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I hate the chancellor


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I dislike the chancellor more than any enemy that we face in any story line. I've hated her since taris. She's so smugg and manipulative. What I would love is a chance to be able to kill her with any class republic or empire. You think it will ever happen?
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I dislike the chancellor more than any enemy that we face in any story line. I've hated her since taris. She's so smugg and manipulative. What I would love is a chance to be able to kill her with any class republic or empire. You think it will ever happen?


I liked her on Taris. However she got on my bad side with the ending of the Trooper story (first character) with her idiotic idea. My mostly light-side trooper hit the Dark Side option there so quickly it caused whiplash.


Then Makeb occurred and I was shocked at how little she cared about the people of Makeb. Rubbed me a bad way.


Now, ya I can say I dont like her. I think they are actually setting it up that you will remove her from office eventually

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She's basically your everyday idiotic leader/executive who's good at posing for photos and handshakes, spewing platitudes, making shady backroom deals, and snorting coke with h00kers on their private yacht.


If she isn't brutally assassinated or otherwise deposed of in 4.0 or beyond, BW will have missed a good deal of low-hanging fruit from a story perspective.

Edited by Projawa
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I've already stated my feelings about Supreme Chancellor Saresh and the simple fact she is even Supreme Chancellor is laughable, at best. You have two choices on her rise to power; bad writing, or she has some very powerful backers (possibly sith) helping her.
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^ Exactly what you just said. She has the attitude that got the Republic into this whole mess in the first place. Most likely she became Supreme Chancellor because the Senate was just panicking and elected whoever was the most anti-Imperial. Saresh in charge is good and bad for the Empire. It's good because she's overextending in her attempt to destroy the Empire, which means the Sith can hit the Republic at it's weak spots (similar to the Spanish & British fighting the French in Spain). However it's bad because she's far more vicious than her predecessor and is taking harsher offensives against the Empire. As Darth Marr said, "We face an emboldened Republic..."
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First let me say that I am a pub player and generally want to see the sith and the empire crushed.


With that being said, for the love of Eric Musco I WANT to see her die horribly or turn out to be a traitor or find out that she is being controlled by someone sinister *cough* the emperor *cough*. This is mainly for the sake of story, and the fact that I hate her face (and the rest of her). She is such a cocky *****, and I love to see people like that fall flat of their faces. Most of the time, in good stories those people do, eventually. Plus, I would like to see what a some what leaderless Republic would be like

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First let me say that I am a pub player and generally want to see the sith and the empire crushed.


With that being said, for the love of Eric Musco I WANT to see her die horribly or turn out to be a traitor or find out that she is being controlled by someone sinister *cough* the emperor *cough*. This is mainly for the sake of story, and the fact that I hate her face (and the rest of her). She is such a cocky *****, and I love to see people like that fall flat of their faces. Most of the time, in good stories those people do, eventually. Plus, I would like to see what a some what leaderless Republic would be like


As I kind of stated in my previous post. This is pretty much me. I want to see her go insane and be forced to remove her (and then have the Republic go back to destroying the Sith)

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I know I've said this before, but again...

There are hints here and there, suggesting she cooperated with the GenoHaradan to have the previous Chancellor removed.


Plus, her link with the GenoHaradan has been picked up during the intro for S&V, in addition to a dev blog entry.

The stage for her downfall is set ever since the Vanilla release truth be told.

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I like her. She's hawkish and sees the Sith threat plainly. The Sith society is centered around conflict. The few sane leaders like Marr, Beniko, and Imperious/Oculas (Nox players are psychos :jawa_tongue:) are the clear exception.


There is not negotiating with them. Their Emperor wants to eat the Galaxy for goodness sakes.

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I'm amazed she didnt turn out to be a Revanite tbh... Guess it would have been too obvious.

With the introduction being on Taris of all places and her sudden rise to power from where she keeps trying to escalate the conflict between the reps and imps, it only seemed logical.

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I'm amazed she didnt turn out to be a Revanite tbh... Guess it would have been too obvious.

With the introduction being on Taris of all places and her sudden rise to power from where she keeps trying to escalate the conflict between the reps and imps, it only seemed logical.


As mentioned earlier already, it is inferred more than once she's in league with another organization already.


Hence, her association to the Revanites would make little to no-sense.

Edited by Darth_Wicked
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I like her. She's hawkish and sees the Sith threat plainly. The Sith society is centered around conflict. The few sane leaders like Marr, Beniko, and Imperious/Oculas (Nox players are psychos :jawa_tongue:) are the clear exception.


There is not negotiating with them. Their Emperor wants to eat the Galaxy for goodness sakes.


I agree, I like her. She is Grey. Her being the bad guy would be stupid and cliched.

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As I kind of stated in my previous post. This is pretty much me. I want to see her go insane and be forced to remove her (and then have the Republic go back to destroying the Sith)


Oooh, so much hatred. Be careful you don't fall to the Dark Side in doing so. It seems the lines between good and evil are being blurred more and more.


Personally, I think the Republic would be better off appealing to the Imperials to stage a revolution. If the Imperials are disillusioned as to what the Sith and revolt, the result would be that the Sith have no real army, and the Republic suddenly have an ally with the new Imperial government.


And for the record, "Go back to" is hardly the right term. You've expanded too rapidly and you're losing momentum just as the Sith did in the first war. The Sith have secured energy independence, reforms to their alien policies. new leadership under Darth Marr, Czerka weapons from Executives who fled the nationalization of Czerka, and now are ready for what ever mindless assault Saresh throws at them...


Also, I think the Republic needs to at least be humbled a little so that people don't feel like vomiting after heroic speeches.

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Considering sh seems the type to all too easily repeat the mistake her predecessor made at the end of the Great Hyperspace War, ie genocide, I'd have a hard time buying the Sith backing her from the shadows.


Suresh supported genocide? I think I must have missed that.


To me she always seemed firm and strong, but not evil.

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Suresh supported genocide? I think I must have missed that.


To me she always seemed firm and strong, but not evil.


When she took office, she made a passionate speak calling for the eradication of the Sith Empire.


Take it for what you will. :p


I think she and the Revan from the Foundry would have gotten along just fine.

Edited by Darth_Wicked
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