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Ravagers Exploit Action Update


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There actually was no Ravager's exploit to begin with. Chuck Norris decided to try SWToR and Coratanni just decided to give up and die and give everyone loot for free.

This :D


Something about seeing the stream and seeing him talk in person about it makes one think some sort of action is more likely than not and those laughing it off now are in for a rude shock but time will tell.

But also, this.

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You wont be told, he made that quite clear that any actions taken will not be discussed.


We'll thats really the great thing about it his time. We don't need BW to tell us anything. We'll know because it was widespread just enough that if you had tried just a bit. You could easily gather a list of names yourself of gamers that milked the exploit for all it's worth. Gamers that used it 10 or 20 times a week. Some that sold access to it for millions.


Then you have the ones that are so bold (on forums and in game) that dare BW to do anything. As if it was their right to exploit the game and how date something happen to them. The ones so easy to find.


Bw doesn't need to say anything on what they do IF they do anything. We'll know because we know gamers that used it. We have other sites information will pop up on. We know people in game that exploited the hel'l out of it and so far.


Nothing has happened yet.

Edited by Quraswren
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We'll thats really the great thing about it his time. We don't need BW to tell us anything. We'll know because it was widespread just enough that if you had tried just a bit. You could easily gather a list of names yourself of gamers that milked the exploit for all it's worth. Gamers that used it 10 or 20 times a week. Some that sold access to it for millions.


Then you have the ones that are so bold (on forums and in game) that dare BW to do anything. As if it was their right to exploit the game and how date something happen to them. The ones so easy to find.


Bw doesn't need to say anything on what they do IF they do anything. We'll know because we know gamers that used it. We have other sites information will pop up on. We know people in game that exploited the hel'l out of it and so far.


Nothing has happened yet.


Its been 10 days. Y'all cann do whatever the heck you like, but I'm calling it. They didn't do anything. Good night. *drops mic*

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Its been 10 days. Y'all cann do whatever the heck you like, but I'm calling it. They didn't do anything. Good night. *drops mic*


Why do you care about what they do it's actually non of your business. If you were an exploiter I still wouldn't admit it on any forums like some fools did in that other thread that got nuked.

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Its been 10 days. Y'all cann do whatever the heck you like, but I'm calling it. They didn't do anything. Good night. *drops mic*

Pretty good evidence exists that they banned some people who advertised on fleet chat that they were selling the lockout. Possibly permanently, because the guild they were in started advertising for new players shortly thereafter.

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Indeed, if what you are saying is true then Bioware has basically given everyone the green light to exploit at will aslong as they are "careful" about it.


I'm generally honest about these sorts of things and didn't bother with ravager's as a result but if Bioware are basically not going to take action against the general exploiter then it's a green light in my eyes and you end up getting punished more by not exploiting than what you would if you do.


I still maintain time will tell but if we've heard nothing at all by next patch I think nothing is going to happen.


I fought the good fight in regards to the exploit and punishment. But I knew when to call a loss. No mentio 11 days after Musco's post, I am thinking they just let it slide, and POSSIBLY banned a very very small number of people, if any. As far as I am concerned, I will be getting my share of the goodies next time.

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There actually was no Ravager's exploit to begin with. Chuck Norris decided to try SWToR and Coratanni just decided to give up and die and give everyone loot for free.

Wait a minute...is this true?! Cuz it kinda makes sense tbh...

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They could atleast remove the exploited items if they do not intend to punish anyone.


As it is now I know the community will jump right on the next exploit and try to get the most of it, sad story.


Removing the items gained via exploit gets harder and harder as time goes by, IMO. And it served less purpose because they used this gear to help them get OTHER gear. Can't really put the genie back in the bottle.


But you are right: the message to everyone over this and the Slot machine has basically been: exploit early, exploit often.

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They could atleast remove the exploited items if they do not intend to punish anyone.
No, they probably cannot do that. Six months ago, much less three years, no one would have imagined that there would be a need to code that functionality into the game. And it isn't that easy to track such items anyway, so you would not code that in on a whim. So they probably cannot do what you ask, even if they wanted to, without punishing lots of innocent players or doing it manually for each toon of each player that did the exploit. And they do not have enough staff for the latter.


We have learned that BioWare's current team cannot modify the game's code without a high risk of introducing serious bugs. So don't ask them to add a remove-lots-of-stuff-from-players to the code, it is not likely to end well if they do.

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Removing the items gained via exploit gets harder and harder as time goes by, IMO. And it served less purpose because they used this gear to help them get OTHER gear. Can't really put the genie back in the bottle.


But you are right: the message to everyone over this and the Slot machine has basically been: exploit early, exploit often.


You actually were on the road to making a well informed comment, then you had to bring the CSM into it. I mean do they have to spray paint it across your forehead? The CSM was never a exploit! Having to have its odds adjusted yes, exploit no. I mean whenever someone says it is, you really kind of sound silly.

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You actually were on the road to making a well informed comment, then you had to bring the CSM into it. I mean do they have to spray paint it across your forehead? The CSM was never a exploit! Having to have its odds adjusted yes, exploit no. I mean whenever someone says it is, you really kind of sound silly.


