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Ravagers Exploit Action Update


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People can continue mass posting here about "their" own vision or propaganda spinn how they see exploiting fits their playstyle finding hilarious excuses.


I only reply to Eric Musco.


If You want to avoid such massive issues in future with bugs being exploited then learn from other big MMO's examples. What works is harsh and swift bans on account with bad offenders. That is many MMO's give you warning FIRST time you ether sell ingame currency via real money or exploit game loot. Second time will be lifetime ban to account. Simple as that works. Community know in advance that if they intentionally not by accident exploit game loot or other activities they risk loosing whole account forever.

What has led to this problem now? Majority community doesnt take Your warnings seriously due to past experiences with exploiters. Letting cmmunity know that second time offenders against rules means permanent bans. They know then and wont risk with their main accounts unless they are stupid enough.

Edited by Divona
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I thinks its sad to see devs acting in this fashion. I don't understand how its considered an exploit? Anyone is allowed to take a lockout save. Staple of the game. There was a reward for looting at the end of the op. One would assume that was how the game was designed. If you didn't want people to be able to take a save and be able to loot then why did the devs leave it in the game?

Everyone in this game pays a PREMIUM price to sub. Maybe we should be asking ourselves why we pay the same as other MMO's but receive an inferior product. I understand how its disheartening to people who work hard at their end game content. Only to see people who otherwise would have a chance get the same gear. Know what that reminds me of? The SWTOR model. The SWTOR model allows people to earn ulti comms by running ops that are 3 years old. You can obtain the same gear as people running 16m H modes. And why is that so. Its all about the inferior product we are all paying for. Its because unlike other MMO's that charge the same sub fee we get a fraction of the end game they offer. Once again not the subs fault. I say MAN UP DEVS. Apologize for getting caught with your pants down. This is childish. Threatening your consumer base. How does that benefit any of us?

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You know what would be awesome. If the devs devoted this much time to fixing the lag. Wanna talk about exploits? Whats the deal with exploiting 15$ a month off people for a lag fest. For reals?


The deal is that it's completely irrelevant to this problem, and it's a welcomed change. BioWare have been way too nice in the past regarding exploits, and it's a very good thing they are finally considering taking serious actions.

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You know what would be awesome. If the devs devoted this much time to fixing the lag.


There is that... of course we don't know how much actual dev time went into addressing this, versus the time of others digging through things.

Edited by Max_Killjoy
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I thinks its sad to see devs acting in this fashion. I don't understand how its considered an exploit? Anyone is allowed to take a lockout save. Staple of the game. There was a reward for looting at the end of the op. One would assume that was how the game was designed. If you didn't want people to be able to take a save and be able to loot then why did the devs leave it in the game?

Everyone in this game pays a PREMIUM price to sub. Maybe we should be asking ourselves why we pay the same as other MMO's but receive an inferior product. I understand how its disheartening to people who work hard at their end game content. Only to see people who otherwise would have a chance get the same gear. Know what that reminds me of? The SWTOR model. The SWTOR model allows people to earn ulti comms by running ops that are 3 years old. You can obtain the same gear as people running 16m H modes. And why is that so. Its all about the inferior product we are all paying for. Its because unlike other MMO's that charge the same sub fee we get a fraction of the end game they offer. Once again not the subs fault. I say MAN UP DEVS. Apologize for getting caught with your pants down. This is childish. Threatening your consumer base. How does that benefit any of us?


These are my favorite posts because they make no sense at all.


If the product is SO INFERIOR then why are you paying for it month over month? Obvious you don't even believe what you are typing.


And again, its another spin post trying to blame the developer for a loop hole that was obviously exploited. The entire server could potentially loot the same lockout. That's absurd. No one who has been around even a few months would assume that everyone who gets invited to an empty raid is allowed to loot the boss.


And drop the melodramatic "I pay a premium price to play your game". Blah blah blah. We all do because we choose to. It doesn't make anyone special.

Edited by Arkerus
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I thinks its sad to see devs acting in this fashion. I don't understand how its considered an exploit? Anyone is allowed to take a lockout save. Staple of the game. There was a reward for looting at the end of the op. One would assume that was how the game was designed. If you didn't want people to be able to take a save and be able to loot then why did the devs leave it in the game?

