominem. "Anyone who argues against my suggestion must be dumb. Or a troll." A poor attempt to deflect attention away from the flaws in your idea. And did you just move the goalposts? Now "close to 100%" is good enough? The current confirmation box coupled with maximum price search parameters likely already does that.

While your suggestion is absurd and severely offensive, it does give me the opportunity to bring the discussion to the next level...

You accuse posters of being stupid trolls, question their motives for posting, then accuse them of being offensive? Just... wow.

WILL my suggestion actually prevent 100% of all GTN accidents? WILL it? I'm saying it will. But even if it falls short of 100%, what's the % GTN-accident-reduction that makes it compelling to go ahead and implement my suggestion? It doesn't actually have to be a very high percentage to make it compelling ... even 75% would be extremely compelling.

Telling us that your idea is compelling isn't proof of anything; it's merely your opinion. Many of us feel that the issue you're trying to address doesn't exist in large numbers. No amount of blue italicization will change that.

I won't respond directly to any nonsense being posted into this thread, however I will put 2 very simple reminders:



The entire purpose of the Purchase Confirmation is to prevent GTN accidents.


Proof that the Purchase Confirmation needs an update is that GTN accidents still happen.

Repeating baseless assertions over and over does not help your argument, especially when you contradict yourself. If the new confirmation is necessary because there are any accidents at all, and your suggestion would be "compelling" at an accident reduction rate of 75% (see above)... well, clearly your solution isn't what we're looking for. We need something else, because people will still be having these "accidents."

It's an extremely effective strategy, and would increase overall player satisfaction by quite a huge amount by reducing GTN catastrophes.

Baseless assertion. The reduction rate of your suggestion is questionable at best, and there is clearly a great deal of dissatisfaction with it.

Selfish people will say they don't want any obligatory GTN purchase confirmations.

More ad hominem. Perhaps if you stopped insulting people who don't agree with you and countered their points with actual reasoning and evidence, you might have a shot at winning this argument.

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Making an accidental purchase for 10M credits without realizing qualifies as a major injury.

So, how many of those "major injuries" happened within the last, let's say, six months to all players on all servers on all times? Can you give the exact number? And then, how many GTN transactions have been done by all players on all servers during that time, where no accident happened? Can you give us those numbers, too? And if we compare those numbers, thjat you yet have to show us, what will we find out? That all those "scams" and "accidents" make up far less than a percent? I don't have the numbers myself, but I'd expect the numbers of those accidents in comparisation to the deals that occured without "accident" be something far below 1%, maybe even far below 0.1%. So, you're "almost 100% proof" is already there...


I've never made a severe GTN mistake myself, but I find myself sort-of-almost having a GTN accident now and then. And since I'm both highly intelligent and a lot more careful than the average person, I understand that a GTN accident could happen to anyone.

So, you are "highly inteligent"? I suppose most self-centered peopla make this claim upon themselves. In most cases, these "I am soooo intelligent" calls are mere BS. Since I never ever made a single mistake on buying (or selling) on the GTN, or never had an "accident" there, and never have been "scammed" (and I did a consiberal amount of deals on the GTN), I'd say buy your logic this makes me smarter than you. And since I consider myself only slightly above average in regard of intelligence, this by default (and your logic) means you can be of average intelligence at best. And of below-average attentiveness, since I'd say I am only moderatel attentive. Maybe it would be better to keep your self-appraisal for yourself.


because I'm intelligent enough to divine the circumstances under which they had these GTN accidents.

You don't have to be smart to divine why someone had this "accident" - many people already have stated the reasons: those who fail are unattentive, don't read, act before thinking... you don't have to be a genius to figure that out.


I'm intelligent enough to understand that the game design has a certain responsibility towards the players

No, it doesn't. Don't know where you've got that idea from, but whatever responsibilities BW/EA has (there are some, indeed), there is no responsibility to mke the GTN any more foolproof than it already is - actually, they did much more there than I'd expect.


The continued reports of GTN accidents is irrefutable proof that the current design of the Purchase Confirmation is inadequate.

Again, show us how many "accidents" there are, and then how many transactions without any accident, to proof that the number of accidents is in any way a relevant number...

Edited by Turajin
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Making an accidental purchase for 10M credits without realizing qualifies as a major injury.

We are talking about the loss of a large amount of pretend money due to one's own inattention and willful disregard of included safety features, correct? I have to disagree that that counts as a "major injury."

And since I'm both highly intelligent and a lot more careful than the average person

This allows habitual blind-dismissing of the window. I find myself doing this all the time

Habitually blind-dismissing the window seems pretty careless to me, but okay.

I have a civil personality

Surely all of you will soon have a light bulb flicker on inside your head

Several people are now just here trolling

Selfish people will say they don't want any obligatory GTN purchase confirmations.

A paragon of civility, indeed.

A legitimate member of the player community never spouts insults at someone for no reason other than they made an honest mistake.

So I take it all the quotes above are merely "honest mistakes"?


I'm intelligent enough to understand that the game design has a certain responsibility towards the players (let's call this Game Design Ethics), to provide a minimally error-proof mechanism when credits are going to be spent, and this responsibility is not to be ignored or there are adverse consequences to the player community.

This is your opinion. There is no "minimally error-proof mechanism" that does what you want, not even your own suggestion. The devs have already provided multiple safety features to minimize these types of mistakes.

No one's debating whether players have ended up having GTN accidents.


And no one's debating whether a lot of these GTN accidents lost some players many millions of credits.