The definition of exploit is also: to use (a situation or person) in an unfair or selfish way. So yes, the slot machine was exploited. Was it on the same level of exploiting as the Ravagers? Yes and no. Yes in the impact it had on the game and how much benefit people recieved from doing the exploiting. No in that it was clearly not taking advantage of a bug, the Ravagers was not intentional, the slot machine clearly was intentional. But the slot machine was exploited because it's not normal player behaviour to sit there clicking one button the ENTIRE night for days on end just so you can have 50 stacks of jawa junk. Or are you saying that this is normal, and actually playing the game is abnormal?

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The definition of exploit is also: to use (a situation or person) in an unfair or selfish way. So yes, the slot machine was exploited. Was it on the same level of exploiting as the Ravagers? Yes and no. Yes in the impact it had on the game and how much benefit people recieved from doing the exploiting. No in that it was clearly not taking advantage of a bug, the Ravagers was not intentional, the slot machine clearly was intentional. But the slot machine was exploited because it's not normal player behaviour to sit there clicking one button the ENTIRE night for days on end just so you can have 50 stacks of jawa junk. Or are you saying that this is normal, and actually playing the game is abnormal?


Who are you to decide what is normal while people wait for ques, or just bored? Try to twist it anyway you like, but there is a quite famous post by Musco SPECIFICALLY stating that the slot was wai, and that just the odds may need adjusting. Just because you dont think that shoukd be a way someone plays their game, does not make it an exploit.

Edited by lightSaberAddiCt
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The definition of exploit is also: to use (a situation or person) in an unfair or selfish way. So yes, the slot machine was exploited. Was it on the same level of exploiting as the Ravagers? Yes and no. Yes in the impact it had on the game and how much benefit people recieved from doing the exploiting. No in that it was clearly not taking advantage of a bug, the Ravagers was not intentional, the slot machine clearly was intentional. But the slot machine was exploited because it's not normal player behaviour to sit there clicking one button the ENTIRE night for days on end just so you can have 50 stacks of jawa junk. Or are you saying that this is normal, and actually playing the game is abnormal?


Who are you to dictate what is normal player behaviour ??

If people just pvp and not play the class story at all, is this normal behavior? If people don't do raid but just level alts , is this normal behavior?

The main purpose of any mmo is to have multiple ways to engage yourself in the game , not just one specific way. So if someone wants to sit in front of the slot machine, that is their way of engaging the game.

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The definition of exploit is also: to use (a situation or person) in an unfair or selfish way. So yes, the slot machine was exploited. Was it on the same level of exploiting as the Ravagers? Yes and no.

What a bunch of sophistry.


The term "exploit" in the context of "are you breaking the rules?" is very clearly laid out in the RULES OF CONDUCT.

Exploit any bug in the Service to gain unfair advantage in the game and/or communicate the existence of any such bug (either directly or through the public posting) to any other user of the Service.


Eric posted here about ravagers, and here about the slot machine.


It's very clear which of these two things is an exploit, and which isn't.

Edited by Khevar
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*picks mic back up*


From another thread:

Dulfy's Reddit


"The decision for action taken against ravagers exploiters finalized this morning. There will be a post from musco about it (no specific timeframe on when this will take action or the post will happen)"


Guess there's time for a little more popcorn after all.

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*picks mic back up*


From another thread:



Guess there's time for a little more popcorn after all.


Dulfys post also shows that all the people that had heard "on the grapvine" that people had already been banned were wrong. Bring in the banhammer!!

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Dulfys post also shows that all the people that had heard "on the grapvine" that people had already been banned were wrong. Bring in the banhammer!!


Considering they just deleted a post about ban hammers and ravagers i would have to say action will be taken but the hammer will only be for extreme cases IE selling in gen chat.

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Considering they just deleted a post about ban hammers and ravagers i would have to say action will be taken but the hammer will only be for extreme cases IE selling in gen chat.


Its also worth noting the info on Dulfy's page is second hand and some of it already confirmed wrong. Be interesting to see which way this is going to go. If it really did take them this long to figure out what to do with exploitorists, they far more incompetent than even I gave them credit for. The last post in the other thread was something along the lines of 'BW will find a way to make this even worse' to which I agree 100%.

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Its also worth noting the info on Dulfy's page is second hand and some of it already confirmed wrong. Be interesting to see which way this is going to go. If it really did take them this long to figure out what to do with exploitorists, they far more incompetent than even I gave them credit for. The last post in the other thread was something along the lines of 'BW will find a way to make this even worse' to which I agree 100%.


What data was dullfy wrong about?

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Who are you to decide what is normal while people wait for ques, or just bored? Try to twist it anyway you like, but there is a quite famous post by Musco SPECIFICALLY stating that the slot was wai, and that just the odds may need adjusting. Just because you dont think that shoukd be a way someone plays their game, does not make it an exploit.


The people building up 50+ stacks of Jawa Junk before the nerf were clearly in the mind frame of exploiting the mechanic.


Did the vast majority of slot machine users do this? No, I'd say it was just a small minority that actually did it that much. But really, there's no way you can logically say that someone who used it enough to stockpile that much (really almost 5000 jawa junk would take 40000 tokens and 20 million credits), that they are "just playing the game." Their mindset is they are going to EXPLOIT this opportunity for all it's worth.


Just because the system is working as intended doesn't mean it's immune to exploitation. Exploitation is all on the user, and their reasons for doing it, not on the object being exploited. That was my point. So yes it was possible to exploit the slot machine, no most people did not exploit it in that context, but some did.

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