Everyone in this game pays a PREMIUM price to sub. Maybe we should be asking ourselves why we pay the same as other MMO's but receive an inferior product. I understand how its disheartening to people who work hard at their end game content. Only to see people who otherwise would have a chance get the same gear. Know what that reminds me of? The SWTOR model. The SWTOR model allows people to earn ulti comms by running ops that are 3 years old. You can obtain the same gear as people running 16m H modes. And why is that so. Its all about the inferior product we are all paying for. Its because unlike other MMO's that charge the same sub fee we get a fraction of the end game they offer. Once again not the subs fault. I say MAN UP DEVS. Apologize for getting caught with your pants down. This is childish. Threatening your consumer base. How does that benefit any of us?


Well now that the exploit is closed and we can talk about it freely, the issue is because of the actual Coratanni encounter. One of the things SWTOR does do that a lot of other games don't is use the environment as part of the mechanics in their boss fights, with Coratanni, you have to change locations twice, before arriving at a third location to receive the loot. The issue at launch was, if people died on either of the first two locations, but the team still completed the encounter, they missed out on both the credit for the kill and the chance for the loot (this happened to our MT who died on the second phase). To fix that, Bioware patched in a check that allows people who make it to the end after the boss is down to still receive credit, the rationale obviously is the team must have cleared the encounter for them to be able to speeder travel there, and if they did so, then they should've been awarded credit along with everyone else.


The mistake and exploit of course, likely stems from them trying to fix the issue too quickly for the players and not realizing that it's possible for players who were not present to now use this failsafe in order to acquire loot for themselves, even though they weren't participants in the raid at all.


It's further complicated by the fact that SWTOR doesn't separate lockouts by raid size, only by difficulty, so it allows people to take an 8m hardmode clear, and then pass it on to each one of their alts or friends or w/e as a 16m op that allows them to zone in and get an entire boss drop's worth of loot for themselves. That's 2 198 set chest piece tokens, 3 198 pieces of offset gear, and up to 2 implants along with possible decorations or mounts. They can also do it once for SM if they wanted to. If anyone thinks that it was intended for you to be able to receive loot for downing a boss without... downing the boss, then I don't really know what to tell you.


Though if you participated in the exploit once or twice you probably won't receive much, if any action, they really need to go after the people who were truly industrious and moved their lockouts from the originating (and more progressed) servers to other ones, I know a lot of people on my server have 16M HM Coratanni achievements with no other HM achievements to speak of and a server progress that hasn't even cleared it.

Edited by leihn
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If the product is SO INFERIOR then why are you paying for it month over month? Obvious you don't even believe what you are typing.

I pay not for the game, I pay for the community.

It's different.

The game does not matter.

Are important those with whom you spend your time.

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With all due respect Bioware, if someone need to get punished for this exploit is your team who lauched a broken expansion and went out on vacation.
^This. If a company releases an expansion for Christmas sales, then they should support that broken expansion through the holidays. I know plenty of us worked through holidays. This exploit was known shortly after release yet it's taken a month to fix. Most retailers have a warranty or period for return. I'd love to return my expac for a refund but it's no doubt too late for that. I've canceled my sub. That's my ban hammer.
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About these...

Do you never exceed the speed limit? No, never.

Always come to a full stop at a stop sign? Yes always.

Never change lanes without signalling. No, not ever.

Never jaywalk? No.


Some of those I did do when I was younger ...

Do you ever give false or misleading answers to questions in a game forum?

Or maybe you need go look up what "never" means. It doesn't mean "last week but not today."


Or do you break those rules sometimes because you figure you won't be punished for it?


Thats NOT why people break ANY of the rules you used as your examples.

So, are you saying people will break these rules even when they know that there is a police cruiser right behind them, and that the police officer will arrest or ticket them if they break the rules?


It's hard to take you seriously if you are.

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^This. If a company releases an expansion for Christmas sales, then they should support that broken expansion through the holidays. I know plenty of us worked through holidays. This exploit was known shortly after release yet it's taken a month to fix. Most retailers have a warranty or period for return. I'd love to return my expac for a refund but it's no doubt too late for that. I've canceled my sub. That's my ban hammer.


That's fine but it still doesn't justify people using an exploit.


Cancelling your sub is your right and your means to show them how you feel. But it still doesn't mean using an exploit is ok all of sudden, just because they made some poor decisions.

