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Ravagers Exploit Action Update


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Absolutely not true. I've had issues on numerous occasions with the boss disappearing and the loot not appearing for me or my raid team. We had bugs with Coratanni not giving out loot. We all sent in very detailed tickets, including the time of day, the operation, who all was in the group, and showing our achievements for actually getting the kill when it was the first time. Guess what? We all got a canned response saying it couldnt be verified and therefore loot could not be awarded. Most of the time, it takes numerous tickets before they actually stop giving the canned response and a majority of the time we didnt get the issue resolved in our favor despite all the documentation we took. So no, forgive me for not believing that. From my own experience, and the experience of numerous people I play with it just isnt true.


So they can't verify that you killed the boss, but they can verify who exploited that boss and who didn't? Amazing, isn't it...


They're just picking and choosing when they want to exercise their ability to find proof of specific events that happen in the game. Just my two cents.

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And again, if exploits are wrong then how many of you can raise your hand and say you never went and got the datacron on Rishi when it was bugged open? An exploit is just that, taking advantage of a bug for your own benefit or advantage.


How many here skipped Gharj before they fixed it just so they could finish the operation faster? That was an exploit of a bug- anyone here who actually thinks they wanted people to skip one of the bosses is as delusional as the people claiming it was ok to loot a chest on an operation boss you didnt kill.


How many people here click all the experimental guys in the final boss fight in Czerka Labs so you can ignore the mechanics of the fight? Every single group I have ever done that flashpoint with does it. And yet it is technically an exploit to get around the bosses mechanics, when he disappears he is supposed to summon one of the red guys. Yet everyone exploits the fact that you can skip that mechanic by releasing them all yourself at the beginning of the fight. Doesnt make it any less of an exploit to gain an advantage for yourself and make the fight either shorter or easier.


And before anyone says this is just a lame attempt to justify participating in this particular exploit. save your breath. I have said on numerous occasions that these people should be punished in some fashion. I am only concerned that bioware will screw up and punish innocent people as well. I have very little faith, based on my interactions with CS and their responses, that they can actually perfectly track this and know for a certainty that the person they are banning is actually guilty.


My point is, all of the witch-hunters in this thread are acting all shocked and outraged that people participated in this bug, when they are just as guilty of participating in other exploits. Stop being hypocrites and stop acting like you are any better than others just because you chose not to participate in this particular exploit.


People shouldn't be using the term witch hunt anyways as witch hunts punished innocent people and these exploiters are not innocent they are guilty of violating the Terms of Service.

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People shouldn't be using the term witch hunt anyways as witch hunts punished innocent people and these exploiters are not innocent they are guilty of violating the Terms of Service.
How about everyone calm down until Tuesday?
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People shouldn't be using the term witch hunt anyways as witch hunts punished innocent people and these exploiters are not innocent they are guilty of violating the Terms of Service.


The problem with that is people are accusing any one that does not agree with them so they are witch hunting. They are attacking people that most like have nothing to do with the exploit and want to see justice for all exploiter but because some one say hey you let other exploit this game why is this so special, They must have done the exploit right? So there attacking the innocent which is a witch hunting.

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For those that are hoping for exploiters to be banned, I do hope you realize that it will be about 1/2 the population... I did some random checks of players on rishi and fleet and found that 50% exploited.


While I cant speak for anyone else, Literaly every person I know in the game exploited. And that's not a small list.

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People shouldn't be using the term witch hunt anyways as witch hunts punished innocent people and these exploiters are not innocent they are guilty of violating the Terms of Service.


And I assume you never skipped Gharj? You never got a free or paid pull to the datacron on fleet (getting around the mechanics that are required to get to the datacron)? You always fight the last boss in CZ Labs as intended? You never went to Rishi to get the datacrons when they bugged out? My point is, most people here have probably done something that can be classified as an exploit very very easily, so please save your holier than thou act. Those exploits dont absolve anyone who participated in the Ravagers exploit, but please stop acting like you all have never ever done anything that is an exploit that allows you to get around required mechanics.


