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Is SoR a joke?


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If you did FA pre 3.0, there is not enough content for you to reach lvl 60. Of course you can have rested XP + bonus XP, and flip every rock on Rishi and Yavin, surely you will hit level 60. But no one does that, and that is anything but fun.. Doing main story mission and some side quests, FPs and PvP (which is what the majority of people do) will only get you to level 58. I had to run Yavin and Oricon dailies at least twice before hitting 60.


On contrast, class story content would get you around lvl 51, without the need to invest massively in side quests. Makeb had sufficient content that story and some side quests get you to 55-56. Only SOR requires you to invest big time in side quests. If you keep saying it had similar or sufficient content to its predecessors you are deluding yourself.

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Teammates and their side misisons on ME2, which resulted in less choices at the end if you didn't want to let people die (you needed a certain combo of peeps holding the line or there would have been casualties). This was day 1.


From Ashes in ME3, that gave you a huge amount of lore and tons of conversations. Day 1 also.


Wardens keep AND Shale in DA:O. Wardens keep gave you the best weapon in-game, and an awesome armor. Shale was arguably the best companion, and more importantly extremely funny.


DA2 had Sebastian, which wasn't really integral to anything was still a companion character with conversation and lore.

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Wardens keep AND Shale in DA:O. Wardens keep gave you the best weapon in-game, and an awesome armor. Shale was arguably the best companion, and more importantly extremely funny.


DA2 had Sebastian, which wasn't really integral to anything was still a companion character with conversation and lore.


Won't comment on the others since I didn't play those.


Warden's Keep and Shale were optional areas that weren't required for the game's completion. Sure there's extra Dialogue and items that unlock once you buy it but you don't miss out on anything extra important that you need for the game from not having it.


Same applies to Sebastian, all he is extra Dialogue and companion quests nothing more.

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Won't comment on the others since I didn't play those.


Warden's Keep and Shale were optional areas that weren't required for the game's completion. Sure there's extra Dialogue and items that unlock once you buy it but you don't miss out on anything extra important that you need for the game from not having it.


Same applies to Sebastian, all he is extra Dialogue and companion quests nothing more.


If these were action or FPS games, it wouldn't matter.


HOWEVER, these are RPGs where story, lore and setting is the primary reason I play them and asking me *more* ontop of the box price at launch is just sleezy.


To me they are holding integral parts of the game hostage behind a paywall with this tactic, because story and lore IS the integral part of the game, for me.

Edited by Jandi
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If these were action or FPS games, it wouldn't matter.


HOWEVER, these are RPGs where story, lore and setting is the primary reason I play them and asking me *more* ontop of the box price at launch is just sleezy.


To me they are holding integral parts of the game hostage behind a paywall with this tactic, because story and lore IS the integral part of the game, for me.

Don't do it!!! He's re-directing your thread and getting you to go completely off topic.

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If these were action or FPS games, it wouldn't matter.


HOWEVER, these are RPGs where story, lore and setting is the primary reason I play them and asking me *more* ontop of the box price at launch is just sleezy.


To me they are holding integral parts of the game hostage behind a paywall with this tactic, because story and lore IS the integral part of the game, for me.


A lot of games outside of EA come with Day 1 Launch DLC.


For example WWE 2K15. A lot of Wrestlers that you might like to play as are DLC. I mean sure you could always create them via Create-A-Wrestler but it wouldn't be the same as having that actual wrestler.

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If you did FA pre 3.0, there is not enough content for you to reach lvl 60. Of course you can have rested XP + bonus XP, and flip every rock on Rishi and Yavin, surely you will hit level 60. But no one does that, and that is anything but fun.. Doing main story mission and some side quests, FPs and PvP (which is what the majority of people do) will only get you to level 58. I had to run Yavin and Oricon dailies at least twice before hitting 60.


On contrast, class story content would get you around lvl 51, without the need to invest massively in side quests. Makeb had sufficient content that story and some side quests get you to 55-56. Only SOR requires you to invest big time in side quests. If you keep saying it had similar or sufficient content to its predecessors you are deluding yourself.


Thank you. Someone who actually gets the point.


I'm not here declaring I *refuse* to do it. The point is that I shouldn't *have* to do it, and that it's plain BAD design.

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And my point has been from the start that the XP gain is NOT fine if you only do new content. Yet there's pagaes and pages of people saying "oh it's fine if you do Oricon olol", which is just plain stupid and has *NOTHING* to do with my point.


The complete lack of endgame is another issue entirely, and if this is all they can come up with after so long.... it's disheartening but predictable.


