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Mr. Eric Musco, What is the deal?


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Half of you kids will have forgotten about this in two days. Resigns? You're talking about a man's job because you were too insanely stupid to realise that a single item was breaking the game's economy. It was always going to be changed - there was no maybe, ifs or buts, there were just those smart enough to realise and those stupid enough to think they could get everything for nothing.


Breaking the economy? What a dramatic joke. The one item that really lost any "value" was the Adaptive Circuitry, and obliterating the slots aren't going to change how many jawa junk fall from packs, and conquest rewards. You want them to end conquests too so you can have your little mound of circuits to sit on? Give me a break. They already made those cost 3 junks instead of one. If ANYTHING they should have upped that to 5 instead of 3. But to say that it ruined the economy and crafting is hilarious, because I saw this get more people into crafting than anything else introduced to this game.

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Mr. Musco is completely unable to be truthful in regards to performing the duties for which he was hired, and our subs are paying him to do. How many times since 3.0 has he come to us and said everything was working as intended, knowing full well it was not. I didn't know for sure they were going to change anything for the slots until he said they were working as intended. I hate considering to unsub as I've had fun playing this game for a few years, but this kind of dishonesty and disregard for the players disgusts me.


You are shooting the messenger. Eric is a manager of the forum, not a developer, or tester, or whoever. He is passed information that he has to rely on as true, and he relays that information to us. You also can't selectively read parts of quotes, and then get so bent out of shape. He did say that they would change things as needed. They felt that they needed to change them this much. He also tried to make people aware that the slot machine would be changing in the most recent patch. It did change more than I bet he even expected or was aware of. There's no evidence to suggest that he willfully deceived the community. It's 99.9 percent likely he was just as misinformed as we turned out to be. His job is to pass along information as he receives it. He does that to the best of his ability. I'm almost positive we'll see an update from him about this sooner rather than later.


Look, we're all frustrated with the development. But, throwing a temper tantrum does nothing for us. Trying to blame Eric for your displeasure is asinine. If you feel the need to unsub go ahead.

Edited by Shwarzchild
wanted to be more specific
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You are shooting the messenger. Eric is a manager of the forum, not a developer, or tester, or whoever. He is passed information that he has to rely on as true, and he relays that information to us. You also can't selectively read parts of quotes, and then get so bent out of shape. He did say that they would change things as needed. They felt that they needed to change them this much. He also tried to make people aware that the slot machine would be changing in the most recent patch. It did change more than I bet he even expected or was aware of. There's no evidence to suggest that he willfully deceived the community. It's 99.9 percent likely he was just as misinformed as we turned out to be. His job is to pass along information as he receives it. He does that to the best of his ability. I'm almost positive we'll see an update from him about this sooner rather than later.


Look, we're all frustrated with the development. But, throwing a temper tantrum does nothing for us. Trying to blame Eric for your displeasure is asinine. If you feel the need to unsub go ahead.


He seems to be getting misinformed a lot these days then. He's not just a messenger, he's the voice of the company, if he does not take that seriously enough to invest a little time in making sure he's as accurate as possible while expressing the will and intention of the company clearly to the customer base, he's completely in the wrong. This leaves the other possibility, which is that the developers/production managers, are knowingly providing him with bad information, and knowingly using him as an instrument of fraud and deceit, which of course places him in an unbelievably terrible position; however if that's the case, then there is no way I could ever support this company again.

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He seems to be getting misinformed a lot these days then. He's not just a messenger, he's the voice of the company, if he does not take that seriously enough to invest a little time in making sure he's as accurate as possible while expressing the will and intention of the company clearly to the customer base, he's completely in the wrong. This leaves the other possibility, which is that the developers/production managers, are knowingly providing him with bad information, and knowingly using him as an instrument of fraud and deceit, which of course places him in an unbelievably terrible position; however if that's the case, then there is no way I could ever support this company again.


Let’s talk about the changes coming to the Contraband Slot Machine. When we were going into 3.0.2, we wanted to make Grade 11 materials more accessible to more players than they were at the time. As you know, we simultaneously put in the Contraband Slot Machine, which afforded you a fairly good chance to get Jawa Junk and other Jawa vendor scrap parts. This had two effects:

  • It had the risk of taking the Grade 11 material costs in the economy, in the long term, to a price below where we would like
  • It created a situation where it could be more profitable to completely ignore crew skills by use of the Slot Machine

With those in mind, we decided to make the following changes, which will be live tomorrow:

  • The drop rate on all Jawa scraps, has been greatly reduced
  • The drop rate on Contraband Reputation items, has been increased
  • To insure that the Slot Machine is still an awesome item to strive for, we have added a faction specific walker mount as a very rare drop
  • Lastly, we have increased the cost of each Slot Machine coin from 500 to 750 credits. It was always our intent that the coin cost would increase over time as we add more Slot Machines that accept the coin

Thanks everyone!




