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PT/VG have issues in PVP


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Look. I logged on my PT, just because I wanted to see how easy it was. I have to admit, I was wrong guys. All this chatter about PTs being too bursty, too mobile, too fricking powerful in PVP is bull****! I retract EVERYTHING I SAID.


First of all. My shoulder cannon burst. I can ONLY use this on ONE TARGET!!!! So what if it can be spammed only .5 secs per cannon!!!! I only get 7 of these cannons to fire, and I still have to press OTHER BUTTONS to use OTHER ABILITIES. This is hard! So what if I can do an additional 15-20k bonus damage in 3 secs, on top of my other damage attacks! It's hard bro!!!! Unlike many other classes that get AE attacks that are way OP like sorcs, who just press one ability over and over and do 100k damage every second which is BS!!! Which brings me to my other point!


My only AE is "death from above" which we all know sucks. The only other AE attack, flamesweep, which can have it's range increased to 7m and snare everything hit is useless. It doesn't do enough damage, and the snare is weak! I suggest giving it a 30m range so it at least can compete with sorcs forcestorm! Also, the snare should be a bit better, the present 50% snare is crap.


As for our mobility, PT only gets a 15% increase of constant runspeed. They also only get Hydraulic Overrides, which Increases movement speed by 30% for 6 seconds, and makes you immune to physics while active. As a PT I can choose to increase this duration to 10 secs, and also lower the cooldown from 30 secs to 25 secs. And, further my speed from 30% increase in combat to 75%, which isn't terrible, but, honestly with all the snares and stuff other classes get, I think this ability should be made to last 29 secs with a cooldown of 30 secs on it. As you see, PTs are not very mobile at all... Compared to other classes.


Survivability issues! OMG, don't get me started on this. Yeah, so what we wear heavy armor?! This doesn't mean jack!!!! When I get focused by 2-3 other players, I DIE FRICKING FAST!!! So fast, I can't even get through my whole rotation along with my shoulder cannon spam on one target!!! This is ridiculous, and I honestly think our Energy Shield ability needs to be revamped. As it stands now, ES is on a 120 second cooldown, and it increases damage reduction by 25% for 15 seconds. NOT ENOUGH. In Advanced Prototype spec, this cooldown is reduced by 3 seconds every time you take damage with a rate limiter of 1.5 seconds between reductions. NOT ENOUGH! This Energy Shield should be on a 30 sec cooldown, and last 15 secs, at the very least! Maybe a bump in DR would be better too, like 50% damage reduction.


As you all can see, PTs/VGs are actually very weak!!!! I mostly only listed a few of our very big issues in PVP. There are more problems, but I listed only the most glaring ones. The problem is people only look at what PTs/VGs can do, and QQ nerf, when you just simply do not understand the mechanics behind the class. Look at the things we CANNOT DO. The suffering a PT/VG goes through, and the difficulty in which they have to try to survive in PVP is rough. They actually need BUFFED.

Edited by Lhancelot
fixed spelling
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I am surprised, Crinn.... You are a VG main! We need to stick together and ensure we get fixed, our class needs all the support it can get! If anyone knows this, it would be you. You play more now than you ever did! I rarely used to see you in the warzones prior to 3.0, but now I see you teamed up with other VGs ALL THE TIME! I imagine it's because you guys found more time to play the VGs and are a glutton for pain, because as it is now the VG needs some serious buffs! It's really rough as a VG/PT now barely playable. Show your support bruh....

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I agree with OP. Look at the complaints for VG and PT DPS. They are too mobile. Look at the mara and knight leap. Instant movement up to 30M on a very short cooldown and Mara/Sent get a speed boost every 30 stacks. Opp/Smug rolls. Sniper/GS roll. Sorc/Sage speed. Shadow/Assassin speed and teleport. All of these are more mobile than PT/VG dps. The only one left out is the commando/merc.


The other complaint is the shoulder cannon. How is this any more op than DOTs? DOTs keep going even if the caster is dead. They can hit everyone in the group and keep ticking. The shoulder cannon has a long cooldown. So once you use them you wait a minute of two. Which other class has that kind of cooldown on their damage ability? During that time a DOT can be cast 10 to 20 times doing damage to the entire group each time. WAY more damage than a little cannon.

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I agree with OP. Look at the complaints for VG and PT DPS. They are too mobile. Look at the mara and knight leap. Instant movement up to 30M on a very short cooldown and Mara/Sent get a speed boost every 30 stacks. Opp/Smug rolls. Sniper/GS roll. Sorc/Sage speed. Shadow/Assassin speed and teleport. All of these are more mobile than PT/VG dps. The only one left out is the commando/merc.


The other complaint is the shoulder cannon. How is this any more op than DOTs? DOTs keep going even if the caster is dead. They can hit everyone in the group and keep ticking. The shoulder cannon has a long cooldown. So once you use them you wait a minute of two. Which other class has that kind of cooldown on their damage ability? During that time a DOT can be cast 10 to 20 times doing damage to the entire group each time. WAY more damage than a little cannon.


Because of the lack of ICD on SC which makes the burst capability of SC a bit over the top. It isn't about fluff damage, it's about burst.

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Sad attempt bro, satire isn't your strength.