If anything, SoR proves that ToR exists to siphon money into EA and only a fraction of it's revenue is being used for the game itself.


1) I don't think its a fair assumption that the quests within an expansion are obliged to be sufficient xp to get you to the new level cap. The equipment costs when RotHC came out were sufficiently high that you pretty much HAD to grind out more basic comms than the Makeb story line would grant you to get geared up, unless you had Dread Guard gear from HM EC/SM TFB (or was it NiM EC/HM 50 TFB?).

2) I am reasonably sure that BW assumes you'll be doing other things besides the SoR story line: PvP, GSF, Conquest, whatever. Just because the new expansion came out doesn't mean a player won't want to help his/her guild conquer planet X, or whatever.

3) The grind nature of the expansion has been built into the design of major expansions even from RotHC ... and not just because of #1 above. You had two reputation organizations to grind in RotHC, and you have two this time. It is impossible to get legend reputation without grinding rishi and yavin dailies, even if you have a few toons. There aren't enough trophies from the main story line to get you there. This point right here is the kicker to your argument, imo. Grinding is clearly assumed as part of the "content" (despite their claims about the importance of the "fourth pillar of story," and their explicit avoidance of sandbox elements in favor of story).


In other words, I think BW expects that the majority of players will do the story of SoR along with all the other stuff they've been doing prior to the expansion. Maybe you think that's a cop out for them, but very few MMO "expansions" are truly stand-alone or self-contained experiences.


Now, I will qualify my next point by saying I haven't reached level 60 on any of my six toons nor have I completed Rishi (let alone Yavin) on anyone. But, compared to the amount of content in RotHC, this does seem smaller. When you consider the complex branching nature of the Makeb staged weekly (and its associated achievements), all the macrobinocular/seeker droid content, and the storyline of Makeb itself, it feels like SoR is smaller. So, on that point of yours, we agree.


I empathize with your frustration. With no player-generated content to make the experience dynamic and the world alive, and no official vision on the future of ground or starfighter PvP, the grind to legend reputation and comms gear with old (some level 50) set bonuses is all that lies ahead, and therefore I have mixed feelings about the expac. At least when Makeb launched you could purchase two-previous-tier set bonus gear with comms, but not so this time around (campaign can still be bought, but it is now 5.5 tiers below). Rishi is definitely beautifully constructed and I'm enjoying the storyline so far, and I appreciate the inclusion of solo-mode flashpoints. My republic-side guild remains dead however and my time to raid remains limited, so all I have to look forward to appears to be grinding.

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For the... 10th(?) time, you CANNOT do Forged Alliance if you did the 4 flashpoitns prior. You lose all the XP from those if you did them before 3.0.


For the FIRST time I didn't say that. I said I did my FIRST flashpoint in the game as in the first one I've ever done period. It didn't have a thing to do with forged alliances.

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For the FIRST time I didn't say that. I said I did my FIRST flashpoint in the game as in the first one I've ever done period. It didn't have a thing to do with forged alliances.


I guess some people can't read... :D


And some people can't read, either.


So disagreeing with your definition means they "can't read"? Huh.

Edited by Max_Killjoy
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For the FIRST time I didn't say that. I said I did my FIRST flashpoint in the game as in the first one I've ever done period. It didn't have a thing to do with forged alliances.


You said you were 55 when you started the forged alliance quests... those are the flashpoinits, so I have no idea what the hell you're talking about if not the... flashpoints that you said you didn't do?


Make sense, please.

Edited by Jandi
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Why is this so complex a concept the understand? They are charging 17€ for 6h worth of playing, half of which is either cut scenes or running back and forth. They brag how well the CM is doing yet *this* is what they can deliver?


What you said here makes sense, but it's not actually what you've been saying or arguing. You've been saying that it was a skimpy expansion because you couldn't get to the max level just by doing the story quest (presumably with all side quests, just not wanting to repeat the repeatable ones). We're objecting to that, and saying that repeating repeatable side quests counts as doing new content, and that there should never have been an expectation that just going straight through without experiencing any of the other new content (such as repeating Dailies or Flashpoints a very few times) would leave you at max level.


Here, you are saying that you are upset that you could get through the new story line in 6 hrs, which is *not* the same thing. The story line is short, and IMO, a bit boring, and way too easy. I took it slow ( 3 or 4 couple hour sessions) since I was crew-skill-leveling about 7 other characters, and I got to 60 right about at the end just doing the story and repeating a few of the Dailies (I was actually lvl 60 before finishing my first and only Yavin Weekly). So maybe 10 hours tops to do the story and get to the level cap. Compared to what was offered in RotHC, I think this is pretty paltry*. There have been plenty of threads with people saying this.


