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Let's try a positive thread.


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So I got to 60 and took a break for a bit and came back last week. Since coming back (well and before) these forums seem to have taken a nose dive into the realm of toxicity not seen before. So let's have some positive thoughts to start our week here in these forums. Simple reply with a positive reason why you are paying to play this game and have the ability to post on these forums. I can't believe every pays just so they can conplain about the hot topic of the week...


For me I enjoy the story, FP and ops. Overall I think the game is one of the better mmos out today...perfect no but none are.

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I have to say I love many of the new changes and additions. At first I was iffy about Disciplines, but I think I have the hang of it now. I like the ability to choose different utilities at different times, and test them out pretty easily.


I also love the new solo flashpoints for FA...I have leveled a few characters post 12XP just so I could run through them again.


Many of the latest armor and speeder designs are top notch IMO, and of course I like the new contraband slot machine.


Ive been spending quite a bit of time messing around with the look of my characters and getting as many different speeders as I can.


Barring some unforeseen problem I expect I will be subbed for a while.

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I have to say I love many of the new changes and additions. At first I was iffy about Disciplines, but I think I have the hang of it now. I like the ability to choose different utilities at different times, and test them out pretty easily.


I also love the new solo flashpoints for FA...I have leveled a few characters post 12XP just so I could run through them again.


Many of the latest armor and speeder designs are top notch IMO, and of course I like the new contraband slot machine.


Ive been spending quite a bit of time messing around with the look of my characters and getting as many different speeders as I can.


Barring some unforeseen problem I expect I will be subbed for a while.


I agree with all of these as well. I had a nice stock pile of cc coins but didn't get anything good well gear wise had two slot machines sold one for a nice chunk of change and also collected a few pretty cool speeders. I did run a few hard fp this weekend and I must say its kind of nice the bosses are kind of a challenge really makes me learn the new chsnges extremely fast being a healer.

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At the moment I'm leveling another alt and can't get enough of looking at the Shae Vizla armor.:D


SoR left me disappointed when it comes to its scope, but I still enjoy all the things that make this game great for me. Running through the leveling content with a fresh AC/spec/look and doing some PvP on the side is a combination that never gets old for me.

And in the evening I can always log in with one of my 60s and join my guild in doing OPs or HMs.


There are other MMOs, namely LotRO, TSW and FFXIV, that I enjoy for different aspects, but all things considered, TOR wins with quite a bit of a margin and is the only one I play regularly.

Edited by Knorlac
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1. I like disciplines better than the old skill trees.


2. I've liked four out of four of the class missions I've done so far.


3. I liked the quest givers Lana, Theron, and Jakarro/the droid.


4. I liked the solo option for the tactical flashpoints.


5. I like the mechanics and balance for Ravagers.


6. I like companion gear quest rewards for Dailies.


7. I like the mechanics and balance of the HM FPs.


8. I liked the plot development at the end of Yavin IV.


9. I like the rotation improvements for the classes I play.


10. I like ambient quests replacing terminal quests for dailies.

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So I got to 60 and took a break for a bit and came back last week. Since coming back (well and before) these forums seem to have taken a nose dive into the realm of toxicity not seen before. So let's have some positive thoughts to start our week here in these forums. Simple reply with a positive reason why you are paying to play this game and have the ability to post on these forums. I can't believe every pays just so they can conplain about the hot topic of the week...


For me I enjoy the story, FP and ops. Overall I think the game is one of the better mmos out today...perfect no but none are.


Never before have so many knickers become so twisted. The cries of "Oklahoma!" have become deafening.


On a positive note, I keep coming back to the game because I was six years old when I first saw Star Wars, and every time I pull out a lightsaber and hear svissssh, wuuuuuum wuuuuuuum krishhhhh it takes me back to my childhood.

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I like discipline system more than old skill trees.

- Yes, it takes some of the choices away but current system is very good for casuals like me.


I like new slot machine.

- Please, bring more mini games to this awesome game. And if they remove money from credit pool like slot machine then it's going to be great!. Seriously, we need more mini games!


I like how gearing is done in expansion.

- New level 55 rating 192 BtL companion gear is great for players with a lot alts. Also gearing your character through Shadow of Revan is smooth. No need to stress about it in any point.