Get over the burst, class is a glass cannon, their burst at that level is on at least a 3 minute cooldown between all cooldowns involved. Other classes have things to mitigate or negate that burst entirely, and those abilities are on shorter cooldowns. All I hear when I hear the whining is, "I can't manage my cooldowns." or " I shouldn't have to burn a cooldown to defeat another class, that isn't balance they need a nerf."

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Look. I logged on my PT, just because I wanted to see how easy it was. I have to admit, I was wrong guys. All this chatter about PTs being too bursty, too mobile, too fricking powerful in PVP is bull****! I retract EVERYTHING I SAID.


You lost me here. So you actually were commenting on a class without playing it and now have to retract what you said?

Edited by FourPawnBenoni
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I agree with OP. Look at the complaints for VG and PT DPS. They are too mobile. Look at the mara and knight leap. Instant movement up to 30M on a very short cooldown and Mara/Sent get a speed boost every 30 stacks. Opp/Smug rolls. Sniper/GS roll. Sorc/Sage speed. Shadow/Assassin speed and teleport. All of these are more mobile than PT/VG dps. The only one left out is the commando/merc.


The other complaint is the shoulder cannon. How is this any more op than DOTs? DOTs keep going even if the caster is dead. They can hit everyone in the group and keep ticking. The shoulder cannon has a long cooldown. So once you use them you wait a minute of two. Which other class has that kind of cooldown on their damage ability? During that time a DOT can be cast 10 to 20 times doing damage to the entire group each time. WAY more damage than a little cannon.


You realize you just agreed with a long piece of poorly written satire right? Ouch, thats embarrassing....

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You lost me here. So you actually were commenting on a class without playing it and now have to retract what you said?


Exactly! That's why I apologized, and decided to create this post to defend PT/VGs, they are definitely NOT overpowered OR too bursty!


I made observations on the PT/VG class from a standpoint of playing other classes at lvl 60, and this was my mistake.


People. Before you go throwing around the "N" word (NERF), play the class first then decide for yourself! Does PT/VG really need a nerf? Or, do they actually need a buff? Try it yourself guys!


You will see, they are not as bursty or tough as you think. In fact, the PTs/VGs that burst you down and seem so good in pvp are actually just awesome pvpers above your level.


To you sad players saying nerf the PT/VG, I say get on their level! It aint them that needs nerfed, it's you that needs to stop QQing.

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You realize you just agreed with a long piece of poorly written satire right? Ouch, thats embarrassing....


Satire? Says who, you? I wrote a perfectly organized post giving some very good reasons why PT/VG actually need a buff. Don't hate, you need to appreciate. When someone is doing you a solid, thank them don't spank them bruh.

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Does PT/VG really need a nerf? Or, do they actually need a buff? .


yes. they are that bursty. yes. they need a nerf to burst. yes. they need a better dcd mechanic than SC on a ridiculous .5s CD that is easily abused offensively when buffed in AP.

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Yea more buff to VG-PT make their speed boots last 25sec with 25 sec cd and give them 25 more shoulder cannon and give them stealth. Maybe this guy can be satified.

Note: After first 3 sentence didnt even bother to read. Most probably he even not satisfied with new godmode HO. And this one was first from all that sp.rms. Total waste.

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Yea more buff to VG-PT make their speed boots last 25sec with 25 sec cd and give them 25 more shoulder cannon and give them stealth. Maybe this guy can be satified.

Note: After first 3 sentence didnt even bother to read. Most probably he even not satisfied with new godmode HO. And this one was first from all that sp.rms. Total waste.


You didnt read the OP's post, now who looks stupid.

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VG/PT is OP and way Underpowered (UP)... I feel that it is very well balanced in its own way.


1) Burst needs slight nerf- if you do a typical bioware nerf then there will be nothing left of this class as a DPS and everyone will go back to VG/PT 2.0- not a single one to be found or the few that still love their class trying to make tank work. If they don't have their incredible burst then they are insta-garbage... that burst is their only saving grace and a weaker version of that will not do without my 2nd point.


2) They are super squishy and every DCD they have can be burst through by a decent DPS... unlike other AC DCD's that can actually save the player (save merc and mara- another 2 issues that need to be dealt with). If you are unable to do this then you are either setup with no real burst or you suck at your class... even a dot spec can make them burn their DCD's... wait just a few seconds, and then take a nap while the VG/PT drops dead.


This is a glass canon. Whatever you take from the canon needs to go into the glass in a meaningful way.


Yes I know VG'PT can be healed/guarded and that does not make a VG/PT OP as everyone can benefit from those mechanics AND those mechanics can be dealt with with other fairly simple tactics like forced tank separation and healer cc/suppression... etc etc.

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Yea more buff to VG-PT make their speed boots last 25sec with 25 sec cd and give them 25 more shoulder cannon and give them stealth. Maybe this guy can be satified.

Note: After first 3 sentence didnt even bother to read. Most probably he even not satisfied with new godmode HO. And this one was first from all that sp.rms. Total waste.


I think 25 shoulder cannons is a bit much. Honestly. Now, maybe 15-20 wouldn't be too bad. It's a good consideration glad you brought this up, an increase to the number of shoulder cannons.... Note to devs: Consider this?

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