But the way you are arguing your point for the most part makes it sound like that if the expansion had 100 hours of new content and increased the level cap to 100 that you'd still complain about paying $20 if you could only make it to level 97 before "having" to repeat content (do a Daily or Flashpoint).


So take a couple of hours, do a few [of the NEW] Dailies and come back and join the people complaining about how quick and easy it was to run the story AND hit level 60 (regardless of when we hit 60) and that there's less to do now than there was at 55 (and how doing 55 stuff still gives better rewards).


*I'm not saying that it wasn't worth $20 or that I'm not having fun, but after waiting 1.5 years since the last expansion (which cost the same), it's hard not to feel a bit underwhelmed by how much "smaller" this one feels.

Edited by eartharioch
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You said you were 55 when you started the forged alliance quests... those are the flashpoinits, so I have no idea what the hell you're talking about if not the... flashpoints that you said you didn't do?


Make sense, please.


I thought it was easy enough to understand. You're just arguing to argue now.

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I thought it was easy enough to understand. You're just arguing to argue now.


What the hell?

All of the characters that I've gotten to 60 were 55 when I started forged alliances, so I'll see what happens when my next toon gets past Corellia. But I think the leveling process is different for different players and alts somewhat.


Is what you said, the you start saying this.


For the FIRST time I didn't say that. I said I did my FIRST flashpoint in the game as in the first one I've ever done period. It didn't have a thing to do with forged alliances.


Now, either you don't even know what a flashpoint is, because you do 2 during the STORYLINE of SoR and 4 in forged alliances, or you're just trolling. One of the 2. And these 2 are making complete asses of themselves by not actually checking what you're spouting

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No, really. I finish Yavin and I'm sitting at lvl58. I'm supposed to grind dailies for the last level and a half? While sitting at 1k comms with literally nothing worth using them on.


This is all you can come up with? An afternoons worth of content? Other MMO's release more content as free content patches. Hell, WoW's daily areas have more content than this.


So...an afternoon's worth of content. I'll just go ahead and assume that you've done all of the following then:


1) Taken all 8 classes through the SoR storyline.

2) Cleared both Operations in SM and HM

3) Obtained a full set of 198 gear with 6 piece set bonus

4) Obtained a full set of ranked PVP gear.

5) Cleared all 4 new HM Flashpoints.

6) Cleared both new SM flashpoints (probably doesn't need to be said, since you've obviously cleared the story 8 times.)

7) Completed the chain of events to obtain the Rishi datacrons.

8) Achieved Legend status on both new reputation tracks.

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what are you people doing? I have leveled 6 toons from 55 to 60 and only once was I short (by 2 bars) of hitting 60.

I use general exp boosts going all the time and went from quest to quest, killing anything in my way, and running daily flashpoints at the same time.

If you didn't hit 60 by the time you faced Revan for the first time...you did a ton wrong.

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So...an afternoon's worth of content. I'll just go ahead and assume that you've done all of the following then:


1) Taken all 8 classes through the SoR storyline.

That's definitely not a good argument for this expansion, since they used the exact same story for every single character this time.


There's that 5 minute side quest for each class halfway through, which are a bit better written, but getting through the same stupid pirate fights and jungle navigation to unlock got old fast, and I ended up just youtubing the last 4 class cutscenes...

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I love it when someone says something like "it's only an afternoons worth of content"...


Because you know, right then, that the person saying that will only consider a small part of the expansion as "true content" and ignore the rest.


So they're most likely only counting the singleplayer playthrough of rishii and yavin 4 and completely discounting the HM FP's, Ops, reputation, dailies and other stuff that came with the expansion.

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solo modeing the two FP's on rishi is the answer. my knight was the only character that finished the 4 pre xpac fp's while 55 was the cap. and he still hit 60 before finishing rishi.


in fact I havn't touched yavin on any of my toons as I want them all caught up. is it short? shorter than rishi? please say yes..


solo modeing the two FP's on rishi is the answer. my knight was the only character that finished the 4 pre xpac fp's while 55 was the cap. and he still hit 60 before finishing rishi.


in fact I havn't touched yavin on any of my toons.


solo modeing the two FP's on rishi is the answer. my knight was the only character that finished the 4 pre xpac fp's while 55 was the cap. and he still hit 60 before finishing rishi.


solo modeing the two FP's on rishi is the answer. my knight was



solo modeing the two FP's on rishi is the answer.




ignore my post and how right I am all you want, if this thread is going to stay on the front page so will I.

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