Btw, class mission for JK was awesome! Whoever designed that, thank you for doing that. Yes, I cried "a bit"...

Edited by Halinalle
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/support positivity


I have really enjoyed my return to the game so far.

- I loved 12xp to finally see the class stories I still wanted to do.

- Disciplines is a vast improvement over the more and more outdated talent tree system

- Visually and atmospherically Rishi and Yavin are, to me, some of the best content they ever put into the game

- The class stories in SoR, whilst too short, were rather interesting

- The slotmachine is a fun concept added to the game

- No more cybernetics in the Cartel packs ;)

- Solo-FP's

Edited by wolfyde
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I was so happy when I completed the trooper class quest on rishi.


General Garza was finally forced to resign after another one of her failed ideas:D

At that point she was like Gul Dukat in star trek with everything she did being a failure.


To me, that was the best part of SoR.


NO ****!!! By far the best part of SoR for me too...could not have ended any better imo.


I obviously enjoy the game too, for any number of reasons, PvP, Ops, FPs, GSF...but also because of the community. We have some damn fine people here and they are a huge reason I play...so THANK YOU to everyone I've played with and against...you all make this a better place.

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Positivity is off-topic, but might as well add that I'm enjoying my fav. spec's silly OPness before it gets nerfed into obscurity again.


Also I like the convenience of being able to stealth gank lots of reds and make a ton of creds in one of the new daily areas, without actually having to do dailies anymore.

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Yeah 3.0 has been rather positive for me too.


1) I like the new disciplines, it streamlines the levelling process and although some might argue about a lack of choice how many people tended to copy and past the old trees from Dulfy as Hybrid trees were lost well before 3.0 hit.


2) The fact that the Forged Alliances gave me a complete set of starter gear for Rishi - coming from 12xp with poorly geared characters allowed me to access the new stuff without too much fuss.


3) I enjoyed the SOR story (only done 1 class as yet though).


Thats as much as I can think of at the minute as I am at work.

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I'm not a pvper, but I love the ranked pvp season rewards and their (within limits) uniqueness and exclusivity.


I'm also looking forward to the new story arc developing and the continuation of class missions (even if they should turn out not to be "stories").


My reasons for being subscribed right this moment, however, are not my excitement for the game but pure inertia. I don't have time to really play right now and in the coming weeks, but should I ever have a little time for escapism, I want immediate access to whatever I'm in the mood for.


(There's a lot I'm not happy with, but I'll reserve that for other threads.)

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I like this:


1) most of all I like to play with my friends (thats the main reason I am subbed)

2) SoR story line (its short, but very nice, done 5x so far)

3) 12x XP for story quests (best idea ever!!! bring it back as toggle please!)

4) disciplines are nice

5) solo FPs were great

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I love this game, warts and all and will continue to sub. As a huge fangirl I will admit I am biased however as long as they keep adding stuff, I'm good. I have met some incredible people while playing and for a anti-social person such myself it's been wonderful. I have a small yet outstanding guild that supports one another, thick and thin.

Okay, rambling done. Keep the good stuff coming Dev team!

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- Not getting stuck on a storyline because of group content

- In the jungles of Rishi, you see all those roaming animals. Packs of Oro birds or a couple of tonitrans running together. It makes the planet feel so much more alive.

- Discipline system. Pretty much everything about it (except for balance maybe, but that will come with time)

- The new ops having original and interesting mechanics (hopefully BW will get the to work properly soon ;))

- Raid nights with the guild.

- I've run into some hilarious people in PUG groups. Usually in DP, for some reason...

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**Possible spoilers for those reading and have not played through the expansion or finished some of the lower level flashpoints.**


For me the best thing is the story, it's the main reason I play this game. I am Revan fan ever since I was introduced to him in KOTOR 11 years ago. To see his story arc conclude and answer the question of what happened to him after the end of the Foundry was a very pleasing thing to see. I play this game for the stories, as my friends and guildies are aware, and seeing this from each class and the nuances that are specific to each class was incredible. The expac has a lot of bugs in gameplay, but personally I ignored most just to see how the story unfolded.