Yes, I understand this topic was about the Ravagers Exploit but alot of the people here ranting about wanting the exploiters punished are perfectly fine with doing other exploits in the game, explaining away and justifying those things as "not being exploits" because they refuse to admit that they have been just as guilty of exploiting bugs or flaws in the game mechanics to benefit themselves or their group. They just didnt participate in one that also gave free loot. Doesnt make it any less of an exploit and doesnt make it any less of a violation of the ToS. Let he who has not sinned cast the first stone.

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I wish this were the ToS exploit we were talking about, then I could say that I'm not sure about casting the first stone, but it appears there's a big red circle on the ground for some as a sign of something imminent. Of course, those exploiting the final boss wouldn't know what that could even be.


But since it's Ravagers, it's not even clever by half.

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Jesus christ... are you people still on this.

If you exploited, guess what... you're at fault.

Just because a door is open to a convenience store with no security, doesn't give you the right to steal. And before you start spewing at the mouth how this isn't that.... think real hard.

And for those that are saying this is Bioware's fault... well, again that doesn't give you right to abuse the system.

If you gamed the system, expect consequences if they drop the hammer and you get caught with crumbs from the cookie jar.

Bioware patched a problem that had an issue around Christmas time, a busy time where-in projects in any business either slow to a crawl or goes fast and dirty till the end... there's never 100% guarantee that it's going to work 100%. In the end, bioware gave us something to play well over the holidays.


Just some people were ******es about it and started to sell the exploit. It doesn't shock me that this just got fixed, but i'm sure as **** shocked that you people are saying that it's Bioware's fault. It's nothing but you're own... you had the choice, and you made the conscious decision to game the system. You played with fire, and you got burned. No one held a gun to your head, no one held your hand to the flames to make you cheat.


Oh, and one more thing... to those that are blaming Bioware for this... I say to you, enjoy the next game you plan on playing.

All the best.:rolleyes:

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And I assume you never skipped Gharj? You never got a free or paid pull to the datacron on fleet (getting around the mechanics that are required to get to the datacron)? You always fight the last boss in CZ Labs as intended? You never went to Rishi to get the datacrons when they bugged out? My point is, most people here have probably done something that can be classified as an exploit very very easily, so please save your holier than thou act. Those exploits dont absolve anyone who participated in the Ravagers exploit, but please stop acting like you all have never ever done anything that is an exploit that allows you to get around required mechanics.


Yes, I understand this topic was about the Ravagers Exploit but alot of the people here ranting about wanting the exploiters punished are perfectly fine with doing other exploits in the game, explaining away and justifying those things as "not being exploits" because they refuse to admit that they have been just as guilty of exploiting bugs or flaws in the game mechanics to benefit themselves or their group. They just didnt participate in one that also gave free loot. Doesnt make it any less of an exploit and doesnt make it any less of a violation of the ToS. Let he who has not sinned cast the first stone.


I have never done any of those exploits with the exception of the fact that the popping the adds in the last CZ fight is a valid game mechanic as it has always been that way and has not changed while what they did was not a intended game mechanic it was never intended to be a loot pinata that allowed others to walk in and grab loot that they never fought for.

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Jesus christ... are you people still on this.
Well, so are you obviously, so...

If you exploited, guess what... you're at fault.

Just because a door is open to a convenience store with no security, doesn't give you the right to steal. And before you start spewing at the mouth how this isn't that.... think real hard.

Why do people always work so hard to find (real-)life examples? This is a game, so just accept that no analogy applies here.


But ok, just so you see that your comparison is still not making any sense, even if you didn't think such a comparison invalid in general in the first place: you forget to mention that the goal of the game (if it were one) were to work through the frontdoor and through the security measures to get to the "loot". Now you might see that the "steal" comparison does not work, right? Because in fact that is the GOAL of said scenario.