Not sure it's misinformation if you read their posts...

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Not sure it's misinformation if you read their posts...


I'm pretty sure people just read whatever they want. If they read it, and the meaning is different than what they wanted to hear, they reword it in their heads so it becomes wood for their fire.


I'm annoyed sure. I vehemently argued with people yesterday over the fun box. Especially those that decided that the sky fell, and the economy was utterly in ruins. These conspiracy artists are truly magnificent. They make me want to throw my arms up and go "Yup. Aliens man. Totally real!"

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Not sure it's misinformation if you read their posts...


How well does that match up to:


Hey folks,


We know that there have been many questions about the Contraband Slot Machine and its intent. Here are a few notes on it:

  • The Contraband Slot Machine is not bugged.
  • It is 100% not an exploit to use the Slot Machine.
  • If you feel the desire to sell access to your Stronghold, that’s totally up to you. As a reminder, do not scam people as that is against ToS.
  • We added the Slot Machine as a fun idea based on the positive feedback from the Nightlife event, so spend those credits to your heart’s content!

With that being said, we do hear the concern from many of you around the effects of the Jawa Junk’s drop rate on the economy. We are going to take a look at it and make changes accordingly. I will let you know once I know more. In the meantime, have fun! :rak_03:



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I'm pretty sure people just read whatever they want. If they read it, and the meaning is different than what they wanted to hear, they reword it in their heads so it becomes wood for their fire.


I'm annoyed sure. I vehemently argued with people yesterday over the fun box. Especially those that decided that the sky fell, and the economy was utterly in ruins. These conspiracy artists are truly magnificent. They make me want to throw my arms up and go "Yup. Aliens man. Totally real!"


Be careful man...they are running low on material they are resorting to calling everyone who doesn't agree with their conspiracies trolls and my new favorite thanking everyone who doesn't agree for bumping the post.


Desperation is setting in as more and more realize this isn't the game breaking issue and that their QQing a week ago actually is the reason for the change.

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Be careful man...they are running low on material they are resorting to calling everyone who doesn't agree with their conspiracies trolls and my new favorite thanking everyone who doesn't agree for bumping the post.


Desperation is setting in as more and more realize this isn't the game breaking issue and that their QQing a week ago actually is the reason for the change.


Wait...did you...no no you couldn't have typed something that I might actually agree with. Hold on. Yup. There are words in there strung together with a meaning that I agree with. Pigs aren't flying over by you are they?


I'd absolutely agree that this never ever was a game breaking issue. It created an imbalance that needed attention sure, but never was it game breaking.

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Not sure it's misinformation if you read their posts...


Btw, do you remember this little gem? It's a working as intended sandwich!!!!


Hey folks,


Ok so I have an update on the training/re-training of abilities with the launch of 3.0. With all of the changes that hit with 3.0 to Disciplines, it is intended that there are abilities that need to be trained/re-trained. Here are some of the criteria that could cause this to happen:

  • If an existing ability changed, in name or functionality. This could especially affect Disciplines which used to share an overlapping name and set of abilities, such as Lethality Sniper/Operative.
  • We adjusted at what level you would acquire certain ranks of skills. If you are a character pre-55 you may be training skills at ranks that were previously unavailable.
  • In some cases we moved abilities from the Base Class to the Advanced Class or vice-versa. This technically means you could have to retrain an ability you already had, since it changed where/how you got it.

I had not realized the scope of abilities that would need to be trained or I would have been more proactive in alerting everyone to this prior to 3.0. With this in mind, the need to train/re-train abilities in 3.0 is intended and therefore we are not planning on making any changes at this time. I apologize sincerely for the inconvenience this has caused.


Thank you for your understanding.



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You still don't get it? Eric said that changes might come to the JJ drop rate. He also said everything was working correctly and encouraged people to use the machines by confirming that it's not an exploit. No mention of changes coming to the drop rates or fail chance for all of the other items. That is what has people so upset. If they had only changed the purple mats a lot of people that are complaining wouldn't be.