I question your use of "a lot," since a) it's a highly subjective term, and b) your wording presupposes that there are many, many accidents to begin with. I will agree that some players have lost some non-zero amount of money on inappropriate GTN purchases.

So the conclusion is that the game designer has a perpetual responsibility to make sure the game design is providing an adequate level of protection against catastrophe.

Your conclusion in no way follows logically from the premises you presented. I'm kind of reminded of


The continued reports of GTN accidents is irrefutable proof that the current design of the Purchase Confirmation is inadequate..

Only if you expect 100% of "GTN accidents" to be eliminated. As another poster stated earlier, the only way to do that is to remove the GTN entirely.

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Clearly the OP does not go far enough.

This is the sort of uncaring player that this community doesn't need.


1) Any purchase over 100 credits will trigger an automated e-mail to be sent to the address of record. The player muct click the link in the e-mail to go to a new screen, and on that screen the player must input their character and server names, the amount of credits that they will pay, and the amount of items that theyare receiving. If they do not all match the intended purchase then that purchase will be rejected.


2) Any purchase over 1,000 credits, add a phone call from a Bioware representative to verify that you do, in fact, wish to spend the listed amount of credits on the item(s) being purchased.


3) Any purchase over 10,000 credits, add a personal visit from a Bioware representative to your home, accompanied by a certified mental health care professional to ensure that you are mentally competent and that you do, in fact, wish to make the purchase in question.


Of course, if you failed to properly execute safeguard 1 or decided during safeguard 2 to cancel the purchase, then no such visit will be required.


Due to the volume of GTN purchase, there may be a backlog of such visits, but surely in the name of saving someone from accidentally spending over 10K credits on something, asking people to wait a year or two before making such a purchase is a small inconvenience, yes?




Edited by Mithros
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.... OR... people can just read and be careful, like seriously, are we at the point where we can't take 2 seconds just to finish looking over our purchase before hitting click? I mean I have never fallen for these scams because I actually bother to look, I almost did 3 times which is why its important just to take a sec to look it over rather than to take 2 hours trying to re-earn those credits.
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Clearly the OP does not go far enough.

This is the sort of uncaring player that this community doesn't need.


1) Any purchase over 100 credits will trigger an automated e-mail to be sent to the address of record. The player muct click the link in the e-mail to go to a new screen, and on that screen the player must input their character and server names, the amount of credits that they will pay, and the amount of items that theyare receiving. If they do not all match the intended purchase then that purchase will be rejected.


2) Any purchase over 1,000 credits, add a phone call from a Bioware representative to verify that you do, in fact, wish to spend the listed amount of credits on the item(s) being purchased.


3) Any purchase over 10,000 credits, add a personal visit from a Bioware representative to your home, accompanied by a certified mental health care professional to ensure that you are mentally competent and that you do, in fact, wish to make the purchase in question.


Of course, if you failed to properly execute safeguard 1 or decided during safeguard 2 to cancel the purchase, then no such visit will be required.


Due to the volume of GTN purchase, there may be a backlog of such visits, but surely in the name of saving someone from accidentally spending over 10K credits on something, asking people to wait a year or two before making such a purchase is a small inconvenience, yes?





Shenanigans! They can't even read my credit spam reports! :p

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I have decided that we must completely eliminate the possibility of people making mistakes on the GTN.


Therefor, I suggest we remove the GTN entirely.


All trades must be conducted in person, via secure trade.


/sarcasm (in case it wasn't obvious)

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If trolls are done aimlessly pontificating, let me bring the discussion back on topic:


  • GTN accidents are still happening on a regular basis. Clearly some of these GTN accidents are for multiple millions of credits, which qualifies as an in-game catastrophe since it can take weeks or even months of effort to earn those credits.
  • A solution is badly needed to reduce the rate of (major) GTN accidents as close to zero as possible.


Most (if not all) GTN accidents are due to one of two failures in the purchase process:


  • the Purchase Confirmation was switched off entirely in Preferences
  • the Purchase Confirmation window was dismissed without the buyer genuinely verifying the purchase price



SO... the only real solution to stop GTN accidents from happening is to make it highly unlikely for either of these two purchase-process-failures to occur.



The Purchase Confirmation was switched off entirely in Preferences

To balance overall buyer convenience with the necessary level of buyer protection, the Preference for 'Purchase Confirmation Dialog' will not be removed entirely. However, to achieve good buyer protection, switching off 'Purchase Confirmation Dialog' in Preferences will not suppress the confirmation popup if the item has a high purchase price.


The Purchase Confirmation window was dismissed without the buyer genuinely verifying the purchase price

For items with a high purchase price, the 'OK' button in the Purchase Confirmation window will only activate after 5 seconds, or after 3 seconds if the Preference for 'Purchase Confirmation Dialog' is switched off. . Also, the price in the Purchase Confirmation window will be changed to a brighter color according to the magnitude of the price, so the buyer will find it difficult to "zone out" and not recognize when they're about to buy a particularly expensive item.



THAT'S the solution. . THAT will stop all these (major) GTN accidents. . It's not very complicated. . There's no way to stop the (major) GTN accidents without slightly inconveniencing buyers each time they purchase an expensive item.



...and just one more thing: a new level of price trigger for the color of the price:

. . . . 75,000 . . 250,000 . . 2,000,000 . . 10,000,000

. . . . And the delay will be reduced to a 3-second delay if the Preference for 'Purchase Confirmation Dialog' is OFF.


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