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Contraband Slot Machine


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Out of 5 stacks of 99 coins (not counting the rerolls which would put it above 600 most likely) I received these:


Banned Holovid x 119

Prohibited Medical Supplies x 68

Confiscated Artwork x 32


Cartel Certificate x 1

Jawa Junk x 1


Hopefully this isn't working as intended?

Edited by silentstepper
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4 stacks of chips resulted in 489 events

so I received:

228 x nothing (45.783%)

93 x Contraband Cartel Chips (19.018%)

87 x Banned Holovids (17.779%)

51 x Prohibited Medical Supplies (10.429%)

28 x Confiscated Artwork (5.726%)


1 x Assorted Droid Parts (0.204%)

1 x Walker (without a name) (0.204%)


I feel really lucky about the walker - but nothing stated the chances for certificates to be changed. And the Scrap chances really do seem a bit low :-)

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Jawa junk needed to be nerfed, but you over-nerfed them, as well as cartel certificates.


Jawa junks have now 100 TIMES LESS chance to be obtained. Maybe a little too much. Spending thousand of credits to buy coins and spending hours to only have a few token is ridiculous and a waste of time.


Did cartel certificates need to have 40 TIMES LESS chance to be obtained ? No, it didn't ruined economy as much as Jawa junks.


Why did you put a 45% chance to LOSE when using the slot machine instead of 25% ? It's almost 1/2 chance to lose. You must be kidding ? We have more chance to win even on Nar Shaddaa casino.


You will have to think again about this and make intelligent tweaks in a close patch.


Or nobody will buy cartel packs packs for a while.


Also, you didn't even tell us that the cartel certificates has been nerfed to death.


You tried to screw us, I think you will have some regrets for a long time.


Playing with your community's faith and trust is really something you shouldn't do.

Edited by DarkNecroCrusher
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It worked as intended perfectly,they wanted to sell packs and slot machines was main sell point with high profitable drop rates. They sold packs and when sell rates dropped they made win rates ridiculously low but they don't care since they made enough money and pack sells slowed down, so that slot machines will be a expensive decorations in your stronghold don't expect any useful changes from BW about it, as usual they are dirty fighting again.
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Yes I agree it needed a nerf (adjustment), now that QQ'ers have gotten their way there is no point to use it now. Plus I went to use the machine last night and got booted from server WAY before it was scheduled to come down. The certs need to be adjusted as I already reached max rep last week and fully capped it this week with no need for them anymore. Now its utterly pointless to even use or waste credits on. I live in a gambling state and gambling used to be fun now you drop a 20 and its gone in a blink of the eye. The game isn't real life so it should be the same. The NEW nerf is no fun, and stop listening to the greedy people saying it was hurting the game.
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Seems like developers dont know the difference between nerfing and "killing". I agree, that jawa scrap drop rate was too high, but considering new drop rates, they just "removed" it for most players who dont use bots and use slot machine for fun. And what was wrong about certificates? They even havnt meantioned it in official post!


Big thanks bioware. Broken class balance, credit sellers constant spam, useless support, that cant even help with returning mail and non class missions. And now this. Im a subscriber almost since launch, and this is what I have in return. I feel like you just want us to leave so u can shutdown the game.

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So i bought 8-9 stacks of contraband chip's, Not 1 Jawa junk or mount. And the price of chip's go up? Why is that? If anything it should go down with the way the machine works now. Actually, I think i hit for nothing more then 40% of the time. If i get a slot machine from cartel package, I would like a refund please.




R.I.P- The Contraband Slot Machine

Edited by cyberangelll
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Apparently they don't want us to use them at all.


It now basically returns 75% of the money you spent and gives you almost nothing in return -- 4 stacks besides the rep certs.. one green jawa item dropped.


1 in 1000 is ridiculous for any kind of part to drop. If you want to make it fair .. make it maybe 1 in 50 or 100... 1000??? Please feel free to leave it as-is if you want no one using them. (which seems to be the case since there was no other patch)

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While the drop rates on the machine were very generous, the true problem with the nerf is not the drastic overreaction and now-dismal drop rates. The problem lies within the fundamental changes to something being advertised and sold on the basis of what it was -- which Bioware confirmed in the forums -- and then changing the rules.


This isn't the same as the devs being unsatisfied with the graphics on an armor piece and revising the graphics file to improve said armor piece. The core function of the slot machine was changed after Bioware made a lot of money in what appears for all intents and purposes to be a bait and switch.


Had Eric Musco not posted on the forums and stated the decoration was working as intended and was not an exploit, the number of Cartel Packs purchased for the sole purpose of acquiring the slot machine would have been significantly lower. I know I certainly wouldn't have spent as much as I did in my (fruitless) attempt to gain one. However, Mr. Musco gave the all clear, and people took his statement at face value and proceeded to spend real money to acquire this now-paperweight.


Major screw-up, Bioware. A small adjustment might have been taken in stride by the players, since the drop rates were extreme, but an "adjustment" of this magnitude greatly erodes consumer confidence. As a company offering a F2P game, you cannot afford this type of negative backlash. Making changes like this, especially after assuring players that the machine was working as intended, will not only result in players being much less willing to invest their hard-earned money on a "maybe it's awesome now, but we're going to make it suck with the next patch!!" cartel pack/item, but also in a fundamental loss of faith in the company itself. In the long run, this can only result in monetary losses for Bioware, given the profit made from players spending money in the Cartel Market. I can state with complete certainty that not only would I have not spent the money I did chasing the slot machine, had I known it was going to be nerfed to the point of uselessness, but that I am now much less likely to spend money on Cartel Market items.