Ok, I can understand the irritation that the other, non-Jawa Junk stuff was changed given that was not mentioned.

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They reviewed the impact it had in the game and came to the conclusion that it was not what they wanted. Be happy we had a week getting a buffet of mats and certs nearly for free. Now back to reality......you can't seriously be surprised it was changed. Maybe surprised it was changed so drastically but not surprised that it was changed.


I think the problem here is.. that they nerfed these machines to the point that they are no longer usefull. They only give out rep.. who has the time to spend dropping 1 mill slot coins into this machine to get maybe 2-3 certs and 2 jawa junks? It really was not that bad to begin with, I'm not sure why there was any crying going on in the first place. Maybe they could have decreased the drop rate a tad bit, but they made it where you never get any mats or certs...


And I am being generous here.. You will probably get less than that with 1 mill coins.

Edited by DarkPharohEclip
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I'm pretty sure people just read whatever they want. If they read it, and the meaning is different than what they wanted to hear, they reword it in their heads so it becomes wood for their fire.


I'm annoyed sure. I vehemently argued with people yesterday over the fun box. Especially those that decided that the sky fell, and the economy was utterly in ruins. These conspiracy artists are truly magnificent. They make me want to throw my arms up and go "Yup. Aliens man. Totally real!"


Aliens probably are real. In fact, it is almost a guarantee that they are. Even NASA scientists will agree with that. The chances that our planet out the trillions upon trillions of planets out there , is the only planet to have evolved life is remote.


This idea that these machines were somehow devastating the swtor economy is that, just an idea. An idea that was made up by people that didn't want others to have what they have. Well, now they cried and cried until bioware answered their cries and nerfed a machine that was once fun to play. Instead of toning the slot machine down a bit, they made it utterly useless. If enough people cry about anything in this game , bioware is certain to respond with a nerf, no matter how valid or not their cries are.

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Half of you kids will have forgotten about this in two days. Resigns? You're talking about a man's job because you were too insanely stupid to realise that a single item was breaking the game's economy. It was always going to be changed - there was no maybe, ifs or buts, there were just those smart enough to realise and those stupid enough to think they could get everything for nothing.


I'm not sure exactly how this machine was breaking the economy... If it was , I didn't know how to properly take advantage of that. I was able to get a few Adaptive Circuitry out of the machine, a few green mats and blue mats.. But I basically got the stuff I needed to craft things. I wasn't able to get a crazy amount of any of this stuff.. just enough to make a few augments.. maybe 4 or 5 at the most. I got 16 certificates out of it in the few days that I played. Now I can't get not one jawa junk, or even a certificate. Not to mention I may have gotten 1 green and 1 blue... None of this stuff was a big deal , because you can get it easier other ways...


Maybe somebody can enlighten me on the method people were using to make huge amounts of credits off this machine, because I must have been doing it wrong.

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I don't think that anyone should be terminated over this.


However, the person that made the decision to add this device as it was, and then nerf it as it was nerfed should no longer be allowed to make those sorts of decisions.


I disagree... But it shouldn't be Eric...


It should be someone in management who approved this nonsense...


At the end of the day, this is the latest in a series of really bad management decisions on the part of Bioware.

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Half of you kids will have forgotten about this in two days. Resigns? You're talking about a man's job because you were too insanely stupid to realise that a single item was breaking the game's economy. It was always going to be changed - there was no maybe, ifs or buts, there were just those smart enough to realise and those stupid enough to think they could get everything for nothing.


It's already been 2 days... are you saying that it takes 4 days to forget about this or what?


Also, "kids"?

Nice try there fella, but most of us are adults who pay for the game ourselves with the money we make from working our butts off in real life.

And sure it was bound to be changed. The drop rates of the original were outrageously high.

But the drop rates of this one are outrageously low.

So they didn't "fix" it, they ruined it.

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My problem with all of this is that everyone seems to assume everyone with a slot machine had it, and used it, nonstop for a week prior to the nerf. I, like many others I'm sure, didn't get stacks of anything


I'm sure there are a lot of people like myself who saw Eric's post and THEN bought a slot. I had my slot machine less then 24 hours before the nerf, I didn't get stacks of anything. what I got was bent over to the tune of about $25 cash buying packs till I got my slot, then hardly getting to use it before it became a boat anchor.