Anyways, just posting again to support Danery here: the shades of gray make it difficult. There are so many things where one can argue that mechanics are avoided/broken so it might constitute an exploit, but if you turn that argument around: isn't part of the game to try and find the easiest ways? And isn't the "black and white" definition that is used here more or less the boring "if you don't play the game as we see fit and follow the given strategy you are an exploiter" very limiting and open for interpretation?


I am not doubting that looting a chest in an instance you didn't take part in taking down the boss in is lame. Same is looting chests when others are just fighting the guarding bosses/mobs. But that would not be an exploit?


I just don't get it.

Edited by Sundown
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I have never done any of those exploits with the exception of the fact that the popping the adds in the last CZ fight is a valid game mechanic as it has always been that way and has not changed while what they did was not a intended game mechanic it was never intended to be a loot pinata that allowed others to walk in and grab loot that they never fought for.


I've never popped the adds early in the CZ fight. A couple of DPS tried that in a few of my last runs, and it always caused a wipe, so I'm assuming that there's more to it than just "pop them early"*. That's the fun part about exploits, watching people who don't know how or why they work but have heard about them try to replicate them.


* Like you actually have to kill them. I was tanking, the DPS popped the adds and said "Don't attack them", apparently not remembering that healing (including Shoulder Cannon) also generates threat. After the wipe (caused by DPS ignoring adds attacking the tank and healer), they tried it again, so I dropped threat (letting the boss kill the DPS) and took out the adds myself, and then returned to the boss.

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People shouldn't be using the term witch hunt anyways as witch hunts punished innocent people and these exploiters are not innocent they are guilty of violating the Terms of Service.


Well you are guilty too, Harrasment is against the ToS isnt it?

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And I assume you never skipped Gharj? You never got a free or paid pull to the datacron on fleet (getting around the mechanics that are required to get to the datacron)? You always fight the last boss in CZ Labs as intended? You never went to Rishi to get the datacrons when they bugged out?


And you assume correctly! Just because you use errors in the game to your advantage, does not mean that others do this, too. Keep in mind that many people are only PLAYING this game. For fun. You want a free pull to the datacron on the fleet? Well, good for you. I'd rather do it the proper way, because the fun is NOT getting the datacron. The fun is the way to getting it.


Thousands of trying-to-justify-something-wrong posts later and it is still clear that an exploiter is an exploiter is an exploiter. Some people tried so hard, in a way I feel like giving kudos for that. If only they would have tried so hard playing properly.


On another note, I have not heard anything yet from anyone about anything having been done. Did the punishment already start? If so, it doesn't seem to have been overly harsh. ;)

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On another note, I have not heard anything yet from anyone about anything having been done. Did the punishment already start? If so, it doesn't seem to have been overly harsh. ;)


You, Being the good little care bear will not hear about it, i Don't think Bioware is into feeding the mob their pound of flesh they typically have handled actions privately, although this initial posting leads people to think otherwise there will not be a public shaming of accounts to please the rabid dogs, go on to another thread and whine about some other "game breaking" subject that offends your delicate sensibilities.

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Pitchfork crew gonna ban a motha ***ka

Musco coming down gonna tax anotha sucka


Don't look at me never done nuttin wrong

Chillin with da crew never smoke dat cheech and chong


Growin up on Nintendo never use a cheat code

Puttin in da work only run dat hard mode


Never had a daddy run me through a single raid

Work a honest day always get dat rent paid


Never skip a mob cause I only run legit

Passin on loot if I gots betta s***


On da starter planet teachin noobs dat honor code

Never undercuttin just to get my s*** sold


OG motha ***ka been down since dat beta

Look up honor code and you see it mean Zeta


Supportin dis game when I buyz dat Hypercrate

Exploiter goin down when SWTOR finally regulate


I love you

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On another note, I have not heard anything yet from anyone about anything having been done. Did the punishment already start? If so, it doesn't seem to have been overly harsh. ;)

Hope the punishment wont be far off now. Wasnt bothered about the exploiters before but recently in game ive bumped into quite a few who are getting a bit cocky about getting away with it.

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