Renew the faith, Bioware. Disable the functionality on the machine, examine the drop rates, review your own statement regarding the machine working as intended, and come up with a solution that will both address the concerns of what the machine did to the market, while at the same time respecting the huge number of players who invested their money in an attempt to procure the machine.

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While the drop rates on the machine were very generous, the true problem with the nerf is not the drastic overreaction and now-dismal drop rates. The problem lies within the fundamental changes to something being advertised and sold on the basis of what it was -- which Bioware confirmed in the forums -- and then changing the rules.


This isn't the same as the devs being unsatisfied with the graphics on an armor piece and revising the graphics file to improve said armor piece. The core function of the slot machine was changed after Bioware made a lot of money in what appears for all intents and purposes to be a bait and switch.


Had Eric Musco not posted on the forums and stated the decoration was working as intended and was not an exploit, the number of Cartel Packs purchased for the sole purpose of acquiring the slot machine would have been significantly lower. I know I certainly wouldn't have spent as much as I did in my (fruitless) attempt to gain one. However, Mr. Musco gave the all clear, and people took his statement at face value and proceeded to spend real money to acquire this now-paperweight.


Major screw-up, Bioware. A small adjustment might have been taken in stride by the players, since the drop rates were extreme, but an "adjustment" of this magnitude greatly erodes consumer confidence. As a company offering a F2P game, you cannot afford this type of negative backlash. Making changes like this, especially after assuring players that the machine was working as intended, will not only result in players being much less willing to invest their hard-earned money on a "maybe it's awesome now, but we're going to make it suck with the next patch!!" cartel pack/item, but also in a fundamental loss of faith in the company itself. In the long run, this can only result in monetary losses for Bioware, given the profit made from players spending money in the Cartel Market. I can state with complete certainty that not only would I have not spent the money I did chasing the slot machine, had I known it was going to be nerfed to the point of uselessness, but that I am now much less likely to spend money on Cartel Market items.


Renew the faith, Bioware. Disable the functionality on the machine, examine the drop rates, review your own statement regarding the machine working as intended, and come up with a solution that will both address the concerns of what the machine did to the market, while at the same time respecting the huge number of players who invested their money in an attempt to procure the machine.


EXACTLY. They said it was working as intended. So I went and got a hypercrate. Then they say it's not after they've made who knows how much REAL money and then reduce it to a shred of what it was when it was working "as intended". Had I known they were liars, I wouldn't have spent money. I expect a refund or a complete rollback and give me all those credit and cartel coins back. I've been a sub for a couple years and never complain, but this is serious BS. I won't be making any more purchases, that's for sure. Talk about bait and switch.

Edited by WastedLight
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How is this not some form of crime? you told me it works as intended, took my money, and then changed the item, I used up the 150 500 credit tokens I had and "won" exactly 74,500 credits worth of useless rep items, for a net loss of 500 credits. not one singe certificate, no junk of any color, no mounts, nothing.
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LMAO@ all the whiners who pushed for a nerf now unhappy about not getting anything from the slot machine


The only people who were whining are the people that want to be able to sell 186 relics for 1.5 million on the GTN. Anybody who crafts for themselves had no problem with the payouts.

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I would ask everyone who spent Cartel coins to open the packs to get the slot machine to make a in game ticket for a refund on your Cartel coins you spent.


Please don't do this.


All those tickets will just slow them down from addressing other issues. And the CSR are busy enough already.

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I bought the slot machine based on reported probability of winning and what I had read about it being better than crew skills. It is not in my nature to gamble and as the machine used to work, it wasn't gambling. The winnings I got was worth the money I spent.


Now that's no longer the case. So what you provided and said was working as intended, no longer is working as intended. You sold us one thing, but we received something else. in the real world, that would have been fraud.


Before the nerf I won on about 70% of the chips. Now it's about 40%.


In a batch of 197 chips, I won the following:

Banned Holovids x31

Prohibited Medical Supplies x37

Confiscated Artwork x6

Scrap: Scavenged Scrap x3

Scrap: Jawa Junk x1


So get your act together. Keep your word. I have stopped using services where the provider say one thing and does another.

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Out of 1 stack of 99 coins I received 1 Jawa scrap, 38 rep items and NO certificates. 2nd stack 48 rep items no scrap or certificates, 3rd stack 41 rep items and 1 green scrap. .... I used to receive 3-6 certificates per stack. There was NOTHING about certificates reduced. Also drastically reduced Jawa scrap? Try rare drops now..... Fix this tripe. Edited by Tierlac
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Out of 1 stack of 99 coins I received 1 Jawa scrap, 38 rep items and NO certificates. I used to receive 3-6 certificates per stack. There was NOTHING about certificates reduced. Also drastically reduced Jawa scrap? Try rare drops now..... Fix this tripe.


I just used 1100 chips I purchased last night before the nerf. So today: Not one cartel certificate. Not one. 4 jawa junk 2 scavenged scraps and 3 assorted parts out of over 1100 spins because a chip is one of the wins...making the odds even worse than they already appear lol. Any other wins were rep, which I'm maxed out on. Even selling those isn't enough for this to make sense to ever be played again. I seriously do want either all my credits and coins spent back or my money. This is no longer working as intended. :i_confused:


The patch notes mention only a reduction in jawa junk... but everything took a hit. So they lied, big time.


"3.0.2a Patch Notes

Cartel Market

The Contraband Slot Machine’s Jawa Junk drop rate has been reduced and Faction-specific Walker mounts have been added to the potential rewards."


Edited by WastedLight
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