I saw some guy post he had bought like 35 slots or something like that, he must have spent a ton of cash/credits. How is this remotely fair?


I agree, the drop rate was high but unless you were on the machine 24/7 what did it matter? for any of the items.


as far as I can see, the only persons hurt by the drop rates were the mat farmers, I don't understand why this handful of people trying to control the game economy had any influence over anything?

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My problem with all of this is that everyone seems to assume everyone with a slot machine had it, and used it, nonstop for a week prior to the nerf. I, like many others I'm sure, didn't get stacks of anything


I'm sure there are a lot of people like myself who saw Eric's post and THEN bought a slot. I had my slot machine less then 24 hours before the nerf, I didn't get stacks of anything. what I got was bent over to the tune of about $25 cash buying packs till I got my slot, then hardly getting to use it before it became a boat anchor.


I saw some guy post he had bought like 35 slots or something like that, he must have spent a ton of cash/credits. How is this remotely fair?


I agree, the drop rate was high but unless you were on the machine 24/7 what did it matter? for any of the items.


as far as I can see, the only persons hurt by the drop rates were the mat farmers, I don't understand why this handful of people trying to control the game economy had any influence over anything?



It wasn't just the mat farmers that had something at stake here, and it wasn't like the mats were dropping enough to make a huge impact anyhow.... I can craft 100 times the amount of mats that I could get from 1 hour of slot machine play. The whole time I used that slot machine I was only able to make 5 augments , out of 3-4 days of slot machine use. That's 10 adaptive circuitry, which is 30 jawa junk. Not a big deal. And who cares about the blue and green mats? You can get those fairly easy to begin with. No, the true reason for all the QQ was the fact that people can now buy certain cartel items off certain vendors, and there were people that already had these items for the past few years, and they were no longer obtainable through the CM. You had to spend 6 millions credits to purchase one..


The true reason for all the QQ had little to do with the economy and more to do with peoples ego's and them being able to say , hey look at this cool mask or cool mount I have that cost like 6 million credits on the GTN. That was were all the QQ threads were coming from. These items would have no longer been as rare as they once were, which would have made somebody's cool mask or mount not so cool anymore, except for the fact that it is still just as cool as it was before, but more people have them.

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I disagree... But it shouldn't be Eric...


It should be someone in management who approved this nonsense...


At the end of the day, this is the latest in a series of really bad management decisions on the part of Bioware.


Well, I wouldn't personally call for someone's resignation. I think that is a bit too harsh. Just my personal view of course.

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I'm not sure exactly how this machine was breaking the economy... If it was , I didn't know how to properly take advantage of that. I was able to get a few Adaptive Circuitry out of the machine, a few green mats and blue mats.. But I basically got the stuff I needed to craft things. I wasn't able to get a crazy amount of any of this stuff.. just enough to make a few augments.. maybe 4 or 5 at the most. I got 16 certificates out of it in the few days that I played. Now I can't get not one jawa junk, or even a certificate. Not to mention I may have gotten 1 green and 1 blue... None of this stuff was a big deal , because you can get it easier other ways...


Maybe somebody can enlighten me on the method people were using to make huge amounts of credits off this machine, because I must have been doing it wrong.


No, you didn't do it wrong. You did what most people did: Use it for doing good stuff for themselves. Some crafting. Some decos. That's how BW surely pictured it.


But once again, they underestimated how many no-lifers (yes, I use the word again) play this game (like back at start when they thought that some people would play 40 hours per week, but their metrics told them that 40 hours is the average amount with plenty of players spending more than 100 hours per week in this game). There were some people who clicked this machine for many, many, many hours in a row. Some watched the telly on a screen next to the monitor. Some probably used some macros clicking automatically.


Now, I don't want to mention any drop rates here, but just as an example, let's say you'd get 10 purple JJ from 100 coins. And you play 1000 coins. So you would have 100 JJs. Now, imagine people playing 10000 coins. They'd have 1000 JJs. Now sell these 1000 JJs. Or craft something with it and sell this. Plus, buy decos for the dropped Cartel Certs and sell these, too.


But here comes the catch: That only worked for a day or so! Why? Because so many people could get all that stuff by themselves and therefore didn't need to buy it anymore. There was no huge credits to make with that after a few days. Just some credits. But nothing spectacularrre. That is my opinion from my observations. Some people claim otherwise, but since the slot machine is dead now, we will never know what would have been in two weeks or so.

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