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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Congratulations. You just killed sm ops

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Congratulations dev team! You just killed sm operations. By removing the ultimate comms from all sm operations, you have eliminated the pug groups that so many of us ran daily. The gear from elite vendors is garbage compared to the set bonuses and ultimate gear we had previous to 3.0. Instead, of the casual sm raiders being able to advance in gear progression through ultimate comms, you have given the ultimate a to the hm/progression raiders that will not use it because to them, ultimate gear is garbage. I am seriously beginning to think that you (the dev team) are trying to invent new ways to make this game suck. Very disappointing.
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a) all comm gear is trash with this expansion. even the mods are lettered and inferior to the SM token drops, all of the enhancements are high endurance, low crit/power.


b) you shouldn't get ultimate comms from old content. Level 55 Operations are no longer end game content, so they shouldn't give out ultimate commendations.

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It doesnt matter, TFB/SnV was not supposed to give good coms anyway, its more likely DF/DP and Rav + Tos


As it always has been... so get over it... besides as mentioned the com gear suck anyway, and if want to do an effort in the new stuff just get an underworld rating with some com gear and all the good 186 enhancements is craftable now and those are a ton better than the com 198 ones.

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a) all comm gear is trash with this expansion. even the mods are lettered and inferior to the SM token drops, all of the enhancements are high endurance, low crit/power.


b) you shouldn't get ultimate comms from old content. Level 55 Operations are no longer end game content, so they shouldn't give out ultimate commendations.


Why not



not everyone has the chance to run level 60 ops plus there are only 2

dont be a jerk with stupid comments

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Why not



not everyone has the chance to run level 60 ops plus there are only 2

dont be a jerk with stupid comments


He's actually spot on. Level 50 ops didn't give out commendations for level 55 content either. There's still Nightmare DF/DP you can do if you really need ultimate comms.

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Why not



not everyone has the chance to run level 60 ops plus there are only 2

dont be a jerk with stupid comments


i have to agree i think the sm ops should not drop ultimates but why not hm? and if they were going to do that why didnt they do it in the beginning

my biggest issue is yes now there are only two ops that give ultimate comms and yes it may be trash but for alts especially who were neglected as they were leveling it is a nice boost to get them into the ops -

long story short i guess im only logging on now once a week run my two ops and thats it

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He's actually spot on. Level 50 ops didn't give out commendations for level 55 content either. There's still Nightmare DF/DP you can do if you really need ultimate comms.


I wouldn't really compare NIM DF / DP to SM TOS or RaV

I can kinda get removing them from TFB And SnV but having them drop from HM DF and DP especially when you consider corruptor zero, brontes, and the buggy **** going on with Raptus, council (occasionally also the other bosses but usually a lesser degree) make those fights harder than the new ops

Edited by Faardor
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I can kinda get removing them from TFB And SnV but having them drop from HM DF and DP especially when you consider corruptor zero, brontes, and the buggy **** going on with Raptus, council (occasionally also the other bosses but usually a lesser degree) make those fights harder than the new ops

So you think that if the fights are buggy, they should increase rewards to compensate?


Crazy thought here -- perhaps fix bugs instead??

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Yup I dunno if they want to piss on all the casual players or not but am for one don't even have to time to progress HM and Nim ops so now that I got all the gear that I can get cause of what they did their is nothing else for me to work on.


On that note, this is why I am giving up my subscription and moving to the Playstation 4 am tired of this rat race been on this expansion since early access and with the lack of costumer service responsiveness and the sm ops being a pain am outta here.

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You shouldn't get ultimate comms for 55 content.


However, there is also the fact that right now there are only two ops at 60, with only 10 bosses and that just isn't very much to do per week. This is compared to the previous situation where there were 4 ops to choose from.


But, we can't even do that much because the only ops version that can be reliably completed in a pug is 8M Ravagers.


8M Tos and the 16M of both Ravagers and ToS cannot be done by an ordinary pug. (At least, they could not from launch date a month ago until today's patch.)


The casual SM ops community is absolutely in a bad place right now. What's needed is not to send people back to 55 ops -which is what has been happening for the last month - but to nerf Ravagers and ToS Story Mode. We got some of that today with Bulo and Walkers being nerfed. I hope it's enough, but I just spent an hour wiping on Underlurker 16 SM with a guild group, so currently it's a fail.

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Wrong, there are 4 Ops that drop Ultimates. Well, actually 6 technically.


Nightmare Dread Fortress

Nightmare Dread Palace

16-Man Story Ravagers

16-Man Story ToS

Hard Mode Ravagers

Hard Mode ToS


In addition, clearing any of the following:


Will complete the "Classic Ops" Weekly and grant Ultimate Comms

Edited by Terro_Fett
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Isn't it basically the same now as it was when 2.0 launched? 2 operations that were 55 ( TFB/SNV ) that were also the only ones that awarded ult comms?


I pretty much came up in the game around 2.0 launch so made all my ult comms to fully gear out this way or through the weeklies etc.


Yes it takes time and can be challenging but that's kind of the point. For too long people have had things gifted to them on a silver platter it would seem.


As for the comm gear being crap ... well if they fix the ops etc. so that comm gear is enough to do the content then there is no issue. Yes it won't be the BEST gear or anywhere near it but then that's why you run content to get that gear.


Unless people are saying the ult comm is so crap they couldn't possibly complete HM ops in it then I see no issue. As I understand it it's the mechanics that prevent people getting better gear now, not the gear.