I love the attention to the details in the environment. On Rishi, while many felt it more akin to Pirates of the Caribbean, I felt more like I was playing through a backwater world from Firefly. (The reference to the Reavers from that series drew me into this comparison and kept me hooked...if only Mal or some of the Serenity crew were there somewhere, but I imagine licensing was a big part of that) But the biggest was that entrance to Yavin 4. First seeing the old space station still in orbit from KOTOR to the iconic scene of the temples from the very first movie. (Yes, I am old enough that I saw Star Wars...A New Hope to the younger folks...when I was 6 years old) The Massassi milling around and seeing them for the first time aside from their representation from the printed page, the newest patch that includes the ghosts of Naga Sadow, Marka Ragnos, Tulak Hord, and Exar Kun...these are the details I hoped to see and was not disappointed.


The gameplay developers still have a lot of work ahead of them in fixing the gameplay problems that still persist, but the writers have done an excellent job in keeping me in this game. Their expansion of the lore, whether it's canon or not, is why I play this game. It's to them I offer the most kudos to for a superb job.

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I was so happy when I completed the trooper class quest on rishi.


General Garza was finally forced to resign after another one of her failed ideas:D

At that point she was like Gul Dukat in star trek with everything she did being a failure.


To me, that was the best part of SoR.


Oh yes, so much that! (Granted, I didn't manage to get through all new class missions, but I can't believe that something will top this.) It was one of these BOOM moments in the game for me. I was a bit worried about getting so excited about this news, but man, that was deserved. Finally. :D


To answer the question of the OP: I generally enjoy being in the game. I don't even do a lot of content anymore, because I have seen every story of this game. But I have my virtual family there. I like spending time with my chars. Do a bit here, do a bit there. I don't have much free time in my life due to work and I tried several new games during the last years, but except for some easier adventures, I couldn't get into them, because I lack the time to learn the mechanics, get into the game world etc. Therefore, Swtor became "my" game. I can relax, I don't get frustration moments like I could get in new games, I can have nice chats with guildies. Etc.


What brought me to this game was, is and will always be: the stories! Once in a while I make a new char just to experience the great stories again.

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I haven't finished any of my Class storylines On Rishi I think, but I love how the Devs team finaly did some class storyline, as i've been waiting for a cpl of years for something different for each different Class.


I think this SoR expansion was good where the Dev team was Smart enough to give you/ your class better gear throughout the story on Rishi. I Never Ever Though I would get any character to lvl 60 without it taking 6 months because of my Disabilities. But the Dev teams really hit the lvl'ing to 60 right on the Target for helping ppl get to 60, no matter what Class you are.


I'm trying to get my all my characters that are still 55 to get them to lvl 60 before I finish any Class storyline of any kind.


I really hope to God we get a lot more Character storylines in the Future as we had No separate class storylines frpm RoTC Expansion. I thing this games has me staying around a lot more with different Class storylines, really Refreshing in my view.


Edit: I have to stay off of Guild TS, as I don't want everything about SoR **SPOILED**

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I started out thinking I am going in to run 8 class stories, avoiding MMO features like a plague, and get out.

Now, I enjoy it because it is an active entertainment, and there is always something fun and new in it for me all the time to strive for. Be it winning an arena, plotting my way into HM FPs or finding a ‘right’ Legacy set for my Cunning characters. It’s that never-ending wonder of a living, breathing, changing game that keeps me subscribed.

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I love the sense of immersion I feel every time I land on a new planet, and the exploration. It's living, breathing Star Wars everywhere. A lot of the old KOTOR magic lives on when you land on Manaan the first time, or in exploring Rakata Prime. The newer planets, especially, feel alive, even when they're not player-populated.


I love the class stories, and exploring the Empire/Republic war from both sides. I love seeing the stories click together like puzzle pieces.


I love the companion stories. They feel (mostly) like real people, and I love exploring what makes them tick. In the agent story, especially, it's fun to see how they interact with each other and how they form their own friendships and relationships outside player control.


I love little touches like the soothing thranta rides on Alderaan, that let you see the terrain from a larger perspective. You've just spent hours fighting small-scale battles, but now you're up, and you can see the beautiful world you're fighting for. The game has an amazing sense of scale.

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