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If you dont know about it, dont worry about it imo. I never care to know what bugs or exploits there are. If I encounter one I put in the ticket and leave it at that. If I;m in a raid and I see somebody about to accidentally (or purposefully) do the activity that causes the bug or exploit, I tell them "dont do that or it bugs out" and leave it at that.


I honestly hope all abusers of this exploit get banned. I really do. Which is unfortunate because I would lose a couple friends from my raid team and many of my guild mates. But plain and simple, it was in both the Terms of Service and Rules of Conduct that we agreed to when we first subscribed to the game. Unknowingly doing it once I have no problems with. Heck, I dont even have a problem if somebody did it a second time either 1) not realizing what they did or 2) trying to duplicate it for a better idea of what to put down in the bug report. The second one I have a little reservation for but I can at least see the logic of trying to help with as much information as possible to help fix it faster.


I dont care if somebody gets fully geared out. I do care about crafters learning the schematics but only because it can really ruin the economy for those pieces and many people sell credits for real cash so they're breaking multiple rules. But what I care about the most about this exploit is integrity. People dont care how their actions effect others. To some, this does effect them because now they have less chances to get into raid groups because they didnt cheat and get fully geared so theres fewer spots open because of all the people that are looking for somebody to fill their last raid spot wants the fully geared person. It effect PUGs tremendously. But thats why I feel the exploiters should receive a lengthy suspension to a permanent ban. Because they dont care how their actions effect others. They dont care that they are wasting other peoples time and money so long as they get what they want. Thats where my issue is. People are all about getting what they want and dong give a crap about anybody else. They ahve no integrity.


These people need to be taught a lesson. Whether or not they learn from it is a different story. Any parent can tell you, it doesnt mater how many times you tell your child or punish your child, if they REALLY want to do something, they're going to do it. And this stupid, "if I get banned, I'm never coming back" threat is the DUMBEST thing I've ever heard. Guess what? Being banned means you arent allowed back, so yeah...you wont be coming back if you get banned. They need to be taught the lesson that other people matter. If they choose not to listen, thats on them and tells you exactly what type of person they are. And if they are that type of person, maybe you're better off without them.

im confused as to why you're eager to decimate the population of an already flacid game population, but i guess you're entitled to an opinion. as holier than thou it is.
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Sideous brags daily about making 85 million credits off the exploit on Pot5 lol if he doesn't get banned, no one will...


Ugh. I hate Sidious. I finally had to ignore him. I hope he doesn't get banned. I want all his credits taken away. So he can sit there in came and think stew over what was lost. :p

Edited by HoodedStorm
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I am a paying customer and a founder.


I demand Bioware starts taking their TOS seriously and takes action on this, or I'm taking my business elsewhere.


And by now I know 2 guilds of people that feel the same.


Am I full of it? Are the exploiters crying "it'll be an exodus of nations" & "you'll kill your game" if they personally get sanctioned full of it? So you have to ask yourself one question. Do you feel lucky? Do you BW?

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I am a paying customer and a founder.


I demand Bioware starts taking their TOS seriously and takes action on this, or I'm taking my business elsewhere.


And by now I know 2 guilds of people that feel the same.


Am I full of it? Are the exploiters crying "it'll be an exodus of nations" & "you'll kill your game" if they personally get sanctioned full of it? So you have to ask yourself one question. Do you feel lucky? Do you BW?


I think it wouldn't be good if there are no consequences to breaking rules knowingly. I do not like threats but I understand your sentiment. For the sake of a fair environment with rules to avoid complete chaos I expect there will be some punishments. I just don't expect everybody to get permabanned right away.

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I am a paying customer and a founder.


I demand Bioware starts taking their TOS seriously and takes action on this, or I'm taking my business elsewhere.


And by now I know 2 guilds of people that feel the same.


Am I full of it? Are the exploiters crying "it'll be an exodus of nations" & "you'll kill your game" if they personally get sanctioned full of it? So you have to ask yourself one question. Do you feel lucky? Do you BW?


"An exodus of cheaters" you mean? These several dozens of exploit users can start unsubbing right now for all everybody else cares. Good riddance

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I am a paying customer and a founder.

Well, if you had just written what you did without listing your extensive credentials, I would have ignored you...but seeing your impressive list of accomplishments, obviously we should all defer to your paid and seasoned opinion...

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