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What I would love to see is a few ultimate comms for 8m sm ops. Even 2/4 comms per boss would mean a lot for me (and some of them are hard for a not-hardcore raider group).

And maybe putting back gf to 8m would also help. I know the reason for this being at 16m is that 16m is supposed to be easier, but look at the current lvl60 ops, it's clearly not the case...

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This is the nature of games that rely on gear treadmills instead of real content development. Few operations, long long treadmill. Thats why these games disgust people and lose players. Gear treadmills are stupid and unimaginative mechanics that are about as inventive as putting a carrot on a stick.
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I also think that the change was needed. We facerolled through df and dp in like under an hour, it was laughable. Now here is a suggestion though. I am running the new level 60 ops as a tank and I am still in my min/max dread forged/couple dread master, with some crafted bis 186 enhancements and level 60 augments, and clearing it without trouble. That is so much more then enough for ravagers and ToS story mode. So here is my suggestion, instead of running faceroll content for comms that buy garbage, have your team, or pug get on into dreads hard mode. They are not that difficult, they weren't at 55, and it wont take long for you to have gear that is awesome for whatever. I think people just see the rating numbers 192/198 and think ohhhhh, gotta have that, little johnny VG tank down the way has 56k hp, can't let him have more then me!!


The set bonus stuff you get from hard mode dreads, mixed with crafted stuff like relics and enhancements is far superior to any comm gear, and you will be set to do anything old and any story mode 60 content, hmfps etc...Then of course you get your token drops from the 60 ops and replace. Easy.

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So you think that if the fights are buggy, they should increase rewards to compensate?


Crazy thought here -- perhaps fix bugs instead??

Because we all know Bioware is great at fixing bugs, its like an infestation with this game. They "fix" one bug but by the time they actually fix it they seem to do some electronic breeding in the 15 year old server giving birth to 3-4 more bugs.

Its like "16 and pregnant" mmo style.

Edited by BadHoneyBadger
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Here's what I think, removing the ultimate comms from level 55 bosses was a great idea. No way should you be able to farm the best tier gear just by doing old content, the game should encourage you to step into the newer stuff if you want the best gear.


However that said, I do think they should buff the weekly quest rewards so you can still earn some ultimate comms but that amount shouldn't exceed what is earnable from level 60 content.


Here's what I suggest:


1/ Classic operations weekly should be buffed to 20 ultimate commendations up from 10. Considering the time and effort needed in order to do the hard modes I think 20 comms would be fair.


2/ Complete S&V/TFB/DF/DP any mode weekly quests should include 5 comms for completion. 5 comms for quick story mode runs of each op sound fair.


That would mean 40 comms earnable from old content (not including DF/DP NiM of course).

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Here's what I think, removing the ultimate comms from level 55 bosses was a great idea. .


sry, in my eyes its the most stupid idea ever to waste without need 4 well visited raids. Until the patch there was life on the fleets. People searched for 16 sm raids on mass and now? The fleet is a graveyard. Noboby is searching. No raids, no life. The fleet of T3-M4 is depessing me.

Only some lonely nerds with (e&e for tos and ravangers) are posting in common chat. Why do the devs of bioware all the same stupid mistakes from blizzard? Why do they throw all there content in the trash can instead of pulling it to lvl 60? Now we have only two tiny and boring raids as 'end content' alive instead of 6 or more? And they are wondering because of having no larger community/customer base? In my eyes this decision is like shooting themselve in the knee .. comiting financial suicide.


(Sry for my poor english..its not my native language.)

Edited by ThorPluto
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I believe most of you are misunderstanding what it is that I am saying. I don't care about the ultimate comms. What I enjoy(ed) about the game is/was sm operations. While also having an opportunity to optimize the gear that I have. I don't expect 198 set gear from tfb, snv, etc...but without some kind of incentive(s), people simply have no desire to run these ops anymore. What are the level 60 peeps supposed to do for end game content if we can't pug, and do not have a strong raid team presence in our guilds? Give 186 set bonuses to tfb, snv, etc....SOMETHING to put interest back into these ops.
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sry, in my eyes its the most stupid idea ever to waste without need 4 well visited raids. Until the patch there was life on the fleets. People searched for 16 sm raids on mass and now? The fleet is a graveyard. Noboby is searching. No raids, no life. The fleet of T3-M4 is depessing me.

Only some lonely nerds with (e&e for tos and ravangers) are posting in common chat. Why do the devs of bioware all the same stupid mistakes from blizzard? Why do they throw all there content in the trash can instead of pulling it to lvl 60? Now we have only two tiny and boring raids as 'end content' alive instead of 6 or more? And they are wondering because of having no larger community/customer base? In my eyes this decision is like shooting themselve in the knee .. comiting financial suicide.


(Sry for my poor english..its not my native language.)


I agree in the point I would like to see content buffed up to 60 rather than forgotten each time there's a new expac but the fact is they haven't been.


Why should level 55 ops offer the same commendation rate as the new level capped ops? S&V HM runs were giving players twice as many comms as level 60 16m sm raids which aren't quite as a walk in the park as stepping into S&V with 16 level 60's.

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What they REALLY need to do is make basic comms be able to buy valuable materials again like when you could buy Isotope-5 and there was a demand for it.


Having something to use Basic's on beyond your gearing up would go a long way to ease these issues.

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